Gossip King

Chapter 1359: Xiaowei's tears and Xiaoshan's cry

Facing Diba, Gao Leng had that thought in her heart, especially when the gardenia fragrance on her body was constantly floating over, Gao Leng did indeed have that thought.

This is an instinct, and the mist in the body doubles this instinct.

"You're out of work, go and rest." Gao Leng said calmly and pointed at a distance: "I'll go socializing, good night."

Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest. The artist of his company, Gao Leng does not want to rush, besides, there are many women, and some of them are what you want, and there is no need to get Diba crying.

"I'm here, at the door of Zhizhou Hotel, I can't get in, you come and pick me up." A small tail's voice appeared in his mind: "I want a small order to buy me a plane ticket and come here by plane. No effort."

Gao Leng let out a long sigh of relief.

When he saw Gao Xiaowei at the door, he didn't know why, the invisible pressure on his body disappeared. This pressure is not just the ease that can be vented, after all, the pain is not as good as death, but besides These are unspeakable sense of ease.

When Gao Leng galloped on Xiao Leng, although his body was relaxed, he did not feel relaxed in his heart. He felt guilt, guilt, and even a little scared, fearing that his special physique would always be at the full moon. Loss of reason.

Looking at Xiao Leng below him, Gao Leng is extremely happy in his body, but he is worried in his heart. He is not worried about Xiao Leng leaving him, but worried that Xiao Leng will cry sadly every month in the face of this scene.

But it's different when facing Xiaowei. Xiaowei combed his ponytail mischievously and whistled towards him with ridicule. He knew that from the bottom of his bones, Xiaowei didn't care about looking for other women. She thought it was justified.

Men are planting seeds everywhere, are human women too hypocritical? With only one woman, how do you breed better offspring?

Xiaowei's thinking is with animal thinking. Maybe in her world, it is too normal for men to have many women, and it is also worth encouraging.

Once upon a time, it was the same in the ancient world, whether it was an empire or America or Europe. It was only later that it changed, and this change is also deeply rooted. A man and a woman become white-headed, which is the correct concept of today's era.

It was this concept that allowed Murong to leave Gao Leng.

"On the other side of Xiao Leng, don't worry, I will brainwash her." Xiao Wei, who knows Gao Leng's heart, said softly in Gao Leng's ear.

A sense of guilt filled Gao Leng's heart.

"You are thinking that we two will serve you together, and you feel that you are too nasty to think that way?" Xiaowei smiled. After saying this, she waved her hand and corrected: "No, you should think that you think this way. Actually it's nothing, but It’s nasty to be found out that you think so."

In one word.

Gao Leng smiled embarrassedly.

Two women work together and one husband, this kind of thinking may be shared by many men, but if you only think in your heart, it's nothing, once you say it, it will be different.

The scum man, nasty, the label of bad character came up.

"Before, I also thought about loving only one person to the white head." Gao Leng said softly, leading Xiaowei into it.

"Before, you were in your last life? And when you were a teenager." Xiaowei laughed: "When you first moved your mind, you would think so, but you are different now, with so many temptations, and your physique is different. It’s too difficult to really love only one person. Even if you only love one person, it’s impossible. You have to change your mind."

Xiaowei wore a simple white shirt and jeans, and stopped among these people in Zhizhou Winery, but no one could stop her light, and it was far superior to human skin, far superior. Because of the human figure, there is a face far superior to that of a human being. This face reveals wildness, and the wildness reveals purity.

"Who is next to Mr. Gao? So pretty!"

"Blessed Mr. Gao, the female partner Diba just now is pretty enough. In such a comparison, this woman is so many times better than Diba."

"It's true, it's weird, this woman seems to have a natural attraction that makes people...can't help but look at her."

After stepping into Zhizhou Winery, the audience was silent for half a minute, and there were discussions and envy.

Gao Leng looked at Xiaowei a little sad. Her appearance made these men sigh, but what they didn’t know was that Xiaowei had a more beautiful appearance. After saving the old man last time, even if Gao Leng bought a lot of money. The restoration of 100 million diamonds is still a bit inferior.

"They watched what I did. They were stunned, and watched me pick their eyeballs." Xiaowei glared at someone who was about to slobber, and the deterrence was beyond words, scaring the man with imagination. Unable to hold the wine glass, he quickly stopped his mind.

"You think, if you are only with Xiao Leng for the rest of your life, it will be torture for her." Xiaowei followed Gao Leng, did not speak, but lightly said her own opinion with consciousness: "No one Human women can hold your physique. Besides, people used to think that it’s normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, but now people think it’s nasty for a man to find a mistress. That’s all other people’s thoughts. The most important thing is a woman. Follow Are your women willing to do so, if they are willing and happy, it's up to others?"

Xiaowei stretched out his hand to loosen the ponytail, and the hair spread out again attracting a look of envy.

"It's okay, you have my clan blood now. Which man of my clan is not a group of women? So you don't judge yourself by human standards, you have to use my clan standards to measure yourself. My clan standards are: Seeing what you like, you naturally want to take it, and if you can’t take it, that’s a bully.”

One thing that Gao Leng found to be unspeakable at first became an understatement in Xiaowei's place.

When she reached the door, Xiaowei reached out and snapped her fingers. The clothes on her body faded. She smiled wildly, and snapped her fingers again, and the cold clothes faded instantly.

"the host?"

"Well, Master, please enjoy yourself." Xiaowei approached Gao Leng, holding his hand and wandering on him, his face coexisted with innocence and wildness.

Enjoy it. It is true that Gao Leng does not have the slightest guilt or worry at all when he is on Xiaowei's body, pure enjoyment.

From floating in the air, to leaning against the wall, in any posture, when and where, only and Xiaowei, Gao Leng can frankly ask at any time: Come, I want, nothing else, I just want.

Because he knows that Xiaowei will not think that he is just going to vent, that he feels insulted, and he will not say like other women, do you just miss me? do you love me or not? You are not allowed to fall in love with others.

Even if he just wanted to vent, Xiaowei would not have any other emotions, but lay down naturally and spread his legs.

"I don't know what love is, I only know that I have to follow you." Xiaowei always said this sentence. When she said this, she always put her cheek on her face and looked forward to it. She wanted to know what love is. Then you can feel jealous, feel the feeling of crying for your lover.

But she didn't know, she seemed to be instinct, as she said, she was an animal, that is, following the master Gao Leng, what the master said and did was all right.

The next day, when Gao Leng walked out with Xiaowei on his left and Diba and Yangguanguan on his right, it caused a group of people to envy, but their eyes were almost on Xiaowei.

Such stunners are rare to see.

After the meeting was over, Gao Leng returned to the imperial capital very quickly. During the two days after the imperial capital, he had been in Xiaowei’s room without any distractions, swaying his hormones to his heart, with the tacit understanding of Gao Leng and the Gao family witch, Spent the next full moon night.

"What can I do next month." Gao Leng came out of Xiaowei. After the last wave of pain, Xiaowei's complexion was a little bad, and his body was indeed not as good as before. This time, Xiao Leng and Uzhi carried it. The first two waves, otherwise Xiaowei would not be able to stand it.

"I will try my best to adjust, I have also passed this practice, but even if you adjust better, I am afraid that you will not be able to control your madness on the night of the full moon in the future. I will definitely be choking." Xiaowei shook his head tiredly: "I The men of the clan are the best time to breed offspring on the night of the full moon, and there are also several to serve one. Although you are not as strong as my clan, at least one or two will help me carry it."

Gao Leng frowned.

"If it doesn't work, I will hide and help you secretly. I don't mind hiding in the cabinet." Xiaoo's shiny eyes looked at Gao Leng.

She hid in the cabinet and waited willingly for Gao Leng and Xiao Leng to stay warm, before she played again.

Gao Leng looked at Gao Xiaowei and was speechless.

"Why do you look like this? I won't be sad." Xiaowei waved his hand disapprovingly: "I don't understand love. If I understand love, I might be sad, but I don't understand. I don't love you. I just tell by instinct. I, I have to follow you. Love... Love can make people cry, I never cried for you, you don’t need to look at me like this."

"You don't understand love." Gao Leng said softly.

"It won't work at that time, we will keep Xiao Leng's life, I can hide, I don't care. Anyway, I don't love you." Xiaowei held his cheeks and sighed: "I am so envious of love. People, the heroines in the TV series are crying for the heroes, and I really want to cry for you, it's a pity..."

Xiaowei touched his eyes: "A drop of water can't flow out."

She touched her body again: "It's quite a lot of water here..."

As I was talking, the high-cold mobile phone ringtone was masterpiece.

"President Gao, come on, come on, someone has come to the company to make trouble! Hit Mr. Jian!" The fat man's voice was anxious and angry.

"Hit her?!" Gao stood up coldly, angrily: "Get out immediately!"

"Mr Jane won't! I don't know what the relationship is, Xiao Shan won't let us move that person! The man is in Mr Jane's office, closed the door, Mr. Jane won't let us blast out, now the blinds are not closed, the girl's fan Dozens of slaps!" The fat man's voice was crying: "I will send you a video."

The video was sent over, Gao Leng opened a little bit, and instantly broke the coffee table with a punch.

I saw through the blinds, in the simple office, a man grabbed Xiao Shan’s hand, another woman slapped Jian Xiao Shan, slap after slap, Jian Xiao Shan’s face was full of tears, she Biting his lips tightly, he seemed to be controlling himself not to cry.

Xiaowei never cried, she said that she didn't understand love, so she would not shed tears for her lover.

But Xiao Shan, who has always been a strong character, has never cried in front of Gao Leng. Her tears instantly hurt Gao Leng.

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