Gossip King

Chapter 1362: Good boyfriend

Ten minutes later, the two walked behind the person Ouyang had brought over.

Fifteen minutes later, Ou Yang put his hand on Xiao Shan's shoulder and left.

"It will be photographed." Xiao Shan said weakly as he went downstairs.

"I won't let this kind of thing be regarded as a scandal, don't worry." Ou Yang said softly, "I received the call when they were downstairs, but you didn't answer the call. Heaven rests in the imperial capital, otherwise..."

"They will discuss it." Xiao Shan took the back seat, and the car started slowly.

"They won't know about you." Ou Yang turned around and took out a bottle of soda in a blue bottle from under the seat: "Hey, when you were a kid, you liked this when you were sad."

Xiao Shan stretched out his hand, Ouyang opened the lid and handed it to her.

"Dad, it's dead, do you know about this?" Xiao Shan asked leisurely after taking a sip. Tears shed tears as soon as he uttered these words.

"This is not clear." Ou Yang was surprised: "Last time we went back to the orphanage together to destroy...destroy the files of your incident. At that time, I asked you if you would like to see Seventh Sister and the others, and you said no. Thinking about it, the time you lived at their home was not long and it ended so unpleasantly. There really is no need to contact again, so I didn’t ask."

"I heard that he died because of the loss of the ring. He went to the trash and was hit to death." Xiao Shan buried her head and looked at the fingers. She was like this when she was a child. When she was sad, she didn't know what to do. , He looked down at his fingers.

On the day and night waiting for her mother to return under the bridge, she trembled in fear, and shook her hands in fear by counting her fingers.

"Xiaodan." Ouyang looked at Jian Xiaodan distressedly, and reached out to touch her back.

"I killed him, I thought I was just bad luck, bad life, I didn't expect that I would make others bad luck." Xiao Shan stretched out a hand, nails firmly pinched his hand skin , Almost pinched the skin on the back of his hand.


"Mom, I'll wash the dishes, the hot water is ready, you go take a bath." Xiao Shan with two pigtails wrote bowls in the kitchen.

"Yeah." Seventh sister said with a smile, and went into the room to get her clothes.

Recently, the atmosphere at home is good, and the results of the small singles are among the best. I was sent by the school to compete in the city as a speech representative and won the championship. too much.

Human hearts are grown in flesh.

Before entering the bathroom, Seventh Sister put the ring in her hand on the outside table and wiped it carefully. This ring is her most precious thing: it is a ring made from a small bit of ashes of Lulu. In order to make this ring, Qijie also went to a factory specializing in this in Guangzhou, and stared at the craftsmanship. made.

With this ring, it's as if the daughter is still with her.

Although this kind of ring can occasionally be watered after being specially processed, sister Qi cherishes it and puts it on the outside table when bathing.

At that time, the family lived in a bungalow, and it was summer again, Xiao Shan opened the door, put some leftovers in a broken bowl, and put it outside.

"Xiaobai, Taotao!" Xiaodan shouted toward the corner.

Soon, a white puppy and a black old dog ran over.

"Eat." Xiao Shan stretched out his hand and touched them. These two dogs are stray dogs. Xiao Shan named them. As long as there are some leftovers, Xiao Shan will want to keep them. See you. The two puppies ate without raising their heads, and laughed happily: "They are both degenerate from the end of the world. I will have food in the future and eat together."

Turning back to the room to pack things, Xiaobai followed in the door.

Xiao Shan took the broom and swept the floor. The broom that was tied with bamboo branches that was used at that time raised a lot of dust. When it was swept, Xiao Bai stretched out his paw to play.

Hehehe, Xiao Shan laughed and put down the broom. She picked up the rag and wiped it around. When wiping the table, she picked up the ring carefully, and then gently wiped the underside of the ring.

"Wang!" Xiao Bai yelled at the broom, and wanted Xiao Shan to sweep it and pounce.

"Is there a dog? Get out!" The barking of dogs can be heard naturally in the humble bathroom. The voice of Seventh Sister, who always hates dogs, reveals deep disgust and blame: "Get out!"

Xiao Shan's heart slammed, his hand shook, and the ring fell to the ground.

Before she could react, Xiao Bai rushed toward the ring that fell on the ground, and then rushed out of the room door in an instant.

"Xiaobai!" Jian Xiaodan was terrified, and immediately lost the rag and rushed out. How could he run past a dog? Especially when the dog thinks this is a game.

When Xiao Shan held down Xiao Bai, the ring had been bitten by the dog, and he swallowed it before he could stop it.

"Where's my ring!" Seventh Sister screamed as soon as she got out of the bathroom.

Xiao Shan stood timidly behind the door and dared not speak. He watched Qi Jie look around for the ring, his eyes fell on the rag that had fallen next to the cabinet, and stared at her: "Did you lose the cleaning? Where's the ring? !"

Xiao Shan was afraid to speak.

She knew that this was what she cared about most. The last time she ate, she sneezed and sprayed a little bit of saliva on the hands of the seventh sister wearing the ring, and was severely beaten.

"The ring was placed here just now, did you see it!" Seventh Sister pointed to the table.

"I saw it." Xiao Shan was shaking all over.

"Where did you go?! My ring, my Lulu, where did you go!" Seven sisters shouted hoarse again.

"Be... Eaten by... by a dog..."


"What are you talking about?! You said my ring, my Lulu..." Seven sisters' eyes were red, and she raised her hand: "You tell the truth, where is the ring?! Where is my Lulu? Up!"

"Really eaten by a dog..."


The crying Xiao Shan completely angered Qi Sister. She frantically stretched out her hand to tear Jian Xiao Shan, and took what she could hold and drew on Xiao Shan.

Eaten by a dog? How could her Lulu be eaten by a dog?

Seventh sister couldn't believe this answer.

"Are you jealous of her, where did you lose the ring!" After playing for three full hours, when Mr. Li came back, Seventh Sister kept asking Jian Xiaodan where the ring had gone.

Xiao Shan looked at Mr. Li like a savior.

"What do you think of being eaten by a dog? Impossible, Xiao Shan, are you jealous of our family Lulu, so you hide the ring? Where did you hide it?" Mr. Li squatted down, eager to persuade him.

"I was really eaten by a dog, Dad, I'm not jealous of her. I accidentally cleaned and fell to the floor just now. Before I could pick it up, Xiao Bai took it and ate it."

Pop, a slap, Mr. Li fell over.

At night, Jian Xiaoshan quietly left home and walked outside step by step. This time, she didn't need them to "return the goods", knowing that she could only leave.


"It's all my fault. I shouldn't accidentally touch the ring to the ground so that Xiaobai won't eat it. How could a dog eat a ring of ashes? Strange, you said it’s not strange. Bai just took it away. It's all my fault. If the ring is not lost, even if they don't like me, send me back to the orphanage, at least Dad will not die." Xiao Shan covered his face and started crying.

"It's no wonder my mother lost me, mother doesn't want me, who would want a person like me? Who would want it?" Xiao Shan seemed to cry all the tears over the years, so much so that he couldn't even cry.

"I want." Ou Yang stretched out his hand.

Jian Xiaoshan really doesn't like close contact with people. Whether a man or a woman, arm in arm or shoulders, it won't work. Ouyang can, he naturally put his hand on her back and patted gently.

"Don't worry, I have asked someone to check it, and I will also ask people to ask your Seventh Sister not to go to your office again. I will never let them know everything. It's all over. The past is over. No one knows." Ou Yang's voice calmed Jian Xiaodan, she raised her eyes and looked at Ou Yang.

If it is difficult for Xiao Shan to trust a person, she trusts Ouyang.

This kind of trust is indescribable. This is the friendship she knew when she was a child. This was the only sunshine she had in her childhood. As long as Ouyang came to the orphanage, she would bring so many lollipops, not just for Xiaodan, other Little friends have.

The most important thing is that Ouyang will not have the "I am here to do good deeds" gaze of other volunteers. He just comes here to find good friends for fun.

"Go to my house, my mother is here, calm down, there are too many people over there." Ou Yang said, the driver in front nodded, Xiao Shan did not object.


"Boss, I went in. Later, Ouyang came and took Xiaodan. He also took away the two people. He knew him but didn't know what their relationship was." When the fat man called Gao Leng, his words were much easier. "In short, Ou Yang said that this matter was handed over to him, and he even asked Xiao Shan for two days off."

"They must be in love, good boyfriend Ouyang." The people next to him talked.

Gao Leng listened, did not speak, hung up the phone, and immediately flew to the imperial capital by plane.

At this time, it was night, and there was no one in the simple room. After that, he called Ouyang directly.

"Gao, hello." Ou Yang's voice was very low.

"Where is Xiaodan?" Gao Leng was not too polite, and asked straightforwardly.

"She's in my car, she's asleep." Ouyang lowered her voice, Xiaodan leaned against the car window, and he gently hugged her on his shoulders to make her sleep more comfortable. Several homes, this time I went to the farthest one, a house in a courtyard house, there was a traffic jam. After driving for more than two hours, Xiao Shan was emotionally overstretched and fell asleep in a daze.

"Go to my house in a while. By the way, I will ask you for two days off for her. She wants to take a rest. Today's matter is her private matter. I'm sorry that the private matter affected the company. I also apologize for her. If it causes any loss to the company, I will pay for it."

Good boyfriend tone.

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