Gossip King

Chapter 1363: Confession

"I'll wake her up in a while, then I'll hang up first." Ouyang said very politely, and it was because of his difficulty in solving Xiaodan, otherwise, would the fat man be able to control the scene well without hurting Xiaodan. It’s hard to tell if people are invited out under circumstances.

In addition, the relationship between Ouyang and Xiaodan is indeed good. It can be said that the relationship between them is more intimate than Gao Leng in the eyes of others.

Ouyang would often invite Xiaodan for dinner. They traveled to the childhood orphanage together. Ouyang only invited family members on his birthday, and Xiaodan also went. She rarely updated her circle of friends, but Xiao Leng was in her photo album. I saw a picture of her smiling brightly behind Ouyang's parents.

But even if it was so, Gao Leng didn't know why. Hearing his tone, the tone was uncomfortable.

Ou Yang hung up the phone, Gao Leng thought for a while, and wanted to call Jian Xiao Shan, but in the end he didn't make the call. Although he was upset, Xiao Shan fell asleep, presumably exhausted, and it is not good to bother him now. Gao Leng paced back and forth, feeling irritable.

When she was upset, Jian Xiaodan's phone call came, and it seemed that the conversation with Ou Yang just now woke her up.

"Boss." Xiao Shan's voice on the phone was very calm, as if nothing happened more than two hours ago.


"I'm fine." Xiao Shan interrupted Gao Leng's question, she smiled: "A little thing, sorry, I got the company, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Gao Leng was silent, Xiao Shan's smile made him feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Shan has a habit of smiling when she is sad. She also smiled slightly when exposed to online violence in the past.

"Well... I still want to tell you something." Xiao Shan's voice was a little deliberately suppressed and trembled: "I know you, you will definitely send someone to investigate what happened today, not the company's business, this is my personal business , Can you please not investigate."

"He is still investigating?" Ou Yang's voice came over.

Gao Leng said nothing.

"Please... don't investigate, okay? I'm fine, really, I... I don't want other people to know... this is my privacy." Xiao Shan's voice begged.

This begging feeling made Gao Leng understand why the fat man said that after hearing Xiao Shan's begging, he left the room.

"Don't investigate, okay, my personal affairs, I don't want you to know, I don't want you to know." Xiao Shan's voice brought a little bit of crying and fear.

She was terrified of Gao Leng knowing all this, especially the thing she had been molested.

"What do you ask him for this kind of thing? This is your privacy. Why is he an outsider asking someone to investigate you?" Ou Yang's voice was angry: "This is an invasion of your privacy."

"You have a good rest." Gao Leng didn't answer directly, and hung up the phone.

He knew in his heart that Ou Yang obviously knew all these things, and their relationship was closer. This kind of consciousness made Gao Leng pace back and forth anxiously.


Ouyang’s courtyard house in the Imperial Capital has the style of old Beijing. As soon as he entered the door, a golden retriever came and bit his tail. The nanny greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Ou, Miss Jian."

"Where is my mother?" Ou Yang looked around after entering the door and found that her mother was not there.

"She went to a class reunion in the city." The nanny asked: "Would you like to eat in the yard or in the room?"

There is a huge sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the middle of the courtyard. At that time, Ouyang bought this sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The price is expensive and it is very peaceful under the green sunset. Ouyang, who is often in the flashlight and under the attention of the public, likes this tranquility very much.

"It's very peaceful and nice." Xiao Shan, who has always liked quiet, has the same aesthetics as Ouyang.

Simple white rice porridge, green vegetables, kimchi, plus some fruit wine and peanuts, dinner is simpler than many ordinary people, two people did not speak, each ate each, only the evening breeze, blowing away a little bit depressed .

"Drink some of this." Ouyang handed the soda to Xiao Shan, which was still the one she liked to drink whenever she was sad when she was a child.

"Yeah." Xiao Shan lowered his head and didn't look at him, put the soda aside, and burst into tears unconsciously. Xiaodan who doesn't cry in front of others can easily cry in front of Ouyang.

"Want to pay homage to Uncle Li?" Ou Yang asked.

Jian Xiaoshan didn't speak, just reached out his hand and wiped his tears, and Ou Yang quickly handed over the tissue.

"If you want to go in the future, if you feel too sad to go alone, call me anytime." Ou Yang sighed, "I also want to go and see."

"Mom... on her side..." Xiao Shan looked at his fingers again.

"You don't have to worry about her, I will arrange it." Ou Yang patted her on the back: "Auntie will blow her hair after Lulu's death. If you can't tell her, it's a bitter life. If you want to have a good chat with her, it will take a while, I'll go talk about it first, and then go after she calms down."

Xiao Shan nodded.

"That's true. After I found you, I didn't ask you half a sentence after leaving home. If it weren't for them to treat you as usual, you wouldn't just leave by yourself, and you wouldn't... …" Ou Yang said that the eye circles were red here, he sighed reproachfully, and took a sip of the wine: "If I had the ability at that time, it would be fine. You wouldn't be like this in childhood..."

Jian Xiaodan's eyes dimmed.

After she went out that night, she was afraid of the director of the orphanage to blame. After all, the ring fell to the ground by herself. In addition, she did not like the orphanage. The children who did not like the orphanage pointed to her nose and said: You are being uncle Touched, you were touched by your uncle.

I don't like many volunteers coming here admiringly. What is Mu's name? Mu's simple and tragic name, the little girl in the orphanage in Xiaoxiao County was molested and entered the police station. This incident was instantly known throughout the city. Caring volunteers came to visit Jian Xiaodan in the orphanage. Looking at her sympathetically, her eyes wrote: This is the little girl who was abandoned by her mother and later molested, so pitiful.

Although they can't say it, they can say it in their eyes.

Whenever there is such a look, Xiao Shan feels as if he was in the car that day, and that uncle's hand was put into his clothes again, ashamed of shame.

With tears in the corners of Ou Yang's eyes, he was drinking.

Xiao Shan lowered his head and looked at his fingers.

A moon hung on the treetops, and the surroundings were quiet.

"I'm going back." Xiao Shan stood up, his face full of sadness.

"Sleep here," Ou Yang said.

"No, I want to be alone." Xiao Shan looked at Ou Yang, her eyes met, and she wept sadly.

"I know you like to be quiet, you live in the room over there, and I will bring you." Ou Yang took Xiao Shan to the courtyard room, turned on his right, and pushed open the wooden door. The decoration inside made Xiao Dan say instantly Speechless.

The dress inside is exactly the same as Xiao Shan's occasional stay at Ouyang's house when he was a child.

"Listen." Ouyang pressed the button on the wall, and Xiao Shan's favorite music came from the room, which was soft and warm.

"I decorated it specifically for you." Ouyang turned to look directly at Xiaodan, his eyes filled with distress: "Xiaodan, don't cry, I like you very much, you don’t need to feel that you are abandoned. No one wants it. I want you and I really want to take care of you. I have found a few girlfriends over the years, but for some reason, none of them can give me the feeling of home. There is no such peaceful feeling, only you."

Ouyang's confession came suddenly but sincerely, without that nervous feeling, just like an old friend chatting, Xiao Shan listened seriously and somewhat surprised.

"I know your dream, you like to have your own job, and even if you have a crush on coldness, I also know." Ou Yang reached out and touched her head: "Your crush is not love, girl. Be with me. Together, you don’t have to worry about anything, don’t beg the other person not to check you, don’t worry about what the other person will think of you when they know your experience. My mom and dad also like you very much, and you don’t have to worry about what your parents-in-law will do if they know about it. , Do you like the children who grew up in the orphanage? Do you think such children will have a psychological shadow."

Ouyang took the photo frame beside the bed and handed it to Jian Xiaodan.

Inside is a photo of her and Ouyang playing in the orphanage.

"If you feel too sad that you can't carry it, stay with me. Let's walk through our childhood together, walk through the present and future together hand in hand every day." Ouyang's handsome face was shining in the light, no wonder he He was selected as the best artist who wanted to marry, and every word he said was so affectionate and unobtrusive.

"You don't need to give the answer now, I understand you, I'm not in a hurry." Seeing Xiao Shan's expression a little nervous, Ou Yang smiled and stretched out: "Okay, do you want to sit in the yard again? Or rest now?"

"I..." Xiao Shan lowered her head cautiously. She was confessed this way for the first time.

"Then you rest first." Ouyang left it just right for a small solitary place. When he closed the door, he pointed to the bedside table: "There is a diary from my childhood. You can read it if you are bored."

After closing the door, Jian Xiaodan looked around, stroked an old piano in the room, and made a graceful sound. The whole room was exactly the same as the room where she slept at night when she went to Ouyang's house to play when she was a child.

Even the bed sheets were. Back then, his mother only found a pink bed sheet, but no pink duvet cover. After all, Ouyang is a boy and there is no girl in the family.

The pink sheets and the blue and white checkered duvet cover quietly, the passage of time once again impressed the eyes.

Xiao Shan sat on the bed gently, just as Xiao Xiao had carefully sat on such a good room and bed.

Pulling open the drawer, a little yellowed diary is lying there quietly.

"Today, my father took me to Uncle Liu at the police station to play. He met a little girl who was three years younger than me. It was dark. She stood outside the police station and looked inside. She wanted to come in but didn't dare to come in. , I went to ask her what was wrong, she burst into tears, I called my father, and after my father asked, he immediately called Uncle Liu. I don’t know what happened. She cried so sad. She said her name is simple. , Simple, so funny name." The name is slanted, revealing innocence, and the name written by Jian Xiaodan is still simple.

"Today, my mother took me to the orphanage to see how easy it is. She was so happy eating ice cream. She was different from other girls in the school. The other girls ate ice cream alone. She only ate two bites and then divided them. To others, she is like an angel."

"When my father was eating today, he said angrily that he was simply bullied and touched by a bad uncle, but there was no evidence. He was released after being locked up for a few days. What a bad guy, I must kill him!"

"Those volunteers in the orphanage are so annoying. I heard them talk simple behind them. They are so annoying. They will grow up quickly. I will take you out of the orphanage."


"I can't find it easy, I'm so sad. I won't write a diary anymore. I will write when I find her."

The whole half of the book stopped abruptly after the last sentence. On this page, he drew a tree.

Looking at Ouyang's diary, Xiao Shan burst into tears.

Looking in the bedside table, I found a brand new diary book lying underneath. When I took it out, I saw Ouyang Junlang's words suddenly.

"I met Xiao Shan, and started to write a diary." It was written on the title page, and the date was exactly the day I met Xiao Shan a few months ago.

Turning to the last page, Xiao Shan's face became serious.

"Simple, would you like to be my girlfriend? Simply spend a lifetime. You are not happy. I can give up my acting career and settle overseas with you. No one knows your past, no one talks about it, and no one takes pictures. We, if we want..."

On this page, a tree is drawn below and a line of words is under the tree.

"If you want, keep writing in your diary."

"Simple, we have always been good friends! Come on, let's pull the hook." Little Ouyang, the little simple, pulled the hook on the big tree near the orphanage.

"Yeah." Simply stretched out his hand and smiled like summer flowers.

Ouyang is not an ordinary friend. Everything he did made Jian Xiaoshan very cautious. This is not a person who can refuse casually. This is the only sunshine in Xiao Shan's childhood.

It is someone who knows that she used to be called simple, not simple, and someone who knows the things she has experienced in childhood that dare not say anything.

Jian Xiaoshan rubbed his diary with his hand, and looked at the diary of Ou Yang's childhood time and time again. The naive fonts reveal the innocence of friendship.

Xiao Shan closed his eyes, and did not open them for a long time.

She has a secret love for Gao Leng. She has been in love for more than a year. She has been in love since the first time she saw Gao Leng visit Rotten Flesh without hesitation. Unconsciously, she didn’t know why she liked it, maybe because she saw him work seriously Her appearance was heart-stirring. It might also be that someone who dared to make unannounced visits was filled with a sense of justice, and this sense of justice gave her a sense of security.

It could also be that when she saw Gao Leng looking at Xiao Leng affectionately, she wanted to have such an affectionate gaze.


Jian Xiaoshan sighed softly and shook his head again.

It was impossible to talk to Gao Leng, Xiao Shan muttered softly, and he was shaking and trembling at the police station when he said that to the police.

Uncle police, someone...someone touched me...Xiao Shan lowered his head, big tears in his eyes.

Where did you touch it? The policeman wrote with a pen.

Touched... Touched...

Thinking of this, Jian Xiao's tears slipped down.

Secret love is like this, always feel that he is not worthy of the other party, and Jian Xiaoshan feels even more so.

From friend to lover? Further, not qualified.

She turned to the new notebook, Ouyang's confession page, and looked at it for a long time.

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