Gossip King

Chapter 1396: The beginning of mergers and acquisitions!

"Tell me, boss." When they heard there was a big job, their eyes lit up.

"Call Xiao Shan over." The fat man is gearing up.

"No." Gao Leng took the Fatty and Lao Diao and walked quickly to his office: "Xiaodan is Mr. Jian now. He wants to help me share the affairs of the Starlight Group. There is also a variety show company under his hand, don't you say. , Her variety show company has done a great job. Without this effort, it’s on the one hand, and you have to grow fast, on the other hand. This time you two will take the lead."

Entering the office, the fat man instinctively stood behind Lao Diao: "Okay, I will follow Lao Diao."

"No, no," Gao Leng waved his hand: "You have to fight alone."

Gao Leng's plan is to train generals. No matter how strong a person's ability is, his energy is limited. To be big, it is certain to recruit a bunch of executives, and he has to train a group of trusted generals.

The old hanging grows up quickly, while the fat man has to go from being accustomed to following others to carrying himself alone.

"Ah! I'm alone, I'm alone?! That won't work, that won't work, that won't work." The fat man waved his hand and backed two steps, his face flushed.

"Why not?" Gao Leng gave the fat man a glance: "You have done a good job operating those artists."

"That's different." The fat man was a little flustered, and he waved his hands again and again: "That was also you carried on the top. You brought those big resources. I..."

The fat man was timid, and even Gao Leng was timid before he said what the case was.

He has always been hiding behind people. Although his ability to do things is getting better and better, as he said, the beams are all carried by the cold shoulder.

Some people are born to want to be a hero, just like an old hanger. No matter what task Gao Leng gives him, he can bite the bullet, do it without hesitation, and act with pride.

But Fatty didn't want to be a hero. The hero was the same as the sky fell against the sky. It was the one that everyone looked at him when the trouble came, and looked at the hero when there was no way out. Fatty shy, he thinks that when the hero passes by, the people applauding on the side of the road are nice.

"No, no, I can't, I, I, I, or you can arrange another person on top of me." The fat man stepped back without thinking.

"Counsel." Gao Leng stabbed him.

"Counsel, I was counseling." The fat man wasn't angry at all, he grinned and scratched his ears. As long as he didn't let him pick the main beam, Gao Leng would just say anything.

Fatty is a honest man, he is not that hot-tempered on weekdays, not to mention making Gao Leng stab him, even if he beat him up, he would laugh and finish the matter.

"I'm telling you Fatty, now I don't have enough manpower. If you don't grow up quickly, you won't be enough brothers." Gao Leng glared at Fatty, and Fatty immediately had nothing to say.

Counsel, sometimes someone has to push it.

"In this way, you first follow me through a case." Gao Leng slowed down the fat man.

"You take me, that way." When the fat man heard Gao Leng lead him, his heart relaxed a lot, and he subconsciously stood behind Gao Leng again.

"This time, we are doing three mergers and acquisitions." Gao Leng took out a pen and wrote on the glass window: "Jingtian Media, Yunqing Media, and Earthworm Media."

"These are all very good paper media." The fat man rushed to the glass window and pointed to one of them: "Especially Jingtian Film and Television, this is an old brand."

"Does Yunqing Media have an agency newspaper? The CEO of this company has a political background, right? It's hard to chew." Old Diao looked solemn.

The three media are all established domestic media, and they have several paper newspapers or magazines under their banners. This is different from the stepping stones that were swallowed before. The previous small publications and tabloids were sold for money, and Gao Leng brought such a big The helpers personally took action. As soon as it was broadcast on the media, a bunch of small publications and tabloids lined up outside the Star Group, hoping to be annexed.

Just about this, many people have found Lu Yajun and Mr. Yang from Fengxing Magazine, hoping to annex the Starlight Group.

But these three are different. Although Yunqing Media and Earthworm Media are smaller, they are both paper media companies that have survived for more than ten years. In this year, even a tree has grown for ten years, and the root must be in the ground. What's it like? This kind of veteran media can't be easily swallowed by you.

Not to mention Jingtian Media. Jingtian Media is also a well-known paper media in China, which is more than one grade higher than Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine.

If Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine are the first-class domestic entertainment magazines that rely on sneak shots of celebrity skirts, starting from a relatively low starting point and somewhat unsightly, then Jingtian Media’s grades are much higher: domestic first-class Finance magazines and sports magazines are all under the banner of Jingtian Media.

What kind of celebrity paparazzi, these have not been in their business since the beginning of Jingtian Magazine. They interviewed domestic first-line entrepreneurs, first-line sportsmen, first-line critics and first-line...

In short, they are all on the front line, and don't play with gossip under the skirt.

Especially for the financial magazines owned by Jingtian Media, if the Empire Financial Magazine has three heroes, then Jingtian is the second largest financial magazine leader.

Many people say that financial magazines? I don't watch it? Does anyone watch this stuff?

If you don't read it, but the elites, especially the first-class financial magazines, will be paid attention to by the domestic elites. This is the same as the ordinary people are concerned about vegetables, rice, oil and salt, and financial professionals pay attention to financial magazines.

The single sales of magazines are one aspect, but magazines do not simply rely on sales to make money, but rely on gold content and advertising costs.

The higher the gold content of the magazine, the more expensive the advertising fee.

And how do financial magazines think about gold content? One is the quality of the manuscript, and the other is the interviewee. This requires a journalist with a gold pen under the magazine and then interviews with a line of entrepreneurs.

This includes interviews with foreign entrepreneurs and real giants when some big overseas names enter the imperial capital.

The reporters of Jingtian Magazine have thirty gold pens and are well-known in the industry. Thirty, which is more than Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine combined.

There are five Xingsheng magazines, two of which are Gao Leng, one is simple, and Fengxing Magazine has three gold pens. The total number of gold pens in the magazines of the Star Group is eight, and Jingtian Magazine There are thirty, among which the disparity is evident.

"Jingtian magazine is one of the top positions in financial magazines, and sports magazines are the boss. It is very difficult to swallow such a magazine." The old hanger had no idea, he glanced at the fat man: "I heard about Jingtian. Many journalists of the magazine stationed abroad speak English."

Finance magazines have always been more than one grade higher than entertainment magazines, and the level of journalists is naturally not the same.

Of these three, it’s difficult for families, and it’s Jingtian Magazine that is difficult to get to Qingtian.

"I'll swallow the Jingtian Magazine, and give the Earthworm Magazine to you." Gao Leng glanced at Lao Diao, who nodded after hesitating, only with a swollen face filled with fat.

Establishing a company and managing a newly established company is still a bit of a bite for Lao Diao. Do it well, just work hard. Can annex a company...

Earthworm Media is also an old media. There are a lot of talents in it, and the interpersonal relationship is very complicated. This is different from a newly established company. It is hard to swallow others.

It’s time for real kung fu, but the old man doesn’t know if he has these two brushes. He is a little timid, but he is different from the fat man, timid is timid but also cruel. Gao Leng can let him come. Taking the lead, as he sits in a wheelchair and has to rest from time to time, Gao Leng can still entrust such an important merger to him, which makes the old man feel very moved.

People like Master Diao have suffered too much in the past thirty years. Now they only need him to go to the blog for a good future, let alone annexing a company. Even if they are desperate, Master Diao will go too.

If you want to be a hero, you need such an opportunity.

Afraid! I was not afraid of coming to the Imperial Capital when I took a bag with my wife on her back. Isn't it just swallowing a company? Lao Hang secretly cheered himself up, although he knew that annexing a company was not that simple, but he was at least emboldened.

"Fatty, you first merged with Jingtian with me, and then you annexed Yunqing Media alone." Gao Leng sat on the chair and gave the order.

"Okay." The fat man replied somewhat perfunctorily, thinking that he would have a long way to go to annex Jing Tian anyway, and let him learn how to follow Gao Leng.

There are many types of mergers and acquisitions.

The previous annexation of small publications and tabloids was a direct cash annexation, with one hand paying the money and the other hand to the company. But Jingtian Media obviously does not apply this method.

Cash annexing Jingtian, not a few billions is absolutely impossible, to put it bluntly, even if you have billions of people, you will not want to sell it to you.

Therefore, when the Starlight Group began to do the relevant information on the annexation of Jingtian Media, the news leaked out, and the insiders were in an uproar. After the uproar, they all had the meaning of watching jokes.

There are indeed many types of mergers and acquisitions, but no matter what, money is needed.

Starlight Group is rich now, and several TV series and movies have made a lot of money, and now several films that have started to shoot are also sold at very high prices, which belong to the type that has not been broadcast first.

In short, TV dramas can earn 1 billion yuan this year, and the net profit of 1 billion yuan is not bad. It is estimated that the net profit will be doubled several times next year.

The money is enough for him to swallow a bunch of tabloids, but not enough for him to swallow the other three large domestic paper media. After all, the combined market value of these three paper media is nearly 30 billion.

A company with a market value of 10 billion will swallow three companies with a market value of 30 billion. Isn't this a joke?

"Boss, if I'm going to talk about mergers and acquisitions, money..." The old man looked at Gao Leng embarrassedly.

"The money earned from the TV series will be used for mergers and acquisitions." Gao Leng took out a prepared document and handed it to the old man. It seems that he has made arrangements.

"The money earned from the TV series has been given to Lao Diao for mergers and acquisitions, so how do we swallow Jingtian Media? And it has to run. Starlight has established several new companies now, all of which are spent on money." The fat man asked.

Gao sneered, feeling like a yin smile.

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