Gossip King

Chapter 1397: There are four treasures for stars to make money

Today, Starlight Group has established three new companies, a variety show company for Xiaodan, an artist promotion company for old and fat people, and a director's studio in preparation. If you add in the green agricultural companies that are also in operation, now is indeed the time to spend money.

The money earned from the TV series is used for mergers and acquisitions, and there is no money to run these new companies. After all, the new company will have to lose money for a period of time to achieve profitability. Let alone annex Jingtian Media.

Jingtian Media must be able to annex it with the power of the entire company.

"We have other ways to make money quickly." Gao Leng looked at the fat man and smiled meaningfully: "This way is yours."

"Me? There are a few artists under me. Diba is on the rise. The twins are now in the third line. Although they have started to make money, they all need time to film. It is impossible to make a large-scale profit in a short time. "The fat man was confused.

Artists do make money when they become popular, but there is also a process. Take Diba for example. Diba has made more than 80 million profits for the company this year, but in the second half of the year, he will have to film. This is more than 80 million. Get it.

More than 80 million is a drop in the bucket for the rapid expansion of Star Group.

"Stars have four treasures for gold. Do you know which four treasures it is?" Gao sneered and stretched out a finger: "Dibba's current ip value, relying on our Starlight Group to operate, can let her Helped our company make a billion in profit within a month, the least."

"One billion! Two months?!" The fat man widened his eyes and broke his fingers: "There are four treasures for celebrities to make gold? Isn't it just a sky-high price, and... advertising? No, you need both film and advertising. Time, it is impossible to make a profit of one billion in two months..."

"No, you are talking about the most basic way of making money. Fatty, you have to look at it with a professional eye. There are four treasures of star making for gold: high salary, shareholder, selling company, and being an executive." Gao Leng one by one Write these four treasures on the glass.

"Yes, right, right, don't you think you don't say it, you say it is true, now many celebrities in the circle are shareholders and executives, but sell the company...this sells the company..." The fat man tilted his head and thought for a while. The face was blank: "I don’t know how to sell a company, and Diba can’t be an executive. Besides, one of the treasures is to be a shareholder. Then it’s impossible for Diba to be a shareholder of Starlight Group. She is a Starlight Group. Our shareholders also make our own money."

The fat man was confused.

Stars have four treasures for gold, high pay, be a shareholder, sell a company, and be an executive. Many people only know that celebrities have high salaries and high advertising costs. There are also a few who open their own studios, but they don't know that celebrities make money, especially when the big money is not in the salary and advertising fees, but in operating the company.

The first-line artists have amazingly high pay, even if the state prohibits the prohibition of excessive pay, there are policies and countermeasures, but it’s just not announced. Just like Uzhi, you don’t pay tens of millions. Can you invite someone to pay? You don't come out, some people come out. So high pay is the first step for artists to make money.

On the other hand, the higher number is that the artist becomes the shareholder of a company and pays dividends.

The third is to sell the company you hold and divide the money.

The most common one is to go to a company to be a nominal executive and use your reputation to bring sales to the company. You don’t need to do a little bit of your own, just hang up and enjoy high salary.

These are the magic weapons of today's celebrity circle.

Nowadays, it’s well-known that celebrities start companies. Many celebrities invest in the catering industry and do chain hotpot restaurants or street fashion stores. On the surface, it seems that celebrities are doing sideline business and use their fame to open chain restaurants to make money. In fact, 90% of artists do not actually make money from company profits when they start a company.

Relying on company profits to make money is too slow.

Obviously, Gao Leng is not playing this game. What he wants is to make money quickly, and it is not a small amount for his artists to make one billion in two months.

The four treasures of celebrities making money are not as simple as they are on the surface.

"Call Diba, rice grains, and Hehe three people will come to the company for a meeting tomorrow." Gao Leng knocked on the table.

"Dibba will have an advertisement tomorrow day."

"You must come to the meeting tomorrow. Three people can come at different times, but you must come to talk to me and sign a new contract." Gao Leng took out some documents and handed them to the fat man.

"How many small companies do you want them to control?" The fat man rolled his eyes and opened his eyes.

"Yes, this is for the catering companies they have specially acquired. They have to sign this contract. They are also naming shareholders on their behalf. Dividends and profits do not matter to them." Gao Leng drew the focus.

It is necessary to make one billion in the name of its artists. The names of the shareholders are the artists. From a clear perspective, they are their personal assets, so this contract must be clearly written.

To put it bluntly, I use the artist's name and reputation to make money, but I don't give the artist money.

Overlord clause? It’s a bit overlord, but then again, Diba and the twins’ rice grains and Hehe are all newcomers who were praised by the Starlight Group bit by bit. They set up a company in their name to make money. This process is also high. Leng single-handedly planned, and even the company was bought by him first and then operated. These three people just gave a name. The master behind the scenes is Gao Leng, so naturally they don't have the money to share.

Money matters are very detailed in the artist promotion company, and the company has to divide a large part of it.

"That's fine, I want them all to come to your office tomorrow afternoon, and I will also learn to see how you play this. One billion in two months, it feels impossible." Fatty looked curious and geared up.

"If these artists reach one billion in two months, then our fund operation this year will be very easy." Lao Diao is also full of expectations.

"Fatty, our Starlight Group has cultivated such a few artists. If we can't earn one billion, then what is the strength of our artist promotion company? Do you expect them to become a front line and slowly make money for us? ?" Gao Leng smiled disapprovingly.

In Fatty’s view, the company promotes and trains artists in order to wait for the artists to become the first line, earn some remuneration, and advertising money. After all, Star Group has its own magazines and movies. It is relatively simple to win an artist. To win one, at least every year. One billion in profit, ten billion in popularity is one billion.

And Gao Cooling has never thought so, that popular artists earn money for advertising expenses? That is the most inferior way of playing, what he wants to play is: hold the celebrity artist, and then make money quickly and on a large scale.

If Gao Leng can use the word "crazy", it is very conservative to make one billion in two months.

As for how to play.

Gao Leng glanced at the curious Fatty. Fatty is very agile and a good business man. He is just a little bit embarrassed. This time he makes a lot of money with the artists he cultivated, and he will definitely make Fatty more courageous.

General training is not the same as military training. Small training is fine, while general training has to play big.

"When this money is made, we will start to formally contact Jingtian Media, Yang Guanguan, you are responsible for this." Gao Leng called Yang Guanguan in.

"Do you plan to acquire Jingtian?" Yang Guanguan asked.

"Yes, make the plan to acquire Jingtian." Gao Leng gave a positive answer.

To annex Jingtian, he is imperative.

To annex a large magazine, Starlight Group's capital chain cannot be broken. In the past two months, let's take a look at the way Diba and the others collect money. The next step is Jingtian.


Jingtian Media CEO Office.

"Mr. Jing, I heard that Starlight Group is making a plan to acquire us. This time it is not a rumor, it is true. I just found out." Jingtian Media's assistant Jing said with a smile.

"Really doing mergers and acquisitions?" Jing is always a middle-aged man in his early forties, but he is very well maintained. Nowadays, the image of the big man is less and less that of a big belly. This manager Jing is a sportsman. people. How about another sports magazine under its banner can be the first in the country?

"Yes, they are really making a plan to merge us." The assistant said, holding back a smile.

"It's funny." Jing Tian laughed: "I heard people say about it at the dinner party. I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect them to be serious? This is a bit interesting."

"It's kind of interesting. My own Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine are doing a good job, but they just swallow us Jingtian..."

President Jing laughed, he heard the funniest joke this year.

It is understandable to annex a small company that is not very profitable. If it is a giant crocodile like Huantai Group who wants to annex Jingtian, it is also understandable. But a company with a market value of only 10 billion actually wants to swallow his company with a market value of 3 billion...

"I don't know who gave him courage. The ignorant is fearless." Mr. Jing said after a moment of meditation, "But we also have to be vigilant. It doesn't sound good to spread out in the industry. Those who don't know think that our Jingtian Media is financially bad. So let’s go, our financial magazine published an article, please write it with a golden pen. The content revolves around the delusion of the Star Group to annex us, Jingtian belongs to the snake-tunxiang, wishful thinking."

There are two magazines under the Jingtian Group. One financial magazine ranks second in the empire. Every elite has almost one copy. Let’s put it to the top in the empire. If you don’t read Jingtian’s financial magazine, then you are too The ignorance is too ignorant.

Soon, a report in Jingtian Finance and Economics magazine came out, and the magazine with amazing sales soon reached the hands of every elite.

"Snake Tunxiang, Mr. Gao made the funniest financial joke this year." The main title and subtitle occupy a very conspicuous position on the cover.

"What? Puff..." Su Suzheng, who was reading the magazine, was drinking coffee. After seeing the title, he spouted a sip of coffee and laughed wildly.

"Although Starlight Group achieved a three-quarter profit jump last year, it is still a new type of company with unstable foundations, but it deliberately wants to annex Jingtian Media. It is obvious whether the two can marry: the wrong door is not the right one, and one side is high on the other..." Su Su continued to look down, happier as he watched.

This Jingtian Finance and Economics magazine is indeed a magazine with extremely high gold content in the empire. The manuscripts written by Jin are humorous and interesting, citing data and citing classics, and writing a financial manuscript is full of joy.

In particular, the comments that were insinuating about the Starlight Group made Su Su laugh a lot, and also made other elites laugh.

"Oh, I'm going." At noon the next day, the fat man was furious after seeing the report.

Xingguang just had a meeting here to arrange the preparation of the merger and acquisition plan, and there was a report on the face, and this face was too loud. A financial magazine under Jing Tian's hand is very high-grade, so I don't want to buy a hot search to face this set.

What kind of face does the news hit? What do ordinary people know?

Financial magazines are different. The circle is so big and rounded. It is openly slapped in a magazine that everyone in the circle reads, so that elites in any industry in the empire can see it.

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