Gossip King

Chapter 1398: Operate the artist circle money

"Jingtian Media is too much. We are just making a plan here. They just openly mocked in the magazine." The fat man was furious and jumped: "This circle is so big when it reaches the top level. That's good. Their financial magazines are all walks of life. Everyone sees that the influence is too bad, and Jing Tian is too stingy."

Gao Leng slanted his glasses and glanced at the fat man and asked, "What if a company not much bigger than us threatens to annex us?"

"Damn it!" The fat man roared with a crooked neck. After the roar, he could understand Jing Tian's reaction: No one wants a company that is not much worse than himself to smash on his head.

"We have more potential than Jingtian. Two of our companies are trying to see if they can go public, and the boutique film and television segment has won the first place." Fatty is still a little unhappy, he doesn't think Starlight Group is only better than Jingtian Media" It’s a little bigger.” Obviously, the speed at which Starlight Group is growing is surprising. It is far from the potential of only two traditional paper media under Jingtian Media.

Although the business of several of its companies has just started recently, it only takes time...

The problem is, before this time comes, others will not buy it.

"Should we buy some hot search ironies? This makes people in the circle look at our jokes and feel uncomfortable." The fat man's ears were red, and he didn't know if he was bitten by a mosquito or just stifled red: "Jingtian Finance Magazine Famous, it’s not enough for us to say something in Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine."

Looking at Xingsheng Magazine, although it is already a comprehensive magazine after several rounds of unannounced interviews and interviews with financial figures, in the eyes of the elites of the empire, the influence of the financial profession is naturally not comparable to that of Jingtian Finance, who has been doing finance for ten years.

"Damn it, their magazine is too professional, we have to buy some hot searches to hold it." The fat man was very upset.

"This magazine is so good, it will belong to us in the future, how good." Gao Leng laughed and sat down and took a sip of tea slowly: "Okay, go ahead."

"Are we going to fight back?"

"We are taking the initiative to cut people's heads, so why don't you let anyone shout? This father beats his son, and the son has to cry. You can't even give up the right to cry." Gao Leng said these words domineering. Very, he had a firm tone, and seemed to be confident about annexing Jingtian Media, and the fat man couldn't even see Gao Leng's uncomfortable.

It seems that Jing Tian is just a small dish, which can be taken at hand.

After the fat man went out, Jian Xiaodan asked: "Are you really so sure about taking Jingtian? This bone is not easy to chew, and it is even harder to chew on our strength."

Gao Leng shook his head.

"Then you just behaved..."

"Because I am a leader." Gao Leng walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window and opened the curtains. The sun was shining outside the window, and the rare blue sky and white clouds lined with tall buildings made people look like standing on top of the clouds.

Because Gao Leng is the leader, even if the bone in front of him is not easy to chew, Jing Tian’s fierce reaction unexpectedly made Gao Leng a big deal. It is not easy to annex an established media outlet, especially when Jing Tian didn’t want to. In the case of annexation.

Without the strong foundation of Susu Huantai Group, one can do nothing but use the power of the group to carry out malicious mergers and acquisitions; without the large-scale capital operation force of the group that has been established for more than ten years, a little carelessness may cause the capital chain to break; remember Lu Yajun When you are in business, you must remember not to contact politics too closely, so there is no strong political personnel behind it.

How easy is it to annex Jingtian Media?

However, it must be annexed. For the Starlight Group to grow and become the leader of domestic paper media, it is a step that must be taken, and this step must include the annexation of Jingtian, and it is possible for Jingtian to swallow other more powerful media.

The whole country has spent so much money buying so many stepping stones, newspapers and magazines, and it's just a few big giants.

As the fat man said, difficult.

No matter how difficult it is, Gao Leng, as a leader, has to show absolute self-confidence, firm writing, and accurate combat policy. A cowering leader cannot bring out an invincible force.

"Because I am the leader, I must lead you to take down this mountain, and I definitely want to take it down." Gao Leng stood at the French window and looked out, banging his hand on the trousers outside his thigh, thinking in his heart.

Before annexing Jingtian, the most important step is to use the artist circle money to ensure that the capital chain will not be broken in order to deal with Jingtian Media drastically.

"Are the materials ready for the artist meeting to be held in a while?" Gao Leng asked.

"It's all ready." Jian Xiaoshan went into battle in person, and Gao Leng was relieved by this matter.

"Well, you take a fat man to do the work in the early stage, and the main thing is to check it." Gao Leng looked at Jian Xiao with trust, and sometimes he wondered, if there is no Jian Xiao, who can let him He was so trusting and doing things so beautifully at the same time.

In her position, it is rare to have bold courage and feminine delicacy.

"I do things, don't worry." Jian Xiaodan patted the information in his arms and walked to the door: "I won't talk to you, there are a lot of things in my variety company, Yang Guanguan, remind me during the meeting. "

Gao Leng looked at Jian Xiaodan's back, and saw that she was wearing a beige formal dress, her hair still **** with a ponytail. When he first met Jian Xiaodan, she also had a ponytail, just like a college student. But now although it is the same ponytail, it is not the same simple.

At this moment, the ponytailed Jian Xiaodan went out, Yang Guanguan quickly stood up and smiled and watched her. She had nodded her head as she was accustomed and then put the information on Yang Guanguan's table, and ordered a few words as she walked.

The aura is different.

She is the vice president of Starlight Group, the boss of the variety show company, and Gao Leng's most trusted cadre. The executives who walked out and waited to come in all smiled and paid attention to her.

It is said that human relations are like a big tree. When you are at the bottom, you look up and all you see are butts. And when you look down on the upper level of the trees, all you see are smiling faces. At this time, Jian Xiaoshan saw all smiles in Star Group, and no one dared to shake her face with her. When you go out of the Starlight Group to attend any dinner, you will see a smiling face. Her identity determines her social status and cannot be underestimated.

Time flies by, Gao Leng has gone from a paparazzi to the position of a domestic high-profile media tycoon, and Xingsheng Magazine has also gone from a simple entertainment magazine to a film and television, packaging artist, green agriculture, variety shows and other comprehensive development of the Star Group .

In the next step, Gao Leng is eager to stand on top of this big tree in the media world. Even to be quite successful in the world media.

This step is bound to be a journey of swords and shadows. Fighting will be more brutal, and only brutality can go further.

Jingtian Media’s mockery is just the beginning.


"Call us over, don’t know what to do?" The twins Mi Li and He He sat in the office and whispered. The twins are well promoted. The sisters are beautiful and talented, plus they are very young, but they are only 18 or 9 years old. Scenery, the young fans who can kill one vote also kill the uncle fans.

Compared with the ordinary popular brand when the fat man dug the two of them in the first place, the rice grains and boxes are now dressed in an international brand. They are lively and cute. Both the accessories and the bags are cute.

It is also cute. The cute style of this walking street clothes is not the same as the cute style of international brands. It is said that women have to dress up. This is true. With the dressing of a professional makeup artist, even a passerby will be cute and beautiful, not to mention the beautiful twins.

"Dibba, do you know what to call us to do?" My sister Hehe quickly asked when Diba came in.

Diba shook her head blankly. She apparently had just hurried over from the set, wearing an assassin's black clothes, with a bun in her mouth.

"We do what we want." Diba swallowed the buns in three mouthfuls, and he slumped on the conference table and closed his eyes to rest, looking exhausted.

"Most of her resources have been given to you after Mu Qing was banned. Sister Diba, you are going to be on fire." Mi Li looked at Diba enviously. The resources are too much and the hard work is certain, but this kind of hard work is every time. All artists want.

"Hmm." Diba moved perfunctorily, as if not very interested in such Vanity Fairs, she muttered: "It's red, okay, the company has spent so much money on me. If I become red, I can make a profit. ."

"Come on, sign this." Yang Guanguan walked in, putting a contract in front of everyone.

"What kind of contract is this?" My sister He He turned over the contract seriously: "The company...shares...what? What..."

"The company bought several companies in your name. This contract means that the profits and losses of the companies under your name have nothing to do with you." Yang Guanguan gave a brief introduction.

"Should we name the company?" The rice grains and boxes looked at the contract carefully.

After swiping, Diba didn't even look at it. He took out the pen and signed the contract and pushed the contract to the side: "It's over."

"Dibba, don't you even look at the contract?" He He asked.

"Look at what plane..." Diba lay on his stomach and chuckled his mouth: "Signed, we are all popular with Mr. Gao. Isn't it just using our name to buy the company? What's so good about this, Mr. Gao definitely thinks that we use our name to make money."

"Hurry up and sign it." Yang Guanguan urged: "General Manager Gao will come to the meeting in a while."

The rice grains and Hehe glanced at each other, and finally nodded and quickly signed, but they were not as open as Diba, and always felt a little nervous.

"General Manager Gao is here." Yang Guanguan said.

The rice grains and the box box quickly stood up, Diba was still lying on the table, they quickly kicked her, Diba stood up swayingly and muttered: "Gao is here, good, I kissed her first on the screen. I have to talk to him about it, this movie has such a kissing scene..."

"Have you not filmed a kissing scene?" Mi Li asked.

Diba shook his head and frowned: "No, there is a kissing scene in this scene. I am so sad. I will talk to Mr. Gao about this later."

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