Gossip King

Chapter 1428: The cold grave, the soul of the Gao family

Afterwards, Xiao Shan immediately looked away, pretending to find nothing.

She knew that Gao Leng must have a secret here, since he didn't want to say a secret, don't ask. It feels uncomfortable to be pryed into secrets that I don't want to tell, Xiao Shan has a deep understanding of that feeling.

Gao Leng knew that Xiao Shan was surprised. The native dialect he instinctively blurted out surprised him himself. He looked at Xiao Shan, but saw Xiao Shan as if he hadn't heard it, and continued to pick up the phone to take pictures of the scenery.

A smile spread over the cold face. It was the right thing to bring Xiaodan. She always knew when to ask and when not to ask. She doesn't need a word from Gao Leng to know.

Parked the car aside, Gao Leng and Jian Xiaodan got out of the car.

A wanderer who has been drifting away for a long time returns home, hears his hometown dialect, smells the breath of his hometown, and eats his hometown's dishes, and he will feel a little moved. And Gao Leng is a deceased who has returned to his hometown. This feeling is even more so.

He was obviously from Gaojia Village, but he could only say that he was from the Imperial Capital.

Obviously he was from his hometown, but he returned to his hometown as a stranger.

Gao Leng really envied the old Diao’s splendid return home. He also wanted to let his family greet him like the old one, so that his family would have face because of him, so that the neighbors in the neighborhood would say that Xiao Gao, this girl is really promising, and he really gave him. The long face of the family.

It’s just that it’s impossible for him to feel like this. It’s impossible for him to tell his family that he is reborn, and that he has money, even if he gives his family a bunch of money, they will appreciate him with his money, but it won’t be because he is now. My career took off and I felt proud from the heart.

Only the take-off of the Gao family will bring the glory of the family and the lintel. Gao Leng at this time is no longer their Gao family.

Gao Leng is dead. He was killed in a car accident two years ago and is now buried in the back mountain.

Nowadays, Gao Leng no matter how brilliant Tengda is, in the eyes of the family, he is at best a person of the same surname with great kindness.

He can only stand behind Xiao Shan's identity and see what he can do for his family.

"Life is getting better and better now. There are buildings everywhere in the countryside." Xiao Shan said, taking a deep breath: "The aroma of bamboo is really comfortable."

Indeed, nowadays, buildings are being built everywhere in rural areas, but those with a little money will be renovated, and those with no money will not be decorated inside. When the son gets married and asks for a wife, he will renovate according to the economic situation.

When Gao Leng left, the houses of the uncle, second uncle and uncle hadn't been decorated yet, and the cousins ​​hadn't married yet.

"There are very few such red brick houses now." Jian Xiaodan pointed to Gao Leng's former home and said.

Compared with the surrounding two-story small buildings, Gao Leng's house was the poorest, and the red brick one-story small house was dilapidated, even worse after he left.

The parents in the family are also hardworking. In these days, as long as you work hard, life will always be good, but the prerequisite is that you are in good health. It's a pity that Gao Leng's parents have always been in poor health. They were tired enough to plant an acre of land in the field, let alone go out to work. The whole family is counting on the high cold.

Now, the whole family is dead and the door of this little red brick house is locked.

Gao Leng walked to the front of the room. The rooms of the second uncle and uncle's house were also closed. It is estimated that he was busy. Only the door of the uncle's house was open. Inside was an unknown woman holding the child, and he glanced at Gao Leng.

It's been two years since Gao Leng felt a little strange, especially when this strange woman was sitting at his uncle's house. He had never seen this woman in his memory.

He thought about the scenes of returning home countless times, thought about so many relatives standing at the door, he couldn’t recognize it, he could only watch it secretly, thought about wandering in front of his house, looking at the ridges he played in the past and the dogs he had teased. .

The only thing I haven't thought about is that standing at the door of the uncle's house, I don't know the people in his family.

In just two years, everything seems to have changed.

"Teacher, take some tea." Suddenly, a voice came from the uncle's room, which made Gao Leng's heart jump violently.

This is the voice of cousin.

"Sister-in-law, it turns out that this is a sister-in-law. My cousin is married. No wonder I don't know this woman." Gao Leng thought.

Tang Ke, in Hunan means wife. The status of women in Hunan is relatively high compared to other places. "Tanggu" is the "guest in the hall", and the hall is the place for the ancestors' tablets. It is the most sacred place. In ancient times, it was also the decision made by the family. local.

"Tang" means that the husband's family does not treat the married wife as an outsider, and invites him to the main room directly, but because after all, he is a foreigner and does not share an ancestor, so he added a "guest" title, called "tang guest."

"Hey, who are you looking for?" A fat man came out and saw someone at the door, so he asked aloud.

As he said, his gaze stopped for a moment on the car that Gao Leng drove over. This was a car provided by the Hunan Branch. It was not a very good car. The Audi a8 was also a luxury car in the countryside. So he immediately He took out a cigarette and handed it to Gao Leng, and asked politely: "This boss, who do you want to call?"

The Gao family is said to be a very good family in the village. Although the cousin did not go to school, he was very smooth. Seeing the cold car, he knew that he was a rich man. It is probably a relative of someone else’s family. He quickly installed roots. smoke.

The cousin was fatter than before, and Gao Leng felt a moment of emotion. He stretched out his hand and took the cigarette. At such a face-to-face distance, the cousin didn't know that the boss in front of him was his cousin who had died two years ago.

He certainly wouldn't know that the high coldness at this time was completely different from the previous ones.

Now this pair of skins is very handsome.

"I..." I was always cold, and suddenly got stuck. He pointed randomly and said in Mandarin: "I'm going around, my former relatives live here."

"Oh..." The cousin prolonged his voice and changed it to Mandarin: "What is your relative's name? I know everyone here."

"Uh..." Gao Leng swallowed.

"Come in, come in for a cup of tea." The cousin was still as enthusiastic as before, and said with a smile.

Lei Cha, when he heard this, Gao Leng's nose was a little sore. He quickly looked at the distance and nodded, and went in.

The door on the first floor is always open, and the floor is cement. The first floor in the country is not suitable for laying floor tiles. It is more convenient to work in the fields on the cement floor.

The soil and water on one side breeds people, and the soil on the other side has the custom of hospitality.

In the bamboo forest of Taojiang, guests come from home, or people who pass by to beg for saliva like Gao Leng, mostly drink Leicha. Lei Cha is a unique tea food here.

Put peanuts, sesame seeds, and some tea leaves in a bowl full of stripes. Use a wooden stick taller than a human to rub them in circles. After adding boiled water, it turns into milky white tea. This is called tea. In addition to the effects of hills and bamboo forests, local women's skin whiteness is closely related to Lei Cha.

"What's this?" Jian Xiaosing apologized and started to apologize, and then sniffed: "It smells so good."

"Lei Cha, you guys from a hometown, haven't you seen it? It's delicious, and it's good after drinking it to relieve the heat." The cousin said with a smile.

"See you for the first time." Jian Xiaodan said.

"Well, see you for the first time." Gao Leng echoed in a low voice, lowering his eyes.

Take a sip, this is the taste of home.

Gao Leng’s heart made him feel a little cold in his hands holding the bowl. He glanced at his cousin and asked: "You are doing pretty well now, right? I think you look good, man."

"It's better." The cousin sighed and pointed to the back mountain: "The county government wants to develop and requisition land."

"Isn't land requisition a good thing? You can get a lot of land requisition money." Jian Xiaodan asked with some curiosity. Farmers are generally very happy when land is expropriated. After all, they can get money.

"It's a good thing. Some useless mountain levies will be levied, and the team can still divide money. But the problem is..." The cousin sighed long again, and his voice changed suddenly: "But the problem is , They don’t expropriate any other land, but instead expropriate our ancestral grave mountain. Tell me..."

It turned out that for development here, this piece of land was originally not expropriated. As long as the expropriation was on the periphery, five hills were expropriated. After the hills were opened, the surrounding villagers could be recruited. The original place is enough, but somehow, the last time a CEO of the Development Group came to look at his hands, he waved his hand and wanted to build a large swimming pool.

The planned land needs to be expanded.

"You said, it doesn’t matter what you do. This is our ancestral grave. My grandparents, my two uncles, and the grandfather are all on this mountain. Oh, this is the ancestral grave of our Gao family. I am sorry. My cousin has just been buried for two years..." The cousin said, his eyes were moist, he quickly took a cigarette and took a bite and shook his head: "No way, the country wants to levy, what can I do?"

It is said that the people of the empire are most concerned about returning to their roots. In ancient times, it was possible to move your ancestral grave after committing the sins of the nine tribes.

Just move one or two. Gao Leng knew that the ancestors of the Gao family, including his parents, and himself, were buried on the top of the mountain.

Every time a word is broken, all the graves must be dug out.

Gao Leng's face suddenly turned pale, his breathing increased and he lowered the bowl in his hand.

They all say that people die, dust returns to dust, and there are no ghosts or gods in this world, and there is no Guanyin Bodhisattva. When they die, they die, and they rot and become soil. Move a grave, it's nothing.

Move the grave? It's not that simple.

Relocation of a grave costs a lot of money. It takes money to hire someone to dig the grave and open a new one. This is one thing. If it's a new grave, it's better to move, what about Grandpa Taizu's grave? It's already rotten in the ground, how to move it?

In most cases, they don't move, just return to the dust.

Moving the grave is a big taboo in the countryside, but this is to move the high family's spirit.

Is this superstition? After all, try moving your ancestral grave?

This is not superstition, this is faith, it is blood kinship, even if buried in the ground and turned into soil, it is also a member of the Gao family, the bones of the Gao family, and the soul of the Gao family!

"Hey, my poor cousin Gao Leng has just been buried for two years, and he is about to be digged out. My poor cousin Gao Leng, I can't stand it when I talk about it." The cousin sighed back. After turning around, he took a deep breath and picked up his child: "What can I do? The government can only move after it has planned."

Gao Leng sat there blankly, as if experiencing a tsunami in his heart.

And Jian Xiao Shan stayed there too.

She heard clearly, and the man said: My poor cousin Gao Leng...just buried for two years? !

High cold? ! Buried for two years? !

She looked at Gao Leng, and saw that Gao Leng's eyes were full of anger, and his fists were tightly clenched, showing that he was extremely angry when he moved this grave.

Just as angry as the Gao family.

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