Gossip King

Chapter 1429: Four eyes facing each other

Gao Leng turned her head, and confronted Xiao Shan with shocked and curious gazes. The moment her eyes met, the curiosity and shock in Jian Xiao Shan's eyes disappeared. She immediately suppressed those emotions and returned to normal. And smiled and gave a thumbs up: "This Leicha tastes really good, and I don't know if the supermarket has finished products for sale, so I can only buy a little of it."

Gao Leng's heart was moved.

He knew that Jian Xiaoshan must have heard it, and she definitely noticed something wrong with her intelligence, but she didn't say anything, didn't ask at all, even for fear that Gao Leng felt uncomfortable, she stood up and walked outside.

She pretended that she didn't hear anything just now.

Gao Leng's past was deeply hidden in his heart. Even if he had talked to Mu Rong Yuyan, Ke Yuyan didn't know what Gao Leng was like before.

What does it look like?

Just like this thirty-year-old man teasing a child in the room, he was 1.73 meters tall, and his appearance was so shameless that he could not be seen in the crowd.

This is his original skin.

And now this skin bag is tall, handsome, 1.5 meters tall, handsome face, even the shape of scumbag is so masculine, the whole person is like a walking hormone.

Although I had very good grades in the high-cold college entrance examination in my previous life, I was admitted to the high school, but I did not go to school, and always lacked a confidence or temperament. Although the English score is very good, the oral English is extremely poor. Nowadays, the cold English is fluent, the pure English sound sounds very noble, and the American sound conversion is like a fish in water.

All of these were the high coldness of the imperial capital, his continued skills, not his own.

Jian Xiaoshan praised Gao Leng when he first met him: "Wow, your spoken English is great."

All of this is not from Gao Leng's own, but from others. This is his past. It's not hard to tell, but it's not open and honest.

Many chicken soups say that as long as you work hard, you will be successful.

Is it really?

Gao Leng also worked very hard at that time. If he did not die, if his family had money, he would go to university, or maybe even go to graduate school or even exchange abroad.

But this time has no ifs, only consequences and results. The consequence of poverty was that he dropped out of school, and the result was that he had a car accident.

They are all called Gao Leng, with the same name and last name but different fate.

Just like his cousin, he also worked very hard, not a day is idle, and too many people in this world who worked so hard have exhausted all they can to live an ordinary life.

The current high cold is extraordinary. He returned to his ordinary place and knew in his heart that if it were not for rebirth, a country boy who had dropped out of school and did not go to college would probably live a life without worry through his own efforts. It is almost impossible to make such a big achievement as it is now.

He had to hide this period of time.

It's not that I feel ashamed of my previous life, but I can't explain it to others. I can't explain the rebirth to another person. Once it is known, it will inevitably cause onlookers.

Onlookers, Gao Leng did not want.

"I heard that Mr. Gao of the Starlight Group suddenly ran to a place in Gaojia Village in Hunan Province to give the people over there and ask them to make the land."

"Yes, and I heard that there is a young man named Gao Leng who is dead, so weird..."

"Just help people out because of the same name? Isn't Mr. Gao from the Imperial Capital? Is he a friend with the same name and surname?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, who knows? Could it be the wrong hold back then?"

Gao Leng's current popularity will lead to any kind of public opinion. No matter how you guess this kind of argument, it is impossible to guess that it is rebirth, but it can be annoying.

Just like Jian Xiaoshan concealed the fact that she was molested in the orphanage, she did not want to mention it, and did not want others to know, because knowing that if the news is leaked, it will definitely attract crowds.

Gossip magazines will write and netizens will search. There are also some justice magazines that write so many inspirational articles about women. Well, you see, Starlight Group Vice President Jian Xiaoshan came out of the orphanage, and has experienced indecency and was abandoned twice. Now he is born again and has achieved success. High-end women in the workplace.

Nirvana rebirth?

Nirvana, you hairy.

Jian Xiaoshan doesn't want this kind of Nirvana, let alone be this kind of inspirational role model for crying, haha, turning around in life.

At the moment Gao Leng met her eyes, Jian Xiaodan knew nothing about her dress. She stood up and walked out, for fear that Gao Leng might feel a little uncomfortable.

Although she doesn't know what secret Gao Leng has, she understands that a secret is a secret, so don't pry into it.

"It's this girl, she's so miserable, she was molested when she was only five years old."

"Obscene? It's disgusting and pitiful, after touching it or..."

"Then who knows? But I think it must be...tsk tut."

Jian Xiaodan still remembers those pointers, every time she turned her head, the sympathy and curiosity in those people's eyes choked her.

Gao Leng sat on the stool to calm down for a while, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

The mountain where the ancestors of the Gao family are buried cannot be expropriated. If he comes forward to find the county government and then find this company, this matter should not be resolved, but it is necessary to add a park land, which can be expanded in all directions. That's it for other places.

But the problem is that he can't come forward.

Once they show up, the possibility of arousing people's imagination is too great. The one buried in the ground is called Gao Leng, and he is also called Gao Leng. If he is so righteous to protect Gao's family, people in the circle will soon know, and they will come and ask.

Asking will make Gao Leng annoying.

Moreover, the Gao family might also mumble, after all, the names are too consistent.

This is a dog, Lao Huang, who ran back from the door. This dog Gao Leng's father raised him to guard the house when Gao Leng was ten years old. Now he is a teenage dog.

After seeing this dog, Gao Leng's eyes became moist.

Lao Huang was stunned when he saw Gao Leng, sniffed his nose, and a puzzled expression appeared in his eyes. After turning around Gao Leng a few times, his tail suddenly swayed wildly.

Barking! Barking!

Lao Huang threw on Gao Leng excitedly, and actually recognized him.

"Hey, this dog... boss, have you fed this dog before? Does it know you." The cousin said in surprise.

Gao Leng glared at Lao Huang, and it slumped to its feet quietly, just like before.

Jian Xiaoshan didn't look back, but his heart beat faster.

"I have raised dogs, and dogs generally like me." Gao Leng said vaguely.

Come on, if you all know that he is here to help the Gao family come out, there will be one more argument.

"I heard that the dogs of the Gao family are very enthusiastic to Mr. Gao! My God! My brain is not enough!"

"This thing is weird, it gave me inspiration! Well, I'll just write such a novel!"

The high-cold popularity brings not only identity, but also gossip. Especially under the name Gao Zhanxing, the appearance of such news will make some tabloids follow up unscrupulously.

Maybe they will come to take pictures of the cold cemetery to make a picture, not necessarily.

Gao Leng reached out his hand and touched the dog's head, thinking about it in his heart.

"By the way, this boss, who are your relatives? I know all the people in this village. I will show you the way?" the cousin asked.

"Uh... OK." Gao Leng looked at Xiao Shan's back, stood up and said, "I'll get something in the car, and I will trouble you to lead the way."

With that said, he walked towards Jian Xiaodan, he knew that Xiaodan could not be avoided.

When I came here, my plan was relatively simple. I asked the small order to set up a small factory near the village. There are many bamboo factories in the bamboo forest of Taojiang. The folks chop down the bamboo for primitive processing and polish it into small pieces with a machine. The small pieces are stringed together by hand to form a bamboo mat. The workmanship is simple and the factory is very small. It is the most primitive small processing factory, but it can feed the people of a village.

Charge by piece, pay more for more work.

It’s a simple operation to set up a small factory of this kind, recruit the Gao family brothers in, and pay a higher salary, so that they will have a worry-free life.

But right now this matter is complicated and involves the ancestral grave. Why did he intervene? What does the high coldness buried in the ground have to do with him? These simple orders are impossible to ignore. After all, they need to find the county committee and the developers not to expropriate the land. .

It's not about opening a small factory, this kind of thing doesn't need to be done by others, it can be done in minutes.

There must be a reason for someone to come to the Gao family for no reason, and the high cold must be low-key in order not to cause onlookers, so Xiaodan can only deal with it behind Jian Xiaodan.

This matter cannot be avoided simply.

"Xiaodan, come here for a while." Gao Leng walked to the car, waved at Jian Xiaodan, and then got into the car.

Xiao Shan pulled the car door and sat in the passenger seat. Although her expression was calm on her face, her heart was beating very fast, and Lao Huang followed Gao Leng's back, and then lay down beside the car like a guard.

This is what a dog can do when he follows his owner.

Xiao Shan had a dog, she knew.

"Hmm..." Gao Leng took a deep breath, sorting out the sentences that he had said to Jian Xiaodan in his mind.

"You want to help the Gao family keep the ancestral grave, don't you?" Jian Xiaoshan asked first.

Gao Leng nodded.

"You don't want to come forward by yourself, you need me to come forward, right?" Jian Xiaodan asked again.

Gao Leng raised his head to look at Jian Xiaodan, and saw her smiling. Although the gaze towards Lao Huang was full of curiosity and doubt, his tone was very calm.

Those who know the high cold, the small single too.

She didn't need to speak coldly, she knew.

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded.

"You have a secret, just hide it in your heart. You don't need to tell me. You tell me to do things. You tell me what I do. I will do it. I won't ask or say more. Don't worry. "Jian Xiaodan's voice is soft but firm.

Just like working on a weekday, Gao Leng told her to act.

No matter how much doubt and curiosity she had in her heart, she suppressed it and turned it into support, everything that supported him.

Jian Xiaoshan raised his eyes to look at Gao Leng, smiled, then took out the notebook and pen from his bag: "I do things, you can rest assured."

"Well, you do things, I can rest assured." Somehow, Gao Leng said to Jian Xiaoshan, "I can rest assured when you do things" many times, but not once, like this time, when the eyes are facing each other. Say it and be grateful.

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