Gossip King

Chapter 1431: Are you all here? !

"This is..." The uncle looked at Gao Leng.

As soon as Gao Leng looked up, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After all, he grew up under the eyes of his uncle when he was a child. This feeling of meeting and not knowing is beyond words.

The cousin said: "This brother also has the surname Gao, Lao Gao. This beauty is a guest in the old Gao's house and a classmate of Gao Leng. I passed by today, from another city."

"Oh." The uncle smiled honestly and stretched out his hand towards Gao Leng: "Sit down, I'm sorry, there is something wrong with our family, since we are classmates, sit down and have a bowl of tea."

"Guest in the old Gaowu, you are a classmate of Gao Leng. You are a foreigner who came to see Gao Leng. It is really good. Fortunately, the uncle has been studying in private school for several years. Although Mandarin is not standard, it is okay. .

Jian Xiaodan's face was red when he heard the phrase "the guest in the old high house", so he emphasized: "My last name is Shan, Shan, Shan."

She has a surname, alright, she has a surname, although it is not Shan, but Jane. This was changed because she had to act low-key. Even though she was better than the guest in the old Gaowu...

"I know, I know, the patrons in the old high house." Unexpectedly, the old man laughed, just as if he hadn't heard Jian Xiaodan.

"The guest in the old high room, what a beautiful guest, are you sitting here, are you a high-cold classmate?" The other women who followed in greeted enthusiastically, and simply dragged the bewildered guest in the old high room. Arrived aside: "There is something wrong with our family now. I'm neglecting it. I'm a guest in the old high house, drinking tea."

"My last name is Shan." Jian Xiaodan struggled to death.

"Well, the guest in the old high house, drink Lei Cha."


Xiao Dan's face flushed and looked at Gao Leng. Didn't she say that Hunan women have high status? What the **** is this? Gao Leng pretended not to hear.

He knows that in this village, there are usually such-and-such patrons, this woman who is in the house, Xiao Shan said that if he breaks the sky, it will only be: the patron of the old high house.

Women are indeed quite tall, but this is not reflected in this aspect. This way of addressing has continued for countless generations in this land, and it has long been entrenched in habits.

"They are all called Lao Gao, isn't it true that so many women are patrons in Lao Gao's house? How do you distinguish this?" Xiao Shan whispered.

"We don't usually call our names, we all have nicknames." Gao Leng said in a low voice.


Jian Xiaodan raised his eyebrows slightly, Gao Leng also realized that he had missed his mouth. He glanced at Jian Xiaodan and saw that she was a little surprised but calm, so he smiled slightly.

In front of the small single, it really is the most comfortable. If this puts other women on hold, it is estimated that a lot of problems will come.

"Old Communist, you can't do it like this. The government wants to requisition the land and you sign to get the money. How simple is it? What do you want to do?" The village head was obviously very dissatisfied. Although he took the cigarettes of the Communist Party, his tone was very angry. .

"The head of the village, you also know that the folks in the village, this mountain is our ancestral grave. Except for the ancestors of the other households on the group, the others are our Gao family. You said that there are so many ancestors from generation to generation. People have to discuss where to move, how to move, and count the money. The day before yesterday, you officially told us that you want to conquer this mountain. Yesterday you asked us to sign, and today you are here again. , You are a bit too urging." Gao Gong, as the uncle and eldest brother of the Gao family, is the eldest brother like a father when his parents are gone.

Therefore, the Gao family is his representative to handle these matters.

Gao Leng frowned. He was about to move the grave mountain. He formally informed the day before yesterday that he was here again today. It was indeed a bit too powerful to suppress others.

"The government wants to recruit, and the documents are all down. What can you do?" The village head dragged his voice and pointed to the direction of the grave mountain: "Only those of the Gao family. The mountains of other groups have been confiscated, and there are some graves. To dig, not to dig? This is not unusual!"

"Village Chief, you can’t say it really well. Other teams’ mountain levies are only a small part of the graves, and it’s the mountain on the team. But our mountain belongs to our Gao family. So many people from the Gao family buried their heads and said that they would be enlisted without even giving any time. This...this...this is different from other teams going up to the mountain!" said a woman standing behind Gao Gong.

"The guest in the old man's house made sense. How can other mountains have so many ancestors in our mountain! This is the ancestral mountain!"

"That is, if you want to recruit, you have to let us discuss it."

"Other teams can move one or two graves at most. We are ancestral graves. Moving ancestral graves is not good for children and grandchildren!"

The Gao family, you and I said it all.

The village chief stood up and took a cigarette, spit it into the air, and said with a sneer: "Don't say anything that is not good for your children and grandchildren. I don't think Feng Shui is good for your grave mountain. Just move it."

"Where is the Feng Shui in our grave mountain?" Gao Gong heard it, and his voice became louder, saying that his ancestral grave was not good in Feng Shui, and no one was happy.

"That is, our ancestral grave was buried by my grandfather's grandfather. Feng Shui is very good!"

"If your tomb has good feng shui, why didn't you see the ancestral tomb cracking, and there are a few great filial sons? Don't talk about the great filial son, you have a famous college student anyway." The village chief asked back.

"That's right, you don't have any talents. The Fengshan Fengshui is not good. I think it's better to move to another place, right." The few people from the land acquisition office who followed the village head quickly took over.

Gao Leng's face darkened.

It is true that the Gao family did not have any powerful people, they were all the roots of their duty of farming. Perhaps this is the reason. Even the opponents of the graves of the ancestors did not have any pressure at all, knowing that they would definitely be able to recruit, and the coming was aggressive. Indeed, even if 10,000 people were unwilling, the Gao family did not dare or said that they did not oppose Zhengshan. They just said to give time to slow down and see how to move the grave.

Seeing this, the land-expropriated enterprises are rushing to the project. I am afraid that some of the Gao family's graves will not be moved, so just dig it up. Grandpa's graves are gone if they are gone.

It's not the ancestral grave of a powerful family, and people don't worry about it.

"Then you are wrong, there are no famous college students?" Uncle Gao Gong straightened up his waist and pointed to the simple list: "You ask the guest in the old Gaowu, she is my nephew Gao Leng is a classmate, but our Gao Leng was admitted back then. The key undergraduate!"

"That's right! We passed the key undergraduate entrance exams for the high school cold! And when we were studying in Taojiang No. 1 Middle School, we were always the top few in the class!"

When the village chief heard it, he put his cigarette **** on the ground, spread his hand and said, "Yes, I passed the entrance examination, but I am dead! This is the bad Fengshui Fengshui! Even a college student can't hold back the blessing, die. I ask you, is Gao Leng dead?"

The Gao family was speechless.

Gao Leng's fist was clenched in his pants, his face was sullen, Xiao Shan looked in his eyes.

"This is the summer betel nut factory's headquarters moved to our Taojiang, summer betel nut factory, do you know, how big is the factory? The county chief has made a decision! Drag and drag, isn't it just a tomb with bad feng shui? A group of spoilers!" The village chief said harshly after walking a few steps back and forth.

"Sign today, sign today, there will be more than 10,000 yuan on the money, after today, there will be no such good thing." The land acquisition office said with a smile: "Good policy, 10,000 yuan more. "

A black face, a red face, rich experience.

"Other useless mountains, 100,000 yuan will be requisitioned, the ancestral grave mountain..."

"That is, the ancestral grave mountain only gave one hundred thousand...We would rather not have this money, this is the ancestral grave, I am afraid that grandpa will call me in his dream."

The Gao family's voice is quieter, look at me, and I will look at you.

The people do not fight with officials, especially the villagers. There is no villager with a powerful role in the family. They even find a relationship. The biggest relationship is the captain of the team.

Gao Leng patted Jian Xiaodan's back lightly. Jian Xiaodan stood up and said, "Everyone, listen to me."

Everyone looked over.

"Ancestral tomb, don't you want to expropriate it?" Xiao Shan asked.

"Of course, no matter how much money, I don't want to get the ancestral grave."

"Yes, it has nothing to do with money. How can the ancestral tomb be moved? Their company can levy a mountain next to it for expansion, and there is no mountain next to it."

The Gao family said one after another.

"You mother-in-law talking is interesting, the mountain next to the enterprise sign? Who do you think you are? How do you plan the enterprise? It's funny." The village chief intervened and looked at it with slanted eyes. After reading the simple list, he said: "Lao Gaowu is a guest, this is the plan of the county government. In the summer, the boss of the betel nut factory is very powerful. But you and Gao Leng are classmates, that is, high school classmates. Don't mix up. It’s a bad sentence, and it’s useless if you mix it up."

As the village chief said, he took out another cigarette, lighted it, and spit out the cigarette into the sky, winking at the land acquisition office.

"Come and come, they have all signed. Sooner or later, they have to sign. Today, I will sign an extra 10,000 yuan." The Land Acquisition Office said quickly.

How about driving a luxury car without focusing on Xiaodan at all? Which outsider will intervene in this kind of thing? Xia Tian Betel Nut Factory is an enterprise introduced by the county government. It is a political achievement. The county magistrate nodded. How much do you have to intervene? Most people won't help at all.

Moreover, the Gao family really has no competent people.

"Who said that my blending is useless?" Jian Xiaodan sneered and looked at the village chief: "I'm telling you, I'll take care of this."

After speaking, she looked at the Gao Gong and asked, "Aren't all Gao's families want to conquer this mountain?"

"Of course." After the Gao Cong finished speaking, he smiled gratefully: "The guest in the old Gaowu, I know you are kind, but now the policy has indeed come down, and we also...Hey, if you help, I guess I will find it. The high official of the county...you are a foreigner...we took it with kindness. They didn't have a few good guys on land acquisition. As a classmate, you can come to see Gao Leng. It's already pretty good..."

"Gao Leng rescued me with great favor. Besides, he is also buried in this mountain? So I will take care of this." Jian Xiaodan said loudly and looked at the village chief.

"Fine, you say you are in charge, then how do you want to manage, do you call the county magistrate or the deputy magistrate? Really, do you know about the summer betel nut factory? Can you give the county a call? Don't you know how much tax it brings? Don't be afraid to talk big words." The village head stared at Jian Xiao with a single eye.

"Can you guys in the Gao family call the county magistrate? It's just a classmate, can you control it?" The land acquisition office also stared at Jian Xiao with a single eye.

Gao Leng stood up.

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