Gossip King

Chapter 1432: Stir the situation!

There is really no one in the Gao family, anyone can come here.

But right now, there is really no one in the Gao family, although everyone who is suffocated, you look at me, I look at you, and after eating this, I can’t speak.

The county magistrate is not enough for them.

The county's decision, such a big summer betel nut factory is not something they can afford.

The Gao Cong and Gao Dang brothers were red-eyed, squatting at the door and smoking the muffled smoke, looking at the direction of the grave mountain, desperate and helpless.

Gao Leng said, and after sweeping the crowd, he stood behind Jian Xiaodan in a low-key manner, wrapped her in one hand and asked, "My wife, do you want to take care of your classmate?"

Everyone looked over.

Jian Xiaodan’s face is Fei Hongxia. Her anger is not a pretense. After taking a glance at Gao Leng, she raised her head slightly and stretched out her hand toward Gao Gong to hold it: "Uncle, I used to fall into the water when I was playing by the river. Save me, I have to repay this kindness, don’t worry, I’m sorry, this grave mountain, your Gao family don’t want to move, no one can move it!"

Xiao Shan held the uncle's hand with one hand, and pointed in the direction of the grave mountain. The corners of the skirt were flying, and the voice was not high but emboldened.

The village chief and the land acquisition office exchanged glances. They didn't know the origin of the woman in front of the luxury car, and the origin of the man behind this woman was even less clear.

"The boss." The village chief took out a cigarette and handed it to Gao Leng: "Excuse me, what business do you do?"

"Don't smoke." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and waved: "Don't do business."

Seeing that Gao Leng couldn't ask anything, the village head looked at Jian Xiaodan.

I couldn't figure it out, but it was all young people looking at it. The village chief didn't know what to do, and he put the cigarette that he couldn't put out into his mouth, lit it and took a sip.

"Looking at young age, where did the rich second generation come from? Can she be able to move the planned land?" the land acquisition office whispered.

The village head’s eyes were dark, and he didn’t smile. “Anyway, the boss asked you to sign the contract today, and you will dig tomorrow. Since you are so capable, then talk to the county head. If you don’t sign today, the good policies will be gone. You will get angry tomorrow, and you won’t have time to cry."

Gao Gong's expression was a little panicked, he looked at Jian Xiaodan.

"Old Gao family guest, thank you, but this betel nut factory is a big one. I'm afraid it can't be done?" Gao Gong said, looking at Gao Leng.

It’s usually a man headed home. Listening to them, the boss with the surname Gao is obviously the backstage of the girl with the surname, but the boss with the surname Gao is unfathomable, and the woman said that she is cold. Classmate, what is the identity of this man, but I don't say the least.

Gao Gong didn't dare to ask more.

"Don't worry, give me an hour." Jian Xiaodan smiled slightly.

Gao Leng walked out of the door and walked into the car, Xiao Shan followed closely behind. The two got into the car.

After the two got into the car, everyone started talking.

"What do you say this man does?"

"Gao Leng's female classmate is so confident, she must be a very powerful man."

"But it's done in an hour, isn't it bragging? There are more bragging now."

"Do you care if she is bragging, what if she really has a background? If you know the county magistrate or something, you can see that their cars are very good, and rich people can afford them."

The village chief and the land requisition office did not speak, smoking cigarettes, one after the other, and they simply said something loud and loud, with confidence and attitude, and they were also a little confused.

Could it be that the Gao family can really meet the nobles to help them? Impossible, it's all settled. Half an hour, is it possible? !

The village head slanted his eyes and looked at the car. Although he muttered in his heart, he didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Boss, how do you do it?" Jane asked when he got into the car.

"It's not easy? You still need to ask me? Old Gao family patron." Gao sneered.

A little shy flashed, Xiao Shan glanced at Gao Leng, this cheap, he became more and more energetic, no matter what other people shouted, he was still excited, Xiao Shan thought.

However, being called this way, Jian Xiaodan was secretly happy, but she didn't show it on her face at all. Instead, she said with a serious face: "It's business, you don't want to reveal your identity, how can you do it?"

"It's just an enterprise brought in from a county, and I still need to use my identity? You don't even need to change your identity, and you don't need Starlight Group to come forward, look for colleagues, look for five or six, seven or eight, look for The troubles of the enterprise, and the county head, there must be something tricky about land acquisition. Let the county head know that many media are staring at the land acquisition in this small county, and it’s ok." Gao Leng smiled slightly, and took his own Handed the mobile phone to Jian Xiaodan: "The contacts are here, you can use it. Just talk about your classmate's identity."

Jian Xiaoshan took the call.

Nowadays, Gao Leng's contacts are unusual. Just pull a few out, making the head of a county frightened and extremely relaxed.

"Yes, a few rounds of phone calls might scare them enough." Xiao Shan laughed, this kind of case is really trivial.


Ding ding ding, the phone of the county propaganda office rang frantically.

"Hey, what's the matter." The minister answered the phone lazily. How much propaganda work can there be in a county? There are no arrangements for this period, and the director of the Propaganda Department has a very good life.

This middle-aged man in his forties took a sip with a cup of tea.

"Huh? What?" Suddenly, his expression changed: "Emperor...Emperor...the media of the imperial capital? Are you?" He quickly put down the teacup, his expression changed.

"No, no, no, you must have made a mistake. We acquired the land according to the rules, and there was no problem." The Minister of Propaganda stood up and became nervous.

"Interview, this... I'll report." After hanging up the phone, the Minister of Propaganda hurriedly clicked on the Internet and looked at it, muttering confusedly: "Weird, there is no negative news on the Internet. The land acquisition did not kill anyone. Why are the media from the Imperial Capital coming to interview?"

Officials are most afraid of negative reports, and what they are most afraid of in land acquisition is dead people. Even if they die, they got it online and suddenly a bunch of media came.

If a small county provokes a lot of media, it will be a disaster. But the Minister of Propaganda searched it, and there was no negative news, the land acquisition was calm, and there were no major cases.

It's weird.

The Minister of Propaganda was more rigorous, and he immediately stood up and planned to go out and report. As soon as I stood up, the phone rang again.

"Hey." After that, the Minister of Propaganda shivered: "Ah, hello, hello, yes, yes, I am, I am, ah? Ah? Ah! Oh? Oh, oh!"

Dense beads of sweat came out of the nose.

After hanging up the phone, the minister's head was a little dizzy.

"Strange, something happened. Another major newspaper in the Imperial Capital wants to come for an interview. This is terrible." The Minister thought, he wanted to walk towards the door.

The phone rang again.

He hurriedly picked it up again.

One call answered one call, and five or six calls were connected. The Minister of Propaganda’s legs were a little weak. After putting down the phone, he pulled out his leg and ran to the county chief’s office. When he went upstairs, he accidentally tripped and hit his leg. Regardless of the pain, he knocked on the magistrate’s door. After entering, he found that the magistrate was sweaty and his hands were still on the microphone, which showed that he just hung up the phone just like him.

"The county magistrate, I just answered a lot of calls. There are Imperial Capital Media, Shangdu Media, and all major media. They all said they want to..."

"I want to interview and follow the company's introduction of our county's summer betel nut factory land acquisition?" The county head wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked in a deep voice.

The minister nodded repeatedly.

The county leaders have never seen so many big media, such multimedia interviews, even if there is nothing wrong, it becomes something when the manuscript is published.

"I just answered five or six calls." The county head and the minister looked at each other, and both of them turned pale.

"The county magistrate, it's terrible, terrible." The director of the office rushed in with a pale face: "Good multimedia call to say..."

I haven't spoken yet, I saw the expressions of the two inside, come on, needless to say.

"Something is going on." The county head felt a little dizzy, and he held his forehead: "Meeting, meeting now! Call...call...call the person in charge of the summer betel nut factory to come over immediately! Now! Right now!"

What can you stand for?

In the next ten minutes, before the person in charge of the betel nut factory arrived in the summer, several leaders summed up, and there was no major event. To say that these little greedy little troublemakers, there are some, but land acquisition is everywhere. There is something tricky, no matter how you look at it, it is not a major event that can attract such multimedia.

It’s the most terrifying thing, but I don’t know what’s going on.

"Hello? What?!" The boss of the betel nut factory in the summer was also unlucky. He was playing mahjong leisurely at home. A phone call stunned him.

"The county magistrate wants you to come to the meeting right away, right away!" The other side of the phone was very strict: "You have caused a serious problem!"

It was almost assholes, and the county office was full of people.

"Mr. Zhang, did your factory provoke anyone? Did the land expropriation cause some major incidents that were not reported?" The county magistrate looked at the boss of the betel nut factory coldly.

"Mr. Zhang, you have to tell the truth. Good multimedia has called and said to interview your company about the land acquisition!" The deputy county magistrate patted the table suddenly, his face pale.

This is completely different from the attitude when he invited his company to settle in the county before. The company can bring tax and achieve political achievements. But now that it has not landed, it has attracted a lot of media. This is not a collection. Up. The deputy county magistrate in charge of the matchmaking is the most nervous.

"No...no..." Mr. Zhang was confused and really confused. Although the land acquisition was a bit unpleasant, there was absolutely no major incident.

"I really didn't deceive the top and the bottom, there really isn't any major event worthy of follow-up by a lot of media..." Mr. Zhang scratched his head. He is the only enterprise in the city, although he is considered a big enterprise in the city, but nothing I have seen many big media interviews with this posture, and I was shocked for a while.

"It's weird." The county magistrate frowned. They had a small meeting before Mr. Zhang came. There was indeed no major incident. Any major incident in land acquisition was nothing but death. I was most afraid of this, but no one was dead.

Ding Ding Ding, the county magistrate’s cell phone rang, and instantly, his back was soaked.

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