Gossip King

Chapter 1433: This wave is very strong

"Hey, oh... hello hello, hello Secretary Li." The county magistrate stood up from his seat and supported the conference room table with one hand, his face panicked.

"Secretary Li was alarmed..."

"The secretary of the municipal party committee was alarmed..."

"Mr. Zhang, you said that you are fine, and the secretary is alarmed!"

Suddenly, the murmurs that pressed their throats filled the meeting room, and everyone's nerves were tense.

"Yes, yes! Yes! Don't worry, I will investigate it as soon as possible. Sorry, sorry, I will go to the province with you these few days." The county magistrate stooped and nodded.

"It alarmed the province..." The office director and deputy county magistrate held their foreheads one after another.

What happened? !

After the county magistrate hung up the phone, he glared at the person in charge of the land acquisition office: "The city said that it was related to a grave mountain, and they didn't know the specifics. Now the provincial party committee has been alarmed, and the city party committee has been alarmed. Secretary Li just told me Call, do you know the severity of the problem?! Do you know?!"

The county magistrate patted the table several times, and his voice changed.

"Fenshan? The one in Gaojia Village? No, they just went out to ask the villagers to sign. Did they just die?!" President Zhang of the Betel Nut Factory patted his head and immediately took out the phone: "I, I, I, I, I, I Now, now, now, call them now, call them, call them, call them and ask. Look, look, look."

"Don't stutter! Hurry up! Did something big happen just now? Did they ask the villagers to sign off in Gaojia Village now, something big happened!" The county magistrate slammed the table and stood up, his voice scared Mr. Zhang. Trembling.

Nowadays, the politics is clear and the Internet is well developed. If something big happens, you can’t run away if you are held accountable. Today’s high-level officials are not talking about jokes, but they are really knives. Even overseas media talk about empire. This government is very murderous, full of blood, and anti-corruption is very fierce. Once the big tiger pours a lot of it, I don't know how many.

The county magistrate is nervous and scared. It's too normal. Being a parent official, such a small county with multimedia hitting such a small town, it would be strange if he was not nervous or afraid.


"It's been an hour." The village chief looked at the time and became impatient.

"Okay, do you sign today." The land acquisition office stood up and waved the contract, his voice grew louder, and the sun was going down right now, and the two people in the car had been in the car and there was no other movement.

Pretending to be bluffing, the two reached a conclusion.

The Gao family has no confidence. They know that since it is a planned plan, they must be conquered. It is not good for them to resist the conquest. They are not conquering their own fields, but conquering the mountains. There are several other families in the group. They Not necessarily against expropriation.

Coupled with thinking about it, and refusing to expropriate because the ancestral tomb is here, this reason is untenable. The village chief's words were rough and not rough, and the Gao family really didn't show any big names.

If it is really a great figure of the Gao family buried here, some great writers, former great generals, heroes of the War of Resistance, etc., there will be a figure of this kind here, let alone expropriation, the government will have to protect this and come to so and so. Some former residence or something.

No matter how bad it is, it is fine to have a relative who is an official bury this, and perhaps not to expropriate this mountain, but the next mountain. Can levy here without scruples, isn't it because there are no big figures in this grave?

Gao Cong looked at the cold car and saw that the two of them were sitting in the car, although their expressions were calm, but they didn't get out of the car to say any progress. He didn't have any confidence in his heart, and now he has no confidence.

"Signed, the project was delayed, who is responsible?" The Land Acquisition Office frowned.

"Although we are unwilling, but the government wants to recruit, we will definitely cooperate, but this word is signed, let us choose an auspicious day anyway? Our grandfather's grave is out of control, but my grandparents' grave has to be taken care of. Several adults who haven’t been there for a long time also have to take care of them. Can you..."

"Choose auspicious days? What if the days are not good these days? Otherwise, don't choose auspicious days for the auspicious days. Choose a lucky date for auspicious days. You have to sign. Once they excavate, you can see what time is the day. One point, just dig at what time, can you?" said the village chief.

When the auspicious days became auspicious, the officials really suppressed people, not only the people, but also the dead.

The Gao family cried and hung their heads.



"It must be confiscated. There is no accommodation at all. The ancestral graves have been dug up, hey..."

With a sigh, triumphant smiles appeared on the faces of the village chief and the Land Expropriation Office. They knew that this wave was completed. There are always a small number of nail households in land acquisition. The Gao family will definitely not be of the nail household type. Honest villagers who dare not put a single fart on a stick have no backing. In addition, this mountain has several other neighbors. This kind of contract is easy to be signed.

"Or, ask them again?" The sister-in-law stretched out her finger and pointed in the direction of Gao Leng Car.

"Yes, didn't the old Gao family's patrons say it? It must be done, and they haven't left. Ask first."

Others echoed.

The last hope is the person of the same surname in the car.

"It would be weird if she is capable of this." The village head threw the cigarette **** to the ground and stomped it out with his foot. He looked at the Gao family with the same expression as if he heard a funny joke, pointed the direction of the county government, and pointed again. Pointing at the car: "Do you think that the two young people at the county magistrate's level can get along?"

At this time, the village chief’s phone rang, he picked it up and answered, his face instantly changed: "Ah? What? No...no..." Then, he scratched his head: "There is nothing serious on our side. Ah, sign it, the Gao family signed it immediately, no, how could it be fatal..."

"Is there really nothing wrong with you?" The leader of the county land acquisition office asked sharply in the meeting room.

"No, nothing happened!" The village head was very nervous when he was drunk by the leader.

"If there is nothing wrong, why do many media call and say that there is a problem with the land acquisition currently being carried out by the Betel Nut Factory in Summer. Isn't it the mountain where the Gao family's ancestral grave is being requisitioned? Is there really no problem with you?!"

"This...no problem, the Gao family signed it in a while, what can their group of ordinary villagers have..." At this point, the village head's face changed in an instant. He suddenly realized something and looked at Gao Leng The direction of the car looked over.

"Wait." The village head was suspicious.

"Is there something wrong?" The county land acquisition office heard the village chief's voice, and got up from his seat.

"I'm here to ask." The county magistrate was furious, and it was too slow to do things so slowly. He directly stretched out his hand, and the leader of the county land acquisition office said quickly: "You wait, the county magistrate will ask you directly!"

The village chief's calf trembled.

"What? The county... county... the county chief told me directly?!" The village head only felt that the weather this year was really too hot, so hot that he immediately followed the fire pit, from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.

I felt that the weather was too cold, and an air-conditioning burst from the soles of my feet to the top of my head.

"My God, the county magistrate... this should be the old Gao family patron..."

"Could it be that the old Gao's patron is so capable, you see that the village head's face is blue."

"The county magistrate directly called him and asked him, can his face be green?"

The Gao family's eyes all turned toward the village chief. Through the phone, they didn't hear what was said inside. They all felt that the problem seemed serious.

"Good leadership, good leadership, leadership..." The village chief humped repeatedly while holding the phone.

"I ask you if there are any abnormalities in the land acquisition in Gaojia Village." The county head went straight to the subject.

"There's no trouble here...it's said that they will sign after a while, but..." The village head looked at the direction of the Gao Leng car: "It's just... a classmate from the villager here said that he was not allowed to sign. The ancestral grave, also said...you can get this done in an hour."

"Oh?!" The county magistrate said nervously, "Where is the person you are talking about now?"

"It's here, in the car. It's two young people. I thought they were bragging. I didn't expect you to call me in an hour," the village chief said.

"They really helped."

"Yes, I think these two people may be the cubs of high officials."

"It must be the cub of a high official, a high official in the city!"

A smile appeared on the faces of the Gao family, and all the waists were straight.

The village head was the one whose waist was not straight. He continued the call, hunching his waist, his face looked unlucky. He is indeed a blood mold for eight lifetimes.

"The village chief said that two people had come from the village, saying that land acquisition would not be allowed, and an hour ago that the county would cancel land acquisition soon." The county chief took the phone and looked at other people in the conference room: "The media who called No news in this regard was revealed. Such a collective multimedia call seems to be controlled by them. Please find out who they are."

"Well, I will call the media back to ask." The office director immediately called.

After a call, the director of the office said with a sullen face: "I didn't say who was directing behind it, and I don't feel that it was directed by one person. These media all said they received reports, so they followed up. I feel that these are ordinary. The reporter didn't know, and there were so many media outlets that several companies hung up the phone without answering."

After hearing this, the county magistrate frowned.

A fool can see that this wave of media attacks must be related to the two young men mentioned by the village chief.

"You pass the phone to those two people, I'll talk." The county magistrate picked up the phone again and said, after finishing speaking, he adjusted the wording: "You pass the phone to the two distinguished guests."

The word "VIP" is emphasized.

It is certainly not a leisurely generation to allow such multimedia to come together. Although the callers are only ordinary reporters, it is possible that so many reporters can pay attention to the same issue at the same time, which is extremely powerful. Although the county magistrate has been in politics for many years, he is only the magistrate of a county. This is the first time I have seen such a big storm. Although he is calm, he is also very afraid.

Today's political career is like walking on thin ice, and a little bit of negativeness is brought out by the media, which is likely to ruin the political future. How about fire and theft and journalists.

Who is the sacred person who can stir so many big media? The county magistrate didn't know, he picked up his mobile phone and walked out of the conference room, turned to his office, closed the door, and looked serious and serious, quietly waiting for the other party to answer the call.

Boom boom boom, the village head licked his smiling face with his waist, knocked on the cold car window.

The Gao family also walked out to watch.

The window rolls down.

"President Gao, our county magistrate has a message with you." The village chief smiled and handed the phone.

"I don't care about this. This is my wife's care." Gao Leng didn't answer the phone, and rolled the car window...

The village head was stunned in the same place as if he had been struck by lightning. He refused the call from the county magistrate. He really opened his eyes. The Gao family members behind each opened their mouths wide, dumbfounded.

The village chief licked his face and walked around to the co-pilot.

咚咚咚, knock again.

The car window rolled down, and Jian Xiaoshan looked at the village chief wearing sunglasses.

"Old Gao family guest, oh no, Shan, Mr. Shan, the phone number of our county magistrate..." The village head held the phone in both hands and handed it over.

"County chief's phone call?" Jian Xiaodan raised his eyes and looked at the village chief through the top of his sunglasses, blinking: "I don't know him."

As he said, the window was rolled...

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