Gossip King

Chapter 1434: Appalling

"Lead...leader." The village head felt the county magistrate's embarrassment from the closed car window. He squeezed out a few words from his throat with difficulty: "Then what... he... these two ..."

"Okay, I see." The county magistrate hung up the phone with a calm face.

There was no sound in the meeting room, all human beings, and I understood that after hearing this, the other party did not even answer the phone. This closed door of the head of a county is well known to passers-by, and it is not enough to save face.

"What kind of character is this? It's so shameless." The office director broke the silence and said.

"If you can save face, you probably won't get the media to do it. Those who come are not kind."

"Well, the person who came is unkind, what kind of character is this? Why can't I find out?"

The people in the office started talking, everyone's face was very solemn.

"Go." The county magistrate cleared the things on the conference table and put the phone in his pocket.

"Where are you going?" the director asked.

"Gaojiacun." The county magistrate pointed his finger at several other leaders and said: "You go too, we will see how sacred this is. Remember, the attitude is better. By the way, Director Zhang, take Let’s go to our county’s specialties, and bring... the most exquisite set of bamboo crafts in bamboo crafts."

I ate it in public, but I ate it when I ate it. I felt that the person who came was unkind but couldn't do anything. The county magistrate, who has been in politics for many years, understood in his heart that although there was no major incident in the planning of the new district, there is always something tricky. If reporters really come to dig, then the trouble will be big.

He is not corrupt, and the people under him are not clean.

"It is a distinguished guest, we should go to have dinner and arrange the hotel." The county magistrate ordered. Others can understand it. If you want to get through this level, you have to stick to the cold **** with a warm face.

Four vehicles drove from the county government and quickly drove on the village-to-village highway in the countryside, heading straight to Gaojia Village.

"Speed ​​faster." The county magistrate said to the driver with a black face. The driver speeded up the accelerator quickly, and the office director kept calling, arranging food and accommodation, and arranged some miscellaneous documents that might be needed.

Like an enemy.


Gaojia Village was not calm anymore, after Gao Leng and Jian Xiaodan refused to answer the call from the county magistrate, they were not calm at all. The people in the village gathered around and whispered.

"The county magistrate doesn't answer the phone? Really? They have people from the Gao family to help?!"

"Really, I just heard what the village chief said, didn't the land acquisition agency also say the same?"

Everyone looked at the honest Gao family from time to time, and with the effort of a cup of tea, everyone from the team next door came around.

"This is a bit of a big noise." Uncle Gao Dang stood next to his elder brother Gao Gong with a worried look. He burned a puff of cigarette but didn't inhale it. He just clamped his hand and looked at the direction of the car.

"It's scary." Gao Yi smoked mouth after mouth, feeling that he was about to swallow half of the cigarette. At the moment when Gao Leng refused the call from the county magistrate, the Gao family was very proud.

The feeling of being backed by someone is good.

But after this moment, they began to worry, and the onlookers became more and more worried. Can you wipe the face of the county magistrate? If you offend the county magistrate, the Gao family can't get rid of it.

The Gao family dare not offend the county chief, let alone the county chief, the village chief dare not offend.

Those who rise up against the minions can't provoke that high official.

"I guess the county magistrate will come in a while." Gao Leng looked at Jian Xiaodan, who closed her eyes and rested. She was very calm, listening to the music in the car and tapping gently.

"Hmm..." Jian Xiaoshan mumbled disapprovingly.

Yes, it's just a county magistrate. What's to be afraid of? Jian Xiaodan knew in his heart that she and Gao Leng had the upper hand in this game.

The CEO of Starlight Group couldn't handle a grave, that's really a joke. When Jian Xiaoshan made arrangements, Gao Leng didn't mention his identity, so he said that a good friend of his needs support. Who doesn't have a media friend yet? Not to mention the vice president of Starlight Group.

The county magistrate came **** off, as expected.

"When I'm here, is it a black face or a red face?" Jian Xiaodan asked.

"It's okay to ask the county magistrate to come here for a walk, and the Gao family will have face in the future. The county leaders have made no major mistakes, and they are almost fine." Gao Leng said, reaching out and pushing the short list: "Old Gao family guest, Go down and stabilize your army, the faces of the brothers of the Communist Party of China are all anxiously pale."

After all, it is his own brother, Gao Leng calmly himself, watching his brother is terribly scared, feels unbearable.

"Okay." Jian Xiaodan opened his eyes and took a look: "Oh, so people are onlookers, this village really hasn't happened in hundreds of years, this is the first time?"

A crowd of people stood at the door of the Gao family's house, men, women, young and old, all watching the excitement.

As soon as Xiao Shan pushed the car door down, there was a commotion outside.

"It's her, she's the man's guest, Gao Leng's alumni, and she is the one who gave the Gao family a head start." The most eight-woman woman.

"What's so great about a patron? Isn't his own man good? The most powerful one is in the car, the one with the higher surname."

"This sister is so beautiful, so white, so beautiful!"

Jian Xiaodan smiled decently and walked towards Gao Gong, Gao Gong hurriedly took three steps and made two steps to greet him, sweating and cautiously bowing towards Jian Xiao Shan: "Shan... Shan Zong ."

Feeling how powerful these two people came, he didn't dare to call the old Gaojia Tanggu so casually, but called the boss.

"Uncle, they are all from my own family. Don't be so polite. I said, I was here for Gao Leng." Jian Xiaodan smiled gently, and her smile calmed the anxiety of the Gao family a little bit.

"Look! Here's a car! Here's a car!" As he said, a child in the crowd yelled and pointed his finger in the distance. Three or four Audis drove in between.

"Look at the license plate... the county leader!" The village head leaped up from the stool, and the land acquisition office quickly stretched out his hand to straighten his clothes and squeezed his hair.

"This license plate has many big leaders." The village head turned his head and looked at Jian Xiao with a single eye.

"Let the county magistrate lose face, there is a good show to watch now."

"Be quiet, don't offend anyone..."

The villagers calmed down, staring at the car one by one. The car drove to the door next to Gao's house. After finding a place and stopping, several people got off.

As soon as the village head ran to meet him, his smile changed his face: "Hello, magistrate! The magistrate is here, folks, the magistrate is here!"

Hey, the village chief didn't know what to do, and took the lead to applaud.

The villagers involuntarily surrounded them, and applauded in twos and threes.

Gao Leng was still in the car, and Jian Xiaodan stood beside the car.

"This is the county head, this is the director of the county office, this is..." The village head was a little dazzled, and he didn't know some leaders.

"The leadership is good, the leadership is good, the leadership is hard." The land acquisition office bends down, seeing so many leaders all of a sudden, he is very cautious for a while.

The county magistrate smiled at the villagers, waved his hand, his eyes fell on the cold car, a woman with good temperament stood beside the car, he walked directly over, and stretched out his hand far away.

"Hello, hello. I'm the county magistrate of Taojiang County, and my surname is Ao." The county magistrate Ao smiled, and Jian Xiaosi smiled and stretched out his hand and shook it.

"Hello, my last name is Shan."

Magistrate Ao looked inside the car, but the cold car windows did not roll down.

"Inside..." the office director asked with a smile.

"My husband." Jian Xiaodan replied very smoothly, but his ears were a little red, and his heart was a little bit happy.

"Oh...this..." The county magistrate was a little embarrassed in his face. Everyone came, and the people in the car couldn't get out. So many people watched, which made it embarrassing.

"President Shan, what? Let's have a meal together? Let's talk." The office director took the stubbornness and waved at the two people behind him. The two took out a bunch of specialty products from the trunk and slipped away. come.

"This is a specialty of our county." The director handed it to Xiao Shan.

"Huh? Why do you want to give me this?" Jian Xiaodan took a step back and waved his hand, and said with a smile: "If there is no merit, how can I be ashamed of the magistrate's gift?"

The villagers watched, this good show is really rare.

The county magistrate was hung up, and the magistrate took the initiative to come here, but the people still didn't get off the car; the magistrate took the initiative to deliver things, but the people didn't accept it...not to mention the magistrate, even the villagers were embarrassed for the magistrate.

The county magistrate shook his face. He approached Jian Xiaoshan and lowered his voice, and said, "Mr Shan, let’s have a meal and have a good chat. If such multimedia hits all at once, there must be a solution? Okay, you tell me what is wrong, we will discuss it."

His tone was gentle and respectful, even with some begging for mercy, and the county magistrate's face was completely reduced.

"A lot of the media are looking for you? They say that the land acquisition is not done?" Jian Xiaodan prolonged his voice, and said with a look of confusion: "No, land acquisition is done according to the rules, although there are some small greed, no As for many reporters, right? Ah, I see, are you planning to expropriate the ancestral graves of the Gao family?"

Jian Xiaodan directly asked the question, and the county magistrate understood it instantly.

He and the leaders of the Land Acquisition Office looked at each other. It seemed that these media were aimed at the ancestral graves of the Gao family. The Gao family had a big background and provokes people with big backgrounds. This background is obviously the young man in the car.

"Come here." The county head stretched his face and glanced at the village head and the people from the village land requisition office, and they hurriedly walked up to him.

"Is the ancestral grave of the Gao family to be collected now?" the county magistrate asked.

"Yes." The village head nodded.

"Naughty!" The county magistrate scolded angrily: "Can the ancestral grave mountain be moved? Can it be moved? There are so many hills nearby that can be levied, why not levy anything else but the ancestral grave mountain?!

The village chief looked up blankly.

Isn't this a document approved by the county...I just implemented it... he thought to himself, but he didn't dare to say it.

"When you are a parent official, you must be considerate of the masses. Ancestral Tomb Mountain is different from other mountains. You people, all have to reflect!" The county magistrate pointed to the group of people behind the office director and their children, angrily said.

The villagers dared not speak, but the expressions with their open mouths revealed their shock. The Gao family has such a big background that the county magistrate can help them!

The two brothers of the High Republic and the High Party were even more stunned.

Jian Xiaodan smiled slightly, the county magistrate knows current affairs well.

Gao Leng rolled down the car window, and the county magistrate looked over and immediately smiled and stretched out his hand towards Gao Leng.

Gao Leng pushed down and drove down, stretched out his hand and shook the hand of the county magistrate, and said with a tut: "The county magistrate, this is my wife's fault, she made a mistake."

As he said, Gao Leng stretched out his hand to embrace Jian Xiao Shan and said, "Wife, there is no plan to expropriate Gao's ancestral graves in Renxian County. You look at you for such a big oolong."

When the county magistrate heard this, he let out a long sigh of relief, and the complexion of the people behind him instantly improved.

"But since the media have been called by you, it is not appropriate to withdraw..." Gao Leng said, and the county magistrate's face turned white again.

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