Gossip King

Chapter 1441: Some disease...

Xiao Shan said it very firmly.

"Then you secretly kiss me..." Gao Leng was dissatisfied with this double standard.

"I secretly kissed you because I like you..." Xiao Shan blushed and reached out and pushed him out: "You don't like me again. You kiss me just sympathy, so I don't want it. Don't like me, I You know, Xiao Leng's eyes are very gentle, the kind you like in your heart, you look at me...like...like...well, like looking at a fat man." Xiao Shan tilted his head, this analogy is a bit accurate , But not very accurate.

After all, when Ouyang was there, his cold eyes were possessive.

"Then I ask you, if I like you too, will you follow me?" Gao Leng asked.

Xiao Shan hesitated: "It depends on Xiao Leng..."

"Then what if Xiao Leng is acceptable? You know, she knows what I do on the fifteenth of every month." Gao Leng asked again.

"That depends on Xiao Leng accepting that you are with me only on the 15th, and whether you are with me only when you need to vent around the 15th, and whether you like me or just get used to it. I am here."

"There are so many things you worry about..." Gao Leng was speechless.

"Looking forward and looking forward to the future, it is affirmative. Any major decision must be carefully considered. This is what I have gained from walking alone for so many years..."


A soft cry.

"After we think about each other clearly, then..."

Gao Leng directly pressed Jian Xiaodan's body, her hand covering her mouth was instantly removed, and she lowered her head and kissed it.

Jian Xiaodan only felt a moment of dampness and heat on her lips, followed by a moment of numbness. She used to think that kind of wet kiss was disgusting, just like eating. You take a bite and I take a bite. Isn't it disgusting? It was very happy to kiss gently, just like she was stealing a kiss, so entangled with her open mouth, how disgusting.

But after Gao Leng kissed him, Jian Xiaoshan realized how wonderful it was to kiss.

As if the whole person belonged to the other party, as if the whole heart had been handed out, there was no time to think, and there was no way to think so much. The body slumped softly on the bed, following instinct to cater.

Although I don't have the kind of shocking feeling to Xiao Shan on weekdays, when I kissed him, the physical sensation was so strong that it was more impulsive than ever.

This made Gao Leng very surprised, so he kissed for a long time before letting go.

The moonlight became gentle, and it seemed that there was a cloud blocking it, and the room was much darker. In this red brick room where I grew up in the cold, the bed was filled with the shyness and catering of the girl.

Two pairs of shoes were placed side by side by the bed, and an old dog stood by the door with his back facing them.

After letting go, Xiao Shan panted heavily.

"Okay, after we think about each other clearly, we will develop." Gao Leng said.


Jian Xiaodan opened her mouth, her red lips reflected a lot of water, she hesitated, "Since I think it out clearly and then develop, then what are you doing, what are you doing, why are you... kiss me."

"You kiss me secretly, I want to kiss back, otherwise I will suffer."

"You are a rogue..."

"You secretly kiss me, you are a gangster, you are a gangster first."

"You...you...you let me think carefully..." Xiao Shan was a little scared. Xiao Shan twisted, and felt something tough under him.

"If I'm with you, unlike other women, Xiao Leng knows that Xiaowei wants to hide himself, but I don't want to hide. I don't want to be the object of your vent on the 15th. Gao Leng, stop Go on, you should understand me." Jian Xiaodan has a reluctance on her face. She loves and enjoys this kind of intimacy. The man she has crushed for two years presses on her body and kisses herself. How many times did she fantasize about the scene.

But all she considers are real issues.

Gao Leng told her everything. She also said about the little witch. She can accept it. If she loves Xiao Leng, she definitely can’t give up on the little witch. She understands Gao Leng’s mind and understands that he was around the 15th. Sleep with other women.

However, if you are with him, Xiao Leng must know, because he is simply abandoned by others and doesn't want to be hidden in love.

No one needs a sense of presence more than Xiao Shan, and this sense of presence is the affirmation of identity.

As he was talking, Gao Leng's cell phone rang, and Jian Xiaodan took the opportunity to sneak aside and covered his face with the quilt.

Xiao Leng made the call, and when she saw the caller ID, she was confused.

"What to do, Xiao Leng should be sad if he knows." Xiao Shan, who was stuffed in the quilt, said with guilt and anxiety.

Gao Cooling looked relaxed. He picked up the phone and answered the call with a smile: "Xiao Leng, I'm in the country with your Xiao Shan."

"Ah, really, I don't need to worry if Xiao Shan is taking care of me." Xiao Leng's soft and glutinous voice came over, and Gao Leng's eyes flowed with a petting look when he heard this voice.

Jian Xiaojian was very envious in his eyes.

"I'm telling you something, a very serious matter, about me and Jian Xiaodan." Gao Leng was sitting up, and Jian Xiaodan waved his hands quickly when he opened his voice.

Just like that? !

This is indeed a high-cold style, but it is not Xiaodan's style, and her face pales in shock.

"No, don't say it! Waiting for the opportunity, I, I...Wait which day is right, I will tell her!" Xiao Shan whispered.

"No, we are not sure about the relationship, and you didn't say that you like me, you didn't even think about whether you like me, and I didn't think about whether to be with you..."

"Just call it, it's inappropriate! No!"

Xiao Shan's speech speed was surprisingly fast when she was nervous, exploding like a bean.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Leng stretched out softly, "Just tell me, I'm sleepy."

"Don't say..." Xiao Shan stretched out his hand and took Gao Leng's arm, begging: "Look for another opportunity, then think about it, and then..."

"Well, your little single sister likes me, and I also like your little single sister." Gao Leng said.

There was a long silence on the phone.

Jian Xiao Shan covered his mouth, and the whole person was stunned.

"Is she by your side?" Xiao Leng asked.


"Then does she know about you?" Xiao Leng asked again.


"Then you give her the phone." Xiao Leng said, her words became serious, but her seriousness also seemed soft, and it still sounded like acting like a baby.

Gao Leng handed Jian Xiaodan the phone.

Xiao Shan took a deep breath, her face pale, she took the phone with guilt, and before Xiao Leng could speak, she said, "I'm sorry, you don't have to be sad, but he...he doesn't like me, it's just me. Just like him unilaterally...you..."

"Sister Xiao Shan, it would be great if you can be with Brother Gao Leng." Mu Xiao Leng seemed to let out a long sigh of relief, and she muttered, although she was jealous in her eyes, it was more relaxed.

"Huh?" Jian Xiaodan was extraordinarily extraneous.

"I have told Brother Gao Leng many times that it would be best if Xiao Shan could like him. I didn't expect it to come true."

"Huh?!" Jian Xiaodan was even more surprised.

"But I want to tell you a secret." Xiao Leng lowered his voice: "My brother Gao Leng has a genital disease!"

"Genital disease!" Jian Xiaoshan couldn't help but cried.

Genital disease... Gao Leng's face turned black, which doesn't sound like a good word. It is generally linked to the completion of three seconds.

"Well, he is the one, that is, there are always a few days of special excitement every month. I have given him a lot of expert accounts, and they are useless. So, you must not think that he is very bothered, he It’s not like Gao Zhanxing written in gossip magazines. He is not. It’s because I can’t satisfy him at all. He’s sick. Now it’s all right, now someone will share the burden for me!”

Xiao Leng's words are the same as memorizing them. I can't hear her sad, and it feels more like unloading.

"Don't worry, my brother Gao Leng will not dislike you. He must like you. You must not refuse him just because he seems to be bothered!" Xiao Lengyan grabbed the straw and stood completely tall. The cold side.

And this, Gao Leng had already known.

"Brother Gao Leng, I...I come to my aunt, there is no way...I..." Mu Xiao Leng said this with tears in her eyes, looking at Gao Leng with an annoyed look.

"What to do, you can only find other women, what if other women are sick..." Xiao Leng covered his face, looking helpless.

"It would be great if someone likes you like me. If there are girls who don't care about me by your side and stay with you..." Xiao Leng has said this more and more frequently in the past six months.

In order to reduce Xiao Leng's anxiety, although Gao Leng was reluctant, he still followed her to see her appointment with the famous doctor.

Helpless, there is no cure for this disease, and even famous doctors have never seen this disease.

Although there are diseases similar to excitement, that kind of disease can be controlled by drugs. Hormonal indicators are not stable until they are stable. But the high cold hormone index is constant...

Unable to find the root cause, unable to heal, Mu Xiao Leng became more and more unable to handle it.

When two people have **** becomes a burden, this is probably the most speechless disharmony of sexual life.

"Xiao Leng, your boyfriend has other people he likes, and they like each other, can you accept it? Wouldn't you cry?" Jian Xiaodan was too surprised.

"No, I won't cry, I'll laugh all the way up in the middle of the night." Xiao Leng said seriously.


"I'm tired every night... I'm really tired, I really can't hold it..."


Jian Xiaoshan glanced at Gao Leng subconsciously, and was afraid that Gao Leng looked at her, so he quickly shifted his gaze to find out what kind of genital disease it was that would make Mu Xiao Leng so overwhelmed.

Pass the phone to Gao Leng.

"Brother Gao Leng, if you really like Sister Xiao Shan, you must treat her well. If you don't like her, don't hurt her. She is an orphan and my best friend, not the kind of woman outside. She Can accept my existence, such a woman is very rare, you must cherish it." Xiao Leng said.

It's still soft, but firm.

There is also a little helplessness and sadness in his voice, but it is more relaxed.

"I am most afraid of the way you are in pain. It is great that someone can come with me to love you and share the burden." After Xiao Leng finished speaking, he asked for one again as usual, and he hung up after acting like a baby for a while. .

"You... she... uh..." Jian Xiao Shan nestled on the corner of the bed, blushing like a monkey butt.

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