Gossip King

Chapter 1442: Bear with me

"Where did you want to go? We just slept on a bed, talking about strangers, and wouldn't do anything." Seeing Jian Xiao's single face, Gao Leng couldn't help but want to laugh, and he simply continued to tease her.

"Talking about strangers? It's about talking about life!" Sure enough, Jane, who was sensitive by nature, heard that the hint in Gao Leng's words was too obvious for her, and her voice was split...

Gao Leng held back his smile.

At this time, Jian Xiaodan was shy and prepared to fight at any time, which was more interesting than other girls who were just shy. Interesting, this adjective first appeared on Jian Xiaodan.

She has always been boring.

No matter what the case, she was the one who worked hardest. It was the general in front riding a tall horse. How could the general be interesting on the battlefield? In life, besides work, she is fulfilling herself. She is constantly working hard in order to become a useful person. The talent is not as good as Su Su, and she can only make up for it with hard work. How can such a woman be interesting?

But at this time, Jian Xiaodan had round eyes, a splitting tone, and a shy and yearning but decent and resisting expression.

Interesting, interesting, really interesting.

"Yes, let's talk about life, talk about it, and talk about the rest in the future." Gao Leng said.

"What do you say later! You...you...don't think I don't understand!" Jian Xiaodan's voice split again, and she stretched out her hand in the middle of the bed and struck a voice like a Chinese class. : "Do not cross the boundary!"

It looks like a primary school student draws 38 lines.

Cute, cute, so cute.

"Don't come over!" Jian Xiaodan was very serious, feeling almost crying: "I haven't considered it clearly yet."

Gao Leng lay down and just smiled: "Fix the gauze net or get mosquitoes in." This bed is an old-fashioned bed, surrounded on three sides, and the gauze net is the old-fashioned gauze net, made of cotton. .

After Jian Xiaoshan sat up and drove out the mosquitoes, he clamped the gauze tent, looked at the photo hanging outside through the gauze tent, and asked, "When will you go to worship your parents?"

"Early morning." Gao Leng closed his eyes and smelled deeply: "Did you smell the smell of bamboo?"

Xiao Shan took a serious breath: "This smell is green and astringent, is this the smell of bamboo?"

"Yes, our family burns bamboo joints for cooking in winter, so there are a lot of bamboo joints in the summer. They used to go up the mountain to chop them. Now there are small factories like bamboo nearby. They don’t need bamboo joints. Five Ten yuan for a car, other families buy two cars for one winter, but our family is poor, so we went up the mountain and cut it by ourselves. Now the smell you smell is the smell of bamboo joints. I took a look, bamboo joints There are still so many, so I chopped it."

"You chopped it?!" Jian Xiao singled out her interest. She sat up and looked in the direction of the kitchen, but she couldn't see it at all from this angle, so she pulled the gauze tent with her hand: "I'll see Look."

"It's just a bamboo joint, what's so interesting."

"The bamboo joints you cut." Jian Xiaodan smiled and jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen to turn on the lights. Under the dim light, there were many dried bamboo joints facing the corner of the stove.

Jian Xiaoshan reached out and touched it, and returned to the bed smiling.

"I'd rather eat meatless than live without bamboo. It's nice to have so many bamboos at home." Xiao Shan lay down and said.

"Those are the words spoken by the literati. I put it aside our family at that time, and I prefer to buy meat instead of bamboo. However, I recently wanted to change my house and buy a larger villa with bamboo planted in it. What kind of bamboo is called the bamboo that is too small and thin? It is like a dwarf in the bamboo."

Hahahaha, the dwarf in the bamboo, Jian Xiaoyi burst into laughter.

"The bamboo forest here is really beautiful, will there be snakes?" Xiao Shan asked.

"Yes, the green bamboo leaves here are very poisonous. I still remember that when I was a child, I ate barefoot in the yard, and then I saw green bamboo leaves hanging on the bamboo. By the way, the next winter I went to cut winter bamboo shoots and dug out one. Snake Cave, the principal who played with me at the time, that idiot... was so scared that his shoes ran away."


"Oh, that guy has been downgraded five times and will always be in fourth grade, so we called him the principal, hehe, I want to go to his house tomorrow to see how he is doing."

Cheers and laughter came from the small red brick house. Most of the time, it was simple asking, Gao Leng said. Childhood is always beautiful. Gao Leng looked at Jian Xiao Shan, who was smiling happily, and felt very relaxed. After Xiao Shan learned his greatest secret, it seemed that this secret could not be called a secret, but a treasure. She was very happy about every embarrassment he said, and she could understand every moment he was blinded.

She even pointed to her photo and said: You used to be quite handsome.

Handsome? Obviously not getting along with Jun Lang.

This kind of comfortable feeling is the most comfortable feeling that Gao Leng has experienced after being reborn. Even if he was successful before, he always felt that he was clothed in other people's skin and flesh, and he always felt a little untouched. But now, he landed suddenly.

As Xiao Shan said, option a has passed, and now it is necessary to do a good job of option b.

Just like Xiao Shan said, it's good for you to use a cold skin, but you jumped out of his cage and lived a life completely different from his.

As Xiao Shan said...

"If you think so about your parents, or we will visit them now." Xiao Shan sat up after talking at one o'clock in the morning.

"Are you not afraid to go to the grave at night?"

"What are you afraid of when your parents are there? They will bless you." Xiao Shan smiled.

Gao Leng was very moved. In fact, he slept in this room. There were photos of his remains. The room was small and damp. Although it was still clean, there were dogs and no mice, but some small flying insects were everywhere. He thought it was Jane. Xiao Shan will be scared, at least scared of his photos. But she didn't expect that she was not scared at all. Instead, she felt that the photo was there and would bless her, and she would not be afraid to go to the cemetery in the middle of the night, because his parents were there and would bless her.

It's not that my husband's family is poor, it's kind.

"I'm afraid of snakes and a lot of mosquitoes at night. Forget it." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and pulled down the sitting Xiaodan. He was silent for a while and asked seriously: "After knowing me, or saying that he had a crush on me. , Are you suffering?"

Secret love is the most bitter thing. Jian Xiaoshan has been saddened behind Gao Leng and Mu Xiaolian more than once, and more than once turned his head and left with inferiority.

"Well, bitter." Jian Xiaodan nodded, and shook his head: "But I am also very happy, because I have hope and desire to work with you every day, and you have given me so much Opportunities and challenges, I think I am lucky to know you."

Xiao Shan's voice flowed slowly in the room.

"What about you? What do you think of me?" Xiao Shan's eyes gleamed in the dark. When a woman loves a man, her eyes are really different, but she is not like other women when she loves a man. Looking at the man affectionately, on the contrary, she turned her back, leaving only affectionate eyes shining where Gao Leng could not see.

In the dark years of childhood at the age of five, in Santana's black car, the man put his hand into her skirt, and she pressed the skirt tightly, but there was no way.

She didn't know what the uncle was doing, but felt she was being touched, and the uncle smiled with big yellow teeth.

Later, the adults told her that she had been molested. What does it mean to be molested? In short, it means this girl is dirty.

She didn't understand, she only knew that it was definitely wrong to be touched. She instinctively went to the police. After calling the police, the police uncle was really nervous. He also took her to the hospital to check and heard that a film is intact. Tong's indecency is not a major event. There is no physical damage and no evidence can be found, so the matter is gone.

But in the days that followed, in the orphanage she wanted to stay away from but couldn't stay away, people's sympathy, people's pointers made her childhood in addition to pain to avoid.

At the age of being abandoned for the second time, poor Jian Xiao’s courage as a child was lost, and the courage of an adult has not yet arrived.

Without the self-confidence and courage in the bones, life will only be hard to carry.

Carry it lonely.

No one understood the pain and despair of her days. These pain and despair turned into inferiority complex, which was buried in her bones.

Therefore, she is afraid that others will see her affection, because she is afraid that no one will cherish her affection, and even more because she is afraid that her affection will be cherished, but she is not worthy of it.

She turned her back to Gao Leng, and asked in an indifferent tone and relaxed attitude: "What about you, what do you think of me?"

"Although I said that I don't have any feelings for you, but..." Gao Leng closed his eyes and took a deep breath, smiling with the fragrance of bamboo joints, with the secret narration, and his childhood without scruples. Earth can speak out beside Xiao Shan.

Gao Leng stretched out his hand and hugged Jian Xiao Shan into his arms.

"But you are the person I trust the most. Apart from you, I can't think of anyone who can bring me here. Apart from you, no one can give me such a comfortable feeling. It's as if...as if...as if we were originally relatives. "Gao Leng wanted to look into Jian Xiaodan's eyes.

But Jian Xiaodan lowered his eyes and did not look at each other.

"I want you." Gao Leng reached out and brushed her hair, and said affirmatively: "I want you tonight."

Jian Xiaodan raised her eyes and looked at him, but she didn't react.

"You stay by my side, you feel that I am selfish or overbearing, but I know you don't think of me that way, no matter what, anyway, I want you, tonight." Gao Leng kissed.

I don't know if it is the aroma of bamboo or something, the body's reaction is unusually strong.

These few days are not full moon, Gao Leng can control himself, he is not out of venting, but just wanting, from heart to body.

"There will be some pain, and the time will be a little longer, bear with it." Gao Leng said.

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