Gossip King

Chapter 1445: Two heroes murderous!

"Yes, she wants me to be at home this week, saying that the 15th is coming." Jian Xiaodan was a little puzzled. In her opinion, what's so scary about the 15th? It's just a few more times for three minutes...

Gao Leng nodded.

"Do you need to explain our relationship to the outside world? Many colleagues have said that you have a girlfriend, why are you with me again... Or I will refute the rumor and say that we are just friends." Xiao Shan asked.

"Is there anything to explain, you are my girlfriend. Besides, the shop always said that I am Gao Zhanxing, horny. This reputation has already gone out. I'm not in the way." Gao Leng stood up and touched Jane. Xiao Shan's face: "Furthermore, our husband and wife fit together and are invincible. Next, we will slash Jingtian with a knife!"

Later, Jian Xiaoshan threw a blockbuster when accepting an exclusive interview with a financial reporter: In the next month, Starlight Group hopes to annex Jingtian Magazine and become the largest domestic paper media.

Officially, declare war on Jingtian Magazine, a well-known domestic financial magazine company.

"Mr. Jian, this time you want to marry Jing Tian, ​​do you do it alone?" the reporter asked.

"We are bound to win this acquisition, so it will be Mr. Gao and me who will do it together." Mr. Jian said slowly, with a look of killing in his eyes.

Facing the camera, he didn't panic, raised his head slightly, and was full of confidence.

The temperament of a person will change. With the long journey of life, step by step, some people's life will become more and more decadent, and their temperament will become more and more decadent, while the temperament of those who climb the **** will become more and more elevated. Obviously, at this time, the simple career and love had a good harvest. If she used to deal with competitors harshly when she worked, she had a smile on her face, and it seemed that she hadn't killed herself.

This has something to do with her habit of protecting herself before, and it has something to do with her always positioning herself as an employee of Starlight Group rather than a master.

But this time, she faced the camera with a firm gaze and looked at the reporter with the attitude of the protagonist. Although she spoke slowly, she tuned in rustle.

The reporter was a little surprised. She used the more conservative term "two marriages". This term often appears in financial reports. A certain enterprise and a certain enterprise are married, and the two forms a family to describe two equals. Enterprises reach alliance cooperation. Even if one of the companies has more capital than the other, due to the relationship between the two companies, the two companies often use "marriage" instead of "marriage" when they issue announcements.

However, Jian Xiaodan actually used "Suspend" directly when interviewing reporters. This is the same as Su Su, and this financial reporter interviewed Xiaodan many times. This is the first time I have seen her so direct or domineering. .

"Mr. Jian, are you sure you are using ‘enclose’?" The reporter paused the recorder.

"Yes, the title uses the word annexation, we just want to annex Jingtian." Jian Xiaoshan folded his arms and smiled faintly.

This is heavy news.

There had been news that Starlight Group had ambitions for Jingtian Magazine, and the financial magazine under Jingtian immediately published a report to mock Starlight Group's overkill.

"Is this a positive response to the last report of Jingtian Magazine?" The reporter hurriedly turned on the recorder. If so, this is the first time Starlight Group responded positively after eating the stick of Jingtian Magazine.

Jingtian’s ridicule made everyone laugh for a while in the circle. After all, Jingtian Finance and Economics Magazine under Jingtian Magazine is one of the top financial magazines in China. Guangxi Finance and Economics Magazine has more than 30 gold writers, and Starlight Group’s The two magazines have only eight gold writers, which shows the difference in gold content.

The front page of Jingtian Finance and Economics magazine used its most powerful golden pen, and issued a report as soon as it heard that Starlight Group wanted to annex them, and it has been two months now.

Gao Leng was also laughed at for two months. It must not be said that their gold-based and gold-medal reporters were very stable and accurate, both in terms of data analysis and background analysis: Starlight Group wanted to annex Jingtian. , Toad wants to eat swan meat.

Although the overall strength of the Starlight Group is much stronger than that of Jingtian Magazine, it requires capital to operate. Obviously, Gao Leng’s funds are very fragile. This is on the one hand, on the other hand, even if you have enough funds, Jingtian Magazine’s The two magazines are running well. I didn't intend to be annexed by you. What can you do with me?

Do you also have a financial magazine that can fight against Jing Tian?

In that report, Jin wrote: Mr. Gao is afraid that he is a newcomer, and he doesn't understand that the operation of financial magazines is not as simple as photographing the skirts of celebrities. Can their reporters understand the real financial magazines? It is impossible to say, but we must always encourage the offspring, but encouragement is encouragement, it is inevitable that some want to laugh.

Jingtian Finance and Economics magazine has the confidence to be so openly mocking. They are a financial magazine that has been in business for 22 years in China. This predecessor has the Chinese character. Now it has been privately operated for more than ten years. It has been high-end finance in China. The magazine style, this is not a magazine for ordinary people. It is a magazine that only domestic elites like to read. This grade is not comparable to Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine.

In the reporter circle, there is a chain of contempt.

Those who run the entertainment news despise social news, some of the common people’s trivial news, it’s not as good as the celebrity propaganda; those who run sports news despise the entertainment news, and some actors twist their hips and show their waists. The manuscripts written are not so-and-so wearing what or what kind of clothes, and came over... Those who run academic news despise sports news. The sports group has muscles and no brains, and journalist manuscripts are not good enough. Just write as many scores as possible. It's over, can this be called professional news? Those who run the news despise all of the above, what does the news run? They ran after the leaders, not the county leaders, the city leaders or the provincial leaders. That was the manuscript published in the news broadcasts of various localities.

And those who run financial news, especially those who run high-end financial news, despise all other reporters, including the news team. Can you read the things written by the leader? Unless you are in the national team news team, how many people are there in the national team news team? Not to mention the entertainment news. It’s too low grade. I interviewed the man who raised a certain star, not a part of the road; I interviewed the boss who bought a certain sports team. You interview the employees below. It's not a part of the road; I interviewed leaders in academia, and only interview leaders, can you compare professionalism to me? !

This is the same as there is a chain of contempt in the movie circle. Big screens like filming movies are despised from small screens like TV series. Even artists are divided into big screen big guys and small screen big guys.

Therefore, it is normal for Jingtian Magazine to despise the two magazines under Starlight Group. Even when Jing Tian's reporter met the Starlight Group's reporter, the other end had to be raised a little bit higher.

And these are not important. The most important thing is that behind Jingtian Magazine, there is a unique character. This character does not nod. It can be said that no one can swallow Jingtian.

This is not a character that can be confronted by a mere high cold, this is also the confidence of Jing Tianneng to laugh arrogantly, and it is the deepest reason why people in the circle think it is a joke when they talk about it for two months.

Xingguang Group did not respond to the ridiculous report in Jingtian Magazine. It made people laugh for two months. For these two months, Gao Leng stared at the artist company in Fatty’s hands, using Di Pakistan, twins and other artists bought the company, which attracted listed companies to buy.

Listed companies like this kind of companies controlled by artists. As soon as they want to expand their business, it is normal to annex suitable companies; in addition, it is normal to annex artists at the helm, especially companies held by popular artists. The promotion cost is saved, which is of great benefit to the company's sales. The most important thing is that buying these companies with high hot spots in the hands of these artists can drive the stock up. This is the point.

Because of this, today's talents are so keen to buy and sell companies to make money from the middle. This money is so good to make money. After the company is in hand, tens of millions and hundreds of millions of dollars will be obtained. Gao Leng has hot artists and his own media. The cost of hype is low, but the benefits are high.

This wave of artist company sales has laid a certain amount of liquidity for the Star Group. However, although this liquidity is sufficient to cope, it is not enough to annex Jing Tian.

"Mr. Jian, then I wrote this? This is the first time Starlight Group responded positively to Jingtian Magazine in the past two months." The reporter repeatedly confirmed that this is a major event in the financial circle. I just had a laugh. It's easy to calm down, and there's another wave.

It is conceivable that after this formal response, there will be another wave of ridicule.

"Yes, just write this, we will annex Jing Tian." Jian Xiaodan's eyes were full of killing.

"Is it because Starlight Group has any trump cards in hand?" The reporter continued to ask, "Lao Wu is behind Jingtian Magazine. Did you pass the gap with Lao Wu?"

Jing Tian magazine is at the helm of Jing Tian. In recent years, it has continued to stay strong in the age when the paper media is about to die. This is inseparable from Jing Tian's ability, but it is also inseparable from the big man behind Jing Tian, ​​Wu Lao.

It can be said that if you want to bring down Jing Tian, ​​no one can move unless the old head Wu agrees.

Who is Mr. Wu? When the reporter uttered the word "Wu Lao", he instinctively bends over, and his face is humble and admired, which shows that the status of this character is beyond ordinary people.

"This is a trade secret." Jian Xiaodan smiled faintly.

The heavy news ignited the entire circle instantly after the report came out, and Starlight Group responded strongly for the first time, especially the last question: Did you pass the gap with Mr. Wu?

The simple sentence "commercial secrets" has been used, and it is fascinating.

"Mr. Jing, you read this report, and Mr. Wu is covered." The vice president of Jingtian Magazine put the report on Jing Tian's table in the first place.

"They won't really follow Wu Lao..." The vice president was a little nervous.

"Why?" Jing Tian sneered and glanced at the vice president: "My relationship with Elder Wu, it is their turn to play?!"

It is not the turn of the high cold to come to the scene, Jing Tian is Wu's grandson, and also the most beloved grandson that Wu has brought up with him since he was young.

"But where does the Starlight Group come from so emboldened? Look at this photo, their vice president Jian Zong and Gao Leng fit together, and the two heroes are murderous."

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