Gossip King

Chapter 1446: High-end bureau

"Hmph, the ignorant is fearless." Jing Tian hummed from his nostrils and put the report aside, no longer talking.

"Do you want to respond?" the vice president asked.

"No, let him jump, just like a clown." Jing Tian stretched out his **** and pushed the frame slightly, despising Gao Leng very elegantly.

"Do you need to report to Mr. Wu?" the vice president asked again.

Jing Tian glanced at the vice president with dissatisfaction, and stretched out his **** to push the frame of the frame once again: "The earth in front of the Tao is covered with no tiles on the house; the ten fingers do not touch the mud, and the scales live in the building."


The vice president was obviously confused by the sudden two lines of poems, but he still gave a thumbs up: "Good poems, good poems... but... do you want to tell Wu Lao? Or don't..."

Jing Tian glared at the vice president with more dissatisfaction.

The vice president lowered his head in shame...

"My ten fingers don't touch the mud, and scales live in the mansion; he, Tao made the soil in front of the door, and there is no tile on the house. Do you want to report to my grandpa?" Jing Tian said.


The vice president shook his head in general...

Still don't understand...

"It's all explained so clearly. You don't understand. You need to enrich yourself and read more." Jing Tian sighed and shook his head: "I don't need to report. My grandfather is not so busy. He still pays attention. People of this class."

After the vice president left Jingtian's office door, his back was sweaty.

"Hey, did Jing Tian pull the text?" Another executive came over and winked.

The vice president nodded with an unlucky look. He took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "Dude, there is no shingle on the house, and there are no tiles on the house. Ten fingers don’t touch the mud, and the scales live in the building. What do you mean? I haven’t read this poem! I asked Mr. Jing if he wanted to report the story of the Starlight Group to Mr. Wu. Mr. Jing gave me such a paragraph. I read it literally. I understand, but I dare not just agree, for fear of making a mistake, this poem is too unpopular, what do you mean."

"It's not unpopular! You follow Mr. Jing to do things, this kind of poem must be memorized! This is not unpopular." The executive slapped his thigh: "Tao is full of soil in front of the door, and there are no tiles on the house. It is understandable. The hard-working tile workers dig out the soil in front of their house in order to make tiles, but there is not even a single tile on the roof of their house. Ten fingers do not touch the mud, and scales live in the building. Those **** never touched Those who have gone through the soil all live in Wami's tall buildings like fish scales. That's what it means."

This meaning is too obvious, that is to say, the soil in front of the door has been dug up, and there are no tiles on the top of his head... and he doesn't have to touch the soil, but he lives like a fish scale.

A weak, even if you work hard the day after tomorrow, will be weak, and a strong will be born strong.

"Obviously, there is no need to report to Mr. Wu. It's over, you can't memorize this song anymore. You can't play it anymore." The executive shook his head...

In Jingtian, everyone who worked with Mr. Jing knew that Mr. Jing was born as a literati, and he especially likes to recite poems. Sometimes in meetings, nine lines of poems are used for dialogue...

This pair of high-ranking airborne executives who have always been dug up recently, haven't adapted to the environment for a while. It's okay now, this is not right, I am afraid that it will leave a bad impression on Mr. Jing.

The whole circle of people know that Jing Tian’s boss’s poems are full of poems. This 30-year-old man has a sense of literature and art from the old age. This tone is very strange, similar to the tone of the old clerk, but he is in a suit. battlefield.

Good writing and ink, happy to recite poems, and good at piano.

You can see that an ancient talent must have talent, and you can see it in Jing Tian.

It’s just that this kind of literary spirit can be a bit annoying among modern people, after all, no one likes to talk to your boss about poetry at every turn...

"President Jing is good at everything, but he loves dancing and making ink too much. If you say anything, just talk about it, drag the text... a bit too pretentious!"

"He's not pretending, he followed Wu Lao when he was a kid, and the sourness that was cultivated in his bones... He habitually likes to chant poetry..."

Employees sometimes whisper, Mr. Jing is good at everything, he is vigorous and decent, and he treats people with a gentle manner. It is annoying to like to chant poetry at every turn, especially during meetings...

But when he thinks that Mr. Wu is his grandson, he doesn't feel that he is deliberately pulling text.


"Boss, is it not so good for us to respond so strongly and positively?" Jian Xiaodan sat on the sofa, a little worried. Although Gao Leng is his boyfriend, Xiao Shan still habitually calls him "Boss" when he is at work. He also calls him the same way in bed. He didn't take any nicknames like other lovers, just casually. Then he shouted naturally.

"Yeah, I'm afraid it will offend Brother Wu." Yang Guanguan also seemed very worried.

"Wu Mao wouldn't have offended him because of such a report. He is everyone, and he wouldn't be so petty." Jian Xiaodan took the conversation and shook his head, his brows still frowned, and he looked at Gao Leng: "However, I guess the boss will not end with just such a report..."

According to a report, Mr. Wu will not offend him. If he raises the power of starlight to respond in a comprehensive manner, he will definitely offend him.

"You are so smart." Gao Leng glanced at Jian Xiaodan with admiration: "Yes, we have to respond on a large scale, on a large scale."

This means that if one slap is not enough, there are more slaps.

"You have offended Mr. Wu, but there is no good fruit." Xiao Shan saw that Gao Leng's next move was exactly what he thought in his heart, and he became more worried: "He is highly respected, and this Jingtian magazine is the result of his long-term operation behind the scenes , If you make such a public call for annexation on a large scale, you will really offend the other party."

"It depends on how you call it. Don't worry, I know it in my heart." Gao Leng glanced at Yang Guanguan, and Yang Guanguan hurriedly went out and took the office door.

"How do you do it?" Jian Xiaodan asked.

"Advancing in both directions at the same time, I will lead a team, you will lead a team." Gao Leng opened the curtains, took out a pen and wrote on the glass: "You bring the first team, continue to talk to the outside world, say we are Starlight The group intends to annex Jingtian, but for the manuscript this time, half of it can be written as'annex' and half as'hope for cooperation'."

Half to half, not as tense as before, Jian Xiaoshan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Remember, this big wave of mergers and acquisitions should be kept quiet, and everyone in the circle should know it, and grasp the degree." Gao Leng explained.

"I know, what do you lead the team for?"

"I'll take a team..." As the cold hand beat on the sofa, he stood up and walked to the bookshelf, pulled out five or six financial professional books, and knocked on these books: Well-known economic scholars, scientists, medical experts, financial tycoons, journalists, and important figures in the cultural world have all gone through it and produced a big manuscript."

"so many people?"

The big draft is in jargon, and it has two meanings: ordinary-length drafts with high gold content and super-long drafts with high gold content. There are also 20,000 words, and they are made into columns. Generally, the column composed of large drafts represents the gold content.

"Yes, this big manuscript is made into a column. The gathering must be the most prestigious literati and scholars in China. Overseas Chinese organizations should also pick and choose the famous overseas. Let them accept interviews. After the manuscript comes out, Both Chinese and English versions are available."

Jian Xiaoshan touched his nose, but didn't understand this routine.

"The English version... nobody in China reads it? And the English version is in our magazine?"

Gao Leng looked at Jian Xiao's single eye. Obviously, his plan surpassed Jian Xiao's vision, and he couldn't think of its layout even if he understood him.

"Moreover, just a few people from these professional financial magazines. It’s a bit laborious for them to accept interviews. What you want is the most prestigious scholars in China, top scholars from all walks of life, and even overseas Chinese and bosses. Will you be interviewed?"

Although the top scholars from all walks of life are very keen to contribute to foreign professional magazines, but the possibility of accepting the magazines of Gao Leng is really very small. After all, the two magazines in his hand are very famous for ordinary people. Entertainment magazines and general magazines, but in the eyes of scholars, such magazines are not on the table.

Entrepreneurs who accept this kind of interview will be very keen, because companies only look at the circulation of magazines, which is large, and the common people know that accepting an interview is equivalent to making an advertisement. Therefore, the entrepreneurs will be interviewed by the media of all sizes. Gao Leng's Xingsheng magazine currently has a key column of interviews with high-end financial figures. It is these entrepreneurs who are interviewed.

However, entrepreneurs, even top entrepreneurs, would be willing to accept interviews from Xingsheng, but these literati and renegade scholars are not necessarily the case, especially Gao Leng requires top scholars in various industries, most of which are in universities Serving, or staying in the academy, ask them to come out and accept an interview with an entertainment magazine.


In the name of top scholars, especially those who are very prestigious, they are very, very cautious when accepting interviews. This is why it is difficult to see interview manuscripts of top empire scholars in the media.

"First of all, it is estimated that many of these people will not accept interviews, especially overseas Chinese. We have to find someone temporarily, which is costly, laborious and personal, and it is almost impossible to deal with it. After all, it is so many people who are interviewed. A big manuscript, you must know that it is impossible to invite them in an interview, let alone squeeze a big manuscript with so many people."

Jian Xiao Shan paced back and forth, shaking his head as he pondered.

It was impossible to accept an exclusive interview with an entertainment magazine. Now I have to share a manuscript with other top scholars. Even if this big manuscript contains 20,000 words and a topic, it means that everyone only shows up. It's not a national conference. Which top scholar would surrender such a status?

"Also, even if we interviewed a few of them through a certain channel and used personal connections, it is absolutely impossible for them to accept interviews against Mr. Wu. Many of them are still students of Mr. Wu. No Possibly, absolutely impossible."

Unable to deal with Mr. Wu, Jing Tian cannot be annexed.

"This time, we are going to play high-end, which is different from the previous gameplay." Gao sneered, very confident.

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