Gossip King

Chapter 1455: Wait for a majestic (Part 1)

Hearing Tan Banyan so much, there are people who have read the Hundred Book of Scriptures. Naturally, they understand the rhyme of it, and the few people who have a poor face and think of others quickly open up other topics and bring them over, so that Gao Leng is not so embarrassed.

Not to mention the high temperature, even Yang Guanguan next to him can hear Tan Banyan's disdain to make friends with you.

Tan Banyan didn't care whether others were embarrassed or not, he was like this, he had always been straight forward, he raised his neck and took a sip of wine and simply sat at another table.

In this way, Yang Guanguan, who was standing behind Gao Leng's body, felt more and more embarrassed for his boss, his face flushed to the base of his neck.

Looking at it, how many of these people really want to come? Presumably not, if it wasn't for Boss Yin's request, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to invite a few people. Nowadays, there are some media tycoons with higher status than Gao Leng, and some who are not as good as Starlight Group Capital but more authentic than the rise of Starlight Group.

As long as the scholars who are really arrogant in their hearts, they really don't like Gao Leng, the boss who was born under the skirt of a celebrity sneak shot, and the way the Star Group speculates on the company's money. If it weren't for Gao Leng's filming of the gift film, he would be a little bit back, otherwise, in their eyes, Gao Leng is just a businessman full of copper smell.

It’s just that ordinary people are still polite on the surface. After all, Gao Leng is also a very prestigious person in the media industry. This capital is here, and he invited to a meeting to entertain him with delicious food and drink, and he did it to Boss Yang. It must be as straightforward as Tan Banyan.

Tan Banchan is different. He has always been like this, scorning the so-called high emotional intelligence in the social circle, and he sat at another table and drank.

There are not so many polite remarks in different ways.

"General Manager Gao, then..." Yang Guanguan was a little at a loss.

"It's okay." Gao Leng felt a little uneasy in his heart. Although he had heard that Tan Banyan did things without mercy, but this matter really met him, it was still a little shameless, but he did not show it, smiled and other People chatted.

"Mr. Gao, you invited us over for such a big price this time to talk about the future of paper media. I heard that it was for a magazine?" one person asked.

Everyone looked at the high cold, everyone knows that this kind of meeting is not purely the country's contribution, but behind the company's contribution to the organization of a conference, there must be a purpose.

"This time I invite everyone to talk about the future of paper media. It is also my hard need. As you know, I am not highly educated, and I only stay in two entertainment magazines for paper media. If I want to develop in paper media, You must listen to the opinions of the teachers." Gao Leng said.

I admit that I do want to run a magazine, but my attitude is very humble, which makes it easy for people around me to accept it.

Gao Leng Yuguang paid close attention to Tan Banyan's expression, only to see him smile when he heard it.

"Mr. Gao, your media company is doing very well in the field of TV dramas. My wife watches your TV dramas at home every day. They are all excellent products." One person gave a thumbs up and praised the story. "But …If you want to open a magazine, please come over to talk, I’m afraid you will be disappointed. We are all old-fashioned, and we are all researched in very subdivided fields. How can magazines sell well now...We don’t understand."

"Yes, what we are doing is purely academic research. If we want to talk about the current paper media, that's okay, but we, for the current paper media, especially the well-run paper media..." One person shakes After shaking his head, needless to say, they sneered at the current paper media.

"The current paper media, just those gossip magazines, fashion magazines, and gadgets? What kind of guidance can be given to young people by interviewing those celebrities, those little fresh meats? Is this still a discussion?"

When it comes to the current paper media, everyone is full of anger.

"They are all pedantic, a little bit extreme. If they really follow what they said, wouldn't entertainment magazines have to be closed? All changed to scientific research magazines? Three-character classics?" Yang Guanguan said softly.

Gao Leng didn't speak, but just glared at her, she shut up quickly.

"The current empire is dying, and they all look at their mobile phones. Those little young people rarely read paper books. You said, a nation that doesn't read books repeatedly, how can it be achieved?" An elder pushed Glasses, sighed long.

"I still shouted that some paper media can be eliminated. I thought I would know what the world was doing with a mobile phone and read the web? There is no need for paper literature? Such an impetuous society is really... Mr. Gao, I see, you shout We came here to discuss the future of paper media? Is there a future for paper media? Those entertainment magazines and gossip entertainment that sell out of stock now.

"Nowadays, the paper books are not at the same level. All celebrities, artists, and coal bosses write books, and they are still selling. There are fewer and fewer high-quality paper books, which is really anxious."

In today's empire, there are too few who can quietly pick up a paper book and read it, and just as they say, high-quality paper books rarely appear today, and there is an impetuous atmosphere everywhere. Take a look at the young people in the waiting hall, all of them are holding their mobile phones and swiping with their heads down. Some play games, some use Weibo, and most of them read fragmented reading.

Is this the convenience brought by technology? Is it because of the development of technology that it is more convenient to view information on the mobile phone? It is not. The Jews as we know it has always maintained the world’s number one per capita reading. Among the world’s top 400 billionaires, 60 are Jews, accounting for 15% of the total, and Jews, who account for 0.3% of the world’s population, actually occupy the world’s wealth. 36% of it.

If wealth can only represent social status in terms of money, then the Jews accounted for 20% of the Nobel Prize, which is enough to prove the intellectual excellence of this nation.

Jews regard reading paper books as a very important family education. At the moment when mobile phone information is developed, they still maintain the frequency of reading 64 paper books per adult per year on average. What about our empires? ? Adults in our Empire read an average of 4 books per year.

Sixty-four books versus four books show the importance of paper books.

Not only Jews, Europeans, but Americans read much more paper books than imperials. The former empire was a big country with culture first. Today, fewer and fewer young people are willing to study intensively, and people are becoming more and more utilitarian.

It is said that the paper media is dead, yes, if no one buys it to read, if it buys to read, it’s all about how to whiten it by celebrities, and they have a second child. These books are written by so-called writers by some second-run dealers. A mess of publications, this paper medium is indeed bound to die.

"Education, education should be constantly reading, it is to respect the teacher, we are too impetuous, too impetuous, so impetuous that we can't calm down and read a masterpiece, so impetuous that if you say you like to read masterpieces, You like to listen to classical music, and other people actually say you pretend to be forced, what is the word pretend to be? This kind of word can often be seen in books now published. How elegant is a child with such a vocabulary?"

When it comes to education, the teahouse suddenly becomes lively.

You talk to me.

Most of the words are worth thinking about, but many of them are also unrealistic. As they said, today's children don't remember the right pair, and they don't know that cloud is against rain, snow is against wind, evening sun is against clear sky, coming to Hong is against swallow, and bird is against song insect. But if a book dedicated to pairing is published, how many people will buy it?

How to make it elegant requires today’s imperial people to buy the books and put them on the bookcases for repeated reading of political publications to the homes of ordinary people. On the one hand, they need the wisdom of these scholars. On the other hand, Gao Leng feels that he needs something like himself. Businessmen who are good at operations will link operations from it.

The cold light fell on Tan Banyan again.

He was worried and helpless between his eyebrows, so he could only raise the hip flask in his hand, taking one mouthful after another.

At the end of the line, Tan Banshe ambitions to play social sciences. He is an internationally renowned expert, but he does not know how to operate. At the end of the line, he does not understand social sciences. In Tan Banshe’s view, he is just a single-minded one. Businessmen who only want to make money and only pursue fame and fortune are very cold.

How can this thread be connected?

Gao Leng took advantage of their discussion and walked towards Tan for a while and sat next to him. Tan Banyan glanced at Gao Leng somewhat unexpectedly. He didn't expect this boss to come over after his obvious decline.

"Three-foot sword and six-jun bow, Lingbei to Jiangdong, Qingshu Palace in the world, and Guanghan Palace in the sky." Gao Leng memorized a pair of pairs, and smiled embarrassedly: "Old Tan, to be honest, my literature If the background is not deep, you will know so much enlightenment about the pair or something."

Tan Banyan didn't speak, he didn't think Gao Leng would be a confidant worthy of deep friendship.

"I know you look down on people like me." Gao Leng lowered his head. The student attitude in front of Tan Lao is from the heart. This sentence is very straightforward, as straightforward as Tan Banchan, which makes Tan Tan. A little embarrassed for a while.

He moved his lips as if he wanted to relax.

"You don't have to say anything to persuade me against your will." Gao Leng continued, "Actually, I also feel that my origin is a bit low. I am afraid of the privacy of the stars. I was born as a paparazzi."

Tan Banyan took a sip of wine and said, "You also took an unannounced visit, which is fine."

"But, even if I was born as a paparazzi, it doesn't mean that I didn't have big dreams, nor does it mean that I became a big Star Group just to make money. Of course, I used artists to set up companies to earn some loose stocks, but you Maybe I don’t know, it’s like this in the business world. Either you eat me or I eat you. It’s cruel.” Gao Leng poured a cup of bitter tea and took a sip. The first taste was very bitter.

"Oh, then what is your big dream?" Tan Banyan pointed at the people all over the room with a smile. "Use Boss Yin's right to call us all over for a meeting and chat about the future of paper media? This is definitely not your purpose. Your goal is to run a magazine, run a profitable magazine."

"Yes, my purpose is to run a magazine, run a profitable magazine." Gao Leng raised his eyes and looked straight at Tan Banxi: "I also run a magazine that loses money."

"Oh? Run a loss-making magazine? You are talking about the foreign high-end English magazine you plan to run? I understand this. A boss also played it before. He also set up a meeting, and it is beneficial to run one. I was still busy running up and down for several months before and after running. The magazine was run. After losing two issues, the boss stopped running. The magazines that lost money were just for the money-making magazine behind you. I think that after this conference, in addition to the foreign English magazine, you will launch a series of magazines, lose one, make a few, and bring us the aura of so many scholars, so it’s better to sell, isn’t it?"

Tan Banshee is indeed a powerful character, and he saw through the high-cold business plan at a glance.

"I have studied the Hundred Scrolls of Scripture not only for fame and fame, but also not for the fame. I will not help you. The process of the meeting is because the right of Boss Yin is here. Others have nothing to do with me. Gao, drink tea Okay, don't need to talk about it." Tan took a sip of wine, stood up, and walked outside the door.

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