Gossip King

Chapter 1456: Wait for a majestic (part 2)

Yang Guan was angry, but he took a few steps forward and wanted to catch up and said, he was stopped by Gao Leng's eyes.

"Too shameless!" Yang Guanguan stomped and muttered.

"In his opinion, I have no face." Gao Leng said very calmly. After speaking, he turned and left the teahouse, standing outside.

Standing quietly, standing for a full ten minutes.

In Tan Banxi's eyes, Gao Leng is just a businessman. Is it great to have money? In his opinion, it is just the smell of copper, which is not equivalent to social status, at least in the eyes of scholars.

It's just that Tan Banyan acted very directly, more straightforward than those who were still talking and laughing inside. Is it true that the people sitting in it really respect and be cold? Not always.

Those who sit inside are all scholars with high social status. They have met too many entrepreneurs. Perhaps some have some pursuit of money, but most of them are pursuing their own academics. Otherwise, it would be difficult. Has a high academic achievement.

In addition to high-quality TV dramas in Gao Leng's hands, other projects cannot be regarded as admirable by this group, not to mention that they rarely watch TV dramas.

"Mr. Gao, you are now well-known in the media industry, and you have also won the title of National Outstanding Journalist..."

"Other than that?" Gao Leng said: "You don't understand. Let ordinary people admire it. It is enough for you to make a lot of money. For people of social status to admire you, you must be able to master it. Project, this project has nothing to do with money. There is a program that is not bad now, called "Thirteen Invitations", have you got a deep understanding of it?"

Yang Guanguan nodded heavily: "Xu Zhiyuan’s column interviewed a person in one period and took an informed path. It has mixed reviews on the Internet, but it is a talk show with a certain connotation. This column has a very high hit rate. Let him become famous in one fell swoop, although he was very famous when he was in the magazine before, but it is far less famous than the current column."

"You understand, but don't go deep." Gao Leng shook his head: "It is true that the interview column of "Thirteen Invitations" has greatly increased his popularity, and it is currently his most profitable project. But in Xu Zhiyuan's view, he The most proud work is not the column that has greatly increased his popularity and money, but the bookstore he has been operating, the One-way Street Bookstore. He has said more than once that the One-way Street Bookstore is his most decent business , The most decent and the most profitable, are two concepts."

Regardless of how Xu Zhiyuan has done these things, at least it can be seen that in the cultural world, the most profitable projects will not simply be positioned as the most decent business.

Decent, often the most important thing is not profitability.

"You see, Xingsheng and Fengxing magazines have now steadily achieved the first and second entertainment magazines, with a huge circulation, but these two magazines are not my decent business. Speaking of it, it is always some celebrity gossip. , It’s not worth mentioning. My current decent projects are only boutique TV series. In terms of paper media, I have only the two magazines in my hands. No matter how profitable, none of them are decent to me."

The invited scholars are all scholars who prefer paper media and have published papers in internationally renowned paper-media magazines. How can Gao Leng win the respect of these people without a decent magazine in his hands?

The left and right are just a businessman.

"My social status is high enough for most ordinary people, but for them..." Gao Leng glanced at the people in the teahouse, showing a look of admiration and envy: "I'm still far from enough. ."

Yang Guanguan looked at Gao Leng adoringly. In her opinion, Mr. Gao's current social status was sufficient, and he felt that Mr. Gao's words were reasonable and didn't know what to say for a while.

"That...that...how do we invite them to help us run the magazine? Don't you really want Tan Banchan to join us? He even has a straight eye now..."

"Wait." Gao Leng looked at Tan Banshee's departure direction, but whenever he was fond of him, he thought he could be the editor-in-chief, but Tan Banshee was more difficult to deal with? The most difficult old man, Wu Lao, didn't even see him.


"Yes, wait, wait for a majestic one." Gao Leng's eyes are firm. Although there are many difficulties, he can always tell his employees calmly, don't panic, I have a way.

"I was not born in a scholarly family. I don't have the life of doing decent work as soon as I come out to do things. I will be hungry, thirsty, steal fruit, and starry when I climb to the top of the mountain. This kind of magazine assists. But I will eventually climb to the top of the mountain, the top of the mountain."


Before the meeting started the next day, the major media had already set up long guns and short cannons in the conference hall. The waiters in the Great Hall of the People were very experienced, and the decoration was high-end and elegant.

It is different from any meeting Gao Leng has presided over. This time he is very attentive and the waiters are also different from the company meeting: they put the tea cups in a line, and the cup handles face one direction. .

The media also adjusted the camera very quietly throughout the process. Unlike any film press conference, the reporters would chat with each other before the film conference began. On this occasion, they all kept quiet.

This is a political meeting, which is filled with seriousness before it even starts.

The scholars entered the arena one after another, sat down quietly according to their positions, shaking hands before and after a few low greetings, and then flipping through the information on the table. Under the table was a very delicate paper bag with stars inside. Gifts prepared by the group and the launch of four magazines.

Some scholars took out the propaganda of the four magazines and read them carefully.

"Hey?" After a scholar flipped through the opening propaganda of the first magazine, it was obvious that the bottom of his eyes lit up. He immediately stood up and walked to a gray-haired woman: "Old woman, look, Xingguang The group actually wants to run a high-quality children's magazine, saying that in addition to the production line, without counting the promotion fee, at least 100 million yuan will be invested every year to create a children's magazine! 100 million yuan! One million yuan for children's magazines? So much investment every year? !"

"Oh, really?" This well-known domestically renowned seventy-year-old children’s picture book illustrator, Teacher Wa Li, heard this, and quickly bent over to pick up the bag, took out four publications from it and threw away the others. Three books were picked up, which introduced the launch of a children’s magazine.

He buried his head and looked closely.

"In addition to the investment in production lines and promotion costs, we invest more than 70 million yuan every year to run an English-language financial magazine, which is also in English, and it's financial..." One person was surprised, and the person next to him took it seriously.

The discussion in the conference room became louder, and some scholars who had just seated saw that others were discussing this, so they quickly took it out from their feet and looked through it.

"Tan Banxi, look at this, a social science publication." A person next to Tan Banxi pushed him. He didn't look at these things, and the person next to him directly passed one of the propaganda to Tan Banxi.

"Social science publications?" Tan Banchan was unbelievable and turned over: "Invest one hundred million?! Every year? It is to invest in the printing line... Oh no, excluding the prerequisite for the production line and promotion fee, the annual investment is one hundred million. ?!"

Tan Banxi showed his first extremely surprised expression this year.

"Social science publications, does anyone read it?" The person next to him shook his head: "Nowadays, young people don't even read classic novels. Who still reads social science publications? It will lose money. Let's talk about it. , I started four publications in one breath, plus the purely loss-making English-language magazines discussed today. That is five. Five of them have such a large investment, plus production lines, promotion fees, etc., seven or eight a year. The billions went down. Seven to eight billions! How could it be possible to earn it back in such a downturn in the paper media?"

Tan Banshe nodded in agreement.

At this time, Gao Leng walked in and repeatedly checked the sound problem.

Tan Banyang looked at Gao Leng. This time, his eyes were not as far as yesterday's rejection, but more thoughtful, more complex with doubts and longings.

Gao Leng answered the call, quickly turned around and walked out. Boss Yin was at the door to meet him.

"Old Wu is here." At this moment, following one person's words, the others put down their materials and stood up.

"Old Wu, hello."

"Old Wu, take care of your body."

"Principal Wu, long time no see."

Some people sitting behind him greeted him and stretched out their hands for a long distance to shake hands. They saw an old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit and full of hair. Although he was holding a cane in one hand, he still needed someone to support him. It was Jing Tian who supported him. Wearing a dark green shirt, Jing Tian brought a bookish look, and carefully helped Elder Wu to his seat.

Elder Wu was sitting in the front row of the conference room. The few people next to him were leaders of the Propaganda Department, but a place was reserved for Jing Tian on his right, with Jing Tian's name tag on it.

Elder Wu glanced at it, frowned, held out his finger at the sign, and said to the waiter: "Girl, you have put this sign in the wrong place."

According to Jing Tian's status, he really shouldn't appear next to Wu Lao, and any scholar behind him has a stronger guiding role to the society than him.

"Elder Wu, this is the organizer's account. It is better to have someone around you to take care of." The waiter replied politely with a smile.

With a slap, Old Wu patted the table.

During this shot, Xu was a bit big. He coughed. Jing Tian quickly stretched out his hand and gently patted his back. The waiter passed the water, and the others looked over nervously.

Elder Wu was very angry and looked at Jing Tian: "Jing Tian, ​​your position is not enough to sit here, take your name tag, and you have not been invited to the conference, and you are not qualified to participate in this kind of academic seminar. Take your sign, go out and wait."

"Old Wu, hello, hello." Jian Xiaodan walked over quickly, saw Jing Tian holding a sign with his name, and immediately understood, he quickly bent over and said: "Old Wu, I just want Since you are not in good health, it is more suitable to have someone next to you..."

"Naughty." Wu Lao looked at Jian Xiaodan with a serious face: "Are you from the organizer of Starlight Group?"

"Yes, I am the vice president of Starlight Group, and my surname is Jane." Jian Xiaodan hurriedly replied politely.

"Vice president, vice president doesn't understand this rule?" Mr. Wu knocked on the table and coughed a few times: "Eat at home, there are elders and inferiors. Who sits and who can't sit in this meeting. You don't understand?"

In a word, the words were simple and red.

"Go out and wait, the rules are rules, you have to keep them." Old Wu ignored Jian Xiaodan, sat down, and waved to Jing Tian.

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