Gossip King

Chapter 1457: Confidence and routine

Mr. Wu’s relentless face, Jian Xiaoshan is a bit wronged. After all, this is a special position set by her kindness. She said that Mr. Wu is not in good health. The meeting time should be at least two hours, and I am afraid that he will feel uncomfortable in the middle. He needs an errand, plus knowing that Jingtian is here, and the position specially arranged.

You said, if you don’t arrange a place for Jingtian, if this old man is a little uncomfortable and troublesome, besides, since Jingtian is here, Starlight Group and Jingtian Magazine have been at war with each other in the media before, don’t you Arranging a seat for him will inevitably invite gossip.

What Jian Xiaodan didn't expect was that such a thoughtful and thoughtful arrangement would provoke Mr. Wu's dissatisfaction, saying in front of so many people that she did not understand common sense.

"Yes, what you taught is that I did not make arrangements, sorry." Even though Xiao Shan felt wronged, he couldn't hold back his face, but he still smiled and bent down to apologize.

This grievance is really nothing to her.

No wonder it is said that Mr. Wu is very principled, and he is observing the old rules even in matters such as seating, Xiao Shan thought, silently examining his own shortcomings.

After sitting down, Mr. Wu picked up the documents next to his feet, just took a glance and threw it aside, shook his head and drank tea.

Before entering the meeting room, Boss Yin went to the next room. As soon as he opened the door, Gao Leng stood up and stretched out his hand.

After squeezing it, Boss Yin picked up the bag placed on the table, took out the information prepared by Gao Leng and flipped through it.

After turning over, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then immediately turned over again.

"Are you planning to open so many publications next? And so much investment? I thought you only voted for the external one." Boss Yin was a little surprised. He pointed to the pile of materials: "These four plus In the foreign magazine you mentioned, the investment in a year is at least 500 million."

"It's far more than five hundred million, and many costs are not included. For seven or eight hundred and eighty-eight, there must be seven or eight hundred million a year." Gao Leng added.

"So many..." Boss Yin looked serious: "You really want to vote? Don't you just play a few votes and leave?"

"I want to become the boss of domestic paper media. This is only five magazines and I have to vote." Gao Leng said.

"This is a lot of investment." Boss Yin looked at Gao Leng with some worry.

"It's not big, it's only 7.8 billion." Gao Leng looked calm, and then added: "Boss Yin, don't worry, I really want to do this seriously, even though only 7.8 billion is invested a year. , This is the beginning and will be added later."

Boss Yin looked at the young and cold in front of him. It is proud to be a good business operator these years. The paper media has always been invested little, and he invested 780 million yuan a year with one step. I don’t know that the year of the monkey will recover the cost and lose a few years. That's a few billion.

The slow income of paper delivery media is known to the industry. This is the same as catering, there is a market feedback period, unlike making a movie, you can see the money after the film is released. It takes time for a book to wait for word-of-mouth communication after it is finished, launched and sold. It takes a few months for the short term and one or two years for the long term.

Moreover, Gao Lengtou's paper media is not the kind of celebrity writing books, celebrities write books for earning money, find a few people to write on their behalf, the book can be published in one month, hang the celebrity's name and a bunch of fans will buy it, and see you soon With money, it belongs to the category of less investment and more feedback.

This is the same as making movies. Making money in junk movies is fast, but making money is slow and risky.

Gao Leng invested so much in one breath. Although it seems that there are only 780 million yuan a year, it will take at least two or three years to make a profit according to the fermentation speed of paper media, especially for children’s magazines. Some are still losing money in five or six years. It's a few billion, which is indeed a high investment in paper media.

"Xiaogao, the four directions you voted for are very good. Each direction is a fine-quality route, and it is a route to really do a good job of books. It's just...but the more fine-quality, the greater the investment, you risk... …"

Boss Yin is still anxious.

"Boss Yin, you can rest assured, I can afford this little money. Starlight Group's main direction of attack was TV series before. In the past two years, our main direction of attack is paper media. Our main direction of attack is paper media. This investment must be made. "Yes." Gao Leng's face was clearly written with ambition: "The two companies under my company are all going public in the idea to gather strength for the annexation of other paper media companies. This investment is indeed small."

"Oh, the main attack direction." Boss Yin had no more worries when he heard Gao Leng say this. Everyone knows that if the main attack direction of Tangtang Starlight Group is paper media, then it is reasonable to invest in these. He laughed and filmed. I patted the cold hand: "Then I will rest assured. After a meeting, I will have a tea party. People who are interested in your publication will stay and have a tea and chat. I will also be in the meeting later. I asked them to analyze whether these directions are feasible for you. The key is to feed. You have children’s magazines here, which require a lot of drawing. It just so happens that some of the scholars invited today are well-known cartoonists in China. Let’s talk about it. "

Boss Yin is very happy. He knows in his heart that adding a few new magazines is nothing. Every year, many people vote for magazines, but the high-cold investment is the unpopular direction, which is considered the least profitable direction in the industry. And this direction is indeed Boss Yin's favorite direction.

From children, to teenagers, to adulthood, there is a lack of such a genuinely dedicated boutique magazine, especially for children’s picture books and adult social science publications. If this series of publications are really run through this meeting, it will be a political achievement for Boss Yin.

It's time for the meeting.

Boss Yin and a few other leaders were sitting in the middle position, and the only non-propaganda department closest to him was Gao Leng sitting, and when he took the seat, the flashlight underneath screamed frantically.

Gao Leng looked down and found that Boss Yin gave a lot of face. Three ccbv TV stations have come, and Imperial Satellite TV has come, as well as other newspapers and magazines, and online media. It can be said that all the big-name media have come. Needless to say, this news can't be on CCTV one at 7:30, and it can definitely be on three or four news. Evening news and morning news are estimated to be available. After all, this time there are so many domestic scholars gathered.

"Our country must vigorously develop high-quality publications and strictly ban some vulgar publications whose purpose is pure profit. At present, domestic publications are mixed. The main purpose of inviting scholars to come this time is to discuss and discuss together, and see what our country currently lacks. Which direction of publications, how to make these publications, the feasibility of making them, and the analysis of the status quo of the paper media. By the way, there are some overseas Chinese scholars who also talk about their experience." Conference, in Yin The boss started in a very serious opening.

Since you are wearing the hat of the Propaganda Department, the speakers are also closely talking about the current status and needs of paper media.

"I think we have a large number of domestic publications, but there are too few high-quality publications. There are few historical publications. It would be great if there were historical publications," said a historian.

"I think the popular scientific publications are great. In Germany, Britain, and the United States, there are many scientific research publications, not only for professors and experts, but also for ordinary people. The writing is easy to understand, and there are currently none in China." The physical scientist said.

"I think history, scientific research, how to write these things shallowly? If they are written shallowly, they will not contain enough gold. If they are written deeply, the people can't understand them. Let me tell you that there are too few publications on art now. After staying in France for five years, almost every week, there will be more than fifty large and small art exhibitions in Paris, France. Those French children watch art exhibitions all day, and the natural and artistic taste is relatively high. At present, we even have one art exhibition in China. There are no such publications!" said a painter.

"Art? Art is important, but we have not yet developed to the point where art is indispensable. What we lack now are things from our ancestors, such as journals on Chinese studies. Although there are some journals on Chinese studies in China, they all face High school students, to put it bluntly, still take the exam. We have to have children's Chinese studies publications, this is the root!"

More than a hundred scholars divided into many directions, and an hour and a half passed without knowing it. Boss Yin glanced at Mr. Wu and called his name: "Old Mr. Wu, tell me."

Wu Lao stood up tremblingly, Yin Lao Dalian hurriedly pressed his palm down, and he sat down.

"I think so. At present, many domestic publications are lacking. Just like everyone said, there are too few children's publications. When I went to Japan, I sighed that their culture is very detailed. This is the case in Europe and the United States. From 0 to 7 years old, there are several grades and different publications. There are such publications in our country, but they are very crude and ugly. At first glance, they are for money."

When Mr. Wu said this, many people nodded.

"Art publications and social science publications are also lacking. I agree with what everyone said, but..." Old Wu frowned and reached out to touch his gray beard, seemingly worried.

"You continue talking." Boss Yin said.

"It's just that it's useless for us to discuss and discuss." Old Wu said, "I used to run magazines in my early years. Just Jingtian's financial magazine, I also understand some of it. You said, this children's publication, art Such publications, social science publications, fortunately, our country does need to have such publications, but the question is if it is made, can anyone buy it? Can it be profitable? How long can it last?"

With that, he looked at Gao Leng.

The others also nodded.

"But it's just a flash in the pan. The reason why many people start such unprofitable magazines is just to make the company go public." Old Wu said with a sneer. He has been in this business for so long, and he has seen a lot of businessmen using this kind of hype to circle a venture capital, or to create momentum for their own companies to go public, and to withdraw a sum of money from stockholders.

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