Gossip King

Chapter 1458: Shake the audience!

Although Lao Wu didn't say it clearly, Gao Leng knew what he was saying.

In recent years, there are not many people who invest in high-quality paper media. The percentage of empire adults buying paper books is not high. The high ones are often books written by their favorite celebrities. Business with such a small percentage is natural. It's not easy to do.

What's more, high-cold investors are unpopular.

This is undoubtedly worse.

"Yes, you need to invest in many directions, but if you can't make a profit, it can't last long."

"Yes, in fact, I read the four magazines set by Mr. Gao, in all four directions. If they are done well, they are good publications. But the problem is that the amount of reading by the empires is so small now that it will indeed lose money. "

Good things are good, but good things are different from whether they can be sold, especially now that the purchasing power of the paper books of the Empire is very weak.

"Teacher A, please tell me." Gao Leng saw that Auli, who was sitting underneath, kept looking at her own information, so he reached out and invited the other party to say something.

Auli, an illustrator of children's picture books at the imperial national treasure level, is different from traditional painters. She mainly composes pictures for picture books. She has the most classic version of the children's drawings of several epic classics in China.

In Gao Leng's view, if he wants to run one of the best children's publications in China, if Auli comes to help out, the quality of this picture book will be guaranteed more than half: the quality of children's picture books is nothing more than two points, stories and pictures.

Good stories are easy to find, and good drawings are hard to find. This is something everyone in the children’s magazine knows. It is also the most important reason for the low quality of children’s publications today: asking a good cartoonist to draw a story is too expensive, so in order to save costs I often use the computer to draw a picture casually and finish it hastily.

It can be seen that Gao Leng hopes that Ouli can join his team.

After listening to this, Wo Li smiled elegantly, and pulled her short hair behind her ears. Her short hair was a little gray, but she had grayed out at the age of fifty, which shows her deep research on picture books.

"Children's publications, excellent children's magazines, in my eyes, there are none in China." When Wo Li opened her mouth, she was full of frustration and helplessness: "Although there are many children's magazines, the kindergarten where my grandson lives is called'Parent Volunteer 'I ordered two sets, I looked through them and they did a terrible job. It was pure money."

Suddenly, many people in the conference room nodded, after all, most of them have grandchildren.

"There are many excellent foreign children’s publications, such as Japanese, American, British, German and so on. Their children are happy, and children are the future of our country, and our huge empire does not have a real conscience. Children’s publications, either, just make up some random stories, or they are completely preaching typesetting, exam-oriented tutorials, and occasionally a few magazines with good stories, that is really horrible. From my perspective , Other magazines are indeed needed, and an excellent children’s magazine that gathers top strength is something that should be done urgently."

As she said, Auli was a little excited and knocked on the table with her pen: "Children’s affairs should be the most important thing for the country, and children’s education should also be the most important thing for a family. There is no such a big empire. A truly excellent children’s magazine, sad! Sad! Leadership is highly valued! No matter how developed the economy is, children’s education cannot be lost!"

The meeting room exploded, and I don't know who took the lead and clapped her hands. She expressed support for Wo Li's remarks, and soon there was thunderous applause.

This remark made Boss Yin a little guilty.


He sighed softly.

Auli is right. An excellent children's magazine should and must have, but helplessly, there is no such big empire.

Blame the government? The government is also a little embarrassed. After all, this investment is very large. If the investment is too large, I feel that it is better to invest more in the rescue of children with intractable diseases. After all, survival is more important than education. It is best to cooperate with the company to do it, but which company is willing to lose the money to do this?

The boss of Yin Yu Guang looked at Gao Leng, and he also muttered in his heart. Hearing so many experts' comments, let alone the directions of the four magazines Gao Leng set, there are still many directions that need to be invested, but these directions Good or good, how long can it last without making money?

A good publication has a longer history, the more mellow it is. Who wants to survive the precipitation period of several years?

"I think it should be done in the four directions set by Mr. Gao." One person stood up and said loudly.

"Yes, it should be done!"

"It would be great if I had to do a few more! These four directions are a little less!"

Everyone agreed. There were too few excellent paper media in the empire, and they were almost in a scarce category. What are four books? Forty books in different directions are not too many.

"Children's picture books are more expensive than other picture books. A short story is produced, and the labor cost of exquisite drawing is high. If you import excellent foreign publications into the magazine, the copyright cost is also high. This is high input and low output. Mr. Wu and I mean the same thing, the direction is good, the idea is good, that is, how long can it exist if it can’t make a profit? Not to mention more than one, Mr. Gao, plus English-language magazines, all It is five books. Five books have invested at least 500 million yuan a year, and can they lose money for a few years? Now so many domestic first-class companies have not done this. It is normal to calculate profits from business. How can Starlight Group be able to handle it? There are many excellent children’s publications abroad, but our empire does not. Some visionary mothers in our empire who want to buy an excellent children’s magazine for their children have to order from overseas or buy a domestic translation. It’s sad to think about it. ."

Everyone looked at Gao Leng.

That's right, ideals are beautiful, and reality is very skinny. The executives of so many big companies will not fail to see the vacancy of the paper media, but there is no company to follow up. To put it bluntly, it is not profitable. Who wants to take it?

Even if Starlight Group is willing to carry it, how many years can it hold it?

"Xiao Gao, have you ever done market research in this area?" Boss Yin became more serious after listening to the opinions of these experts. He turned off the microphone and asked in a low voice.

"Of course." Gao Leng nodded.

"They all approve of your direction, but they all think that this publication is not profitable. How long can it last without profit?" Boss Yin frowned. He didn't want to work hard to promote this matter. In a few years, this matter has become stale, and then it will be a joke.

"It's impossible." Gao Leng looked at Boss Yin categorically: "You are in charge of the domestic media. If I withdraw from this matter in two years, you will ask me."

The military order will be issued without hesitation. This is a stance to Boss Yin, no joke.

Boss Yin felt relieved when Gao Leng said this, but he still had no bottom.

"Let me talk a few words to everyone." Gao Leng asked, "Can I talk about the four magazines I want to start at the meeting?"

After all, the main theme of this conference is to invite experts to discuss the future and current situation of paper media, and it is not appropriate to rashly talk about what you want to invest in. Although at this time he answered that what he wanted to invest in was reasonable, it was safer to ask Boss Yin.

Gao Leng was very calm, and before speaking, he whispered Boss Yin's opinion.

"Yes." It's rare for Boss Yin to see a young guy so steady and strong, smiling and nodding. He also wanted to know how Gao Leng would answer.

"Everyone, let me say a few words." Gao Leng opened his voice, the meeting room fell silent for an instant, and the cameras were all aimed at him.

"First of all, the annual investment of 500 million in paper media is indeed a high investment, but for me, the five magazines actually invest more than 500 million every year. This is not a high investment. It is only a billion. Not much." Gao coldly smiled, and slapped his hands on the table slowly.

The audience was dumb, no more than a billion, just...

Sure enough, the capitalists are rich and very rich. Some of the scholars sitting here have worked with magazines. Unless they run a good entertainment magazine, other magazines these days always have the meaning of clear water yamen, let alone such unpopular ones. Magazine out.

To put it bluntly, poor. The possibility of getting venture capital is small, and an investment of tens of millions is considered very good.

It's great to have money, and it's hard to speak, many people think.

"Secondly, everyone is right. Many directions should be voted. Here I can tell you with certainty that I will vote in these directions that everyone said today in the next five years."

The audience was in a rush.

You don't think he can handle five books. I didn't expect people to vote for a pile in five years. After hearing this, those who say he can't handle the economic pressure are a little embarrassed.

"Furthermore, this thing makes money or not. I don’t think scholars need to worry about whether it is good to sell or not to buy. It depends on how individuals buy and sell. I think that as long as things are good, whether it is children’s magazines or social sciences For such publications, the less popular but the better the magazines, the more popular they become. Besides, there are no companies that really invest in this area with their heart. How can everyone tell that this area will not be profitable?"

The audience was silent, speechless.

Also, since there has never been a way out, what data can prove that this thing is not profitable?

"Just now Teacher Wali said that there are many excellent children's publications abroad, but our empire does not. Some visionary mothers in our empire who want to buy an excellent children's magazine for their children have to order from overseas or buy a domestic translation. This It means that there is a demand for excellent children's magazines in China, and there is a big demand, otherwise, why are so many excellent children's magazines sold in China every year? This is the iron proof that such publications can be profitable."

The audience was excited, especially Wu Li, her eyes gleamed with hope, and she held the tea cup in her hand, tightly, her chest fell together.

"You guys, the lack of domestic publications is not only outstanding publications in all directions, but the most lacking is a group willing to invest in outstanding paper media."

As he spoke, Gao Leng had an indescribable authority and confidence.

Yes, it is not just publications that are lacking. What is lacking is a conscientious paper-media company. If there is such a conscientious paper-media company that truly contributes to the imperial cultural cause, will these excellent publications be scarce?

It will only spring up like bamboo shoots after the rain.

"And I, our Starlight Group, are willing to use the strength of the entire company to become the country's first high-quality paper media!" Gao Leng stretched out a finger, making a sound, echoing in the conference room for a long time: "First, no matter what The direction of publications, finance, children, art, social sciences, etc. When talking about Imperial Paper Media, Starlight Group is my first choice. This is my goal and what we should do as a media person. of."

When Mr. Wu sitting underneath heard these words, his eyes moved.

"I will do whatever it takes to achieve high-quality domestic paper media. Therefore, with a mere investment of several hundred million yuan a year, everyone is really worried that it is too much." The high temperature stops, no more words.

This statement was enough to shock the audience and enough to dispel the doubts of anyone present.

The conference room that had been silent for a few seconds suddenly burst into thunderous applause, one after another.

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