Gossip King

Chapter 1460: General and the armed forces

It should not be too close to politics. Although Gao Leng didn't have a deep understanding of this sentence at this time, he also vaguely felt that Boss Yin had risen too quickly.

Sometimes starting too fast can make people feel insecure, especially when you are not familiar with the field. Gao Leng recalled Lu Yajun’s words over and over in his mind, but then he thought about it. After all, Lu Yajun’s company was not as big as Starlight Group, so is his judgment narrow?

In the empire, if it was just a small business, it would be okay. The small fish and shrimp enterprises in the prefecture-level city followed their leaders to make money, and the sea was gone. But if the company gets bigger, it will be different.

But the question is, is it necessary for companies to have close relations with politics when they grow bigger? Could this be an impossible route?

Gao Leng at this moment did not have enough experience and wisdom to see through the depths, and his Taoism was not enough. But what he understands is that if Boss Yin is the sponsor, it will be much easier to become a paper media leader; and without Boss Yin, there will be more thorns and difficulties.

Gao Leng was a little confused, but Su Su's call made him immediately get his mind, and he answered the call.

"Hey, Gao Leng, you are very good." Su Su's tone of opening was not like the usual mocking tone, and it was a little admiring.

"What's wrong?" For some reason, Gao Leng's heart felt a little flustered.

"You just finished the meeting. At the end of the meeting, Boss Yin said that he would attend your tea party, and the tea party is centered on the magazines you are going to run. You are very good. You can let Boss Yin give you some copies. The magazine is escorted, which is kind of a guarantee."

Boss Yin's phrase "I will protect you" did not say it in public. He just said to attend the tea party, Su Su said the meaning behind it, not how smart Su Su is, but rather deep You can see the truth in this: Generally, it is good for big leaders to attend the meeting, and it is rare to participate in the tea party, especially the level of the Star Group is not the level of Huantai.

"The wind is blowing very fast." Gao Leng turned and entered another unmanned conference room. Su Su knew that he was going to have this conference and it was not surprising. This conference is very big and the media will report it. It is already a crowd in the cultural world. As everyone knows, Mr. Su, who has been playing film and television recently, doesn't know.

But just after the meeting ended, I called and learned the meaning of the words that Boss Yin said, which shows the shock that Boss Yin said.

"Such a jealous thing, of course it will spread soon." Su Su heard the sound of percussion after another. It sounded like the sound of a pen hitting the table, and the tone was a little sour: "Really. If it weren’t for Boss Yin’s policy to favor you, how could I lose to you in the film selection field?"

The cold heart slammed.

He naturally heard the envy behind Su Su's seemingly strong power, which could make President Su of Huantai Group envy, let alone other people.

At this moment, he could feel the turbulent waves that started among the scholars who had left the field one after another. The circle was so big, and soon, the news would spread to everyone in the circle.

Gao Leng suddenly felt a little tingling on his scalp.

"It seems that you will soon become the boss of the paper media, soon." Su Su laughed, and the laughter sounded like an alarm bell in his cold mind.

Time after time.

It came from the distant horizon, getting closer and closer, and finally deafening.

At this moment, Gao Leng made a decision: to decline Boss Yin’s push.

Refusing Boss Yin to push so hard is tantamount to rejecting the opportunity of rapid rise. This opportunity is extended, it is the great convenience of the rise in a few years. More expensive, it is a shortcut of at least a billion yuan. It is the platform to become a prominent domestic media tycoon in the future.

But at this moment, the cold instinct made him make this decision: The opportunity that Su Sudu could envy came too fast, too fierce, and too dangerous.

Gao Leng took the phone and walked quickly to another unmanned room next to him, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead. These cold sweats came out so suddenly.

In the financial circle, there will always be people who say: This giant crocodile has a business sense that is different from ordinary people; this stock market boss has a unique sense of risk, and can often fight back or avoid risks.

The business sense of smell is like a reporter's sensitivity to news. This thing is related to talent.

Just like Jian Xiaodan, she has a natural sensitivity to news. As long as the manuscripts she makes for interviews can always be very exciting, she can always ask the heart or death of the interviewee. It is important to know that the interviewed presidents have already experienced many battles when facing reporters' questions, and they have more experience than reporters. It is difficult to ask questions from them.

But this is extremely simple for Jian Xiaoshan. As long as she goes out, she can always hit the painful spot, and anyone who doesn't leak can ask her for flowers.

This is called level, but also news sensitivity. This thing can't speak, it's not someone who has good grades. It can be said that it is a certain aspect of natural sensitivity, talent.

Every time, Jian Xiaodan said shyly in the praise: I don't know, I feel that this question should be digging deeper, but I didn't expect it to be the key point.

The same is true for commercial sensitivity.

Nowadays, the outstanding merchants in the empire have business sensitivity that is different from ordinary people. It is also the compromise sensitivity that makes Gao Leng an intuition that seems to be wrong. This intuition made him make this decision.

Sometimes, it may not be a good thing to rise too fast.

If there were some hesitations from the previous Gao Leng, then after receiving Su Su's call, he was firm and must decline Boss Yin's decision: to rise too fast and to be too close to politics is not necessarily a good thing.

"Nothing. Boss Yin convened this academic conference to explore the status quo and deficiencies of paper media. I run the magazine as an act of Starlight Group. Under the guidance of Boss Yin, how could it be said that it was Boss Yin who was responsible for it? ?" Gao Leng replied.

Su Su on the other end of the phone was stunned for a while and then smiled and said, "Why, is it possible that you don't want this opportunity to rise to the top? Boss Yin will protect you, and your paper media field will be invincible."

Gao Leng didn't speak, but smiled and said, "What are you looking for?"

"Is there any time? Please have a cup of tea." Su Su lengthened his voice, and then lowered his voice: "I won't go around with you. I want to get to know Boss Yin through you."

"Do you still need to get acquainted with Huantai through me? When you go to the propaganda department, there will be leaders who will receive you. And Boss Yin is just the manager of the next department. You can go to the boss directly."

"Hey, can it be the same? The old ghosts underneath are sometimes much easier to use than the big ghosts above. It's not that I directly connect with Boss Yin. I let the president of Huantai Film and Television to get to know each other. Specifically, you don't have to worry about it, just say it. , Can you help with this?" Su Su was straightforward.

"Of course, it's just a relationship. Of course I can help with your favor."

"That's OK, tomorrow...no, the day after tomorrow, if you have time the day after tomorrow, I will send a car to pick you up." This is the first time Su Su has spoken to Gao Leng so politely, and the first time he has made such a thorough arrangement.

The relationship between Boss Yin and Gao Leng is very close. Too many people hope to have a relationship with Boss Yin. It is naturally the best to pass Gao Leng. After all, there is a relationship here.

It's just that Su Su seems to have another plan, but Gao Leng didn't ask. After asking, she knew she wouldn't say it.

Seeing Jian Xiaodan after going out, he beckoned to Jian Xiaodan and Xiaodan came over quickly.

"Tell the people below, stop talking about Boss Yin attending the tea party, I will let Boss Yin leave first."

"Huh?" Jian Xiaodan's eyes widened, thinking he had misheard.

"Go." Gao Leng didn't explain much, and Xiao Shan didn't ask much and turned to leave.

"Stop talking about Boss Yin's participation in the tea party, Mr. Gao will tell Boss Yin to leave first." Xiao Shan walked into the conference room where the senior executives of Starlight Group were present and said.

"Huh?!" Everyone in the conference room looked like her just now, with eyes widened, thinking that they had heard it wrong.


"This... Did Boss Yin just change his mind?"

"If Boss Yin attends the tea party, we are much easier to do. Why does President Gao want to..."

There was a discussion in the conference room.

"What's the noise?!" Xiao Shan scolded coldly, and the whole process was silent.

"Go to work, and the tea party will start after a while."



"Boss Yin, chrysanthemum tea is good. Although this chrysanthemum tea is ordinary tea, it can be useful for reducing fire." Gao Leng filled Boss Yin with a cup with both hands.

"Tell me your thoughts and situation. Which scholars do you like?" Boss Yin took a sip and got to the point.

He came to the tea party to assist.

Gao Leng fancyed who would be the editor-in-chief. Boss Yin said a few words, who would not follow? Moreover, if Boss Yin is so supportive, the policy in running the journal will keep up.

The cold hand knocked several times on the teacup.

"I'm a little worried..." Gao Leng sighed softly.

"What are you worried about? You have the funds. I will lobby for talent." Boss Yin put down his teacup and asked seriously.

"You said, if you come to lobby, will some people come to our magazine under your policy, and then get in some unsatisfied people? You may not know the quality magazines, this thing is a special test. The patience, because it will not be effective within a short period of time, unless you really want to be a magazine of this kind, otherwise you will run away after a few issues, or just come to mess around..." Gao Leng stopped talking.

"Oh? Not that..." Boss Yin didn't understand.

"Boutique magazines are hard to say. Some have quick results and generate income in one year, and some are slow, five or six years, and they have been dying. Only those who truly believe in the development of empire culture can do it. A genuine boutique magazine." Gao Leng continued.

"Say, continue."

"As for me, I really want to be the boss of paper media, that is, the boss of fine paper media. I intend to fight for at least ten years, so I also hope that people who are mentally prepared for ten years will come and do this with me. It’s difficult to say, the more you can retain those who really do this, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes, yes..." Boss Yin thoughtfully.

Gao Leng stopped talking.

"Oh, then I shouldn't come to the tea party." Boss Yin patted his thigh.

"No, no, no, your tea party can help us accomplish this quickly..."

"No, no, no, Xiao Gao, this is not about fastness, but about precision. I will treat you preferentially in terms of policy, but the most taboo is to stop cooking for two years, and this is the most taboo." Boss Yin rubbed his hands. I stood up and said, "So, I still don't participate in the tea party. Many scholars are not pure now. It is inevitable that some people will come to fool around when I support you. You are right, right...right..."

Boss Yin nodded and patted Gao Leng's shoulder: "I still won't participate, you remember, you must recruit the right people, and can withstand loneliness."

Boss Yin is gone.

"Boss, Boss Yin just left? You said so well that you didn't offend him." Jian Xiaodan said.

"He must understand it in his heart, but he didn't say it is broken. I don't know if I declined this matter for good or bad. Let me listen to my heart first." Gao Leng frowned.

"Hey, one of your decisions changed our paper media's marching path..." Xiao Shan sighed quietly, still regretful.

Such a good opportunity lies ahead, don't. Everyone regrets.

Gao Leng also started from here, and really felt that one of his actions, or even an idea, would bring completely different development directions and prospects to the entire Starlight Group.

Any one of his decisions will determine the salary of so many employees in the company, which is related to the employees' small families.

This consciousness made his shoulders heavier. He no longer fights for his own dreams, he also fights for himself, he can no longer easily say: The big deal is all over again.

Is it a big deal to start all over again? This is irresponsible. What about so many employees? Yes, they can go to other companies, but they will also be hit hard. After all, many of them have been following Mr. Gao, and many of their dreams are placed on Star Group.

So many young people are eager to realize their professional ideals in Starlight Group, and as Starlight continues to grow, they are constantly improving.

Gao Leng's refusal of Boss Yin’s move directly brought about more difficulties and overtime work for the employees in the field of paper media. The year-end awards issued to everyone by the entire Star Group this year will not be supported by Yin. Under more conditions.

Behind Xiao Shan, there were more than a dozen executives who had brought him over. They all looked at Gao Leng, their eyes full of incomprehension, incomprehension and regret.

Can't say anything.

After all, how to develop Starlight Group, every important decision is in the hands of Gao Leng, not them. Gao Leng is the leader and they obey.

It is said that the Lord will be incompetent to exhaust the three armies. Gao Leng is a talented leader. The three armies are getting bigger and bigger. He must take every step of the way safely and not make mistakes.

One wrong step, exhausting the three armies.

When Boss Yin got in the car, the person accompanying him said, "This Mr. Gao is quite considerate."

"On the one hand, it is thorough, on the other hand, Xiao Gao is very cautious." Boss Yin smiled at a glance: "When I was young, I knew that business was not too close to politics."

"You mean he... he guards you?"

"It's not a defense, what is he defending me? But he is very cautious in doing things, or I don't care what he does, as long as he can really make good things. If you can really publish some good publications, It’s also good for the country. Besides, there are so many entrepreneurs who hope to have a close relationship with me these days. He has a unique temperament, not bad. Okay, let’s drive and go back to the office."

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