Gossip King

Chapter 1461: Ambitions of young and old

Before the tea party started, the executives of the Starlight Group made a sound outside: Boss Yin is not attending the tea party because of something.

"Why didn't you participate? Didn't you just say you participated?" A man in his 30s with thick eyes pushed the frame of the frame and asked an executive in an inquiring manner.

"I am not very clear about this, maybe something will happen temporarily." The executive replied vaguely, he really didn't know.

"Oh..." The thick-glassed man lengthened his voice and slowed down. Like him, most of the other people who learned that Boss Yin would not participate in the tea party also slowed down.

Many people came to the tea party for the sake of Boss Yin, especially those who wanted something. The hexagram like Mr. Wu, who didn't ask for anything, would never come to cheer because of Boss Yin's participation in the tea party: No one else came at all, so Jing Tian was sent to inform.

"President Gao, my grandfather is unwell and has no interest in your magazine. He wants me to come and talk to Boss Yin. Since Boss Yin is not coming to participate, I will tell you." Jing Tian walked over. He stretched out his hand and shook it straight to the point.

The other executives standing beside Gao Leng heard expressions of regret. They all knew that Gao always hoped that Mr. Wu could be at the helm. I thought that this process was very difficult and might have to pay a big price for talks, but I never thought that Mr. Wu would never come.

"Okay, hard work, Wu is old." Gao Leng smiled and shook hands.

Jing Tian stretched out one hand to tidy up his tie, the other held a paper bag prepared by Xingguang Group, which contained several magazine plans and gifts. He handed it to Gao Leng's hand: "I don’t need the things. , This kind of magazine... how to say it, it looks good, it won't live. My grandfather is not interested, um... That's it, I wish you success."

After speaking, Jing Tian turned around and left.

"Isn't my grandpa terrific, what is it?"

"Don't say that, Mr. Jing himself is also very good. The establishment of Jingtian Magazine was done by Mr. Wu. Later, Jing Tian himself did the book, but he was too good to take anything."

"If you take it, you will die? You have to return it, isn't it deliberate?"

The employee muttered, angrily.

"The ones who are busy with you are all high-levels, just like the old lady bound by the feet, what are you talking about?" Jian Xiaodan gave a cold eye, and they shut up immediately.

"Old Wu won't pick up our tuo at all." Xiao Shan sighed.

"I'll pick it up." Gao Leng was not in a hurry, smiled faintly, stretched out his finger and pointed to the front: "Look who is here."

Jian Xiaodan looked over, and the sorrow in his eyebrows vanished in an instant.

Tan came for a while.

"Au Li is here too!" Xiao Shan looked back at Tan for a while, becoming more excited.

The two important scholars that Gao Leng had been watching before came, and they still came even after knowing that Boss Yin was not attending the tea party. This really boosted morale. The other executives also smiled and sighed with relief.

After all, the people of Starlight Group still have little experience in dealing with such outstanding scholars. I have a lot of dealings with entrepreneurs, and they are all experienced and not nervous. But dealing with scholars is not the same, you are a little unpredictable what scholars think. Especially those arrogant literati, such as Tan Banshe.

"Let's go in first. Don't keep staring at the food." Gao Leng patted Jian Xiaodan's back gently.

"Tan Banshee was very difficult to deal with yesterday, how come to join the tea party today? And I saw his smiling face suddenly changed his attitude." Xiao Shan said.

"He is interested in the social science publications that we are going to create. You have to know how many empire novel publications are needed, and there are very few local social science publications, and fine social science publications are even more important. Blank. Some are all foreign translations. Foreign social science books are good, but after all, they are not the same as our empire culture. Only professional people will read it." Gao Leng said.

Xiao Shan agreed and nodded: "There are indeed too few well-written social science books in the local area, and there are not many people who like to read them. I have read a few, like "Autumn in Heaven". , "The Other Side of the Reform Movement of 1898", "Imagining a Foreign Land-Reading Notes on Li Chao Korean Han Wen Yan Xing Literature", I have read these close to the mainland, and indeed very few. However, I have read a lot of translations, such as "onwritingwell" "Zerotoone" is very good. He writes about monopoly innovation, competition and other aspects, which is refreshing. I like to read it. Like us as reporters, we should read more social science books."

An excellent reporter must be involved in all walks of life. This refers only to excellent reporters. Those who stay in prefecture-level small newspapers on weekdays may not read a lot. Put it this way, if you want to be a good journalist, social science publications are indispensable.

Social science journals are different from novels. Novels are fictitious and unreal. At most, the creation is based on reality, but it will definitely be higher than reality. However, the social sciences are different. It is a science that uses social phenomena as the research object. Its task is to study and explain various social phenomena and their development laws.

This includes the humanities.

The humanities is the most important breakthrough for Gao Leng to establish social science magazines. Only in this direction can some elites resonate and buy reading.

In general, social science publications are niche publications: there are not many people who can understand them, and there are even fewer people who are interested.

Tan Banchan is an expert-level scholar in social sciences. He has worked in overseas social science magazines and has a wealth of experience in writing and managing social science journals.

It is a pity that after arriving in China, apart from teaching and educating people in colleges and universities, it is difficult to realize his keen and superb ability in social science publications: there is no fine social science publication in China.

"He is interested, but people in Europe are very interested in philosophy, social sciences and other books. Their paper books have always been read much higher than the empire. We open social sciences and some people buy them. Is it?" Xiao Shan glanced back and pursed his lips: "I think the most profitable thing should be fine children's books. No matter how poor we are now, we can't have poor education. As long as our children's books are good, we will definitely make money."

Wa Li walked quickly behind her. She was the first group to enter the tea party meeting room, and she sat a little closer to Gao Leng. After sitting down, she lowered her head and took out a pen to write on the document. Gao Leng looked at it. In the past, she recorded a lot of information on that volume of fine books.

Tan entered the door for a while, and sat down to the back.

Before Boss Yin said that he wanted to participate in the tea party, there must be forty or fifty people walking here. When he heard that Boss Yin was not coming to participate, it dropped to 22.

It can be seen that the literati are noble, but in fact, more literati are false noble and real worldly.

The tea party started in a very relaxed environment after everyone arrived. Unlike the previous meeting, this time there was no media present and they were chatting while drinking tea.

"Everyone, thank you very much for coming over and drinking tea." Gao Leng glanced at it, and the remaining 22 people were well-known scholars, and some of them were naughty.

"Let’s make a long story short, try to save time for everyone." Gao Leng stood up and picked up the first material: "Let’s talk about the boutique children’s publications. I think Lao Au, Lao Zhao, and Dean Mu are here. You are all renowned experts in children’s picture books. I wonder what can you teach me about this children’s publication?"

Gao Leng was very humble, asked.

These people looked at each other, and Wu Li was here, so she naturally spoke first. She has the highest status and the strongest ability.

"Teach you... I dare not be it." Auli stood up: "In fact, there is a need for a high-quality children's magazine in China. There is no doubt that I have a question. Mr. Gao, the high-quality children's magazine you mentioned is an introduction. Should foreign excellent works be attached to it? Or write it yourself?"

"Both." Gao Leng said: "My idea is that excellent foreign works should be published in magazines. There should be at least two articles in each issue. You have to write your own stories and draw stories by yourself. You should produce top-notch works. Come level."

"Then there is a problem." Wu Li took the conversation: "Excellent foreign works have high royalties, and you can't bring them to magazines. You see, nowadays, as long as excellent foreign works are published in single copies, and They are all hardcover editions. Why? The hardcover editions are expensive, and the price is fifty or sixty yuan a book. You are worthy of such expensive royalties. How much is the price of a magazine? At most ten yuan, and every issue Introducing two stories, this is a calculated loss."

Several other people nodded.

Children's publications have a deep routine in China.

The children's publications published in the empire are nothing more than "Shu Ke Beta" and so on. Zheng Yuan x is the fairy tale king of the empire. To tell the truth, his book is considered acceptable in China, but it is still a lot worse than the fine picture books abroad.

Parents who can buy books for young children and nurture them since childhood, parents often have their own knowledge of education. Looking at foreign award-winning boutique picture books has long been the first choice for mothers. After all, the so-called boutique picture books of the empire have won awards. Daowudao's muddy water contains too little gold.

If you search carefully for the imported editions of foreign award-winning picture books, you will find that most of them are hardcover. What is hardcover? Good paper printing, large format, very large and thick as soon as you open it. Of course, babies under the age of 2 are suitable for large and thick books. After all, their hands are not well developed and coordinated, so they can't turn them.

But from the age of three to six, there are too many imported hardcover editions. As long as it is hardcover, it is very expensive, and the price is usually 30 to 81 copies.

A short story with more than ten pages for thirty yuan is very expensive.

Otherwise, education depends on money.

As for magazines, the price is usually no more than 20 yuan, and it also includes two imported editions, which shows that it is a loss.

"Moreover, since you said that the picture books you make should be of top quality, you must at least recruit top drawing studios and fairy tale writers for the top quality. This is very expensive." Wa Li was obviously interested, but the same Very anxious.

This kind of anxiety is caused by her well-versed knowledge: other people are trying hard to make money by playing the hardcover edition, and you still put two articles in the simple magazine edition. Isn't this illogical?

"Old Ao, look at you." Gao Leng smiled helplessly: "Why are you worrying about profit again? Didn't I say before? This little money is nothing. For example, if you are willing to come. Help me, you become the editor-in-chief, and I will give you the highest price in the industry. Even if I only sell one copy, you and your colleagues will be the highest price in the industry for children's books."

Auli was stunned.

"You...it's hard to make money like this." She muttered: "The story of introducing foreign countries is very expensive, and our labor is also expensive..."

"My perspective is different from yours." Gao Leng said, and took a page from his own materials and handed it to Wa Li: "The imported children's publications you mentioned are mostly hardcover editions, and the prices for non-hardcover editions are more expensive. I have done this data, I know it."

"Do you know that you still imported it into the magazine? Oh, your data is very detailed..." Wa Li took a look and opened her mouth wide.

"I just know that it is expensive, so we must put good foreign stories in our magazine." Gao sneered and looked around for a week and said loudly: "Only in this way, some families who are not very good but also care about raising children do not need to spend money. So much money to buy so many individual picture books, but only need to buy our magazines on a regular basis, and spend ten dollars a month, so that children can read the best stories in the world throughout their childhood. This is me My ambition in the field of children’s publications. Money has never been a problem with me. You don’t have to worry about money anymore."

Gao Leng sat down on his seat and put his tea cup aside: "I only make high-quality TV dramas in Gao Leng. TV dramas are much more expensive than publications, so I vote for them. Friends who are interested, don’t need to think about money. I’ll do the money. In consideration, I invite everyone to come. First, please help me to check and see if there is any deviation in these directions; second, I hope to hire you to join our Starlight Group Star Publishing Company with a lot of money to achieve imperial education Should have aspirations: For young children, there are fine children's magazines, you can read the best children's books around the world for ten yuan a month, and there are high-quality picture books close to our locality; and long, there are fine social sciences, fine looking at the world and other publications , For our teenagers and young people to read; and for the old, there are fine history, fine art and other publications for the elderly to read."

The room was silent, as if there was no one, only the cold voice echoed. These words are like the ambition of an energetic scholar.

Don't worry about the ambition of money, how cool it is.

"Paper media will be the first important industry for our Starlight Group. It will be the field I will focus on in the next few years. It will be the flagship project of the Starlight Group. Good books cannot talk about revenue, at least not for those who write books. Think about it, just like the director group that follows me. Those directors must be known to everyone. As long as I say that this project is a fine product, you don’t need to think about money. How to make a boutique is the word "boutique". In terms of profit, leave it to me and the word "boutique" to you."

Doing things with Gao Leng does not need to consider the profit. This is probably the most coveted thing for any creative employee. It is said that the vision of the imperial entrepreneurs is not long. From the monthly sales champions of many corporate sales departments in the empire, the monthly sales competition knows: the vision of many entrepreneurs is only as long as one month.

For good things, people who do good things must do it wholeheartedly, regardless of any monetary aspect. And the director group working with Gao Leng has the most experience of this.

Gao Leng stood up and looked around for a week.

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