Gossip King

Chapter 1462: Children's book, a dirty feast!

"So many junk books have achieved profitability. The ancestors said nothing wrong. Gold will always shine. Just like Gao Zongtou's boutique TV series." Xiao Shan said this sentence loudly and confidently.

There have been successful cases of narrow road rise in this hand, which are good, credible, attackable and guaranteed.

Everyone nodded.

"These publications are being carried out at the same time, so a lot of talents are needed. Everyone is the top expert in these industries. If you have ideas, you can chat while drinking tea." Gao Leng said, and the executives around him were waiting. , The next step is to talk about some preliminary details, such as how often children’s publications are published, the preliminary idea is how many sections, and who needs to be recruited.

The purpose of talking about this is to recruit senior talents from paper publications who are interested in participating in the tea party.

Today's talents are not easy to recruit, especially the real senior talents in the paper media industry. This time the country called for so many scholars to meet, which is equivalent to gathering the top scholars in the country to facilitate the selection of suitable senior executives. This has greatly saved Gao Leng's effort.

Children's books, Gao Leng most hopes in his heart that the empire's first-rate children's picture book teacher Wu Liwa can come and jump up with the chief editors of children's books, Li Ze, Liu Zhi, and Hai Weiwei. All of these people have worked in the children's book magazine. Among them, Auli and Li Ze...

Right now, the children’s picture book soul draws a beautiful hand, Li Ze is here, and Hai Weiwei, an elite writer of children’s short stories, is here. Only Liu Zhi, another fairy tale writer, did not come to the tea party.

Children's books are the top priority for Gao Leng, and it will also be the direction with the highest income. Although Wu Li repeatedly said that you invite the best writers and picture book artists to be your low-priced magazine , Definitely at a loss. But Gao Leng knew in his heart that among the four publications, the most profitable one in the next five years would be children's books, whose profitability is likely to exceed that of today's thriving green agriculture.

And all of this is based on the premise that this children's magazine must be the best magazine in the empire, and the way it works is beyond the imagination of Auli.

Gao Leng set his sights on Tan Banshee. Tan Banshee, an expert on social science publications who had been a backbone of overseas social science magazines, had nothing to do in China for two years after returning to China, except for working in colleges and universities, in social science magazines. There is no such glorious achievement in overseas magazines. No wonder he, there are no good social science magazines in China.

Tan Banyan showed his heart, but hesitated, so when Auli took the initiative to come over to chat with Gao Leng, he chose to sit not far away: he could hear something, but he didn't take the initiative to come over.

"General Manager Gao, I want to ask, is your children's publication a weekly or a monthly?" Wa Li asked.

"I plan to be a monthly magazine, but you are more professional than me in this aspect. How many stories are in one issue, from writing to drawing to publication, and how long does it take? This kindergarten publication is also different from the primary school publication. We plan to be 2 years old. To the 5-year-old children's magazine, do you think weekly or monthly is appropriate?" Gao Leng replied.

"For a magazine from 2 to 5 years old, it will not be too thick. Five or six short stories in one issue are pretty good. After all, children’s magazines are best read repeatedly, which means that a story we tell will be countless times. This is the characteristic of children at this age. But whether it is a weekly or a monthly..." Wa Li thought for a while and said, "Time... Since you plan to make children's publications, you should know that many children's publications now are knives and pulps. The muddy model is horrible. It all depends on your positioning of the boutique children's publication."

Auli is a veteran. She has lived in the children's book business for most of her life. After seeing this business thoroughly, she said that, she showed a wry smile.

Boutique publication, what is a boutique publication?

Many people now define fine publications as: exquisite production, beautiful packaging, and high-quality paper. As for the content, "Andersen's Fairy Tales" is a classic, right? The content is based on classic books like Andersen, which are fine children's books.

"Little Red Riding Hood", "Wolf is Coming", "Daughter of the Sea", "The Little Match Girl", "The Emperor's New Clothes", "Journey to the West", etc. How about the content of these classic books? Needless to say, these are classics.

So, just use these contents and add finely printed paper.

Nowadays, there are many materials used to make children's books. In addition to general paper, printing materials such as fabrics, plastics, wood, and chemical fibers are also widely used. There are cloth books for babies from 0 to 1 year old (books made of cloth are convenient for children at this age to bite and will not hurt the face and mouth.) This type of book, the better the cloth, the more expensive, a book The price of a seven- or eight-page cloth book is generally around 50 yuan; not to mention plastic ones. Many books with music and audio must use plastic as a cover. A book of no more than eight pages is generally used. It's about one hundred yuan.

Now, the most widely used is coated paper and high-precision cardboard, that is, offset paper. This type of paper is thick and bright, and it has a texture in the hand, plus a thick cover, or a very delicate cover, is the classic "Andersen's Fairy Tales", an introduction version of an excellent overseas award-winning children's book Such fine publications.

Go to bookstores and check out domestic online book shopping platforms. Books such as coated paper and high-precision cardboard occupy half of the country and are highly sought after by mothers, regardless of whether it is the ordinary version with a price of 40 or 50. , Or the exquisitely printed eighty or ninety pieces of boutique edition, or the collectible edition of hundreds of thousands, are in the top fifty best-selling editions.

This type of book is regarded as a fine children's book in the eyes of Chinese people: classic content and excellent printing.

"Our magazines cannot use high-reflective coated paper or offset paper. If you want to use it in order to ensure a better drawing color, you should also use matte copper to minimize the reflection." Gao Leng shook his head: "Ours Publications don’t need such a gorgeous and harmful appearance. I personally prefer Mengken paper."

A smile appeared on Wu Li's face. She seemed to be a little excited and moved, and nodded: "That would be great, children's books now...that kind of children's books are really harmful, and Mengken paper is indeed better. , Light, it looks like... Now many mothers don’t know the goods, thinking that Mengken paper is not good, but in fact it is the paper to protect eyesight."

Children's books are made of high-gloss coated paper. They look bright and beautiful. They are also used by 90% of children's books today. This popularity is about the same as that of melamine in milk. In fact, this kind of polished cardboard and high-reflective coated paper are extremely harmful to children's eyes.


This is also the reason why many foreign children's books and adult books are very light and light to hold in the hand, and the paper looks far less than ours. Most of them use Mengken paper, which is what we commonly call lightweight paper.

Foreign books will definitely use matte copper when using coated paper to minimize the brightness.

The domestic books are just the opposite.

If those mothers who have worked hard know these inside stories, I am afraid they will look at the paper when choosing to buy books for their children. Just like the mothers who drank Sanlu to their children, if any report comes out earlier, there will be fewer big-headed dolls.

What's helpless is that mothers now don't know this level. Most of the best-selling editions use this kind of paper. They are so-called high-quality books that can harm children's eyesight.

"We have introduced excellent children's books from abroad. Excellent children's books between the ages of 0 and 5 are very short. My idea is that a story that can be completed in five or six pages does not need to be made into a dozen pages. The original introduction, although This costs money, but after all the content of the translator is the original, not the current model of knife and paste." Gao Leng continued, speaking of this, he smiled embarrassedly: "In this regard, you I’m an expert, if I have something wrong with my idea, teach me."

When Wu Li heard this, her breathing became a little bit agitated, and her eyes were a little red.

"Yes, I also suggest not to make "Andersen's Fairy Tales" or "Little Red Riding Hood" and other makeovers like the current ones on the market. You have the right idea. Classic fairy tales are downsized and adapted. The big taboo is to mutilate children. If the story is long, we can serialize it, but we absolutely cannot shorten the adaptation."

As she said, Auli sighed for a long time and shook her head: "Today's children's books are all adapted versions of so-called masterpieces! This is cruelty, cruelty from the bone!"

This model has a professional term in the circle: knife and paste.

With a knife, use a knife to cut a medium-length fairy tale of about 3,000 characters read by a primary school student into a fairy tale with less than two hundred characters read by a young child. For example, "The Little Match Girl" is very popular in the young children's version. A two-hundred-word fairy tale with a bunch of pictures, a gorgeous and beautiful book turned out.

copyright? This hurts the copyright of foreign stories?

No, this takes advantage of copyright.

These two hundred words are written by the translator himself, just write a general meaning, and the pictures are also fresh and do not violate the copyright law.

The classic fairy tales are directly taken and downsized, adapted and equipped with pictures. At present, there are too many such operations in the low-school book market: there are thousands of versions of Andersen's fairy tales on the market.

Andersen's fairy tale! My child has read Andersen's fairy tales since he was three years old. The simple version, he really likes it!

As everyone knows, the beauty of Andersen's fairy tales, in addition to the plot, the most important thing is the beautiful text! Mothers have never thought about it, a translator who translates Andersen's classics, only studies one author in his entire life! Only one author’s work is studied for a lifetime, and the translation is the real classic.

But now so many adaptors, according to the plot of the story, cut off some of the content in one fell swoop, and glued their own words with paste. These different language styles are poisonous to children in the language window.

Books are the window to the human soul.

Nowadays, many children's books are poisoning our children unknowingly, and parents do not know it.

The whole industry is doing this, no one opens this mouth, no one talks about the darkness in it: a so-called classic children's book popular with parents, a small workshop of five or six people, can make ten books a month!

That's right, with this mechanized method of knife and paste, only five or six people can make ten books a month, and they are very popular on the market!

At present, the profits of children's books are very high. Although the country has certain industry standards in terms of pricing, booksellers are completely free to set prices based on their own costs.

Free pricing is great.

Thirty to fifty is the most basic, six to seventy, so so. More than one hundred and two hundred, that is also commonplace. Nowadays, large-scale high-precision coated papers on the market, so-called fine masterpieces, are popular on a large scale, which is the norm.

This is a feast of children's books and a dirty feast of cruelty to children!

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