Gossip King

Chapter 1463: Step on your corpse, make me domineering

Tan Banchan was listening. Although he didn't speak, his expression of approval appeared on his face, but the approval was fleeting and was replaced by caution.

"Tan Banshee still didn't say anything." Xiao Shan was a little regretful.

"He will come over, give him some time." Gao Leng gently patted Xiao Shan on the back to comfort her: "Au Li, Li Ze and others are here, our children's book magazine can start."

Until the end of the tea party, Tan Banchan did not make a clear statement, but only asked for Gao Leng's business card. On the other hand, Auli made a decision on the spot and looked forward to joining. She herself, who had been providing pictures for children's publications before, hoped to work in a children's magazine.

It's just that domestic children's magazines can't afford top picture book masters like Auli, and some regular publishing houses will invite her to draw when they want to publish important children's books, and then calculate the manuscript fee.

Inviting drawings and then paying the manuscript fee is the method adopted by some large publishing houses when they publish children’s books on the right track. When a regular publishing house plans a high-quality book, it will be able to make a dozen copies of fake high-quality books in one month with a general workshop. Different, it takes three months at the earliest to publish a children's book, and the usual publishing cycle is about half a year. If you want to go to some famous author to create, it will take at least one year.

There are a few trustworthy publishing houses in China. Different from the big trend, these companies will publish several genuine boutiques every year. Therefore, real soul children’s painters like Wauli have their own abilities. .

However, no children's magazine society hired her, after all, long-term employment is too expensive.

In the field of public edition books with a low publishing threshold, there are too few children's publications that take into account the content of fairy tales, the level of text translation, the level of flower arrangement, and the quality of printing and binding.

Not to mention this kind of children's magazines that are published every month. It can be said that most of the children's publications on the market are garbage, including children's magazines subscribed to in kindergartens.

This sounds arbitrary and cruel, but unfortunately it is true.

"We won these people for such a big price, and the children's book industry is afraid it will be a sensation." Xiao Shan laughed, full of pride.

"Prepare a report to talk about the tricks of the children's book industry, the printing aspect, and the shoddy production of public edition books, including the details of these children's books made by small workshops, and talk about it in the special report." Gao Leng ordered.

"Ah? This...this..." Xiao Shan's expression changed.

"Mr. Gao, we just run the magazine in our way. There is no need to cut off the money for so many people? This is very offensive." An executive immediately persuaded.

"Yes, there are thousands of players in the country who play common divisors. Although all of them are small workshops, many small workshops have bosses. We just entered this business and there is no need to cut off other people's money." Persuaded immediately.

Once the news that the soul painter Wali, Li Ze, and Hai Weiwei, a top domestic translator, have entered the Starlight Group is released, the publishing industry, especially the children's book publishing industry, will definitely explode, but this is for the insiders. , No less than a tsunami.

After all, in the Empire, children's book publishing is a big hit.

Behind the craze is huge profits that ordinary people can hardly estimate.

Just need to put it here. Parents who value education do not hesitate to read their children. This kind of passionate love has driven the popularity of the children's book market, and more and more teams have joined this feast.

You can start publishing children's books with the size of five people. Sometimes these five people are only graduates from high school or college, and they have never studied children's psychology. It only takes one year and a five-person workshop can publish 100 If multiple sets of public books work well, it is very common to sell more than 40 copies in the market.

Most of these workshops produce public books, that is, books like "Andersen's Fairy Tales". Works published by writers, artists, and others who are not restricted by copyright law will not infringe the copyright of the author.

Can also hang the title of tall.

There are thousands of children's book workshops of this size in China. It can be said that 70% of the so-called achievements of these small workshops are the so-called achievements of children's books that seem to be lively on the market.

The only good news is that several well-known domestic publishing houses did not participate in this feast, and they still did things steadily. But how can the power of these companies make ten books a month? Thousands of such workshops are doing it. Such a thing to contend with?

In terms of quantity, it is impossible.

Walk into the bookstore and stand in the field of children's books and look at the past. Of the 100 books you see, 90 are crude public edition books, and only ten are books of conscience.

This has long been known in the industry, but the people don't know it.

The benefits are unimaginable. To use a rough analogy, a small workshop of five people produces one hundred convention edition children's books a year, of which 60 are not sold, and 40 are sold well. How much can you make?

The cost of a shoddy book is at most five yuan, which is so high, but it can sell for 30 to 70 yuan.

The worst and worst card book is ten yuan a book. Ten yuan does not seem expensive, but its cost is less than two yuan.

Forty books a year are sold well, and each of them sells 3,000 copies. If it goes down, one can make 30,000 yuan. If ten copies are made a month, it will make 300,000 yuan. The so-called "good printing" fine book of ten yuan is priced at seventy or eighty. With some audio or something, it is the most basic to make one or two million a year. It can be marketed and does a little better. My son, five or six million a year is normal.

This is done in the industry, no one has said about the darkness in this. You have come to do children's books, and you have kicked this. Doesn't this mean that your business is ruined?

After all, if these small workshops are all single, it doesn't matter, Xiao Ma Zai, not to mention. But the problem is that some of these small workshops are organized by groups. In this type of book, there are several big guys. Among them, the biggest big guy is called the Confucian businessman Jiage. He has more than two hundred such small workshops. workshop.

What is the concept of more than two hundred such small workshops? Do the math, a small workshop makes two million a year, which is the least. What about two hundred?

It is a revenue of 400 million yuan, but in actual operation, the amount of profit often exceeds this revenue.

"If you do this topic, those small workshops will all get drunk. The King of Split Mouth, Brother Confucian Businessmen, and Tsunami Boys, these are the leaders of small workshops, and their sales are higher than those of the orthodox domestic ones. Children's book publishers are even higher. Offending them is not a good thing." An executive became nervous.

The high cold kicking off the shady scene of the children’s book industry will not get drunk several large domestic children’s publishers, because large children’s publishers are really doing things. Although their children’s books are priced quite high, they are indeed Boutique.

It is these small workshops that offend.

"Yes, I don't think there is any need to offend them as soon as they come up. Think about it, we just got the issue number, and the staff has just been completed. Before we published the book, we offended our colleagues. This..."

"Yes, although they are small workshops, they have a very good relationship with several printing factories in China. When the time comes, we will be stumbling, and we will be in trouble."

"Their hands are black, and the children's money is so dark-hearted. We should hide a little bit for this kind of shameless person. We should not make enemies everywhere. Otherwise, when we hold book signings in the future, they will come and make trouble. The world is in chaos. Look, those big publishers haven't spoken, have they?"

In large publishers, no one really talks about the darkness. Although sometimes I said a few words publicly in the face of the media, they were also said in a closed form. No one specifically made a special topic like Gao Leng and directly kicked it.

"Okay, you all go to work first." Gao Leng waved his hand and looked at the Fatty and Xiao Shan who were in the meeting room. Fatty and Xiao Shan hurriedly stayed.

"Send an unannounced visit team, Fatty, you will lead the team and secretly photograph a few small workshops to try to publish a special topic this week." Gao Leng repeatedly confessed: "Don't disclose this matter. The unannounced visit will be released when you get it."

Xiao Shan is a master at writing unannounced visits, but she has a lot of things now, and Starlight Group also has a very mature unannounced visit group. It is natural to take pictures of several small workshops, not to mention Fatty leads the team.

Fatty, but now a veteran. He who had never led a private visit alone, heard about this task, and he was so excited that he sat down on the cold table.

"Great! Great!" He geared his hands: "This will definitely be big news! Maybe, I can also get the Taofen Award!" This is the highest award given by the country in the journalist industry. Fatty has been greedy for two years. Now, Gao Leng and Xiaodan have both taken it. If he took it, it would really be enough for him to show off for a lifetime.

"You have to be careful, this Confucian businessman first heard that his hands are black." Gao Leng said.

"Brother Confucian businessman Jia is the biggest leader of the small workshop, I will take pictures of him, take pictures of seven or eight, and take him in a nest!" The fat man was very excited.

"This is the site of his workshop in the imperial capital. Take a look and contact the Eastern Gang. They said that I took my order and asked the Eastern Gang to protect you. The people in the Eastern Gang are very tight-lipped. You are alone for the first time. Lead the team to make unannounced visits, be careful.” Gao Leng handed over a piece of the area outside the Fifth Ring Road of Dongcheng District. In between, dozens of red circles were drawn densely between two alleys. One red circle represents a small workshop. The territory of the Confucian merchants.

Books published by this kind of small workshop are in line with national regulations. For public edition books, there is no copyright issue, and the threshold is low, so they are becoming more unscrupulous. No one in the industry dared to kick it out. This Confucian businessman was so confused that the wind and the wind and the rain and the rain, the district government also invited him to participate in any literati meeting.

He himself gave himself a title: Brother Confucian Businessmen.

"But boss, as soon as our report came out, we offended all the small domestic workshops. The big heads of this small workshop are very powerful, will they..." The fat man was also a little worried: "Too many crimes, yes. will not……"

There are mountain roads line by line, this is too much offense, and it sounds really bad.

"Offend them?" Gao sneered.

"As soon as this report came out, they were losing money. Isn't it an offense? We just entered this business, is it too early?"

"Not offended," Gao Leng said.

"Don't sin against them?" The fat man stopped moving, and he and Jian Xiaoshan looked at each other.

"It's too easy to offend them. I just want to step on their bodies and achieve my hegemony."

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