Gossip King

Chapter 1485: Struggle on both sides, difficult step by step

As soon as he had an idea, the phone rang, and Gao Leng looked at his caller ID and his expression instantly became serious.

Call from the Publishing Administration.

The leader was concise and concise, and his voice was cold, severe, and cold, and he had to go cold, immediately.

"Yes, I'll be there in half an hour." Gao Leng immediately agreed.

The call from the General Administration of Publication, this requires Gao Leng to put up a lot of energy, no, extremely energy to deal with.

What exploded was the materials of the public version of children's books, and these public version of children's books took advantage of the loopholes of the national law and said thoroughly that they were published with the approval of the General Administration of Publishing, so the General Administration of Publishing could not shirk the blame.

The stick hit, hit the unscrupulous small public edition children's book workshops, hit the companies that bought junk children's books in the workshops, and naturally got the Administration of Publishing.

Especially after unannounced visits came out, the people found that apart from the non-compliance of the book preparation materials, the operation of these few people who can make hundreds of children's books a year actually complies with the state regulations. This is undoubtedly a severe blow to the General Administration of Publication. The slap is loud and open.

Unannounced visits are not so easy. In addition to seeing the danger, there are also invisible dangers.

"I have to go and do some work right away. I can't watch it with you here. You can sign it if you think it is appropriate." Gao Leng took out a few bank cards to Mu Xiao Leng, and after pondering for a few seconds, he explained: People protect you, no killer dared to move you, but now we are being hacked on the Internet, this kind of insidious trick should not be a killer, but I am afraid that there will be others, when you leave here, wait for the people from the East. To pick."

Xiao Leng nodded quickly, with a trace of nervousness in her eyes. The first time she saw Gao Leng being so serious, she was a little worried, but the worry disappeared in just a few seconds, and smiled slightly: "Okay."

Mu Xiao Leng has always believed that her man is the most powerful man in the world, and there is nothing that can't be solved. She has believed since Gao Leng was just a puppy.

But it's simply different.

"Did the General Administration of Publishing call you? I just received an email from them." Gao Leng just started the vehicle when Xiao Shan called, looking nervous.

Being subpoenaed by the General Administration of Publication, it is impossible not to be nervous. Xiaodan who has worked in the media for these years knows the various possibilities.

"Well, you go over there now," Gao Leng said.

"How are you going to deal with it?" Xiao Shan asked, and she sighed after she asked, "Now it's really hard to fight on both sides."

The public opinion on the Internet is changing frantically. The other party is well organized with rhythm. It killed the Star Group to make unannounced visits to promote its own children's book magazine, weakened the junk public version of children's books, and Gao Leng was called Gao Zhanxing. Attack its character.

Originally, the public version of children's books complied with the regulations. A few people in these small workshops can produce four or five books in a month. However, laymen, especially those young people who did not have children and did not read the contents carefully, actually can’t tell where the **** is from the outside of the book. After all, the printing is very good. shake.

The voices on the Internet have become more and more intense, and more and more people have joined the "battle", raising the banner of resolutely opposing "the unannounced guns are in the hands of evil people."

And the General Administration of Publishing called Gao Leng to go there early in the morning, and it must be very strict.

"I tried my best to deal with it." Gao Leng hung up the phone after speaking, his hand tapped on the steering wheel again, and the General Administration of Publishing made a slight adjustment to the way he had thought of dealing with the Internet. Obviously, the General Administration of Publishing I am very disgusted that this matter continues to ferment. If he uses the power of the media to head-on against the agitation there, the General Administration of Publishing will be furious.

How to do it?

How to deal with the two-sided attack and difficult steps?

Gao Leng drove the car, his hands tapping on the steering wheel rhythmically, a trace of confusion appeared between his eyebrows, saying that the way was all people thought of, but sometimes he just couldn't think of this way.

Two mobile phones were ringing one after another. He watched Lu's successive calls from Mr. Lu, some friends from CCTV, and other publishers.

Suddenly, Gao Leng's eyes lit up, and he made a turn to park the car on the side of the road and dialed a call.

"Mr. Lu, excuse me." Gao Leng smiled politely.

Mr. Lu is the boss of a very outstanding domestic publishing house. Publishing houses do not have rankings, because in addition to economic benefits, publishing houses also pay attention to social benefits and social influence, so it is not easy to quantify a mathematical index to rank.

It will not be ranked first, second or third. There are only classifications. There are about 100 first-level publishing houses nationwide. And this one in the hands of Mr. Lu is at the top level among more than one hundred first-tier publishing houses.

It is no exaggeration to say that of the many heavyweight children's books imported from abroad, half of them are introduced by President Lu's publishing house.

"Mr. Gao, hello, hello." Mr. Lu and Gao Leng met at the banquet, and achieved this level. In fact, the circle is very small. In addition to the cultural conference organized by Gao Leng, the last time he paid We chatted with Mr. Lu Chang for more than ten minutes, and we had a good time.

"Well, I have an idea to discuss with you."

"please say."

Mr. Lu was very polite on the phone.

"Have you seen my unannounced visit?" Gao Leng asked.

"Oh, after watching, such a big news is also breaking in my industry. My circle of friends is talking about this." Mr. Lu laughed and applauded: "This is a good news, those The workshops are really disgusting. They are all bookmakers. Their kind of books simply insulted the sacred word'book'. It exploded well!"

As long as any serious publishing house does not say that it hates a small workshop, it absolutely despises it.

"That's it. I have an idea. Now that the children's book market is disorderly, I wonder if we can organize an event in conjunction with several large publishing houses? Tell the parents about the really good public children's books in China. Here comes the book list. This book list contains high-quality public children’s books published by various publishers. In this way, the probability that the public children’s books published by small workshops will be selected..."

Gao Leng hadn't spoken yet, and Mr. Lu smiled awkwardly.

"This... not so good." Mr. Lu interrupted Gao Leng's words.

"Several large publishing houses have listed a list of genuine quality public edition children's books. What's wrong with holding such an event?" Gao Leng was a little surprised and a little confused.

From the Internet, there is now a swarm of attacks on Starlight. On the one hand, there are black hands behind the scenes. On the other hand, it shows that the vast majority of people do not have the ability to distinguish what is a fine public version of children's book and what is a junk public version of children's book.

There will be many similar book lists on the Internet.

For example, those who want to enlighten their children in English include Liao Caixing's book list, Wu Minlan's book list, and Wang Peiyu's book list. The book lists shared by Taiwan’s mothers are highly sought after on the Internet. Many parents who want to teach their children English are buying books according to the book lists issued by these people, and even several large domestic online booksellers have these book lists. Special classification for everyone to buy.

If there is such a list of domestic boutique public children's books, divided into kindergarten, elementary and middle school students, high school students, etc., then anyone who sees the list will avoid buying junk public children's books as much as possible Possibility.

Unannounced visits are not for revenge, but for the improvement of the society, so that parents can really buy high-quality public children's books. If several major publishers come forward to hold a boutique children's book activity, which contains the content of the boutique public version of children's books, then it will be perfect.

Parents know that the public version of children's books in the original small workshop cannot be purchased, and they also know which public version of children's books are the real boutique products. By buying according to the book list, children can truly wander in the ocean of knowledge.

What a great thing.

For publishers, if the book is sold out, many parents will start to buy it. After all, this unannounced visit is so big and its influence lies here.

But President Lu interrupted before even listening to Gao Leng's words. He heard Gao Leng's meaning, but didn't want to continue to talk in depth.

Just said "This is not good."

Gao Leng didn't understand, really didn't understand, what's wrong with such a thing that benefits the people and promotes book sales?

He really didn't understand.

"Mr. Lu, can you speak more thoroughly? I'm... I'm inexperienced and don't understand a bit." Gao Leng asked.

Mr. Lu hesitated twice in embarrassment.

"Mr. Gao, you are still young. Let's do business here. You can't do this." Mr. Lu said with a sincere attitude: "You have this event, whether it will be held sooner or later, but at this time, you are not Do you want to force those small workshops to death?"


Gao Leng became more and more confused.

If this group of small workshops are not forced to death, will it be possible to raise these group of tortoise grandchildren who are harming the country and the people? !

"This won't work. If you hold this event again after this period of time...I...I will consider it. Now it will definitely not work."

Hearing what Mr. Lu said, even if this time passed, he would not come to hold such an event in all likelihood.

"You are not good, it's really not good. You are still too young." Mr. Lu said implicitly and hung up.

Gao Leng sat in his seat for a few minutes.

He didn't give up, maybe Lu always has some unspeakable interests in it. Try others.

So he called Mr. Li, the boss of another first-level publishing house.

"Ah? This activity?" President Li also interrupted Gao Leng's words and said with an embarrassing smile: "This...this is not so good...or else, if you wait for the others to agree to go, then I Just go..."

I called Mr. Shan, Mr. Shan refused more and more tactfully. He patted his thigh to agree, and then he didn't have time to say a word in the first half of the year.

After more than a dozen calls, almost all of the top domestic publishers made calls, and the most replies were: "This activity...this activity is not so good..."

Gao Leng checked the time and had to go to the General Administration of Publication, and would be late if he didn't go.

Along the way, Gao Leng left thinking and couldn't figure out what was wrong here, but now is not the time for him to figure out what is wrong. Right now, the General Administration of Publishing has to explain, and the Internet is also getting more and more intense.

The expectations of everyone in the entire Starlight Group fell on Gao Leng, waiting for him to solve this internal and external troubles.

But his method hit the rock.

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