Gossip King

Chapter 1486: There is nothing to teach you

What is so bad about such an event?

Gao Leng's mind repeatedly thought about this.

If this event is held, most of the rumors on the Internet can go down. After all, everyone can see that Gao Leng is really doing real things, and the unannounced visit is to purify the children's book environment. Even if the public can't distinguish the public version of children's books from good to bad, some of the attacks on the Internet are navy forces and some are young people and even children.

Families with children, even if they feel that Gao Leng's exposure is for the sales of his children's book magazines, they will thank him for his exposure, after all, it is related to the children in the family.

This matter, this activity, is also of great benefit to other publishers. At this peak of public opinion, the sales volume of such a book list will be very high, and parents will be grateful.

Obviously it's a matter of winning the game, how can it be bad?

Gao Leng drove the car, and he seemed to think of something in his heart, but he was uncertain and in a daze. He thought of Lu Yajun, so he took out the phone and called Lu Yajun.

Maybe it's because I'm too young to see through, so ask Mr. Lu to see. Although he did not participate in it, he has walked in this world for nearly 50 years, and his experience in the business world far exceeds himself.

"Hey, Mr. Lu." Gao Leng is still the attitude of learning, the tune of learning, but Lu Yajun on the phone is no longer the boss who took a faint cigar and slowly answered the cold questions. Up.

"Hello, Mr. Gao." Lu Yajun's voice immediately became high-pitched. Gao Leng didn't know what Lu Yajun was doing a second before the call, but when he answered the call, he never "let me take this one." Cigars, let’s talk to you."

For some reason, Gao Leng felt sad to hear Lu Yajun's very polite words.

It was as if he would call Lu Yajun from the back to the front and sit in the most noble position at every meeting. Even the whole Starlight Group knew that Lu Yajun's position in Gao Leng's mind was always the level of a teacher.

Even so.

Lu Yajun still gradually became more and more polite to Gao Leng, more and more respect, and more and more kept the distance between superiors and superiors.

Gao Leng is the superior and Lu Yajun is the inferior.

Gao Leng didn't want to be like this, just as he still didn't like a meeting, and the people all over the room stood up and shouted hello to Mr. Gao. He didn't like this.

But every time I have a meeting, it still does.

Gao Leng suppressed his nostalgia for the teacher's treatment of his past, and said, "I want to ask you about something."

Gao Leng said slowly, just as when he first proposed himself to Lu Yajun at the lakeside, Lu Yajun slowly responded.

"I know this. I was watching the news just now." Lu Yajun opened his mouth after listening. He smiled, as if trying to figure out how to organize the language.

"I really don't understand what's wrong with this matter. Why don't they take this issue? It can't be because of the General Publishing Administration. Even if the General Publishing Administration is unhappy, this is just a report. It is a trivial matter for them. It’s done once the guidance is done. Why don’t these publishers agree?"

Gao Leng held the steering wheel with one hand and pinched the bridge of his nose with the other.


"It's a matter of business... it's a rule in the world." Perhaps it was Lu Yajun who discovered that Gao Leng had actually come to ask himself for advice. His voice seemed a little happy, and he said with a smile: " As for doing business, there is generally no profit from stepping on other people’s corpses.

I have to admit that Gao Leng made this unannounced visit. On the one hand, he really wanted to clear up the squalor of the children’s book market. It was based on national justice. On the other hand, he did have selfish intentions: I just want to tell you that there are many Children's books, especially public children's books are rubbish, and Starlight Group will make a good children's book magazine, you can subscribe to it.

"Think about it, why are so many publications reluctant to make unannounced visits?" Lu Yajun sighed, "Actually, if I were to develop the Starlight Group, I would remove the unannounced visits column. This column is too offensive and thankless. Think about it again. Now Weibo is hacking you on a large scale, from your character to Xingguang's articles. Perhaps, many of the people who followed your scandals were people you had offended."

Gao Leng did not speak.

In this regard, he is different from Lu Yajun's idea. He wants to keep unannounced visits, and will always keep unannounced visits. Unannounced visits are the most important link where he recognizes his identity as a reporter.

There are very few unannounced reporters in this world, but this world needs them.

When Gao Leng was interviewed, he most liked that the other party called him a "Reporter Gao" instead of "General Manager Gao". The unannounced visit to the Carrion Case is so far his proudest page, the most proud, none of them.

This is not a measure of how much money has been made, and it is not on the same level.

Although Gao Leng did not approve of Lu Yajun's statement, he still chose to listen quietly. After all, his views are likely to represent the views of those bosses who have been in the publishing house for a lifetime.

"You may think that I am a person who is not courageous, but I am of this character, and I am careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years." Lu Yajun is a little embarrassed, speaking sincerely but embarrassed. Not everyone can admit that if It's me who will cut off unannounced visits.

Everyone wants to be a hero. They say that they have to use their swords to travel the world, and they will scream for help. How can they admit that they will be a turtle?

"Speaking of this event, you said, for so many years, those bosses really don't know the tricks of the public version of children's books? They must know it. And over the years, large and small exhibitions, large and small banquets, they have been with Confucianism. Brother Shang Jia, who is a big junk boy book maker, has drunk all together. This is the unspoken rule known in the industry, and it is just kept from the common people."

Gao Leng nodded. The industry knows the sordidness, but the outsiders don't know it.

"Why don't they say? First, there is no need to offend others. Others do a good job in business. As a colleague, you kicked their stall when you stretched out your foot. It doesn't make sense, it's not moral."

"Not moral?" Gao Leng disagreed, and his voice was a little louder: "Trash children's books harm people, is this world so nasty? Helping them hide it is morality?"

"I know that you are a chivalrous body, and that you are actually right, but this is the case." Lv Yajun sighed quietly: "This is a river and lake, with the rules of the rivers and lakes, stepping on someone else's corpse to rise up. No matter how right you do it, no one will follow up."

This is probably what those bosses said, "This is not so good."

Even if they know that trash children's books harm children, even if they know that such a children's book market will hit those original creators who have been working hard for decades.

But they chose not to speak.

Gao Leng said, they also chose not to follow up.

Because this is always the case.

"If it were me, if I were the boss of a publishing house, I would not follow up. Really, if I say that, you may think that my character is too bad, but I really will not follow up." Lu Yajun's voice After a single word, Xu Chang was firm: "You have done so many workshops and offended so many people. Now that the whole network is black, you are the consequence. If I were the boss of the publishing house, my publishing house would do it. Good point, I don’t need to take a trip to the muddy water just because those books are selling well. It’s unnecessary.”

"Even if this step is for thousands of children in the Empire, isn't it necessary?" Gao Leng frowned.

"Li, you're right. It's...difficult..." Lu Yajun shook his head: "There are a lot of books in the market, and no one forces them to buy it, so I can only think about it."

Gao Leng fell silent.

He understood why they said "this thing is not good", this thing is not bad, this is a great thing, and what is not good is not good.

It is not good for the publishing house, and it is not good for yourself. It is very likely to attract hatred. People in the rivers and lakes will say: Look, he and Gao Leng stepped on other people's corpses to make money and fell to the ground.

Lu Yajun also fell silent.

For a long time.


Lu Yajun sighed softly, there was helplessness in it, and there were other things that could not be said.


Lv Yajun paused, with an old-fashioned expression on his face, admiring the high cold expectations and said: "However, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to turn a Xingsheng magazine into today's Xingguang Group. , I think, this is where you are different from me. This is also where you are different from them. Mr. Gao, I am very happy today, really, very happy that you can ask me, and what’s more, you don’t agree My point of view."

Having said this, Lu Yajun took a deep breath, seeming to be suppressing something.

He was right. Gao Leng did not agree with what he said, the so-called morality and the filthy morality.

"I'm very happy. You don't agree with me. Really, very happy." Lu Yajun laughed, focusing on the moistness of his eyes and the helplessness of the veteran: "This shows that your worldview today is yours. My ability is far beyond me, I...I have nothing to teach you. I can only analyze with you, why I can't do this business, why they...why can't they be you."

Hearing this, the cold eyes were also wet.

Even though Lu Yajun said so much that he didn't understand the world, and said so many reasons why it is not good to say so, in the end, Lu Yajun recognized him.

Recognize his unannounced visits, recognize his nasty kicking the children's book industry, recognize his activity.

It's just that Lu Yajun, like everyone else, didn't have the courage to do this.

"I don't have much to teach you. Let me make a small suggestion. You can talk to President Su of Huantai Group. She is a well-known person in the industry who plays the rules of the world. She is famous. I am. Think, now the object of your communication shouldn't be me anymore, it should be someone at the level of President Su."

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