Gossip King

Chapter 1487: Column of Shame in the Media

Gao Leng continued to drive the car, chewing Lu Yajun's words repeatedly in his mind, not missing every word. Others might think that Lu Yajun is not brave enough, and that the group of people are like the people in the workshop, like a raccoon with fifty steps and a hundred steps.

Mingzhe protects oneself, these four characters have always been called the motto of mature people. This is the wisdom of the imperial people, so most of the imperial people are Mingze protect their lives.

In the end, Lu Yajun fought in the arena for many years. His analysis was correct. This activity, the matter itself, was right and not wrong, but it did not conform to the rules of the arena of wise protection.

Thinking of this, Gao Leng already had a count.

He didn't call Su Su. He didn't need to make a call. He could remember Su Su's expression when he closed his eyes. He should have sneered and said: "As long as it is good for Huantai, who is in my way? Huh, overwhelming."

Su Su was like this. From the day she took over Huantai, she put her parents' urn on the table and put them on the table, blushing but looking coldly at the family and friends in the house, she was like this. made.

Relatives and friends, she can be very ruthless, let alone other people in the business war.

"I'm afraid they won't cooperate with you. Obviously you have to drag them into the water."

"If they don't cooperate with me, then I will force them to cooperate with me." At a certain cocktail party, Su Su shook his glass with red lips, and then killed himself confidently: "Everyone is in the same boat. Play, and die together, otherwise, they will be led by the nose."

Gao Leng's eyes gradually became firm, and the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, and soon he arrived at the General Administration of Publishing.

The one who received Gao Leng was the boss of one of the departments of the Publishing Administration.

"Hello, leader." Gao Leng sat down opposite him. It is normal that the leader's complexion is not so good, but now Gao Leng has an idea in his heart, so he is relatively calm. He handed it over to show the leader. Information: "This is the report material, please check it out!"

The leader took the information and turned it over. The information on the public children's book disorder and the current situation of Laoxiang Culture Street are all real hammers.

"Mr. Gao, first of all, thank you for helping us point out the shortcomings." The leader put the information aside and said: "But..."

The word "but" is not a good word in empire, after this word is generally not a good thing.

When Gao Leng heard these two words, he sat up straight.

"But, look, many children on the Internet don’t understand the subdivision of children's books at all. If it continues to ferment, many people will think that as long as they are public children's books, they will be bad, and even think, As long as it is a domestic children's book, it is not good. It's like...like the Peng Yu case."

When it comes to the Peng Yu case, most of the media people are silent.

Why is it silent? Because this is a shame in the media industry.

The beginning of the matter is very simple.

On the morning of November 20, 2006, an old man was hit. The old man accused the boy Peng Yu and demanded compensation, but Peng Yu denied it. This was not a major event, but after the media exposed it, the course of the event was very bloody.

Before the matter was identified, the media began to ferment: the young man Peng Yu did a good deed to help the old man who fell, but was blackmailed!

Good guys are hard to deal with, but when an old man falls, the kind-hearted guy Peng Yu helped him up and was blackmailed!

When a good person is blackmailed, it is the old man who gets bad or the bad person gets old.

Similar titles were instantly lit in most media across the country, saying that a single spark can start a prairie fire and put it on the media. This sentence cannot be more correct.

Without any appraisal, including Peng Yu’s lawyers, 99% of the media reporting this news did not go to the scene, did not conduct interviews with both parties, and did not even go to the local court once.


Follow the trend and make money as long as you follow the trend and report.

The current media are following the trend. They report everything in a swarm. For traffic and attention, this is learned from the United States and European countries. Whether this set of learning is good or bad is fully reflected in the case of Peng Yu.

When the result of the first instance came out, the court awarded the young man compensation because he hit someone.

Once again, most of the media, without any on-site interviews, followed the tone of online violence frantically and criticized good people for being difficult to do.

Of course, this does not rule out the deliberate fanning of foreign forces.

Public opinion defines this as: good people are hard to do, but good people are blackmailed.

At the same time, the fringe effect of the war of words on this matter suddenly broke out on the Internet on a large scale. The war of words came suddenly but turbulent, and it seemed to be organized and planned, that is: in the empire, yes Those who cannot do good things cannot help people. Moreover, Lei Feng was created by the media, and Jiao Yulu is also a heroic image created by the media.

In the eyes of the imperial political parties at the time, the guidance of this large wave was somewhat inexplicable, and it did not respond well.

As a result, in the long years that followed, and even now, a large number of people are still talking about the injustice of Peng Yu's case and saying that Lei Feng is actually false.

But what is the fact?

The fact is: the young man Peng Yu did indeed hit the old man, and he admitted, and the evidence was solid, the court would only award him compensation.

This is completely different from media reports. After this case has been infinitely magnified, after a large wave of organized and planned destruction of our country by Lei Feng and the destruction of our country's spiritual heroes, the emergence of the truth is embarrassing.

What's even more embarrassing is that the media that swarmed to report back then are now reporting: We blamed the Peng Yu case back then.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

In the empire, old people can’t help, and good people can’t do it. This has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

This is the power of the media. It is also the most typical case in which the media has become evil for the sake of the economy. It is a pillar of shame that people in the media should always remember: Our reports have destroyed the traditional spirit of respecting the old and caring for the young, and damaged that group. young people.

When talking about Peng Yu's case, Gao Leng was silent.

"I know." Gao Feng said heavily.

He is well aware that other media will now follow up one after another. It will be like the Peng Yu case back then. 99% of the media will not start producing manuscripts after conducting live interviews like Starlight Group, and the reporters who wrote the manuscripts may even include public children’s books and children’s books. The relationship between the books is not clear.

This kind of report, like all onlookers, can be written in just a few words extracted from Weibo.

It has to be admitted that the people of the empire like to watch negative news. One negative news is more popular than ten positive news, which brings the most direct profit to the media. Not to mention that there are so many private team official accounts now, and they write news for profit.

You are not good at publishing public children's books. I have to publish a manuscript with a worse public version of children's books. The condemnation will be greater and the news will be more scary, so that there will be more enthusiasm.

Fabricated a child who read the public children's book and found that he had too much formaldehyde and got leukemia.


This news has exploded. This is a major event, and the masses have followed up.

Some media were not so courageous and did not dare to fabricate news, so they ran to the hospital and said: Children's books have excessive formaldehyde, and 90% of children with leukemia in hospitals now suffer from formaldehyde. Gee, this news is perfect, because now a large part of childhood leukemia is indeed caused by renovations at home, and there are indeed many harmful substances in junk public children's books, too much formaldehyde, and Ding Dong! Perfect news.


This news page has exploded. This is also a major event. The National Children's Book is deadly! Dead man! So many children died! The people followed up.

war! Come to fight! Fight for the children of our country! Some official accounts that did not even have a press card issued a news that was more scary than one, which attracted a large wave of network fighters to forward it frantically and ignited a raging war.

Crazy or not? Exaggeration is not exaggeration? Are you stupid?

But aren’t there many similar things?

The original intention of Gao Leng's unannounced visit was to destroy these small workshops and remind the country to improve the laws of public children's books, but the development of the matter will far exceed his expectations, and it will eventually turn into a ridiculous drama.

"If it continues to ferment, the empire's children's books will fall to the bottom, and some foreign forces may also contribute to the creation of a'reading useless theory'. Have you ever thought about it?" The leader looked at Gao Leng seriously and seriously.

Gao Leng nodded.

Foreign forces occasionally appear in the mouths of some people. Many people think that this matter is very far away from themselves. In fact, the hype of heroic images such as Lei Feng and Jiao Yulu, who destroyed the empire on a large scale, is likely to have the role of foreign forces. After all, while destroying our heroic image, a certain country strives to create its own heroic image, such as Spiderman, Superman, and Private Ryan.

The common people of the empire are easily guided by the media, especially the young people. Don’t say that the exposure of this matter makes reading uselessness a bit exaggerated, not at all exaggerated. Don’t use this to guide you, the Empire itself has the theory that reading is useless. If you don’t believe it, you will know by reading the comments, especially when something bad happens to the famous college students, the comments below will gather similar comments: current What can be learned in the university? Except for picking up girls; my cousin did not graduate from elementary school, and now he opened a factory, using all graduate students to work for him; that's the case with famous universities.

And if there are children's books to guide, it will directly cause many parents to give up the idea of ​​reading picture books for their children: what picture books to read? Picture books are poisonous!

Exaggeration? It is not an exaggeration at all. In the Empire, there are too many people who are easily incited and led.

"There will indeed be many media that make unrealistic reports. They will not treat this issue impartially and objectively. Our children's book market as a whole is still very good, but there are drawbacks in the public version of children's books. But once all When the media starts to follow up, it will turn out that all children's books are bad." Gao Leng has a clear idea and he recognizes the leader's words.

The sincere attitude satisfied the leader.

"I'm not saying that you should not report. You have worked so hard to make unannounced visits. It is correct. If you have any shortcomings, you must point it out. But the fire is going to be turned off. I already know about this. The country will improve it." After finishing the board, he gave Gao Leng a reassurance. He hesitated: "It's just... other media continue to follow up. This is really difficult. If you press hard now, it will easily rebound."

This is an important reason why Gao Leng was summoned: how to solve the problem now that it has fermented so badly.

Starlight Group is more than internal and external troubles, but also pressure from the top.

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