Gossip King

Chapter 1488: Kong is just one word!

With that said, the leader took a meaningful look at Gao Leng.

Speaking of this level, it is very transparent. For this matter, someone must be backing the bag, not the group of people in the small workshop, or the director who was taken away for investigation, or the secret visit of the Star Group .

No matter who carries the pot, the children's book cannot carry the pot.

The fangs in the morning were exhausted, and he crawled out of a room with blood. This is a garbage station. He hid in the trash underneath for a whole night. Behind him was the pale mother cannon, who vomited. Countless times, I vomited like a dog.

"You have to go bandaging quickly, you will get infected. After staying for the whole night, you will really get infected." Mother Pao weakly put the camera on the car.

"Well, I have to go to the hospital." Fang sat in the co-pilot and sighed deeply: "Damn, squatted all night, no ghosts were photographed, I have a fever, go to the hospital."

When he squatted into the middle of the night, his fangs accidentally fell into the garbage dump, and I don’t know what caused him to cut his hand. The stroke was so deep that the blood smeared the camera and scared him off his clothes. Wrap the lens instead of the hand.

The lens is expensive, if it is ruined, you can't afford it.

"Oh, you have a terrible burn." Niang Pao stretched out her hand and touched his forehead, shocked: "I knew that the group of people hadn't come out for such a night, and it should have been withdrawn long ago. If the rusty nail pierces You, that's it."

"What if they come out to trade? They have been squatting for more than half a year." This case has been running for so long and suffered so much, not bad this time.

Fang took out his phone and instinctively swiped his Weibo page, and the comments below surfaced.

"Trash! Disgusting! Use unannounced visits to collect money for yourself? Why not die!"

"I don't know if the children's books you exposed have such a big problem, but it is said that you are going to publish children's books yourself, haha, give you one haha."

"It's all about making money from children, it's all a group of people with ignorance who use unannounced visits to profit themselves!"

"Maggot, don't dare to show his whole face, look at this picture of him and wear sunglasses, maggot!"

The comments were full of insults. Some were naval forces, some were unreasonable people, and some were purely to join in the fun.

When the unannounced visitor has to make children's books, no matter how pure things are, it becomes unpredictable, plus the guidance of the navy.

Bad, those words are really bad.

Buck tooth maggots.

He pursed his fangs, trying to hide his buck teeth, but he felt itchy on his arm. He glanced at it and saw a maggot squirming...

Gently pinched it, opened the window and threw it out.

"I also got a lot of maggots on my body. When I first got in the car, some shook off." Niang Pao said when she saw it.

"Yeah." Fang Ya didn't tell Niang Pao what his two buddies had been sprayed on now on Weibo.

"We've been following this case for half a year, why can't we get it?!" Niang Pao was angrily and drove the car and cursed mother.

Fang didn't speak, but looked out the window with the phone in his hand.

"We chased them from Urumqi to Hainan, and from Hainan to the imperial capital. Now we are showing our tails, and we didn't even photograph them. Damn it!" Niangpao took a bite: "As long as we show our tails, we will take pictures! These grandsons are doing it. What's wrong?! So disgusting ingredients cooperating with so many catering companies, it's going to explode! I have to kill them!"

Fang Ya still didn't speak, just glanced at the comments under Niang Pao's Weibo.

In order to protect himself, Niang Pao didn't release her full face either. The few photos released over the years have blocked her eyes, but she still looks like Niang Pao.

There is no way, this servant is full of beauty, delicate skin and tender flesh.

"Can Xiao Suo be a reporter now?"

"Look at his mouth, I don't know how much it has... a group of people who make money from unannounced visits."

"Following your fellow Gao who sleeps in the entertainment industry, have you been slept by him too? Using unannounced visits to hype up your children's books is rubbish."

The comments below are equally unsightly.

"Fangya, why don't you say that these grandchildren don't come out? The line report clearly said that they will come out at night. What's wrong in this?" The mouth flew out from her mouth, and she was tired. Depressed, it is more determination that the more frustrated.

Unannounced visits, really do not make money.

It is possible that for more than half a year, no manuscript will be published, so what kind of money will be made?

Those who can stick to it are love, love this country, love the moment reported, the soundness of the law, and the joy of the people.

Otherwise, who would want to live with a sharp knife every day? I stepped on a sharp knife every day and didn't say anything, but now I was filming unannounced visits, and I was scolded by maggots.

Fang stopped talking, he no longer looked at the phone, but looked out the window.

Red eyes.

"We will analyze and analyze the reasons in a while." After a long time, the red-eyed fangs said softly but firmly: "They must be brought down, even if they sacrifice their lives."

"Well, these grandchildren, 忒 is nothing! This is related to thousands of people eating imported things! 忒 is not something!" Niang Pao didn't even want to take the conversation.


But also the most wronged.


"It can't be fermented anymore, now there are all kinds of words, messy," the leader said.

Most people cannot understand why an unannounced visit cannot be fermented on a large scale, cannot be over-fermented, and cannot be said to be dead, but the high cold as a media person understands that the public cannot withstand such a shock. If guided, most people will imagine the entire children's book market very poorly.

This is the current situation of the imperial people's Wuzhi.

Unannounced visits and exposure of shady scenes must be dealt with appropriately in this status quo. This is also the experience that the media has developed over the past few decades. There have been several periods in the middle, there are periods when all shady scenes are concealed, and there are periods when everything is broken. Now it has entered a period of controlled exposure.

What is the purpose of exposure?

Gao Leng's purpose of exposing the public children's books is not for the sales of his own magazines, not to establish his own tall heroic image, not to kill the Confucian businessman, his most sincere purpose in exposing the public children's books is hope Improve the environment for children's books, remove these junk children's book workshops, and improve the laws of the empire.

Rather than arouse the people's panic, waves and waves attacked this and that, and it was not to make parents panic. After arriving at the bookstore, they didn't believe in any domestic children's book.

"The public opinion is chaotic now, some people believe your report, some people don't believe your report, some of your news..." The leader stopped talking.

There are so many black and cold people on the Internet, the leaders must have seen it. This is probably the worst public opinion environment. When the intersection of faith and unbelief cannot find a breakthrough, the people will begin to attack the government.

Blame the government! Children's books are not doing well! The unannounced reporters do not check, any cat or dog can make unannounced visits. The ghost knows if it is for their own profit!

Our party is really amazing... the books of the children are killing people...

Are children's books really bad? I think someone is making unannounced visits for profit. The Star Group is doing a children's book by itself, and the country doesn't care?

Similar comments gradually increased. Sure enough, the public confused the junk public children's books with the regular public children's books, children's books, and all understood: domestic children's books are rubbish.

If everyone believes in high coldness, it is easy to handle. If you explain the children's book market carefully, they will naturally take a closer look. But the problem is that there are so many black and high-cold, and the high-cold itself also has black spots.

They don't believe in Gao Leng. What else Gao Leng said about children's books is actually only **** public edition children's books that are not good. I'm afraid no one would believe it.

The leader looked at Gao Leng solemnly.

"I have a way." Gao Leng raised his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. The confidence and composure in his eyes shocked the leader's heart: "I have a way to solve all of this, not only will not harm the image of the government, but will also increase the public's view of the government. trust."

"Oh?" The leader's eyes lit up.

"Those who hack me on the Internet, they will shut up." Gao sneered: "But time is running out, can I borrow a meeting room from you? I have a meeting and I have to write you a material, you You will understand after reading the materials."

"no problem."

There are many conference rooms in the General Administration of Publishing, as long as the problem can be solved, not a perfect solution, it will be fine.

Two hours later, almost noon, Gao Leng had a full hour of meetings in the conference room of the General Administration of Publication, and there was another hour he had been writing to the leaders for review.

When this material was handed to the leader, it was five pages full and written in great detail.

"This... This operation..." The leader took a sip of tea and looked at it carefully: "This step is good."

"Yes... this step is also very good." The leader turned a page, put down the cup, and looked at it wholeheartedly.

"Good way! This is also a good way!" The leader turned a page and said loudly.

"Good! Good! Good!" After three applause, the leader patted the table with admiration and blurted out: "Oh, you still have a lot of ways to engage in the media. It's a good way. It's a good way. Mr. Gao, that's what we publish. The General Administration can’t afford to invite you, otherwise, you really have to come to work with us and specialize in promotion! What a talent!"

People admire capable people.

Ability is the most powerful weapon for walking in the arena. When this weapon shines, no matter it is a high-ranking official or a nobleman, everyone admires it.

"It is true that our laws are not perfect. You made this unannounced visit... The people will complain about our government's work, but if you follow your method, the people will be satisfied, and our government's work page will be more complete. The important thing is to keep our position in the children's book market, and the position of domestic children's books." The leader nodded heavily: "Just use this method. I will hold a meeting now and cooperate with you!"


Half an hour later, a 2,000-character manuscript written by Gao Leng himself was published on Weibo. It was reprinted by all media of the Star Group, and the industry followed up.

The title is simple: Garbage, I just used unannounced visits to destroy you, not convinced? Hit you up!

The content is simpler: the publishers of the junk public children's book are as follows, and then the names of 359 workshop-level public children's book companies and the names of 359 bosses are attached.

Finally, I add a sentence: Parents, do not buy the children's books from these workshops, they are all rubbish.


The whole network was in an uproar.

Named, surnamed and company name, more than 300 densely packed and large editions, Starlight Group has listed all the public children's book workshops with names and surnames that it can grasp, and it is bloody.

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