Gossip King

Chapter 1489: Leverage

"It's tough...the title is trash. This is the first time I heard..."

"I knew that Gao is always a good person! The whole network hacked him! It must be the bosses of these workshops who paid to hack him, hahaha, I didn't expect our boss Gao to be so hard-hearted, we just fired hard!"

"This is the most refined and powerful counterattack I have ever seen... But this should be a dog biting a dog."

Gao Leng used very hot headlines that were rarely used by the media, as well as the dry content of word bombs, and the rare rigidity and domineering, which made it clear that Lao Tzu wanted to kill your youthful tone and instantly caught the people's attention.

It's just that there is still everything.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Gao is directly calling the name." In the president's office of a certain publishing house, one person was so shocked that his jaw dropped: "So arrogant, it seems that he is really not afraid of offending people!"

"The ignorant is fearless." Mr. Li sneered: "You are young and angry. If you are blacked into briquettes, you still fight with others, why bother?"

"Mr. Li, do you really plan to participate in the event that Mr. Gao said? I think if several publishing houses work together to support it and publish a book list, it will definitely be a big hit, and it will sell for many years."

President Li hated iron and steel and looked at the man: "I have taken you to do things for so long, and you are still so lacking in eyesight. How can you sell a few books that are popular with you? They say that I would rather offend the gentleman. Offending the villain, such a large group of villains in small workshops, what good is it to be offended? Then, what should I do if I am hacked by the entire network like Mr. Gao? Do you know if Ning Zhe stays safe?!"

The man nodded when he thought about it, too. These years, it’s okay to make less money for a few big-selling books. It’s a big deal if you get caught up by the villain and explode your illicit materials from time to time. After all, these publishing houses are all state-owned.

"Ouch! Whoops! Look, Mr. Li!" The office director rushed in from the door: "Mr. Li, you read Weibo, you read the news!"

"What's the call?" Manager Li frowned, "I just watched it, and Mr. Gao directly named the group of small workshops and handed the battle post."

"No! No!" The office director jumped anxiously: "Look at the latest! The Weibo and website of the General Administration of Publishing have followed up at the same time!"

When President Li heard the words "General Administration of Publishing", his expression instantly changed, and he quickly picked up the phone and looked at it.

The official Weibo of the General Administration of Publication directly reposted Gao Leng's babbled Weibo just now, and wrote a few words: Accept media supervision and have verified the situation, and will deal with it seriously. Public children's books must not be profaned! I also look forward to the improvement of the laws in this area of ​​children's books. I am sorry to everyone, and I would like to thank the comrades who visited the Star Group secretly! So many people on the list! The eyes of this game are red angrily...

The official website of the General Administration of Publication is more formal, with a document. Needless to say, every provincial capital city will start to clean up small workshops, especially those on the list.

"The General Administration of Publishing has responded so quickly this time." President Li couldn't help but straighten up: "And precise."

"Well, don't evade, and face the negligence of the law directly. This will win the favor of the people." Another person agreed.

It is true that the people of the empire are people who are particularly well managed. The people of the Empire are hardworking and work twice as long as European countries, but they rarely complain. Although there are a lot of sprays on weekdays, there is a very strange phenomenon: once something bad happens, as long as the government does not hide it, and an official response comes out at the right time, it will always be forgiven by the people.

For example, a few years ago, there was a false report that several leaders inspected a certain project, but in fact the leader did not go to the scene. The reported photos put the leader PS on the road of that project...

PS is PS, the technology is still very poor... It looks like three leaders are floating on the highway...

Leaders vacillated and cheated. This news was met with ridicule on the Internet. Such matters are very sensitive. According to past practice, officials usually suppress it. These leaders chose a different approach: they admitted the P picture and apologized for the first time, and they also explained half-jokingly: We actually went to the scene, but it was not on that day. In addition, please invite the majority of netizens. Don't worry, P picture brother will not be fired, but to strengthen the P picture skills...

The first time I acknowledged and ridiculed the incident, the reply specifically mentioned that everyone worried that Ptu would not be fired, but ridiculously suggested that Ptu should strengthen technical training.

This response method is very popular on the Internet, and soon, netizens have liked it.

The people of the empire are really the best people in the world. With my party, I can only scold me, and my country can only blame me. As long as my party and my country admit their mistakes and correct them at the first time, they stand absolutely firmly. Go to the front of our party and our country and stretch out your hands to protect it. Outsiders are not allowed to scold.

This phenomenon is to protect the calf.

Solving problems seriously and responding in a playful fashion is the best way to deal with negative news today.

The General Administration of Publication first apologized positively, and did not say anything. In fact, these workshops are in compliance with the law and so on. An apology is an apology, and the domineering request of the workshop bosses to come to Beijing reflects the state's attitude towards this area. The positive statement made those who are black and cold for profit speechless.

Only the official confession proved that the unannounced visit of the Star Group was true, authoritative, and correct.

The finishing touch is the last sentence: so many people on the list! The eyes of this game are red angrily...

The tone full of network feel is very suitable for the taste of today's young people.

"This should be Mr. Gao's idea, especially the last sentence. It was written by a veteran of the media," Mr. Li said.

Officials rarely make such naughty words. This response is serious and bold. Only people who know the media routines use it like this.

"This will not only shut up the people who are black and high, but also win the favor of the people. The response time is so fast, and the public response is two hours. This wave of crisis public relations is really good." Another person said.

The official stated that there is no need to withdraw hot searches from Gao Leng. Weibo quickly dropped the hot searches of Hei Gao Leng, especially those who suspected that his unannounced visits were tricky hot searches, and there were no more.

In the empire, you are all right, don't respond to the official response, the official responded like this, and a wave of hot searches said that this unannounced visit is tricky, isn't it a death?

This wave of rhythm itself is spent on money. No matter how profitable Weibo is, and seeing the official position of the Starlight Group, it will definitely abandon the interests and stand for the official.

This is called leveraging. In the empire, the greatest force and the most powerful force will always be the official, there is no one.

The Starlight Group, which received official support, did not stop. Although the comments have become official, the official is great, the official croak, but some people still doubt the purpose of the Star Group's unannounced visit. Open children's books and publications.

Therefore, the second piece of news came out immediately: Stepping on the evil corpse, Starlight Group opened a children's book publication!

Gao Leng chose not to evade and admitted openly, yes, I just want to establish a children's book publication, and it is a high-quality children's book publication.

Yes, I just want to step on your corpses to develop my children's book.


It's not that evil people have mastered the unannounced visit, but the unannounced visitor is going to trample the evil people to death and climb up on their bodies.

how? Does not comply with the rules of the mall?

If you don't meet it, don't meet it, love it.

After the domineering response was officially supported, the public was a little dizzy, but the negative comments fell by more than half.

Public opinion, a big taboo is that when people have doubts, they are forcibly washed away or forcibly concealed. The best way is to frankly admit and present facts to be reasonable.

That's right, we will launch Imperial Dolls next month, a high-quality children's book publication produced by the domestic conscience, stepping on the evil corpse, Starlight Group has launched a children's book publication! September 8, so stay tuned! Welcome everyone to help me step on the workshop! Everyone step on it!

The news was pushed upright to the front page headlines of the media.

"Domineering! Heizi at the trash workshop! Have you seen it? He said that Mr. Gao made an unannounced visit to a tricky keyboard man, and he was frank!"

"Puff... I suddenly began to sympathize with those unscrupulous workshops... I was so stunned... Okay, then I will give it a kick, forward it, and step on it!"

The reviews on the Internet are changing, and the publisher, Mr. Li, is calm except watching the excitement.

"Mr. Li, the wind is very good. I think we can play with Mr. Gao, just hold that event and publish a book list. Anyway, the workshop was trampled to death by him."

President Li shook his head.

"Can you not sin, try not to offend people. If he wants to get ahead, let him get ahead. We can compare with him? We are a large publishing house, and stability is the most important thing." President Li immediately denied without any careful consideration. .

Not to sin against people is the most important thing.

"Will other large publishing houses follow up? If they follow up, then we don't move. Whoever follows up at this time will definitely increase sales."

"I'm telling you, Lao Liu and the others will never follow up." President Li smiled and was very sure: "No need, first, no need to offend the villain for some sales; second, no need to follow Gao Leng's **** Booing, yes, he is very good in the media industry, but in the publishing industry, how old is he? He is just a newcomer, and our old publishers follow him? How funny."

As soon as the words came out, the others nodded.

Yeah, how old is Gao Leng? He called for an event to be followed up by these large domestic publishing houses, wouldn't it be too shameful? And now he is in full swing, and following up at this time is tantamount to cheering Gao Leng.

In the future, Starlight Group will be a competitor. It is enough to lose a part for a newcomer, but is it a fool to give back to a competitor?

Of course Mr. Li is not a fool. He is used to being a big brother in the publishing industry.

Therefore, President Li frowned slightly when Gao Leng called.

"Mr. Li, it’s me, Gao Leng, I’m bothering you, it’s the same thing. Now the General Administration of Publishing is following up with the public version of children’s books. Do you think the publishing industry is going to hold an event at this time? Select the top 100 best public children's books in China and the top 100 international public children's books. Two book lists will be made. This list will make parents confused..."

Before Gao Leng's words were finished, President Li interrupted him like last time.

"Mr. Gao, haven't I said that, I won't participate in this event..." President Li bluntly refused this time: "I'm very busy these days, there are many meetings."

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