Gossip King

Chapter 1493: Su Suyi shot

As soon as he heard Gao Leng's name, Su Su raised his head again, frowning: "He who digged me?! Did he do it himself?!"

That's a rage.

It was just that she held her expression instantly after she was furious, and she sneered out of her teeth with a big flying eye.

"The shop is really..." Su Su's face was filled with sympathy and smirk, and he also showed a high and deep self-confidence, and brought a little bit of gratitude to Gao Leng, who was in her mouth as she watched and fought. The shopkeeper, in short, he sighed with a strange expression and stretched out his little finger to look at the nail he just made: "To dig such a person, he needs to dig it himself, tut..."

"That is, how can the stall of the Starlight Group compare with Huan Tai?" The assistant beside him was a judge of the time and situation, and this word caught the heart of President Su, especially the word "stand".

"Stall..." Su Su snapped his fingers: "This word is good, absolutely useless!"

"Then this manager should persuade to stay?" the assistant asked.

Su Su was silent for a few seconds and then smiled faintly: "This level of staff does not need me to come out or leave. Please remind the human resources director of the hotel to let them judge. I will never be a child. In order to keep up with the high temperature, raise the salary of Manager Liu, right? As for it? Not that the people come and go, our executives have gone, but it is just a deputy manager of the hotel, so I won’t pay attention to it. ."

"Yes, yes, not." The assistant stooped repeatedly: "Let the HR director judge. It is not worth it to break the price rules of Huantai for employees for the sake of being a top manager."

"Of course not, he digs him, how can I have such idle time to grab people from him? It is even more unlikely that Huantai will raise prices at will to keep people because of the cold digging people. You are naive to think like this." Su Su Waved: "Go out."

"Yes, yes, it's because I didn't think about it well, my thinking is naive, you are busy, you are busy." The assistant walked out with a bow.

As soon as the door was closed, Su Su immediately picked up the landline and called the secretary. He said concisely: "We are in the four southern provinces of the hotel chain human resources director call me."

Thirty minutes later, Su Su, who got the call from the Human Resources Director, dialed it without hesitation.

"Hey..." Although the human resources director didn't know that it was Mr. Su, the caller showed the phone number of the head office of Huantai Group. He came to Huantai, or he met with Mr. Su during the interview. He came to Mr. Su every year. I saw it in the conference room during the meeting, but I never received a private call from President Su.

So the moment when the manpower is summed up, people instinctively become serious, but there is doubt in the seriousness.

"I'm Su Su." Su Su said bluntly, "That's it. I heard that Manager Liu, the deputy manager of the planning department in the management of the hotel, recently wanted to quit, get a little salary, and stay."


"Su... President Su?" He asked instinctively. After looking at the teledisplay, it was clearly the phone number of the General Su office of Huantai headquarters. Moreover, this voice, this tone, and the momentum were definitely not President Su. wrong. But how could President Su manage to quit such a thing as the deputy manager of the hotel planning department?

The HR director was directly confused.

"Didn't you hear clearly?" Su Su frowned.

"Listen, listen, listen clearly." The human resources director immediately responded and returned to normal. The deputy manager of the planning department, Liu Jingyuan, changed his job. He had heard the news, but he didn't take it too seriously. There are too many senior talents in Huantai, who few headhunters follow for a long time?

"I'll report to Chief Qin now." The manager of human resources said that Qin is always the general manager of the hotel chain. The general manager has the final say on how much such senior talent should leave a specific salary increase.

This is also the reason why the human resources director is surprised. If he wants to talk, he should also directly talk to the general manager on top of him. He is a human resources director at most because he knows that senior talents are leaving. If the general manager decides to keep the other party, he will Give the HR director a suitable salary increase price, and he will talk.

This abrupt group leader actually called himself. The first reaction of the human resources director was that maybe President Su hadn't reached the general manager's phone for a while, so he blurted out: "I will report now."

"What are you reporting? What I said can't be counted, right?!" As soon as President Su appeared majestic, his power was pressured, and the director of human resources almost burst out of his urine.

"No, no, I don't mean that, I mean..."

"There are rules for raising salary. This person is not bad. You can raise the salary to the managerial level and give him a promotion. You don’t need to say anything about this. If other deputy managers have a lot of criticism, just say that Mr. Liu is behind Relationship, but don’t say it’s me who wants to raise the salary, Mr. Qin, I will ask the General Secretariat to send her an email."

Su Su hung up the phone after speaking. Before he hung up, he told the human resources director not to mention that he had called.

"I also reported that this human resources director is a fool. This lets people know that I have a special call to compete with Gao Leng to keep this person. I don't want face?!" Su Su rolled his eyes and called his most trusted office director. A phone call, let him tell Mr. Qin why.

"You remember, you are directly in charge of this manager Liu's salary. If there is no manager position, you will also secretly give him the salary to the manager level, you know?"

"Why don't you talk to Qin directly..." The director of the office was halfway through the question, and he suddenly realized that he didn't ask more, but immediately nodded.

Mr. Su can make arrangements for the human resources director in person, and he will directly raise the salary from the headquarters without making any announcements. Without telling the general manager of the hotel, Mr. Qin, it seems that Mr. Su is going to vacate Mr. Qin, intending to push people away and train secretly. The successor! The experienced office director thought to himself, and hurriedly went to work.

President Su made such a big turn, which not only preserved his face, but also gave the human resources director a confidence when he went to talk. After all, President Su personally called, presumably the human resources director will add fuel and vinegar.

Mr. Su knows the truth well, this move is beautiful and has a face.

"Manager Liu, Mr. Su called me personally to say that he wants to promote you. You must not say anything." The human resources director winked in the office: "You know what, Mr. Su hasn't even said about it. ! In other words, President Qin still doesn’t know that you are going to be promoted. What does this mean? Do you know what it means?!"

what does this mean?

"This means that Mr. Su doesn't trust Mr. Qin anymore!" The director of human resources slapped his thigh, his voice was lower than that of a mosquito, but the veins on his neck burst. He touched his chin and breathed a sigh of relief: "Old Liu Ah, I was terrified when I heard Mr. Su's call. I was shocked and sweaty! Fortunately, I didn't know the people brought by Mr. Qin. I guess, wait for Mr. Su to get better. You have to go..."

The human resource director alternately moved the **** quickly to make a running posture.

Before raising a high-level executive, Su Su always makes the business seamless. There is never a problem that some of the business can't keep up after a certain executive leaves. This is the method that President Su has always used. Before he wants to kill a certain executive, he will place a suitable person around the executive and slowly take over the important business.

The Huantai Hotel business is Huantai’s oldest business, and Mr. Qin has followed Mr. Su for nearly 20 years and Mr. Su Su for three years.

"It's impossible to squeeze President Qin away, right? President Qin is a veteran." Manager Liu felt that something was wrong.

"What's impossible? Do you think Su is always the kind of person who cares about old love? She is not soft when she wants to kill her uncle and uncle. What is a piano?" The human resources director is very sure. Years, I can see through and patted Manager Liu on the shoulder: "Brother, President Su must have posted other people. I don’t know who, at least, you and I are safe. It’s President Su. People who can be trusted and promoted!"

The human resources director is both scared and happy. What I am afraid of is that fortunately, I am not a member of President Qin, otherwise I must be served in a pot in a year or so. What is happy is that I can be trusted by President Su, and I have a bright future!

Such executives have never been like in TV dramas and said that if you want you to get out, is it possible? Mr. Qin has so much business in her hands, and she didn't leave by herself. It was the company who wanted to kill her, and she was in the office without a wrist.

That is the brain fragments and silly white sweet plots. The reality is always cruel.

"I heard that Mr. Gao invited you to dinner tonight." The human resources director approached Manager Liu.

"No, I didn't even think about leaving Huantai." Manager Liu answered quickly, just blurting out.

"Okay, buddy, I don't know about you yet?" The human resources director laughed: "You have not been reused in the past few years in Huantai. You have been left behind after several manager promotions. You want to leave. It's normal, but now it's great. The opportunity lies in front of you. You have to think about it clearly. The rapid development of Starlight Group is good, but no matter how fast it is, it is also a small antelope. No matter how fast it runs, there is a ring of Tai fast? The ring of Tai is a lion! Taidu is bigger than Starlight!"

The manpower director’s words are a bit exaggerated. It’s good that Huantai is very large today, but Starlight Group is not small today, especially the small single business. It is estimated that it will be listed in the next quarter. It is one of the empires. One of many variety show film and television companies listed.

Exaggeration is an exaggeration, but the facts are almost the same. Huantai is a lion, and the star is an antelope, and it is a young sheep that grows fast, and a young sheep that runs faster is not as fast as a lion.

"I said I didn't plan to leave Huantai." Manager Liu smiled helplessly: "Look at you, where did you hear the gossip, and Mr. Gao invited me personally, nothing!"

It's something, there is such a thing.

It's just that I can't admit it in front of the human resources director.

Manager Liu returned to his office and looked at the invitation sent to her by Mr. Gao's secretary Yang Guanguan, and started thinking about it.

After a while, the human resources director followed up again, and his glasses narrowed into a line: "Old Liu, just called from the headquarters, and the office director personally called. Your salary will be raised to the manager level. Congratulations, congratulations! The future is boundless!"

"I mentioned it so soon?" Manager Liu was overjoyed.

"Well, the speed of light! Next month you will receive the manager-level salary, and so will the bonus." The human resources director smiled happily, and pointed to himself: "Your brother, I have also risen... We are going to be so prosperous! You still follow What kind of food does Mr. Gao eat? Let him go!"

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