Gossip King

Chapter 1494: Both hurt...

"Look at what you said." Manager Liu was displeased when he heard that, "What is Mr. Gao? What to eat? Nothing! I never thought about leaving Huantai!"

Even if you decide to quit, you must never reveal to the current company that you want to quit without receiving the offer from the other company, that is, before the acceptance letter. Manager Liu still has this experience in the workplace.

Nowadays, headhunting companies are well-developed. As long as you are a somewhat capable talent, several headhunters will follow. When there is a suitable position, you will be directly contacted by phone to make an appointment for a job change. After an interview, the conditions are negotiated to ensure the flow of talents. The other company will give talents an offer, which is written in black and white: After you leave company a, you will join our company with a salary of **** yuan.

This is to protect the talents, so that I will not resign and your company will not accept me for no reason. Of course, this contract is useful for unilateral travel. If the talent finally decides not to go to company b, but to company c, company b will also use talents.

Therefore, when changing jobs, talents often take offers from two or three companies and choose the best one in the end.

Manager Liu will definitely not rashly tell the human resources director that he has the idea of ​​quitting before the Starlight Group has settled, and he is not a rookie in the workplace.

The human resources director turned and left with a smile, and he understood it very well.

After the HR director left, Manager Liu sat in his position and thought about it. The salary difference between deputy manager and manager is a bit big. The biggest difference is the year-end bonus and project bonus. I have to say that he can be a manager in Huantai Company. No matter which project company is the manager, as long as he is the manager of Huantai, he is well-known for high salary. It can be said that in any company's managerial level, Huantai's treatment is always the best.

He travels overseas twice a year, and the average price of the year-end dividend of 150,000 for the manager level. He is the planning department. The salary of this department is similar to that of the Ministry of Manpower. The salary is higher than that of other clerical jobs, so the dividend is even higher. It's about 100,000, not to mention other seven or eight treatments.

It is much better to quit after working as a manager in Huantai for a few years than it is now. This is inevitable. What's more, if President Su wants to kill President Qin, it is certain that Manager Liu will definitely be able to secure the position of manager and even director of the planning department.

That's a different level. This post is enough to feed and worry about for a lifetime. This is not comparable to the salary offered by Starlight Group.

Manager Liu's phone rang and Yang Guanguan from Starlight Group called.

"Mr. Liu, hello, I have booked a private room at Rundong Hotel. When can you come? I will arrange a time." Yang Guanguan said with a smile.

"Uh..." Manager Liu dragged his voice.

"General Manager Gao is still in the meeting, it can be finished around five o'clock, what time do you see?" Yang Guanguan confirmed again.


The next day, Su Su’s red lips were extraordinarily domineering, and a black-and-white checkered coat showed the queen's demeanor. If this coat is worn on someone else’s body, it looks like a burlap bag, but it’s different when worn on Mr. Su’s body. With a height of 1.68 meters and high heels, he is just like a model. With his own temperament, it is very easy to compare all the women in the Huantai Group Building.

"Hello, President Su."

"Good morning, President Su."

Su Su strode towards her dedicated elevator, and the people in front gave way. This scene was already commonplace, she just smiled faintly, and her sunglasses eyes didn't look at them at all, but looked directly at the dedicated elevator.

When I walked to the door of the dedicated elevator, the door did not move.

She glared at the assistant through the sunglasses, the assistant glared at the other assistant through the sunglasses, and the assistant glared at the camera on the ceiling.

The staff behind the camera looked depressed and grabbed his hair and screamed in pain, "What a **** I am so unlucky! The elevator hasn't broken early or late, but now it's broken!"

A minute later, Su Su's face was very ugly, but when she heard the assistant say that the special elevator was broken, her face worsened.

"Yeah." Su Su made such a noise from his nostrils, turned and walked to the employee elevator.

The top 30 floors of the headquarters of Huantai Group are office areas, and the bottom 20 floors are used for reception. There are about 16 elevators for employees.

Su Su walked to the elevator, and the assistant quickly took a look. One of them happened to be going down on the fifth floor, so he quickly reached out to lead Mr. Su to the elevator, and the employees waiting at the elevator door gave way. , Automatically walked to the other elevator waiting.

At this time, it was the morning rush hour and the elevators were all full. Su Su alone occupied an employee elevator and there were even more people waiting.

Dingdong, the elevator opened.

Su Su pushed his sunglasses and raised his leg and walked in. Other employees stepped back. Only Su Su and his assistant entered the elevator.

"Let's get together," Su Sulang said, with an approachable tone.

Everyone was taken aback and shook their heads very politely. Before they could speak, Su Su reached out and pressed the close button...

This polite is also hypocritical...

There is no intention to take the elevator with the employees at all...

"I remember to write a manuscript for the scene of inviting ordinary employees to take the elevator together. Recently some people say that I am superior, saying that my business skills are nothing, and that it is not good for me to be superior to employees. I need public opinion to guide you, you know?" Su Su said.


The assistant was stunned for a while and quickly nodded and bowed.

Of course, I only wrote about the scene where Mr. Su invited ordinary employees to take the elevator together, and the scene of pressing the close button immediately afterwards, naturally I stopped writing...

"The face project is still to be done." Su Su subconsciously looked at himself in the elevator mirror through sunglasses and said.

When he arrived at the office, Su Su took a look at her makeup. Today's makeup is very good. She smiled and the assistant came in with a bunch of materials in her hand.

"This requires your signature today." The assistant put the information on the desk.

Su Su took it over and waved.

"Uh, a good friend of mine works in the hotel planning department. I heard that Manager Liu handed in his resignation early in the morning." The assistant stood still and said, "It seems that Mr. Gao was digging very hard."

I've been following Su Su for so long, although she didn't say anything, the assistant knew in his heart that Su always cared about such news.

Sure enough, Su Su felt a little in his heart.

Submitted your resignation? !

Her face changed slightly.

"He has a manager-level salary, why did he resign?" Su Su said involuntarily.

"The manager level? Did you get a raise? He is a deputy manager." The assistant was surprised when he heard that, he naturally didn't know about Su Su's personal phone call to raise his salary. The director of human resources and the office director knew about this. .

But I guessed it.

"Oh? Is he the deputy manager?" Who is Su Su, she is a veteran, if she let the assistant know that she had raised Manager Liu's salary secretly, but Gao Leng would still be poached away. So she picked up the information in a dazed manner and shook with a smile: "Look at my memory, I thought he was a manager."

As she said, she smiled nonchalantly: "Dig and dig, it's not a matter of importance."

"Oh..." The assistant nodded: "I should have heard about the news the first time. My friend is in the planning department. He just submitted the resignation letter. I heard that I was very resolute. I don't know if Mr. Gao gave it. How much is his salary, do you want to inquire?"

Su Suyi's eyes changed slightly when she heard the other party's resolute submission of her resignation, so she calmly put on her sunglasses...

"Are you going out?" The assistant was a little startled.

"No, I just like these sunglasses." Su Su Ang raised his head and waved his hand. No one could see what was hidden under her eyes, but she frowned: "Go ahead, as an assistant, thinking about it all day. This is a trivial matter. I also asked how much Starlight Group gave to Manager Niu. Uh, is it Manager Niu or Manager Liu? Forget it, it doesn’t matter, as for? There are more talents in Huantai, so I still inquire about this? You are not afraid Being laughed at!"

With serious and critical words, a thin layer of perspiration appeared on the assistant's forehead and he stooped out.

Fortunately, I have done a low-key job of asking people to raise their salary. Otherwise, I will really lose my face. I wonder how much money Gao Leng has paid? is this necessary? Really are! Su Su thought to herself, she could see her white eyes through the sunglasses.

The head of the office called.

"President Su, Mr. Liu was added to the manager level according to your request, but Deputy Manager Liu still resigned." The office director said, sighing: "I heard that he had dinner with Mr. Gao last night, but I don’t know. What have you talked about? I went to submit my resignation letter today with a firm attitude."

"How much did Mr. Gao give him? When I promoted him, he resigned." Su Su gritted his teeth and asked.

"This...it hasn't had time to inquire, it's not easy to inquire."


Su Su patted the table heavily.

"Understand what we want to leave employees to go to other companies, how much salary other companies actually offer, this is what a HR director should do! You tell me you don't know?!"

The head of the office shivered.

Damn, I'm not the director of human resources either, I'm the director of the office... The director of the office has always been on the back, and this man can be considered bad luck.

"Go and inquire right away, right away! No professionalism at all!" Su Su suddenly pressed his throat after speaking sharply, "By the way, don't tell me I want you to inquire, you know?"


He snapped up the phone, Su Su Teng stood up from the stool, picked up his sunglasses and threw it to the ground.

"No face, so no face! Is this manager Liu's head shit? I personally raise the salary, implying that he will be promoted, of course, the promotion is false, but I personally called for a raise, and he actually ran away. Go?!" Su Su covered his forehead with one hand and his chest with the other.

He meows.

Mimi hurts with anger.

Both hurt.

Once again, both of them hurt...

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