Gossip King

Chapter 1495: The money making project is coming

After a while, Manager Liu went to Xingguang to find out his salary.

"It's about the same as the adjusted salary we gave him." The office director said over the phone.

Su Sutieqing hung up the phone.

If the Starlight Group paid a sky-high price to dig away, then President Su's face would still be passable. He sneered and said that one of his senior talents was dug into an executive. Tsk tsk, this is the grade gap.

But his mother's salary is about the same.

This loses face.

I'm losing face.

What made Manager Liu abandon Huantai and run for the stars? Su Su was puzzled, but she didn't even have the mind to think about it. Today is destined to be an unhappy day.

Manager Liu handled the handover as quickly as possible, and Huantai was useless to embarrass him. Although Su Su was a little angry and grand, she would not keep the unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. It was not her soldier.

So the handover was over without even ten days.

"Manager Liu, I wish you a bright future!" Before leaving, the human resources director smiled and sent down the stairs and stretched out his hand. Huantai has always been like this. As long as you do well in the company, you will be affected when you leave. respect.

"Thank you." Manager Liu also stretched out his hand.

"One more question, what position are you going to take in Starlight Group?" The human resources director seemed to ask casually. Up to now, Starlight Group hasn't arranged a job for Manager Liu.

"To be a training company." Manager Liu, who has finished the handover, can easily say that he is next home, with pride in his words.

"Pei... training company?"

"Well, early childhood education and training company, get up from wherever you fall." Manager Liu nodded politely, and left Huantai without looking back. He walked decisively and couldn't wait.

"Star Group is going to set up a preschool education and training company?" The human resources director mumbled, and immediately called Mr. Su when he returned to his office.

"Kindergarten education and training company?" Su Su suddenly realized after listening to it. After hanging up the phone, he knocked on the table with his hands. After a long time, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's really good. The original point of making money is here. Money ensures that the boutique children’s magazine will transition to the direction of early childhood education. This project is indeed profitable. No wonder he has such a cheap price and the drunkard’s intention is not to drink."

Early childhood education and training, this is the bulk of Gao Leng's money.

Magazines are just paving the way.

Five months later.

The intellectual edition of the "Oriental Baby" is an additional issue, and everyone can see the good things, especially the mothers who are very smart in calculating money.

The deputy editor who is good at marketing, in addition to using the high-level propaganda model in the media, let the editor-in-chief Auli accept several large-scale interviews, and also took the creative team to participate in the TV interview show, so that the biggest advantage of the magazine was displayed in front of everyone. Incisively and vividly: We are not comparable to the average children's magazine team, we are the best children's book team in the empire.

The best children's magazine in the empire, this title is frank and frank to wear.

Of course, the team led by Auli didn't have to say, and as soon as they shot, they cut down five high-quality magazine awards in the Empire: the gold award for the most beautiful children's publication in the empire; the gold award for the most educational publication of the empire; the most influential award for the empire children's publication and so on.

"The deputy editor is indeed very good at operations. He paid a lot of money and didn't lose money." The fat man sighed: "In addition to interviews in the media, he also organized a children's education public big V campaign, so that the domestic market The best batch of children’s education big Vs are all cooperating with Dongfang Doll. With the promotion of these big Vs, the supply of publications is completely in short supply."

WeChat official accounts sell things. This is considered to be a very low-end field for many people. However, there is one area in this field that is extremely popular, and that is the children’s education official account.

Some full-time returnees have opened their own official accounts, and each issue publishes content to teach mothers how to raise children. We have seen some essays about parenting reposted by full-time mothers in Moments, 99% of which are from the official account.

For example, the great domestic children's book reading big V Qianer Channel, Mr. Han is the founder of the well-known domestic Michael Qianer Channel. He graduated from the School of Broadcasting and Hosting Art of Communication University of China, and once taught at the School of Broadcasting and Hosting Art of Communication University of China. He has won two national five first project awards, two Golden Eagle awards, and also won the CCTV "Director Special Award" and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Award for Best Long Documentary Film.

Looking at these titles, do people sweep away the low-end thoughts on the official account?

The majority of the people his public account pays attention to are parenting mothers. Download the voice of the children's book he read from his official account, and read his articles every issue to learn how to raise children.

And buy good books or other things recommended by him on his official account.

To be conservative, his official account has more than a dozen followers, which is more powerful than many media. The books he recommends for purchase in each issue are also instantly grabbed.

There are many similar high-quality children’s education public accounts, because only high-quality children’s education founders are likely to be favored by savvy mothers, who are really in stock, and can recommend good books, useful things, and good parenting concepts. The public account can survive.

This is the most high-quality batch of projects in the WeChat official account, and similar high-quality official accounts are the partners of Starlight Group. A book is 12 yuan, and the official account is two yuan per book. Although not much, it saves trouble. Well, after all, I don’t want to ship directly from the magazine. It’s available every month. Even if the other things are expensive, they can get a lot of money, but they can’t be sold every month.

The magazine itself is just fine, plus the detailed text introductions of these big veterans, from the Ouli team to the current situation on the market, mothers are very happy to dig out their pockets.

Twelve yuan a month, you can try it, it's not expensive anyway.

Give it a try, it really is a good book!

Therefore, "Empire Doll" hit the empire at the fastest speed. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the child reaches the age of kindergarten, as long as the mother has a little idea of ​​parenting, he knows "Empire Doll".

Therefore, when Zhili Magazine launched art editions and manual editions one after another two months after the launch, they were also sold out.

Starlight Group took advantage of the trend to launch the more expensive "Imperial Doll Boutique Children's Book". This one is an exquisite book, and the price is also very high, at 68 yuan each.

Without pressure, grabbed it.

Many mothers have a monthly subscription of only 12 yuan for an intellectual magazine, to three publications with income, good things, good things that pay for their children’s future, and they are worth it.

If who in the world makes the best money? Woman and child.

In addition, it is indeed a good thing, and it will sell quickly.

The printing factory is under pressure every day, and orders are like snowflakes, blinding many children's magazines and swelling their faces.

"So many people subscribe to their..."

"Although those three publications cost 12 yuan, but the boutique publication is 68 yuan, this is very profitable..."

"First lose money and then make a profit, that is, Starlight only has money to play around. Please Wuli, they can all not lose money."

Colleagues sighed one after another, with an expression of "I knew I would be a fine magazine, not a junk magazine."

I knew that these three words are the motto of too many people. I would say, if I saw my jealously, that I had known that I also made a boutique, I had known that I would also increase the v-point point-to-point purchase through the promotion of the media. I knew...

How can you know so much in this world? When you know, high cold has swallowed this market.

What the "I knew" gentlemen didn't know is that what makes them jealous is still behind. What is it that magazines are out of stock now? Three copies of "Oriental Dolls" and one "Oriental Dolls Premium Edition" are sold out of stock.

The more profitable ones are in the back.


"Mr. Gao, magazines are making money quickly." In the meeting room, Auli's eyes narrowed into a line: "Several publications are sold at the same time, so it's considered small profits but quick turnover. But boutique publications are the most profitable. The most important thing is, then Many families can see our work and are very happy."

For predecessors like Auli, they have simple values. If young people nowadays want to be stars and entrepreneurs, their generation hopes that they can contribute to the motherland and the people. .

The values ​​are different now. The simple values ​​in them are what Gao Leng values ​​most. He knows that as long as the publication is handed over to Auli, the team of Auli will make the magazine the best in any case.

Selling well, on the one hand, is good marketing, and the most important thing is good things.

Good things give Gao Leng other leeway.

"This President Liu, everyone should have known each other a long time ago. After six months of preparations, it is time for our Star Group to promote the imperial baby infant training institution to the outside world." Gao Leng smiled at Manager Liu.

The senior talents recruited by Huantai Group, Manager Liu arrived at Starlight Group and became the vice president of the first children's education institution under Starlight Group, Mr. Liu.

Although they knew about Auli, they rarely saw it.

In the past six months, Mr. Liu has been running outside, and Gao Leng sometimes runs one or two cities together. It’s just that the people from Starlight Group don’t know exactly what they have done. They only know that they have established a preschool education company and seem to be buying some one after another. The training organization did not hold a formal meeting.

"You talk to everyone." Gao Leng said.

"Well, our group's first high-end early childhood education institution has been established for half a year. Now it's time for the public. Let me talk about the current preparations." Mr. Liu stood up, opened the notebook, and walked to the projection area.

"We have acquired three children's training institutions, including one that I had previously failed to operate. Now we have 50 locations across the country, all of which have been renovated. The direction of children's training is the same as that of our "Empire Doll" publication, but It should be more detailed, from 0 to 1 year old, 1 to 2 years old, 2 to 3 years old, and so on. According to the classification of Japanese education, it is refined to monthly age."

"Kindergarten education... Early childhood education is expensive?" Auli has heard of this aspect: "I heard that some of the domestic early childhood education is imported from overseas. It is quite expensive. My grandson participated in one of them. , Is the kindergarten education of playing with toys, Lego robot training introduced from Denmark. 280 yuan for 40 minutes per lesson.

The Lego robot education introduced in Denmark is not only for children, but also has courses from early childhood to high school. Children’s courses are 280 yuan per lesson, which is the norm. In high school, learning Lego robot programming is more expensive, with an extra four to five hundred yuan per lesson.

In the Empire, as long as early childhood education is imported from overseas, it is almost at this price.

"Yes, it's expensive." President Liu nodded.

"Then our pricing?"

"Our preliminary pricing depends on the type. It is cheaper to cultivate language skills, 200 yuan per class, and English training is a bit more expensive, more than 300 per class. Our magazine has a manual version, so we There are also handicraft courses, and the price of handicrafts has not been determined yet. I prefer 180 yuan per lesson. By the way, because children are young, 30 to 40 minutes counts as a lesson."

After Mr. Liu finished speaking, everyone in the conference room opened their mouths.

Early childhood education is so expensive...

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