Gossip King

Chapter 1504: All-round spike!

Presumably, this representative Han looks a little bit earthy in Gao Leng.

The Empire only began to have exquisite campus dramas and idol dramas that swept all over the country in the past few years, but before that, it was more rural dramas or mother-in-law family dramas, which caused the outside world to feel that the empire was very old-fashioned.

But South Korea is different. They can make the best Korean cuisine with just a little bit of kimchi. Internationally, they feel that Korean girls are very fashionable.

In the bones, Koreans look down on the imperials.

Many empires also look down on Koreans, but the problem is that they can't hold up a group of Korean fans, so they can't stand up like Koreans and say: I also look down on you.

No way, there are too many chasing Korean stars.

So I can’t blame the Koreans for being superior in the empire. If you take a look at Taobao, Korean clothing, and Korean food, as long as you bring the word “Korean”, it is like raising a few grades. Even tattoos on eyebrows are all Korean. Style eyebrow tattoo.

South Korea is a typical case of accumulating large-scale wealth in the empire through media reports. The rapid development of their entertainment is also inseparable from the fermentation of Hallyu in the empire. After all, all this requires money to operate, and there are too many people in the empire. It's terrible, it's the best place to make money. And the more money, the better the development. This is a virtuous circle, which is why the entertainment of the Empire still has to learn from Korea: they developed more than ten years earlier than me, fattened up in our country, and developed various skills.

After all, there are few Koreans, and it is a very wise choice for the country to choose an empire with a large number of people in the first step of cultural output. But now so many Korean fans also prove the correct decision.

In fact, there is no need to spray other people. After all, the entertainment industry in Korea is better than the empire. It is the inevitability of national cultural output to attract people. The entertainment industry is actually closely related to politics. In the past few decades, Korea The import of culture is crazy, and now the country has restricted Korea in the past two years. It is foreseeable that the Korean wave will gradually fade in the coming days, just as the import of culture in Japan a few decades ago is far worse than before.

The entertainment circle is more than just entertainment, it is inseparable from the hands of the country.

The hand of the country is invisible but powerful.

In the media, there is no longer always reporting foreign good, foreign wonderful, foreign croaking, but also began to report some negative foreign news; support for artists is no longer granted privileges to Korean artists, but to maximize support for domestic artists, especially without Black dot artist.

The hand of the country determines that the top stars of the Empire’s entertainment industry in the future will be artists from the mainland of the Empire. This is not a rhetoric, but can be seen. Take the current entertainment industry, the salary of mainland actors is much higher than that of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Actors, there are only a few Taiwanese and Hong Kong actors who can match the price of mainland actors.

You know, more than a decade ago, the prices of Taiwanese and Hong Kong actors were a lot higher than those of mainland artists. This is the invisible power of the hands of the state.

Gao Leng saw the hands of this invisible country, so he wanted the fat man to set up his own artist company and move forward together with his boutique TV series. Coupled with variety shows, there will definitely be a top artist in the Star Group.

In time.

Gao Leng looked at the proud face of the representative Han. He understood where his self-confidence came from, from their country's entertainment more advanced than the empire, from their country into the ranks of developed countries. Even if Gao Leng has a million unwillingness in his heart, South Korea is a developed country.

These will be reflected in the people, the self-confidence in the representative of Han, the kindness of pretending attitude.

"Mr. Gao, this is your first time going abroad?" Representative Han seemed to ask casually.

When Gao Leng heard this, he sneered in his heart. It seems that this representative Han did a survey before he came, and he even knew that he had gone abroad for the first time.

"Well, the first time." Gao Leng nodded.

Representative Han smiled, showing a high expression.

"I've been to Japan many times, and when I'm done for a while, I will take you to the most interesting places to enjoy the scenery." Representative Han, as always, kindly expressed that he could take the cold to play.

"Thank you." Gao Leng also smiled kindly: "I am a native, and I went abroad for the first time. Unlike the representative of Han, the sky is flying everywhere."

"Where is it." Representative Han rubbed his hands: "When I was working on Wall Street, I was flying every day and I was vomiting when I was flying. I went to any country several times, but it was just like that."

While chatting, Mr. Fujino came in, and at the same time another middle-aged woman in a simple gray cotton dress, dressed very plain but generous.

"Long waiting." Mr. Fujino's English has some accents, but it's not bad.

"Fortunately, I had a very good chat with Mr. Gao." Representative Han stretched out his hand first and stood in front of Gao Leng: "Mr. Fujino, your daughter is a good friend of mine. We met when we were in Germany."

"Oh? Representative Han actually knows the little girl." Mr. Fujino was a little surprised.

"Yes, when she went to Kikp company in Germany, I happened to invest in Kikp company." Representative Han laughed, Yu Guang looked at the high cold being left aside.

"Yes, yes, she stayed in Kikp, Germany." Mr. Fujino said about his daughter, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Gao Leng after saying this sentence.

"Mr. Fujino, I'm Gao Leng from Starlight Group." Gao Leng introduced himself briefly, shook hands and sat down.

"Please sit down, please sit down." Mr. Fujino smiled and sat down and made a cup of tea in the friendship of the landlord.

"What should I do? This representative Han is still a friend of Fujino's daughter. The acquaintance relationship and the mr company itself is a large international company.

Whether it is better than the company or better than the favors, they all lose.

"Then let me start first." Representative Han took the lead in getting into the topic. He took out a bunch of materials and handed it over: "Mr. Fujino, look, this is the data of our training company under Mr. Sato for the past two years. When Mr. appoints the executive officer, the statistics are available. Now Mr. Sato is dismissed from get out of class. We hope to hire you to attend the class."

Sure enough, it was a blood exchange. Mr. Sato left and invited Fujino to take up his post. Although it was also a Japanese education made by Japanese culture, everyone has different advantages. Tolerant of a hundred families, he replaced this one with another.

This model sounds cold-blooded, but in fact, the work in the past was relatively easy. After all, the structure of large companies has been successfully built. You only need to put your experience in the template. After three or four years, wait for you. After the experience is almost released, get out of class can be dismissed.

Needless to say, mr's salary is definitely very objective.

"We have complete data support and a complete structure. The working environment is very good. Here we provide you with a villa to live in." Representative Han took out another document and handed it to Fujino.

Mr. Fujino took a serious look and nodded.

Needless to say, Mr. Sato, who can work for several years in the past, must be attractive. If it can attract Sato, it can also attract Fujino of the same level.

"Mr. Gao, your information..." the assistant next to Fujino asked.

"I have no information." Gao Leng shook his head.

Representative Han on the side laughed out loud, and then he kindly explained to Gao Leng: "Mr. Fujino, don’t worry, Starlight Group has just started planning to enter training. It’s normal to have no information. We are running mr. It's been ten years, it must be different."

Yang Guanguan listened to the side with anger and his chest drummed.

Mr. Gao was really right. At the beginning, he felt that Representative Han was very kind, but now it seems to be really thorny. Every sentence talks about the weakness of the Star Group and improves the advantages of his company. It is really Wall Street style. Be kind, as long as you don't stop me from making money, or you will be torn you in different ways.

Gao Leng raised his hand: "Then I will ask Representative Han to finish talking about you first, and I'll say it again. Anyway, I'm short."

Representative Han took a sip of tea proudly, and then took out a pile of materials from his bag: "These are some of the indicators of the training company under mr in recent years."

After taking a look, Mr. Fujino put down the information and asked, "What about the treatment?"

"The treatment is definitely nothing to say." Speaking of the treatment, Representative Han raised his head: "MR is a large international company, and the training organization is a very important company. For senior talents like you, the treatment is here."

With that said, he handed over a form, and when he handed it over, he blocked it with his hand, for fear that Gao Leng looked at it.

Gao sneered.

Mr. Fujino looked at the salary, nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Gao Leng. It seems that Representative Han has finished talking here.

"Sorry, Mr. Gao, the treatment is privacy. You are an imperial company, and the treatment may be transparent, but for our multinational company, the treatment is confidential." Representative Han explained kindly.

Gao sneered.

Mr. Fujino looked at the salary, nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Gao Leng. It seems that Representative Han has finished talking here.

"Have you finished?" Gao Leng looked at Representative Han and asked.

"I'm almost done here, anyway, the data is available, Mr. Fujino can watch it slowly." Representative Han said.

"That's my turn." Gao Leng nodded, and clicked on Representative Han's data: "Mr. Fujino, we have just started here. I would like to invite you to go over and build together with other training experts."

"Well, that's a bit busy." Representative Han interrupted.

Gao Leng glanced at him.

“We tend to introduce some childcare content from Japan, Germany, and the United States. Experts from these countries will work with you at that time. We want to occupy the imperial training market in the next ten years.” Gao Leng continued. .

"Local, although some foreigners are hired, it is still a local company." Representative Han interrupted again.

Gao Leng glared.

"Representative Han, do you think my company is very earthy? I am very earthy?" Gao Leng asked.

"How can, no..."

"Although you think I am soiled, you can't hold me back." Gao Leng interrupted Representative Han's kind smile, his face changed and put the teacup on the table, looking at Mr. Fujino and said: "Mr. Fujino, things Well, on this matter, you are an expert in this area. Needless to say, you will know what I am asking you to do in the past. As for the salary, you can rest assured that it is definitely ten times the price given by super mr, at least ten. Times more."

ten times? !

Both Mr. Fujino and Representative Han's eyes widened.

"This is not logical, isn't it? Mr. Gao, if your company pays ten times our price, other experts will also get this price. Your current capital chain can't support this play, right?" Representative Han quickly calculated in his mind At one point, it was a master from Wall Street, and immediately discovered that the salary was wrong.

Mr. Fujino also nodded. It is understandable if Starlight Group is higher than mr company, but if it is ten times higher, then...

"Your bonus is linked to the amount of students recruited." Gao Leng revealed his own salary method, saying that it is basic salary plus commission. The more tuition for enrollment, the more money the experts will divide.

Hahahahahaha, Representative Han laughed.

"So you used the native method, commission? Hahahaha." Representative Han pulled out a page from the information: "Mr. Fujino, in addition to the basic salary, we also have performance bonuses. In this respect, we are always the same as Gao. of."

Hahahahahaha, Gao sneered.

"Representative Han, your joke is the funniest joke I have ever heard." Gao sneered so much that tea was poured out: "The performance bonus is the same as ours?"

Representative Han nodded, was a little shameless by Gao's sneer, and his kind smile was a little stiff, and said: "Yes, we also have a basic salary plus commission. The overall amount of enrollment tuition is tied to the bonus."

Hahahahahahaha, Gao Leng put down his teacup.

He closed his smile and stretched out a pinky finger and said, "As far as your country is a bird-sized country, with a few people, I am ashamed to say that the performance bonus is the same as ours?!"

Representative Han's face collapsed at once.

"You people all over the country don't have as many students as we trained. Just a few people. Tell me, why are your performance bonuses the same as ours?" Gao Leng asked back.

Yes, the training institutions of the Empire are backward, but there are so many people in the Empire! Your training institution is good, um, good, rich in experience, backed by large multinational companies, but no matter how good you are, you can’t hold back the empire with too many people...

"The training institutions under our mr company are among the best in South Korea, and the number of enrollment is not comparable to that of Gao Zong when your company is just starting out." Representative Han angered Dantian and countered.

"Ah, yes, I forgot if you didn't tell me, you have more than 30 first-line training institutions in South Korea, so many large training institutions are divided into so few people, tusk tusk." Gao Leng shook his head sympathetically and sighed: " Representative Han, you should come to work in our empire, and take a look at what is the mainland order and what is the mainland mass order. Just a few people, squeezed their heads to grab, Mr. Fujino, you should stop eating porridge. Come to our empire to eat meat!"

The imperial order is frightening in South Korea. With such a large population, even a single radish imported can fill the entire port. One bite per person makes the order scary.

Gao Leng said with confidence, he patted the table: "So, what salary mr company gives you, I will add another 10% to this salary, and bonuses are linked to performance. What do you think?"

Representative Han's face was dark, and after a quick calculation in his mind, he said: "Mr. Gao, our mr pays a very high salary. If you also pay such a high salary, the training organization will operate later..."

Gao Leng waved his hand and interrupted him: "Representative Han, don't worry about this. This Starlight Group belongs to me. I have the final say. You are different. You should report to your boss as soon as possible. When it's over, they have a meeting to make a decision. Once the decision is made, they will quote you the price."

You think I’m a native, but you can’t hold on to me. It’s right that you are an elite on Wall Street. It’s right to have a tens of millions of annual salary, but Gao Leng is the boss of the Starlight Group. Can make a decision on the spot.

Representative Han is different. He still has to report. No matter how elite he is, he is a part-time job.

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