Gossip King

Chapter 1505: Oriented school

Representative Han made Gao Leng unable to say a word. The embarrassment on his face was mixed with humiliating anger. Being so suppressed by the imperial people made the Korean representative Han feel even more humiliated.

It is said that in this world, only North Koreans look down on the United States, and only Koreans look down on the empire. The look down on Koreans has gradually become a joke in these days with the rise of the empire.

"Mr. Fujino, I'll go make a call." Representative Han stood up with a grimace and went out.

"Mr. Gao, what should they do if they pay a higher price? Our cost will not be able to keep up." Yang Guanguan was flabbergasted after seeing Representative Han walk out angrily. What Representative Han said is a fact. From the perspective of cost, if mr increases the price, Starlight will have pressure.

It can be said that the biggest advantage of Starlight Group is the performance commission. The fixed annual salary can be equal to or higher than mr, which is the biggest limit.

After all, this is a business, not impulsive. You are impulsive. What about other executives? Salaries at the same level need to be similar to maintain company balance.

"They won't pay high prices again." Gao Leng was very sure.

"Why?" Yang Guanguan and Manager Liu asked at the same time.

Gao Leng put down his tea cup and glanced at Yang Guanguan and Manager Liu, "I said no, I won't."

Yang Guanguan's eyes brightened. She bit her lip and stopped asking more questions. She felt very confident and confident. She liked to follow Mr. Gao to work with her most. If she didn't eat turtles, she walked with her head held high.

Gao Leng has a bottom line in his heart. If Representative Han is in a smaller company, then this kind of digging is likely to fluctuate in competition, but he is not, he is in a large multinational company.

For this kind of large company, the amount of money for each position is fixed, there will be some fluctuations but there will never be big fluctuations. Large companies have the advantages of large companies, but they also have the drawbacks of large companies and are not flexible enough. Therefore, Mr. Company will never raise the price just because of the Starlight Group's bidding, especially when the imperial performance commission is strongly crushed.

If Representative Han is just an ordinary high-level person, then maybe he will be eager and think about playing with his wrists when reporting to his superiors, so that he thinks that Mr. Fujino is more worthwhile than Mr. Sato, thus increasing his salary. But he is not. He is an elite returned from a famous Wall Street commercial investor. His experience shows that he is a top talent, and top talents will not be angry.

Especially Wall Street elites who pay attention to data analysis.

The elites returning from Wall Street have seen many scenes of their colleagues being fired, and they have also experienced too many competitions and killings. Behind their high income is absolute high IQ, rationality and cold-bloodedness.

Representative Han, he will definitely not be angry. He will definitely conduct data analysis if he goes out to see if a salary increase is feasible. Once it is found that it is not good for Mr. Even if Gao Leng steps on his head to humiliate him, he will not be angry. This is a cold judgment.

"Representative, do we want to follow up?" As soon as he left the house, Representative Han's assistant turned black with anger and said, "General Gao speaks too provocatively!"

"Follow up or not, you have to look at the data." Representative Han took a few deep breaths and calmed down: "The high cold side is 10% higher than our salary. Let's check whether the price will affect the 20% higher. mr's salary balance data."

Sure enough, as Gao Leng had expected, even if Representative Han had a pale face, he still chose to speak with data.

"It's not suitable. The data comes out. If we increase it by 20%, it will break our salary balance."

Representative Han glanced at the data, closed his eyes and thought for no more than five seconds, then shook his head: "Make an appointment with Mr. Matsumoto."

"Then Mr. Fujino...this President Gao is pressing us so much, we are here..."

"I'm here to work, not to show. Besides, if we raise the price again, the imperial performance commission is so high, at least 50% higher to impress Mr. Fujino, we are not the opponent of Gao."

The rational representative Han gave up the competition with Gao Leng.

"Mr. Fujino may not choose the empire, we are a large multinational company." The assistant mumbled, and as Representative Han entered the room again, he saw Mr. Fujino and Gao Leng talking happily.

After sitting down again, Representative Han's arrogance obviously went down a lot, and he kept smiling.

"That's OK, Mr. Fujino, think about it, I won't bother." After chatting for a while, Gao Leng got up and said goodbye: "I have to go to several training institutions to discuss cooperation, you guys talk."

When he arrived in the car, Yang Guanguan covered his chest and looked at Gao Leng and asked, "I wonder if Mr. Fujino will choose us."

"Yes." Gao Leng closed his eyes affectionately and relaxed: "I'll take a break."

Seeing that Gao Leng was so relaxed, Yang Guanguan relaxed. She took a peep at Gao Leng admiringly and then closed her eyes to rest. Later, she would go to three training institutions to negotiate and negotiate, although the main fever was Gao Leng. Yang Guanguan, a secretary, has to prepare a lot of information, and his nerves are always in a tight state.

In every negotiation, Yang Guanguan would especially admire Jian Xiaodan. In her opinion, she didn’t know how Jian always negotiated with Gao to prepare so much information while also taking care of the company in his hands and operating well. Take it easy.

She can't make her work overtime like Xiaodan.

Some abilities can't be caught up by working overtime. Yang Guanguan understands this, but she also knows that doing everything with her best and following Mr. Gao's best will make her career more and more exciting.

Life is very expensive, it can't be wasted. If you live, don't you just make a wonderful one?

Yang Guan Guan Anxin breathed a sigh of relief, while Manager Liu still looked at the information nervously and looked a little worried. Yang Guanguan turned his head and glanced at Manager Liu, smiled and closed his eyes to rest. She knew that people who had just entered the Starlight Group were like this. After working with Mr. Gao for a period of time, she wouldn't be so nervous. After a year and a half, she followed with all her heart.

This sense of security pervades the Starlight Group. In the ancient battlefield, the leading general riding a tall horse had his own majesty and aura. When he set out on the expedition, he vigorously pulled out the long sword and roared brothers, Kill together, and the brothers will kill with him, taking life. This appeal comes from trust in generals and absolute trust in leaders. In today’s companies, it’s actually the same. Many entrepreneurs engage in corporate culture and shape their leadership image. It is also based on this principle: only the employees underneath truly trust the company and take pride in working in the company. The cohesion stimulated can make the company sail. Go further, and all of this, an excellent boss will always be the helm of the voyage.

"General Manager Gao, Zhixiang School is here." The driver said after driving for nearly three hours.

Gao Leng opened his eyes and looked out the window. The surrounding buildings were mostly tall buildings. Unlike the place where he had just soaked in hot springs, it looked like an economically prosperous area.

"This building is the Aspiration School." Yang Guanguan pointed to a building in front of him.

"What?!" Gao Leng was very surprised. He rolled down the car window and looked up. This is a building with more than 30 floors. Seeing that this area is a prosperous economic area, the land is not cheap. Although I knew in advance that Japan’s training industry was developed, I never thought that a training institution could occupy a building!

You know, many training institutions in the Empire rent at most one floor of an office building for one-on-one training.

"This building is also for the aspiring school." Yang Guanguan pointed to another building next to it.

"Two buildings?!" Gao Leng got out of the car and looked up at the two buildings, shocked and sighed. People really have to go out and take a real look to know what the world has become.

Japan’s training institutions have developed more than ten years earlier than the empire. After the Japanese government put forward the policy of "burden reduction", Japanese students who ended school at three points faced fiercely competitive university places. Coupled with their parents’ busy work, they could truly be full-time wives at home. After all, there are still a minority of people who do nothing. Children have nowhere to go after school and no time to teach homework. The training market has emerged.

At that time, Japan was the same as the current imperial opportunity. There were many small training institutions that directly received homework from training institutions immediately after school, and the prices were cheap; there were also training institutions that sprinted for college entrance examinations, which were expensive.

It's just called in Japan: 塾.

In Japan at that time, the larger schools were the same as the current imperial chain training institutions. They rented a building near the school or in densely populated areas for teaching. Near the school, there were more cheap teachers and families. Homework is a small school, while the office building is a chain school, which is expensive one-to-one. It is convenient for parents to go home with their children after work.

Up to now, domestic first-class training institutions have developed to the scale of having two buildings in the prosperous area. Gao Leng is standing under the aspiring school, as if seeing the imperial training market in ten years.

To start a business, you have to look a little farther, wait ten years before you do it, the big market has long been occupied.

"so big."

"Such a large scale..."

Everyone got out of the car with exclamation. At the door, a fifty-year-old old man with two girls wearing simple cotton and linen clothing, bends down deeply.

"Welcome to Zhixiang School." The Mandarin of the two girls is called a standard.

Although they are Japanese, there are so many imperial people who come to study in Japan. Therefore, Zhixiangjuku offers Japanese cram schools for imperial international students. So some teachers here are very good in Mandarin. Presumably the two girls behind the old man It's a teacher.

"Thank you." Gao Leng bends over: "Excuse me."

"Mr. Matsushita is in a meeting, and I will show you around first." The old man politely led the way and walked into the building. The decoration inside was full of scrolls. Some students looked like students came out of the elevator. A person's face is a little cold and hurried.

"The first to fifth floors are the tuition areas for lower grade students, the fifth to eighth floors are the cafeteria, the eighth to fifteenth floors are the dormitories, and the fifteenth to the 25th floors are the tutoring areas for senior students who deal with the college entrance examination. The top five floors are This is the working area of ​​our employees, which is used for meetings, discussions, and learning." A girl next to Gao Leng said with a clear voice and a gentle voice.

"President Gao, which floor do you want to visit first?" the old man asked.

"The Japanese are very efficient at doing things. I thought I would take them to drink tea first, and wait for Mr. Matsushita to finish the meeting." A person next to Manager Liu whispered.

"I made an appointment with Mr. Matsushita at half past two, and we will definitely meet at half past two. Japan attaches great importance to the itinerary. There will be no delays if there is no major event, and their style is like this. They talk about things as soon as they come up. "Manager Liu whispered.

"Go to the tuition area, first go to the seniors to take a look." Gao Leng said.

The big exam is similar to the imperial college entrance examination. Although there are many schools in Japan, as long as you work hard, you will definitely have a college entrance examination, but a good university is also squeezed out, and the competition is not less than the imperial college entrance examination.

As soon as he entered the upper-grade study area, Gao Leng looked around in surprise for a week, feeling unspeakable.

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