Gossip King

Chapter 1506: Dreams cannot be betrayed

Stepping into the learning area, the whole structure makes Gao Leng feel very comfortable. Whether it is the color tone or the inspirational slogan hung on the wall, the primary color of wood reveals the color of home.

Yes, it is the color of home.

There is a large area of ​​tables and chairs like those in the school library, arranged in rows, one table can seat six people, but there is an area in the middle with green plants.

There is also a large grid area like an office building, where one person and one small grid study alone.

"Some classmates like the feeling of fighting with others, so they will study at the long table, while some students prefer to be alone, so they can go to the grid area." The girl next to her explained.

She pointed to an area in the distance, and saw that the area was neat and different than here, it was a bit messy, there were various cartoons on the wall, and even a **** photo of an adult woman was hung.

"There are also some students who like to be a little messy and visually more individual, you can go there to study. Our location is relatively fixed, that is, you have chosen that area, and you have been in that location for at least a week. Only in this way can we ensure that all personnel will not be too confused. Although they have their own personalities, they cannot always be changed. It is always a collective."

Gao Leng listened to the introduction of the girl, stretched out his hand and flicked it across the table. The Japanese students who were immersed in studying hardly looked up at him. The sound of many pen nibs on the paper sounded inexplicable. The feeling of student days.

The teachers are all leaning against the wall, with a row of books behind them. Some students ask questions with their subjects. Unlike the teachers in Empire who set up a separate office, the teachers of the cram school here have more office than their own independent office. The place is with the students, in this hall, a table and textbooks towering to the top of the wall behind him.

Students can see the teacher all the time, and the teacher can see the students all the time.

Those who come to tuition are all students who are facing big exams, that is, high school students we are talking about. I didn't see the short skirts of girls in TV dramas here. They dress very casually and look like high schools in the Empire.

The difference is that the feeling of comfort is mixed with an indescribable sense of tension, which is far stronger than the third grade of a high school in the Empire.

Gao Leng walked to the grid area, and the students above each grid area posted a study timetable.

"Such an intensive study, only sleep for four hours at night?" Manager Liu was surprised.

"His goal is the University of Tokyo. The scores are not far from being admitted to the University of Tokyo. It is already a lot to be able to sleep for four hours." The girl around him said calmly: "The National University of Japan emphasizes academic research. Japanese private The university emphasizes social practice. The University of Tokyo is a first-class university. It is difficult to take the exam. Of course, you have to pay more."

Goal, this word reminds Gao Leng.

He looked over and saw that every student’s desk would have a timetable, a target university, and they would test their respective ideal universities, and the content of each university would be different.

Looking at the past, Gao Leng couldn't help sighing more and more: Japanese students who want to take the prestigious school are more diligent than he imagined. It can be said that they are much more diligent than the imperial students.

As long as the goal is set at a top university, the average sleep time is three to four hours.

"If he hasn't been admitted to the University of Tokyo, he will be able to go to other good universities." Manager Liu asked. The boy who is targeting the University of Tokyo looks like he has a cold. There is medicine on the table and his face is very bad.

The accompanying girl nodded: "Yes, in terms of grades, you can go to other good universities."

"That's all right. They are all good universities, and there is no need to go to the University of Tokyo. This kind of effort will succeed if you can get to a first-line university." Manager Liu said casually.

His views represent the views of the vast majority of people in the empire. As long as there are so many important capitals in the front line, which ones are the same.

But the girl accompanying him looked at Manager Liu very confused and said, "His goal is the University of Tokyo. If he has not been admitted to the University of Tokyo, how can he be considered a success?"


Gao Leng's group was stunned.

"I mean, if you work so hard, if you can pass the grades, you don't have to go to the University of Tokyo. If you can't make it, you can lower your goals. This kid..." Manager Liu reached out and probed the student's forehead: "This child has a fever."

The girl laughed and said something in Japanese to the child. The child stood up and bowed towards Gao Leng respectfully, and spoke a string of Japanese.

"He said, thank you Mr. Gao for your concern. His goal and dream is the University of Tokyo. Now that he has set this goal and dream, it will be the University of Tokyo at the last minute. Don’t think about any other schools. There is no way back to dream.” Yang Guanguan translated.

Gao Leng listened and suddenly discovered the difference between the empire and the Japanese culture. Although it is only separated by a water, although the same culture originated, after a long historical process, the two cultures gradually differed. Japan has a unique Japanese culture. Culture is implanted in the hearts of their people.

Regarding goals and dreams, we have a saying: put it first.

Regarding goals and dreams, the rigid and rigorous Japanese did not retreat to second place. This is this, even if your grades can go to other good universities, then you can't relax, because you can't betray your dreams. There is no way out of dreams.

“You can’t lower your goals. Every student who decides on his own university can never lower his goals for any reason. Unless you change higher, there’s no way to retreat.” The girl explained: “If you are suffering from If you don’t go down, it’s easier to change to a university. Once your goals and dreams can be betrayed, then you will change countless times and your goals will get lower and lower. This is not right."

Gao Leng nodded.

It sounds harsh and almost abnormal, but maybe it is this kind of thinking that does not betray the dream that allowed Japan to rise rapidly after the war and after the atomic bomb: the national spirit.

"This concept should be properly introduced into our country, not so extreme, and refined." Gao Leng turned his head and whispered to Manager Liu.

Manager Liu quickly recorded it and nodded deeply. Everyone seemed to say little during the next visit. The atmosphere of the young people in the training institution was awe-inspiring.

What are you afraid of?

In awe of them, they can obviously enter a good school, but they work hard for a better school, and fear the hard work of them.

Far from being indifferent and pornographic in the media.

The future of the country lies in young people. What surprised Gao Leng is that almost all of these high school students have dreams, very clear dreams. Unlike the imperial high school students who have to choose a major at the end of the college entrance examination, they are still confused. Most of them have a clear direction for their favorite direction.

Perhaps what Gao Leng saw is the most motivated group of Japanese students. After all, those who can come to this school for tutoring have paid a lot of money and really want to learn.

But anyway, I learned a lot from Zhixiangju.

"It's two twenty-five, Mr. Gao, we have scheduled a meeting at two thirty, and you can go up now." The old man stooped to remind.

The meeting with Mr. Matsushita, the person in charge of Zhixiangjuku, was at 2:30.

"Has he finished the meeting?" Yang Guanguan asked.

"Regardless of whether it is finished or not, it is agreed at two thirty, it is two thirty, don't worry." The old man smiled and politely led the way.

In this regard, Gao Leng's group believes that this kind of order has been heard before Gao Leng came to Japan, and it has deepened the impression after coming.

In addition to studying and studying at Zhixiangjuku, Gao Leng wanted to talk about another cooperation: I wanted to make a documentary about Japanese tutoring. This documentary is not open to the public. It is only used as a kind of learning material for the students of Starlight Group tuition institution.

Filming the process of elementary school students' tuition, fixed-point shooting ten children, from the first day they came to Zhixiang school, until the end of the tuition, to see what changes they will have.

"You want to make a documentary?" After hearing about Gao Leng's project, Mr. Matsushita couldn't believe it: "Do you really want to make a documentary of a child's tutoring process?"

Gao Leng nodded affirmatively, and said, "Singapore has collaborated with you on filming, and Germany and France have also collaborated on filming. Can you provide resources for us to shoot?"

"Yes, Singapore has taken many shots on your side." Manager Liu added.

Documentary films on children's education are a must in developed countries in the world. Singapore started doing this twenty years ago. A famous documentary took five years. From the first day the children entered the kindergarten, a class was selected for 360-degree shooting with hundreds of hidden cameras. Shooting 24 hours a day, focusing on the growth of ten children in the kindergarten, and finally edited into several episodes.

Parents in Singapore almost always watch such educational documentaries because they are true.

The growth of a child is affected in many ways. As a place where people learn at the beginning, kindergarten, and children's world, various things will happen. Through this documentary, parents discovered that parents who are always late to pick up their children will slowly find changes in waiting for the children from the small class to the large class. A child who is always late will be timid from the small class and slowly Become an introvert.

And the violence of a child was implanted from an early age. A small fat man who bullied other children in a small class immediately framed the other party after he bullied others, saying that the other party did it first. Unfortunately, the teacher believed it was true and criticized the bullied child. .

Since then, things have changed subtlely. The hands-on little fat guys are more and more hands-on, while the bullied and framed children are less and less dared to report the situation to the teacher.

These details are integrated into a few episodes. Three or four years of time, shooting 24 hours a day, costly editing has allowed Singaporean parents to see their own childcare deficiencies, and Singapore’s kindergarten teachers see how to educate their children. .

Called a classic.

People are not born to be parents, they need to learn. The documentary is the most profound and true way of telling parents how to raise children, which will bring reflection and progress.

Educational documentaries should be a must-have for every country, and should be learned by kindergarten teachers at the beginning of the day.

However, the Empire did not. If it had to be said, it was a documentary for elementary school students on Hunan TV a few years ago, but it also invited celebrities to be teachers. It was more of a show, and it was only a month.

For a month, nothing can be seen.

"What? The Empire wants to make this kind of documentary?" Mr. Matsushita couldn't believe it.

He couldn't believe it. In his opinion, the pursuit of profit is so eager to calculate the economic growth of the company every week and every month. Then the imperial enterprise pursuing short-term profit will actually go to the Zhixiangjuku to shoot a documentary, just to shoot for The students of the training institution they just established look at it as learning materials.

"Yes, we want to take a photo." Gao Leng nodded affirmatively.

"It's very expensive," Matsushita said: "The last time a German TV station came to shoot, they also wanted to see if there is a place to learn in Japanese education. It took a month to shoot and it cost a lot."

This kind of documentary is very expensive.

The cooperation fee for the school alone is at least one million, and for the children he wants to shoot, every family has to sign a contract and pay a certain fee.

That's not counting.

Shooting 24 hours a day, hundreds of cameras are a trivial matter. Shooting and editing are the big costs. The lens must move with the children being tracked. This requires a group of staff to control the lens in the control room during three shifts. The editing in the later stage takes at least a team of 50 people to complete it for a month. This is another big investment. After all, this editing is very level and it is worthy of our study to edit it, and some drawbacks have to be highlighted. Only in this way can the effect of learning be achieved.

With so much input, it took about an hour to edit, to show parents who come to Starlight Group for training, and see how we should educate children from Japanese elementary school cram school.

The empires do not like documentaries, which is known internationally, and it has become a joke for some time.

Whether it is an animal documentary or a humanistic documentary, in addition to the success of a relatively sweet documentary like "A Bite of China", the imperial people have made a bunch of junk films, and absolutely never do documentaries.

The animal world is imported from abroad.

China promoted its documentary to the world and invited the BBC to shoot it.

Not to mention this kind of educational documentary, almost no one cares about it.

Fortunately, several documentaries have been released in the past few years, but the box office or ratings are far lower than the idol movies. This environment makes Panasonic think that he has heard it wrong.

"Yes, I want to make a documentary. It's the same as the one in Singapore. Tell me about the price of cooperation." Gao Leng said with a smile, his tone unwavering.

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