Gossip King

Chapter 833: The clairvoyance above the ears

Mayor Wu's face can no longer be described in black.

"Old Wu." From a distance, a fifty-year-old man in a suit but still very earthy walked over. When he saw Mayor Wu was not as sincere as the "Treasurer", he was a little more carefree. Confident, wearing a suit in this village is very abrupt, especially when you look at the farmer’s face, the visitor is the village chief.

"Look at you, you can't ask someone to help you want to invest, just bring it over." The village head glanced at everyone dissatisfiedly, his eyes fell on Zhang Xuelong who had been beaten by them, and sneered. Those who want to invest in these years have gone, and they have been rejected one by one. Let alone, this old man who was only a village head in the mountains was quite proud.

Can you be disappointed? What character lives in the villa by the lake inside? Can their retirement estates allow others to invest? This village chief is a distant relative of Secretary Fang, of course he cannot be far away, but now because of this good lake, he has become involved with Secretary Fang, Secretary of Jiangsu Province! This is a relationship that can't be asked for.

What the village chief has to do is simple: as long as someone asks whether it is possible to invest, they will all refuse and ask the other party to find the county leader. This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, as long as someone comes to investigate, they must be blocked to prevent people from entering Near the lake.

Zhang Xuelong was guilty of this taboo and entered the forbidden area, which made people stop talking.

How proud, he is a villager. In the past ten years, how many bosses, big and small, have turned down, and how many developers who want to invest have closed their doors? Fox fake tiger power? The fox is also proud of the fake tiger. Does your family have that scary tiger? He has it!

He looks after the home nursing home for Secretary Fang.

What is the nursing home? dog? NO... In the view of the village chief, this is the villa for the dignified deputy secretary of Jiangsu Province to guard the elderly. There is also a nest of local officials in there. It is a dog barking at this.

Therefore, the village chief puts the visitors in his eyes.

Who has never refused? This must be where the few rich people came from. It’s cool to see the labor and capital bombing you today. It’s cool to bomb the rich. The village chief is really just like his son, oh no, his son is just like him. of.

Nowadays, the atmosphere in many rural areas is too bad, Gao Leng thought to himself, without words, it is better for him to keep a low profile in such a scene, and he does not need to act.

"A few bosses, I’m sorry. Someone has already invested in this place. Ask the county leaders for details. There are also village rules in our village. We do not allow irrelevant outsiders to enter our village. From the village, sorry, let's go."

The village chief picked his teeth, which was an order to leave.

Gouzi Village is a minority village. Some ethnic minority villages do not allow outsiders to enter. This is also an intangible cultural heritage protected by the state. However, Gouzi Village is obviously not within the scope, and it is just pulling the tiger skin as a command arrow.

Mayor Wu became anxious when he heard that, and two steps forward gave the village chief a fierce look.

"What are you doing staring at me?" The village chief said before Mayor Wu could speak. He was not afraid of Mayor Wu. Mayor Wu always begged him to do things. When several officials came here on vacation, he let him Mayor Wu gave some souvenirs to a few people, slacking the relationship, so he frowned: "By the way, not everyone can enter. Can anyone invest in this place? Ask them to ask the county leaders to go. !"

As he said, the village chief waved his hand impatiently.

"That's right, Mayor Wu, even though you are the mayor, you can't always take this to our village. You don't know that this place has been contracted out long ago." The village chief's son looked at it. His own father was domineering, and came forward with a loud voice.

"What's the contract? My farm is on the other side of the lake, so I won't let me plant a large area, and I didn't see us share the money after contracting out!" Several old men in the distance couldn't help but mumble, very dissatisfied.

"That is, why didn't I see the money after the contract was out? My family's field is in the Xiashui Lake, and we have not let us grow it for so many years."

"I can't grow land. I rely on my son to go out to work and get some money back. I just plant some in the gully. It takes an hour to walk in. It's a ghost. The land at the door of the good house cannot be planted. I have to run into the mountains Kind."

There were more people muttering, so they had courage. For a while, some villagers gathered around. There were high officials living by the lake inside. They knew it, but they didn't know which ones they were. Originally, these officials did not come to the villa frequently, and they came directly to the villa, which was very low-key.

It was planned out ten years ago. For the personal benefit of a few people, more than ten acres of fertile fields in the whole village are deserted. The outside next to the lake, especially the Wanghu inside, are not allowed to be planted. I am afraid of the smell when fertilizing. Smells bad.

"What are you yelling about?" The village chief akimbo, pointing to the sky: "Could it be that you still have to go up to make trouble? Go to the imperial capital if you have the ability! Go to the leader!"

"Let’s see if there’s clairvoyance on the top! Besides, this place has already been contracted. This is what the county leaders have said, and it is legal! A bunch of old people are clamoring? Just run the mountain farther away?"

The village chief’s family doesn’t have to worry about money. At that time, he made enough money to repair dams and roads on the lake. In addition, since it was already in the plan, the state has allocated special funds for the construction of scenic spots every year. It’s enough for him to get a little of the administrative expenses. Not to mention that he and his son, including Mrs. Huang, who doesn't know a big character, are all formal employees in the establishment of "Gouzi Village Scenic Spot".

There is a lot of oil and water in the scenic area. Although it has not yet been developed, the infrastructure is indispensable. There is money in it. Don’t underestimate the infrastructure. You can get 10,000 yuan per street light. Street lights, dams that are repaired every year, and three In the first five years of age, building a road and spreading it on the head of the village is enough for him and his family.

Do you know why his son doesn't look for his wife and sleeps little girls everywhere? He slept several of the village flowers in these villages, not once or twice.

He has a good relationship with him. Although the village chief can’t get a formal establishment, he can give a non-organization contract for the scenic spot, which means that he can get money every month. This is a fixed salary. There is still work to be done for dykes and so on.

As for the interests of other people in the village? What's the matter with the village chief's house? It's better to die than to live.

"Thousand-mile eyes and windy ears?" An old man stood up, trembling with anger and patted his chest: "I believe in the party! I have been a revolution for a lifetime. When four devils hit our hook village, my three brothers and I led My three brothers died and two of them drove the devils out! My clairvoyant eyes and ears?"

The old man wiped his tears and pointed to the sky: "There will be clairvoyant eyes and ears! He will hear our suffering! If there is no clever eyes and ears, he should not be an official! If there are no leaders in the province, city, or county With clairvoyance and good ears, what do our people want them to do! Our family killed eight people in the devil fight! Eight of us died! How old is it that I want to plant the fields in front of me? I’m eighty. It’s five, I’m eighty-five, and the country wants me to climb the mountain road for two hours every morning to farm in the mountains?! Is there any reason! Don’t talk about the officials in the county, the officials in the city, the officials in the city Why don't they care? Why don't they care! How about their clairvoyance? Are they blind? Are they deaf?! After so many years, can't they see?!"

As he said, the old man picked up his clothes, and saw three bullet holes on his stomach scarred. The man who came over with bullets and bullets, when he was old, was so wronged.

One sentence pierced the ears of Qi Feng, director of the Planning Bureau of Gaozhou City, Wuchuan Province, who was standing there.

Director Qi is the "city leader" in their mouths who has no "sounding eyes and ears".

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