Gossip King

Chapter 834: The cheetah is going to hunt

Qi Feng knew that this place was occupied by Secretary Fang, but he did not expect that even villagers would not be allowed to plow nearby fields. The reason was that he was afraid that the smell of plowing or growing vegetables would affect their vacation. The old men protested like this, and thought about it again. Indeed, the rice fields beside the lake just passed by were deserted, and the green grass was all weeds, so the scenery was excellent.

If it is really developed into a tourist attraction, it would be okay for the villagers to have less fields and no farming. After all, tourism can bring benefits, and there are no benefits for scenic spots, then the life in these villages will be sad. After all, they are the folks who eat. .

"Clair eyes and wind ears?" The village head arrogantly smiled and pointed to the old man: "You are so capable and can still beat up kiddos. Go to the upper side to petition. Tell these leaders who have clair eyes and wind ears? I tell you, You just told them that they are stuck together and dare not put a fart!"

The words are ugly, rough, but the truth is true.

No one dared to touch the treasure of Secretary Fang, whoever touched it just didn’t want to do it in Gaozhou City. The few who lived in it were all high-ranking officials in Gaozhou City. This corruption is often caused by several grasshoppers on a rope. , You moved this rope, and a few people will show off your army together.

As the head of the Planning Bureau of Gaozhou City, Qi Feng has only served as the head of the Planning Bureau for three years. He dared not come to mess with it.

But they couldn't swallow this.

Who is it, who listened?

Director Qi didn't say anything. He just glared at the head of the county environmental protection bureau. After the head of the county environmental protection bureau was stared, his face turned blue. He wiped it, turned his head and glared at the mayor. At this moment, the mayor was already full of sullen face, and fiercely swept all the eyes of the superior leader toward the village mayor through angry eyes.

Level by level stared down, level by level pressure, almost didn't stare the village chief to death.

Mayor Wu’s gaze projected this time was completely different from usual. The village head immediately smelled the murderous breath in the air. He turned his gaze on the people behind Mayor Wu. His heart suddenly went mad and hungry. He asked anxiously: "Who are these?"

"The leader above!" Mayor Wu's face was completely flushed and stared at the village chief who didn't know Taishan, and whispered angrily.

Up? The village chief’s heart jumped abruptly, and then looking at Mayor Wu’s expression, he knew that he was probably at least the leader of the county, and he couldn’t help but regret his arrogance. He took a few steps forward and licked He stretched out his hand to say a few more words, Director Qi gave him a deep look.

With just such a glance, the village head's steps came to a halt. He knew that he had provoke the Buddha.

"Five mountain tops, I think this place is good, so it's set." Qi Feng didn't speak any more, turned his head to the county planning bureau's order, and pointed to the old man again: "Help this boss with the procedures as soon as possible. Do it."

"This place is Fang..." The village chief heard a little panic, and said quickly. Before he could finish his words, Mayor Wu was scolded by Mayor Wu: "The mountain inside is not close to the lake. What's wrong with you? See that this is Director Qi of the Planning Bureau from the city?!"

The leaders of the city, these words exploded in the head of the village head, thinking of what he said just now, the village head’s calves were a little trembling, although he had refused many people to inspect the project, but if he refused the leader, it would be For the first time, you must know that often leaders come to inspect projects to greet them in advance. In which round of the crowds will be picked up by him?

It’s good this time, the leaders of the National People’s Congress came in person, and they were investigating the Houshan project. They were completely out of touch with these few people by the lake, and they jumped up and slapped the leader in the face...

The village chief confided, and opened his mouth to please a few words.

"Also, this boss will come to invest in green agriculture. You will need five hills in one shot. Green agriculture is a good income-generating project. You have to do it better to increase the taxation level of the county." Qi Feng looked at the county plan. The director of the bureau continued to give orders, and when the director of the county planning bureau saw that the village chief wanted to come over, he glared at him again, staring him back alive.

The city leaders ordered the county leaders to do something, what did a small village chief come over to do? go away.

"Yes, such a good project, and also a big green agriculture project, is enough to start our county's reserve funds for foreign investment." The director of the county planning bureau is obviously sensible, and he nodded immediately and pointed at the villager with his finger: " Moreover, if agricultural projects settle in, these villagers will have work to do and make money."

The meaning is blunt. Five hilltops are not given away for nothing, but are included in the county's key projects, and the county will give back subsidies to policies. Nowadays, green agriculture countries are subsidizing, and it depends on who gets the money.

Power, that is money, is fully reflected at this time.

Of course, for the county, it is also a joy to have someone come to invest in green agriculture. The mountains are also barren, and there is a tax for enterprises to settle in.

This gives enough face. Jianzong swallowed his saliva, looked at Gao Leng with admiration and envy, and said in a low voice: "Now you are really making money. I have covered land to grow tea in other provinces. You have to pay rent every year. It's good for you. Not only do you don't pay, but the state also allocates subsidies to you! It's a steady income!"

"Suddenly there will be five hills?! This is really a high status to make money, five hills!" The old crane also lowered his unstoppable excitement.

But Gao Cooling looked around, his gaze fell on the old man who had beaten the devil in the past. When the old man heard that there was a project settled in, he seemed to have a red eyelid and stretched out his hand and wiped his eyes. There was a project coming in, and it was an agricultural project. The economy of the village is a big stimulus. If it is done well, everyone's life will be better.

Unlike Jian Zong’s expression of excitement, Gao Leng seemed to be thinking about something, his brows furrowed, and after a while, his brows stretched out, and a smile came up.

"What are the five hills?" Gao Leng turned around and looked at Lao Hang and Jian Zong, and saw that they smiled with excitement and calmness, their voices were extremely low, but the two were dumbfounded: "God's gift, I have a way. Not only did you get five hills, Jianzong, the high-end resorts you want and the tourist attractions next to the lake below, coupled with the green agriculture on the hills behind, I want to take down this industrial chain."

"Take it?!" Lao Hao pulled Gao Leng aside: "Isn't this the place of the equation? Qi Feng is a person on this land, and he must not dare to fight against the equation. Besides, even if he is against the equation, he will be killed. The villas next to the lake live in groups of big men in this world, and he dare not provoke Qi Feng with nine courage."

"Yeah, don’t think that Qi Feng has a good relationship with you. Five hills are very good. At least it saves you more than three million. If you know that this hill is included in a government project, at least the government will pay for the road. Money, this is a great favor. Do you want him to pry into the retirement villa of the equation? Absolutely impossible. He won't make fun of his black hat." President Jian also quickly persuaded: "Don't be too greedy, we have another place. Look again."

In the eyes of Lao Diao and Jian Zong, Gao Leng is greedy. You can get five hills at once, and the government subsidizes it without spending money. If you can get such a good thing, you can quickly take it and still think about this treasure. This treasure has been occupied by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for more than ten years.

Gao Leng is not greedy. He didn't intend to mess with this nest of dragons, but this is the boundary of the equation, but the equation united four people to report Mu Zhengtang's big head. For this, he also had to pry his nest.

He has to be convinced and hand in hand.

Just how to pry, there is a mystery.

Gao Leng smiled slightly, and tapped his finger twice on his pants. This action made Lao Hang see in his eyes. He knew that as long as Gao Leng tapped his finger twice so habitually, it meant that the cheetah wanted to hunt. Eaten.

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