Gossip King

Chapter 842: Qiu Yu makes a move

"Mr. Qiu, Mr. Jian went to Mr. Gao's office." After receiving this call in the car, Qiu Yu smiled, hung up, picked up the phone and dialed out, and said to the assistant while dialing. : "If you want people to give up, you have to add fire."

"Boss, what do you call me to come up?" In Gao Leng's office, Jian Xiaoshan hurriedly walked in. Just now he made a big call, Gao Leng called her up like a urging.

"Are you going to eat tonight?" Gao Leng asked, pointing to the door: "With Mr. Qiu, are you going to have dinner?" As he said, he looked up and down Jian Xiao, only to see that she was wearing Chanel's green hairy Mauni. Skirt, it’s true that this person relies on clothes and saddles. Jian Xiaodan used to wear ordinary clothes, but now he looks even more beautiful after his salary is high.

No wonder Qiu Yu fell in love at first sight, Xiao Shan is indeed beautiful, Gao Leng thought.

Facing the cold question, Qiu Yu’s sentence came to Jian Xiaodan’s mind, "If someone you like, if he likes you a little bit, then if you go out for dinner with me at night, he will never allow it, as long as there is one If you like it a little bit, you won't let you and me go out to dinner at night."

She hesitated slightly.

If I go to dinner with Qiu Yu, will he agree? If you like me a little bit, will you really agree to go to dinner? Jian Xiaoshan is a little unclear about her judgment. Although she is very bold and smart at work, she treats feelings very purely and hardly understands men. This is the same as her being in an orphanage since she was a child, and her heart is relatively closed, and growing up. There is only one younger brother who is much younger than her, and there is a deep relationship with the appearance of males like father, grandfather, and elder brother in the family.

Well, Gao Leng knows that Qiu Yu is chasing me. If he likes me a little bit, he should be jealous. Should I lie to him, just say I go to dinner and see his reaction? Simply thought.

"Going to eat? Tonight?" Gao Leng saw Jian Xiaodan in a daze, and his eyes rolled around. This look was an expression of sensation. He seldom saw Jian Xiaodan playing sensuality in front of him. I couldn't help feeling more depressed.

"Don't go." In the end, Jian Xiaoshan didn't lie to Gao Leng, she couldn't do it, so she honestly replied: "If he has no other ideas, please invite me to dinner. There are many details and communication. This is a normal business meal, but he chases me, and I don’t like him, so I don’t want to go. If you invite him to dinner at night, you can go by yourself. Anyway, you are a big customer. ."

"Oh..." When Gao Leng heard it, the depression in his heart disappeared without a trace. He sighed with relief and stared at Jian Xiaodan: "You don't like him?"

"Yeah." Jian Xiaodan nodded affirmatively: "I don't feel anything for him, so I'm so annoyed that I always come to send flowers."

"Oh..." Gao Leng became more and more happy. He felt a little strange. He really didn't have the feeling of being throbbing between men and women to Jian Xiaodan, just like he saw Murong Yuyan, and he was very happy when he saw her. I want her; I see Xiao Leng, I want to care for her when I see her; I see the little witch...

Well, I really want to take her off.

But when I saw Jian Xiaodan, I was very calm, so calm as if I saw a fat man or an old man, there was no ripple in my heart. It wasn’t that no one was chasing Jian Xiaodan before, he also looked at him, and he could chase her. What are these? At first glance, it was scum, he didn't think about it.

But this time Qiu Yu is different, too different, not to mention his strength is far above the cold, his age and appearance are all first-class, the most important thing is that this person is obviously real, not for fun.

"That..." Jian Xiaoshan hesitated, lowered his head and asked Gao Leng softly: "Then, am I going to eat?"

At this moment, Jian Xiaodan's heart jumped frantically, her hand gripped a corner of her clothes, her palms started to sweat slightly, you must know that since she became vice president, she has not faced many business negotiations. I've been so nervous before, and I've never been so afraid of unannounced visits.

What is she afraid of?

Only those who have a crush on know what she is afraid of.

Gao Leng, if you like me a little bit, as long as there is a little bit, you know that the other party is chasing me, you will not allow me to eat? At least you will be unhappy about this, right? Although Jian Xiaoshan lowered his head, Yu Guang locked Gao Leng's face firmly.

"You said you." Hearing Jian Xiaodan said that she had no feeling for Qiu Yu, Gao Leng felt joy in his heart. In his opinion, he didn't like Jian Xiaodan, and he didn't know he was happy. What's the point? Anyway, it’s just to see that Qiu Yu is upset, haha ​​smiled and said casually: "It's not a big deal when people invite you to dinner, right?"

Jian Xiaodan's gaze dimmed suddenly, and his heart felt cold.

Ding Ding Ding, the phone on Gao Leng's desk rang, he answered, "Ah, Mr. Qiu!"

Then he raised his eyebrows at Jian Xiaodan, and Mr. Qiu, who was rejected, called him. Gao Leng was happy at this time. He did not notice that Jian Xiaodan was looking down at the palm of his hand. Very lonely.

"What? President Jane won't go to dinner at night?" Gao Leng held back a smile, and sighed regretfully: "It's okay, it just happens that I have something tonight. I will get together another day, and get together another day!"

Jian Xiaodan looked at Gao Leng, and saw him with a happy spring breeze, and she bit her lip.

It seemed that he really didn't like me at all. He was so happy to hear that Mr. Qiu wanted to invite me to dinner. Jian Xiaodan thought, turning his head aside and biting his lips tightly.

"Hey, I can't catch it. I've been chasing for so long, brother, do you think you can help?" Qiu Yu's very frustrated voice came on the phone: "At least have a meal, someday will you come out and invite it?"

"Brother, you can look at our manager Jian, with vision!" Gao Leng gave a thumbs up, speaking like a brother.

Having eyesight is a good ass, we simply say that we don’t like it and we will never like it, but I don’t know her temperament? You, no show! Go ahead, your legs are broken and there is nothing to do! Gao Leng thought, his face became more and more smug: "In this way, I will be the host next day, please have dinner with President Jian, hey, don't thank you, why are you thanking? Are you? All brothers! Don't just have a meal? Simple, Simple!"

It is of course easy for labor and management to invite Jian Xiaodan to eat. You, come and have a meal someday, Gao Leng thought, his gaze shifted to Jian Xiaodan, only to see her quietly turning around and walking towards the door, so After a few quick greetings, I hung up.

"Hey, I have something to do with you, don't rush away. Let's have dinner together tonight." Gao Leng said.

"Okay." Jian Xiaodan nodded, but didn't look back, putting one hand on the doorknob: "Let's talk about it tonight, I still have a meeting now."

"Okay, I'll go to your house to eat in the evening." Gao Leng said this with pride. Ren Qiu Yu couldn't ask for five invitations. This contrast is no one: "By the way, just help me clean up my clothes. , I'm going on a business trip these two days."

"Okay." Jian Xiao simply walked out after speaking, still not looking back.

"Hey, this kid, I still want to chase Jian Xiaodan." Gao Leng loosened his tie and hummed a little song. He didn't notice the moment Jian Xiaodan was going out, his shoulders trembled.

As soon as she left the house, Jian Xiaodan's eyes were red, and her shoulders were a little trembling as she suppressed her emotions. She lowered her head, and after a few quick steps, she stopped.


Taking a deep breath, the tears still fell down with a snap, and she quickly reached out and wiped it away.

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