Gossip King

Chapter 843: The taste of secret love

She took a deep breath again, and one tear was shed. The second one swallowed into her stomach, but her hands were tightly clenched into fists, her footsteps were a little messy, and her complexion was a little pale. After walking a few steps, Jian Xiaodan Turned his head and looked at Gao Leng's office.

At this time, she has wiped away her tears, although she is sad, but she is not going to collapse.

Secret love, always like this, what is this?

I remember that during Wang Cong’s birthday dinner, Jian Xiao was busy working out for two all nights. On the first night, when she set up an interview shelter on the beach to direct the workers, she accidentally tripped over her foot and split a big hole in her palm, causing pain. For sure, he simply bandaged and looked up, and saw Gao Leng lovingly touching Mu Xiaolen's head, so warm and considerate.

At that moment, she wished it was a button on Mu Xiao Leng's body, the one closest to Gao Leng on her chest, so that she could also feel the feeling of being loved by Gao Leng.

However, she is a secret love, a unrequited love, and she can't become a button.

Secret love, it's always like this, what's this?

Every morning, Jian Xiaoshan is always the first to come to Xingsheng Magazine, just to stand at the window and look down at the crowd entering the building without missing the high cold. It’s strange to say that there are so many people coming in and out of this 5A office building between 8 am and 8:30 in the morning, and Jian Xiaodan overlooks a dozen floors, but as soon as Gao Leng appears, she always He could be found in the crowd at once, and his eyes were locked tightly on him.

However, she is secretly in love, is unrequited love, so what if she saw it? Look secretly, think secretly, nothing more.

Follow-ups, unannounced visits, undercover investigations, meetings, business talks, none of them were left. The colleagues in the office said that she was an iron man. She was not like a woman. Every day, she went out at the latest and came first. Why? ? For your own business? Now her career is enough for her to support and treat his brother, and it is also enough for her to lead a good life. A woman, so what is the picture?

For nothing, she wants to assist him in career.

In this world, there are always heroes. Gao Leng is the hero. I just want to be the person who looks up to the hero by the side of the road, applauds the hero, and presents flowers. When the hero is tired and exhausted, he can give it a hand. Man with bottle of water.

The assists are cold and require strength, and the strength needed has made Jian Xiao Shan a little overwhelmed. Gao Leng's steps are too fast and too fast, his rise is too fast and too fast, and it is too fast to keep up with Jian Xiaodan. After all, she is just a woman, her ability is enough to crush Xingsheng and others, but she can't keep up with Gao Leng's pace.

Diligence can make up for one's weaknesses, and only by working harder can the entire Xingsheng be organized in an orderly manner so that Gao Leng can concentrate on his own business. When the vice president is used as the boss, can it be realized in a light sentence? Only Jian Xiaoshan knows the hard work.

However, in the eyes of Jian Xiaodan, it is worth it anyway. Even in this year, she has not been to a movie, she has never been to the streets, or even fell asleep before ten thirty. She has never expected Gao Leng to love her. Although she does not understand men, she I also know that Gao Leng's eyes are dull as water. He looks at Mu Xiao Leng, Murong Yuyan, Xiao Wei, and even Su Su. His eyes are different. Even Teng Jiazhi and Xiao Yun have all his eyes. There is the kind of greed for women.

It's just like watching buddies.

But even if that was the case, Jian Xiaodan would still be happy because Gao Leng accidentally glanced at herself, unintentionally touched her body, or even just passed by the breath of her.

For him, everything is worth it.

Do you know why?

This is how secret love is. Although he has never looked at her with a woman's eyes, she still thinks that he will love her tomorrow.

Today, Qiu Yu made a deliberate call, and Gao Leng and Qiu Yu's random call broke the trace of greed in Jian Xiaodan's heart: Will Gao Leng like me? It will.

If this thought has been hidden deep in her heart, and only dared to think about it in the dead of night, it is completely broken now.

The more I think about it, the more I feel inferior, and the more I think about it, the more I feel sad.

It turns out that you don't like me at all, do you really like me at all? He chases me and asks me to eat, don't you care? Jian Xiaodan stared at the cold office blankly, lowered his eyes lonely, and turned to leave.

Downstairs, there is still a lot of work waiting for her.

Sadness swept through her like a storm, but it was going to pass quickly.

It was just a short distance from upstairs to downstairs. With a ding-dong, the elevator door opened, and Jane returned.

I saw her smiling lightly, wearing the Chanel woolen coat that was bought by her own efforts to make money, with a temperament that made employees feel both cordial and admired, not so domineering, not so powerful, but friendly. The majestic President Jian strode towards the meeting room.

"Jane is good." A passing employee instinctively gave way.

"Mr. Jian, this is the information you want to sign." An assistant walked over quickly and passed the information.

"Mr. Jian, the conference room materials are ready, and the people are all here, so the meeting is ready."

Jian Xiaodan looked around the large conference room, no one would notice the flushing and moistness of her eyes. She walked into the conference room with a slight smile and said in a deep voice, "Dear managers, today we will talk about the next week’s work and this Which areas of the week need to be followed up next week."

The tone is majestic and calm, this is the style of working women.

Ding Ding Ding, her phone rang, she glanced at it, and Qiu Yu called, without any hesitation, after turning the phone to silent, she gently placed it on the table.

"Starting the meeting." Jian Xiaodan sat down with a serious face, while the other managers turned over the information.

The phone screen went dark and the call was not answered.

After a few dozen seconds, the phone screen lit up again, and a text message came. Jian Xiaoshan stretched out his hand and called Qiu Yu's text message: The person you like, let you and me have dinner? Instead of chilling yourself, you are so good, why not try to accept me?

After taking a glance, Jian Xiaodan returned a message and put the phone aside and went to work.


"Mr. Qiu, your trick is really amazing." After Qiu Yu finished calling Gao Leng, the assistant next to him gave a thumbs up: "If Mr. Jian really likes Mr. Gao, then you call him. , He would definitely say something like'isn't it just a meal? Next time we are together', right?

"Of course." Qiu Yu smiled confidently and waved his mobile phone: "I'm his client. I told him so frustrated that I couldn't catch up with his vice president, so he should comfort me. Haha and say that next time he comes as a host to invite me to dinner, no matter what you really want to do, he will always speak for the sake of it. The mall, who is not smooth?

"However, he comforted you smoothly, but always made Jane suffer a bit." The assistant laughed and gave a thumbs up: "Zong Qiu has a black belly."

Qiu Yu smiled confidently: "If you want to chase Jian Xiaodan, you have to let her give up first. I finally like a woman, and I must chase it. Black? How can I have a black belly when chasing people? He is cold and cold. I don't like her, what are you doing?"

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