Gossip King

Chapter 863: The special quirks of equations...

Several people looked at each other with their faces like dust and dust. The grasshoppers on a vine looked like the end of the world. They were scared to pee by that photo. Although the photos sent over were not clear enough, they were enough to see. Panorama: Several luxuriously decorated villas have been erected by the lake in Houzi Village where no one is allowed to enter.

"Hurry up and call Secretary Fang." Several people panicked: "This is a big mess, and we must find a solution as soon as possible! Otherwise, we will all be caught!"

On the side, Qi Feng was even more angry than these people. He didn't occupy any land in Gouzi Village, but he was the Director of the Planning Bureau. For ten years, Secretary Fang and the local tycoons sitting there occupied the entire ten years. He knew it, and he also granted three years of so-called money for road repairs and maintenance of lake dams.

If you don’t dial it, you can’t do it. It’s been dialed in all previous years. What will you do if you offend these people?

But he dialed, dialed from his hand, and he even went in.


Zhonghai City, a high-end hot spring museum far away from the urban area of ​​Zhonghai City, is only open to top people. The deputy secretary of Zhonghai City is naturally a member of the top people. His private room is in a secret place.

In the private room, the equation looked at a young girl sitting opposite with a smile in a bathrobe.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that she is a girl. She looks like Shimizu Hibiscus, at most nineteen or eighteen years old, with ponytails and bathrobes, but with her head down and blushing, she is very nervous. . On the side, a businessman with the appearance of a businessman nodded and bowed at the equation with a wry smile: "Secretary Fang, introduce you to a friend, this is Xiaoxue, a freshman who just entered college this year."

Xiaoxue nodded at Secretary Fang. Compared with the businessman's sincere trepidation, the girl was obviously a little simple, but she naturally knew that she was a high-ranking official in front of her, she had some admiration in her eyes, and more of her scheming.

The girl's scheming is not mentioned in the equation.

"Hello Uncle Fang," Xiaoxue said.

"Look, Mr. Zhao, I'm talking about municipal projects with you. Why are you pulling people and children here?" Equation frowned, his eyes only lightly sweeping over Xiaoxue, revealing an unhappy expression.

"This is one of my relatives. I was alone in the evening to make her worry about staying at home, so I brought it over." The manager Zhao said quickly, pointing to Xiaoxue: "She is good at math, she is a master."

relative? Relatives blame.

This look is for the secretary of the municipal project to prescribe the right medicine for the case. Although he hid deeply, he knows that he has a good relationship with him. Besides being greedy for money, he is also lustful. And his **** is extremely characteristic: women don't need to be particularly beautiful, they can look pure, of course, a good figure is a must, the most important thing is that he likes to learn masters, especially those who are particularly good at math.

"Oh?" Sure enough, Secretary Fang raised his eyebrows slightly, took off the black thin-rimmed glasses on his face and wiped them, put them on again, and took a close look at Xiaoxue. These eighteen-nine girls are water spirits, no rouge gouache is used, as long as they are naturally beautiful, they will be full of youthful breath.

Body shape.

Well-developed, but unassuming.

"It's important to watch these days, or else their generation will run to find their boyfriends at night, pitiful parents in the world, so watch them tighter." Equation said. This is a bit interesting, Mr. Zhao immediately heard the meaning, and said quickly: "Our family Xiaoxue has never talked about a boyfriend, and the first love is still there."

As he said, he squeezed his eyes at Xiaoxue, but Xiaoxue blushed and didn't know how to answer the conversation, and this shy appearance obviously made the nearly 45-year-old equation very fond of him. He smiled slightly and nodded.

It's done, Mr. Zhao thought, his brows were overjoyed.

"By the way, I forgot something in the car." Mr. Zhao patted his head and stood up: "Then what, Xiaoxue, you pour some water for Secretary Fang, let's talk first, I'll go get things." He said. He winked at Koyuki again.

Xiaoxue is a freshman in the Film and Television Academy. She knew in her heart that this was an unspoken rule. She had never thought that it would fall on her. After all, she was considered to be above average compared to her classmates who were good at dressing up.

Those who are kept under the rules are all good-looking. When she looks at her, she feels that she has a better chance of winning than others because she has never had a boyfriend. She is a place, and her math is very good. These two points can be achieved. Most of the classmates were wiped out. Moreover, the other party is also the deputy secretary of the Zhonghai Municipal Party Committee. Many people at this level want to meet him.

She nodded, blushing to the base of her neck.

After Mr. Zhao went out, there were only equations and Xiaoxue in the bedroom with the hot spring. In this high-end hot spring room, the hot spring is repaired in the room. In this late autumn and near winter, the room is not only warm from the air conditioner, but also moist.

This is Equation’s favorite room, he comes here almost every one or two months...

Play once.

Although the anti-corruption campaign is now fierce, he can't help it. The carrion case was exposed during this period. He hasn't come for at least three months. At this time, I really can't wait. But his face didn't reveal any urgency.

Smiling kindly, the elders looked at Xiaoxue, who was also sitting on the sofa.

"Are you good at math?" Equation smiled and poured her a glass of water: "Like you who study art, few of you have good grades."

"Well, I am good at maths." Xiaoxue gave a very affirmative reply: "The total score of mathematics in the college entrance examination is 150 points, and I got 138 points in the exam."

"Oh, it's really good." After hearing the equation, his eyes lit up: "Then tell me, is there any difference between the solution of the equation and the root of the equation?"

Xiaoxue raised her head to look at Secretary Fang somewhat unexpectedly, and saw that he was 47 or 18 years old, with a pair of black thin-rimmed glasses that looked gentle, not very tall, about 1.72 meters tall and thin. At first glance, the literati came out of Bashan.

"Okay." Xiaoxue nodded confidently and said: "The so-called solution of the equation and the root of the equation are the values ​​of the unknowns that make the values ​​on the left and right sides of the equation equal, and the root of the equation refers specifically to the solution of a one-variable equation. For an equation containing only one unknown, the solution of the equation is also called the root of the equation. Here, the root and the solution are just two different terms. Therefore, the solution and the root of a linear equation of one variable are indistinguishable. But for multiple equations In other words, the solution of the equation cannot be said to be the root of the equation. At this time, the solution is different from the root. Because there is no concept of root for such an equation."

After listening to the equation, he hummed with satisfaction, gently lowered the water glass, and looked at Xiaoxue: "A girl I had a crush on before was also a freshman. She was very good at math.

Xiaoxue bit her lip and became nervous.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" The equation patted the seat beside him: "I don't force you, if you want to, just sit over, if you don't want to, let's continue to talk, call you Uncle Zhao, he will Come up. Just one more thing, I have seen many girls, your math is the best, I like it very much."

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