Gossip King

Chapter 864: Secretary Fang’s strange math problem

When Xiaoxue came, she knew what she was doing, and she was nervous and delighted when she heard this.

Nervousness is what she will do when facing this person she calls "uncle".

Xinxi is the person in front of him who is awe-inspiring to call "Secretary", and what he will do for a while.

Xiaoxue nodded, stood up and stood next to Secretary Fang. Secretary Fang reached out and took her little hand, and squeezed her cheek again. The best years of eighteen or nineteen years old, full of collagen, squeezed up. Very comfortable.

"Sit here a little bit." Secretary Fang said.

Xiaoxue lifted her buttocks and took a seat to Secretary Fang. When she sat down, Xiaoxue's floor was red. Under his hips, Secretary Fang's hands were facing up and placed where she was going to sit. After sitting down like this, the entire privacy zone was in his hands.

Secretary Fang hooked up with his finger, and he still hooked it several times rhythmically.

Instinctively, Xiaoxue stood up, her legs tight, and she lowered her head in shame without knowing what to do, but within a few seconds, she realized that Secretary Fang was angry, so she didn’t know what to do. , I'm sorry to sit down, but dare not avoid it.

Secretary Fang smiled and pointed to what the closet was about to say. The phone rang suddenly. He stretched out his hand to take a look and frowned, put it aside and said, "Go to the closet, change your clothes, and come back. Let’s talk about your high school life, don’t be nervous."

Xiaoxue nodded quickly and walked to the closet. There was a common high school uniform hanging in the closet. To say that the high school uniforms of this imperial person are really not very good-looking, they should have a waist without a waist, and a chest line without a chest line. , Ordinary.

"Replace it." Secretary Fang took off his glasses and wiped it, then put them on: "Just change it here."


Xiaoxue pursed her mouth, her face flushed to the root of her ears. Although she had never talked about her boyfriend, there were already two girls in the dormitory who had talked about her boyfriend. She had already gone out and opened a room. She knew what to do next. , But she is really shy to change clothes in person.

What you want to get, always give something first.

Xiaoxue hesitated for a moment, unbuttoned the bathrobe, and the bathrobe fell to the ground, wearing the newly bought underwear and red lace. At the end of the college entrance examination, most girls realize that they are no longer little girls when they enter college, and they especially want to dress up like a woman.

First of all, there will be changes in underwear.

In high school, most girls wore sporty ones, that is, those with no chest pads, no steel rims and only a thin layer of cotton. When they arrive in college, they will start to wear underwear with steel rims and chest pads. No exception.

Secretary Fang's brows furrowed, and although there were desires in his eyes, there were also dislikes.

Xiaoxue stood in front of the closet and took the school uniform, but she was stunned when she saw that there was still a set of sports underwear hanging inside.

"Changed." Secretary Fang said.

Xiaoxue's heart jumped quickly, and she turned her head slightly to look at Secretary Fang, only to see him staring at her with greed in his eyes. She changed face to face, but she had to take off...naked. Xiaoxue gritted her teeth and said softly, "Okay."

As she said, she turned her hand back to her back and gently untied the strap. The newly developed body of her side body was revealed. The pink spot was so small that no man had ever confided her. With her clothes She fell off, and the whole chest trembled.


Secretary Fang's heavy breath passed, he pushed his glasses, looked at the spring scenery without blinking, and waited for Xiaoxue to take off the clothes under him.

The phone rang again, and Secretary Fang's face turned dark and disappointed. He took the phone and decided to shut it down and found that it was a text message this time, so he frowned and looked at it. His face was slightly strange, and he quickly opened the browser to search. Click: Gouzi Village News. In an instant, the greed and desire on his face disappeared without a trace.

"You go out." Secretary Fang said with a cold face and waved to Xiaoxue. Xiaoxue took off her top, only wearing the little trousers underneath. She was shocked in place. She turned around instinctively, a beautiful His body was almost completely exposed in front of Secretary Fang.

Secretary Fang took a look, his eyes lit up, but he still waved his hand: "You go to rest first."

Xiaoxue quickly put on her bathrobe and walked out in horror. As soon as she went out, she saw Mr. Zhao laughing and drinking tea beside the coffee table in the distance, chatting with others. When Mr. Zhao saw Xiaoxue walking out, his face changed. .

"I was blasted out?!" Manager Zhao bounced off the sofa and ran to Xiaoxue: "What's the matter?!"

"I, I, I, I don't know." Xiaoxue was ashamed and at a loss, and Mr. Zhao was too nervous, saying that it is difficult to give gifts, especially to officials. If they are given to officials, if they are not accepted by others, it will not help. You are busy. Mr. Zhao is very busy asking Secretary Fang to help. If a municipal project is won, the profits will be amazing.

"Don't worry." Secretary Fang's friend was very calm: "Little girl, tell me what happened just now, didn't you remember Fang Shu?"

Xiaoxue faltered and recounted what had just happened, nervously and shyly. At the end, she blushed and felt very embarrassed. After all, she was blasted out at that level, indeed...

"Secretary Fang didn't like it?" Mr. Zhao was very sorry, but it took him a lot of effort to find Xiaoxue. These years, he is looking for a girl who is good at math, looks good, and is willing to do this, no It's easy, and it's even more difficult if you haven't talked with friends.

"What math problem did Secretary Fang ask you?" Secretary Fang's friend asked with a slight smile.

"He said, what is the difference between the solution of the equation and the root of the equation." Xiaoxue cried and said, "Is it because I didn't answer this question well?"

"What? What's the problem?" Mr. Zhao was confused, but Secretary Fang's friend laughed and breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Zhao, don't get in the way, this girl, Secretary Fang is interested."


It turns out that everyone who has been around him for a long time knows his quirk and likes girls who are good at math. As for how good they are, he doesn't care about how good they are, as long as they have good grades. Moreover, as long as he is interested, he will ask this question, and whoever asks this question can often stay with him for at least a few months. He wouldn't ask if he didn't like it.

"Yes, I'm sure. He liked it and liked it very much." Secretary Fang's friend was very sure, but also very puzzled: "Secretary Fang is a person who loves beauty, and he shouldn't like it unless something big happens. He doesn't eat the girl who is dead. It seems that today is not a coincidence. It is estimated that there is an important thing that he has to deal with, so Xiaoxue has to avoid it. You know, at his level, there are some things that outsiders have heard. In this way, if Xiaoxue stays here, there is still a chance."

"Thank you for your advice." Mr. Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and put his hand on the man's shoulder: "This project is taken down, but the two of us have not started work for three years, and we will eat for three years!"

Municipal projects, but a big piece of fat.

The two people looked into the room, and Secretary Fang in the room picked up the phone with a grim look on his face.

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