Gossip King

Chapter 877: On the second tool holder


I don't recognize it after playing it. It seems that I want to take this project, but it's not that easy.

"Go in and take it away, and talk another day." Secretary Fang nodded at his friend and then turned to leave. Mr. Zhao sighed deeply and followed the friend into Secretary Fang's room. As soon as he entered, he saw Yang Xue lying down. The bed was dazed, and the exposed snow-white skin was very sultry. The whole room was filled with an unpleasant smell afterwards, and the chaos everywhere showed the fierce battlefield.

"In one place, I actually exchanged a phrase of'unlucky'?" Mr. Zhao looked at Yang Xue on the bed very depressed: "I finally found it, it took a lot of effort."

Yang Xue opened her eyes slightly, but when she woke up for the first time, she saw two men lying beside her bed. She was so frightened that she was nestled in the quilt. The naked woman looked at the two men.

No longer a girl, but a woman.

"What are you doing? Go out." After all, it is Secretary Fang's woman. Yang Xue has a lot of confidence to speak. She looked around but did not see Secretary Fang asking: "Where is the secretary?"

"Pack up and go." Mr. Zhao exclaimed impatiently: "Secretary Fang is gone, saying you are unlucky."

Yang Xue's eyes were big, she blinked in disbelief, unhappy? Last night...Last night she was so obedient, and now she feels very uncomfortable in her throat and her eyes are swollen. Secretary Fang has obviously been lingering on her.


Secretary Fang's woman?

It's just the woman he has been with, the woman he has played with.

The young Yang Xue couldn't believe her ears, but she would understand after all, and slowly, she would understand.

For the first time, if you hold such a precious thing as a bargaining chip, don't blame others for taking it lightly. Wanting to use the first time to exchange glory and wealth, in the end, it was unlucky.

By the way, there is a 50,000 yuan shopping card.

Where's the shopping card?

Yang Xue looked at the bedside table subconsciously, and the shopping card was gone.

Since it is bad luck, how can you give you money? I will give it if I look it up. This shopping card is a signal to Mr. Zhao, so I won't give it if I look down on it.


"It's still a good idea from Mr. Gao." The sky was faintly bright in the hall, and these people refreshed their phones without sleeping. Secretary Chen called the number given by Gao Leng, and soon there was action on Weibo.

"Yeah, it turns out that public opinion can be operated like this. Thousands of accounts are chatting about topics at once. We have never played this before." One person shook his head with emotion: "Old man."

"I've heard that Weibo craze can be bought before, but I didn't expect it to be bought like this. This is very smart. Now you can't spread rumors, and you can't spread rumors. You can delete the big V account as soon as it is updated. Hot search."

"How can it be, this hot search must be bought. You see, it takes more than two hundred thousand searches to go up."

When have several local officials played this? Especially the old guys from government departments. On weekdays, local TV stations follow their buttocks to interview and interview meetings. Gaozhou rarely makes big news, especially such negative social news. They don’t have trivial news about the people. Mindful, they met for the first time for menacing news like Houzi Village.

To put it bluntly, not to mention that they didn't know how to deal with it the first time they met. They just came a few times to catch up with the masters of Gao Leng who wanted to make a splash. They only had the life of Shen Jiang. Government departments have an absolute shortcoming in dealing with crisis news.

Some people show up just to open your eyes. Gao Leng opened their eyes this time.

"Look at it, look at it! The hot search goes on!"

"It's only 20 minutes, the hot searches are gone, and the comments on those small accounts are gone."

"Secretary Fang made a move, and if he made a move, the news is gone, hehe."

Several people saw the news disappearing on Weibo so miraculously, and couldn't help but sigh. It seems that Secretary Fang killed the news, but they didn't know that he was just caught in a cold trap.

Ding Ding Ding, Secretary Chen’s phone rang, and he glanced at it with a sneer and shook the phone: “Secretary Fang has taken the initiative to call, this time, the initiative is in our hands.”

Several people looked at each other and smiled, all in the officialdom knowing the reason: Although the news disappeared, but such a big movement, the equation was named by someone, and he could not hide it. The Commission for Discipline Inspection was watching. He has only one way, and that is to come and get through this crisis together, otherwise, he will be the first to be unlucky.

"Secretary Fang, hello." This time, although Secretary Chen used "you" as usual, the body holding the phone did not nod and bow as before, but sat calmly on the sofa. When the grasshoppers on a vine have the main grasshopper head, they are not so flustered.

"There will be a press conference tomorrow afternoon, and Secretary Fang will come over." Secretary Chen put down the phone and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Okay, go back to sleep, sleepy."

"I'm exhausted. It's okay now. The tricks that Secretary Fang gave are enough to deal with the common people. When he comes, the media will be able to handle it. This is all set. Go back to sleep." A few people just thought. The burden on my shoulders is loose.

"Sleep?" Secretary Chen mocked: "In the afternoon press conference, there are too many materials to prepare. The main materials are handed over to Director Qi. Thank you for your hard work. Let's cooperate with the Propaganda Department."

There are a lot of materials to prepare for news conferences. This kind of local government news conferences come from their own people: 80% are local media, praising the virtues, and 20% are cooperating media all year round. These media include media that local companies cooperate with all the year round. Big things are turned into small things.

The questions asked must be reviewed, and there are already manuscripts of how to answer them.

Such multimedia requires notification, an outline of the interview, and an answer script. Every word of government officials on such occasions must be modified and approved. This has a huge workload. Especially this kind of sensitive news is even worse.

Qi Feng picks up the leading role to do this, which means that he is the one behind the scenes.

Can others want to sleep? That is impossible. They also have to answer questions, at least how to answer you have to memorize? If you have the heart to go through the press conferences of local officials, some do a good job and answer very professionally. And some wine sacs and rice bags are enough to choke, stuttering with the manuscript.

Several people dispersed, each busy.

"Mr. Gao, I have to prepare materials for the press conference." Qi Feng was obviously tired, holding the phone in the car and speaking weakly: "I apologize for the set tone, and there is a lot of preparation..."

Qi Feng told Gao Leng one by one the countermeasures discussed by several people.

"What should I do? Secretary Fang's trick is too cruel." Qi Feng was very frustrated: "He is here, but he used the cultural relics underneath to prevaricate, and that the developer has lost a lot of money, and it seems that he can survive. This crisis can be investigated in detail later. As long as it is checked carefully, what I said at the press conference cannot withstand scrutiny! I will still be punished in the future."

Secretary Fang's move was just a coup to prevaricate the media and fool the people.

In the future, whenever the Commission for Discipline Inspection finds it out, all the false accounts it is doing now will be counted on Qi Feng.

"Don't worry." Gao sneered: "Secretary Fang thought of the same method as mine. There will be our people at the press conference, so you can do it according to their arrangements. Others, leave it to I, don't worry."

Everything, wait for the press conference in the afternoon.

The second knife is there waiting for Secretary Fang. This time, this knife will cut off a piece of his flesh: the land of Houzi Village.

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