Gossip King

Chapter 878: What's the secret of Jian Xiaodan?

"I've been busy all night, go to sleep, the press conference is until the afternoon." Gao Leng checked the time, and Jian Xiaodan squinted on the sofa for several hours. It was already more than six o'clock in the morning, and the sky was dark.

"Are we going to prepare some documents, plans?" Jian Xiaodan propped up his tired body and stroked his hair with embarrassment: "I fell asleep by accident."

"I've arranged everything." Gao Leng stood up in front of the notebook. One night he dealt with the hot comments on Weibo and wrote a long document. Jian Xiaoshan leaned in and took a look and became more guilty. Said: "I knew that I would not sleep anymore. You can do such a large amount of work alone, so tired!"

This material written by Gao Leng is ten pages long.

"Not tired." Gao Leng said lightly. His physical strength is different from that of a mortal. Staying up late is nothing. When he turned his head and heard the gurgling of his stomach, he couldn't help laughing: "Are you going to sleep now, or eat some Sleep?"

"Eat some." Jian Xiao simply touched his stomach: "I'm hungry, I have eight bowls."

"Okay, Mr. Bawan, I checked it in the evening. There is a century-old shop at the end of the street. Those who eat wontons, don’t mind if it’s a small shop, just go to eat together." Gao Leng was very relaxed, obviously on the afternoon news The press conference was well-informed and made a simple joke.

"Eight bowls" was her nickname when she was a war correspondent. A war correspondent was always hungry. It is said that she would eat a lot when she was hungry and eat more, more than boys eat. Others jokingly called her "Eight." "Bowl", I called her the nickname when we secretly photographed the celebrity, and called her a few times. There were always people calling her like this before in Xingsheng Magazine, but since she was a manager, especially after the vice president of Xingsheng Magazine. , This nickname has never been called again.

Jian Xiaodan shook his head proudly: "Go, go eat eight bowls!"

Gao Leng laughed and laughed. He was comfortable dealing with Jian Xiaodan, joking like a buddy, or making suggestions for the case together, always surprisingly consistent, never blushing, just like the tacit understanding of the left hand and the right hand. .

The green shade of Gaozhou City is really good.

Except for the hotel turning to the left to enter an old street, there are no trees on the street. The tree canopy spreads above the street like an umbrella. Some news vehicles have successively driven out of the hotel’s garage along this street.

"The local media have all been dispatched." Jian Xiaodan walked by Gao Leng's side, watching a few interview vehicles pass by and said involuntarily: "The local media listen to the local propaganda department."

Gao Leng said nothing, and sneered.

"Foreign media have also been dispatched." Jian Xiaodan pointed to a car that was driving in the distance, a little surprised: "Yeah, it's the media of Zhonghai City, the financial magazine, it looks like it was only opened from Wuchuan Province today. Coming here, it seems that Secretary Fang contacted some media that he knew well."

As long as all large-scale media have branches in provincial capital cities, so do the big media in Zhonghai City. It is not surprising that Secretary Fang called several Zhonghai City media to come over.

Gao Leng smiled lightly and pointed to the front: "There is also a social welfare institution."

Hearing Gao Leng’s words, Jian Xiaodan’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and even subconsciously stepped back half a step. She raised her head and looked to the left, only to see a large-scale social welfare institution just in ten. A few meters away by the roadside.

"You grew up in the Social Welfare Institute?" Gao Leng didn't notice Jian Xiaodan's footsteps beside him. Jian Xiaodan hummed, his steps returned to normal and even accelerated a little.

"The conditions of the social welfare institute are very good now." Gao Leng stopped at the gate and looked inside. There was a three-story building in the gate that was very classical, and the blue walls were covered with white clouds. It looks like a very high-end kindergarten, and there is also a huge playground with some big **** and some fitness equipment. I saw that some of the fitness equipment is different from those in the outside community. It must be set up for special children. .

There are also seven or eight children rolling along the playground with a ball, and a teacher on the side guides them to roll with a smile. These children must have some intellectual disabilities, and the simple rolling **** are scattered. Fortunately, the teacher was kind and kept smiling.

"Look, you can also take children out to experience family life here." Gao Leng stood in front of a publicity board at the door and looked at it, very surprised.

In order to allow these children who have not experienced family warmth to have the opportunity to experience family warmth, the Social Welfare Institute has launched activities that can follow approved families to spend the weekend.

"Well, many people can't adopt them, but they want to show love. The Social Welfare Institute will give some orphanage volunteers or staff the benefits of bringing children out to spend the weekend. This is a benefit for children, and it has been there for a long time." Jian Xiaoshan was very calm when she said this, she walked to the bulletin board and smiled: "Unexpectedly, the current orphanage actually opened this window to the public."

The Social Welfare Institute has allowed some well-behaved children to follow the employees of the orphanage home for the weekend, but the children who are taken out of the orphanage must be approved by the dean to avoid danger. This is also an opportunity for these children who have never felt the warmth of the family to have a chance to feel what a family is.

Rare opportunity.

Today's social welfare homes give families who are willing to show their love and have been audited an opportunity to show their love.

"pretty good."

Gao Leng nodded approvingly: "There are still many caring people in society. If you take the children out for a day, you will definitely treat them well. The review should be very strict."

"Well, it will be very strict. I remember that when I was taken out, I had to sign. At that time, the families who could take children out were families who had worked in social welfare institutions for at least five years. Hurt. A nice weekend."

As Jian Xiaodan was talking, suddenly her eyes were slightly red, and she turned her head a little excited.

Hey, a tear actually fell.

She wiped it off quickly.

"I remember you were a five-year-old orphanage." Gao Leng noticed the simple anomaly, and quickly moved forward and stopped staying here. He asked, "Did you feel sad when you see this place? Waiting for these two days. When we’re done, let’s buy something to see the children and give them warmth. Then contact the people in our branch to see if we can bring some children out for the weekend."

"No." Jian Xiaoshan stopped, his tone very affirmative and serious.

Gao Leng stopped and looked at her in surprise, only to see that there were tears in Jian Xiaodan's eyes, but he said very firmly: "I will never go to the orphanage to give warmth, and I will never bring my children out."

"You..." Gao Leng wanted to ask, it was obvious that her chest was ups and downs, she wanted to ask, but didn't dare to ask.

Did something happen to Xiao Shan while he was taken out? Gao Leng thought.

"Let's go." Jian Xiaoshan turned his head and looked inside the orphanage. His lips trembled a lot, as if trying to control his inner emotions: "You don't know the suffering in the orphanage. This kind of suffering is not the size of the playground and the dormitory. How good and how beautiful the buildings can be improved. I know the suffering of the orphanage, so I will never go in to send warmth, I can’t bear to hurt them, and I will not apply to take them out for the weekend, because I know that Between, what will they experience."

"Xiao Shan." Gao Leng seldom heard Jian Xiaodan's sigh of relief, and couldn't help his heart tighten.

"Let's go, eat dinner, we will be busy. The afternoon press conference, success or failure depends on this." Jian Xiaodan looked at Gao Leng, the moistness in her eyes had disappeared, she even smiled and patted her chest: "I I'm hungry, I want to eat eight bowls, eight full bowls, you treat."

What's the secret of Jian Xiaodan? Gao Leng thought, he didn't know why, although he didn't know what secret she had.

But inexplicably sad.

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