Gossip King

Chapter 879: The knife held at the press conference

The press conference in Gaozhou City is very up-to-date. It can be said that it is rare for a prefecture-level city to quickly hold a press conference on the second day after the occurrence of negative reports, and it has naturally won a lot of praise.

Gaozhou Radio: After facing the development of the tourist attractions in Gouzi Village, our city responded quickly. XX leaders XX leaders XXX leaders held a meeting overnight...

Gaozhou TV Station: After facing the development event of the tourist attractions in Gouzi Village, our city prepared to hold a press conference in just ten hours. Leaders XX and XX XXX leaders held a meeting overnight...

Gaozhou City News Agency: Front page headline: Today is a press conference on the development of tourist attractions in Gouzi Village; beginning of the text: XX leaders XX leaders XXX leaders held a meeting overnight......

A bunch of positive reviews naturally originate from the local media, unified by the Propaganda Department, and the content is basically the same.

However, it also received a lot of praise from other media. After all, it was really rare in the prefecture-level city government departments that responded so quickly. Generally, when there is negative news, the local government procrastinates and procrastinates, and the news conference is held until it is too late.

There are reasons for this, not that local governments are all that stupid. But since it’s a local government, it’s supervised. If something goes wrong, you have to investigate clearly and then have a meeting to discuss. After the discussion, you have to report to your superiors. The provincial capital government will hold a meeting after hearing your report. Then discuss a solution.

If you come and go, time is wasted.

The most important thing is that this initial investigation is often exposed when there are problems. You said, how do you write this investigation report?

Whoever writes will be held accountable.

Who is to blame?

The reports changed from left to right, which wasted time.

However, the investigation report of Gaozhou City was easy to write. Secretary Fang pointed out: I thought that there were cultural relics, so the development was delayed. Later, I found that there were no cultural relics. Delayed. As for who to be held accountable, it is of course the accountability of the Secretary for Planning Qi Feng.

what? Other departments are also responsible?

Yes, but the Planning Bureau is willing to take the main responsibility, isn't that over?

As for reporting to the top, with the Secretary Fang, the process above is easy to go, so we can develop the conference in the afternoon, at least the speed is commendable. Coupled with the media rendering, the online evaluation has also begun to improve:

This time, Gaozhou City reacted very quickly. It was holding a press conference so soon!

This is a press conference! I thought it would be a short piece of news, saying that it would be investigated as soon as possible.

Onlookers onlookers...

"The draft of the press conference is out, I'll print it out, and you can take a look." In the hotel, Gao Leng was lying on the bed, and Jian Xiaoshan walked in and handed him a document. The press conference has ten minutes left. At the beginning, the reporters had already entered the venue to get the ride and horse fees, as well as the drafts. Jian Xiaoshan had already arranged the media inside according to Gao Leng's instructions, and the draft was passed to her at the same time.

After the press conference is over, just post it according to the press release.

It’s exactly the same as what Secretary Fang said, except that the media’s draft is very simple: five years ago, I thought there were cultural relics, but two years ago, they discovered that the cultural relics were not worth developing. The developer suffered a huge loss and no one took it. Developed. The Accountability Planning Bureau is not doing things well and will surely find a solution as soon as possible. At the same time, the situation at the bottom of the lake is complicated and it is not suitable for large-scale development.

"The former developer suffered a loss. It was originally a mess. Now that the bottom of the lake is complicated and unsuitable for development, this makes it clear that if you tell other developers to develop here, whoever develops loses." Jian Xiaodan snorted and said, "Now it's just that. There is no developer to follow up, who is making a loss-making business? No one is following up. He can rebuild this villa in a year or two. It is really heavy and shady."

Gao sneered, and his smile was somewhat satisfied.

The kind of smile that seemed to be satisfied with the work of his subordinates.

"Secretary Fang is really a good helper for me to take the land." Gao Leng put the draft aside: "Brother Biao passed?"

"Well, he got up early in the morning, his face was flushed and happy, now it's over."

"Of course he is happy." Gao sneered: "It's a waste of at least 200 million to win the land. Can you not be happy? Besides, the development of this land can be more profitable than that of Cordyceps sinensis. Brother has a casino in Hong Kong, and a high-end elderly care base in the mainland plus green agriculture. This net worth has increased."

"But..." Jian Xiao simply picked up his mobile phone and pointed to the photo of the stroller overturning the villa taken at night: "You don't plan to publish this photo, so how can you get the land?"

"Photo..." Gao Leng shook his head: "The photos are used to save Mu Zhengtang, not to fight for the land. If the land is not used for this, Secretary Fang will hand over the land. Watch the show. "

"Well, we have put on a secret voice device for Brother Biao, and he will be able to listen to your instructions anytime soon."

Gao Leng nodded, confident.

He knew that, with Biao's old slicker, this secret voice device was just in case, and if he had talked to him about the routine, he would definitely have a good time. He is bound to get this land.


The press conference went smoothly, and Qi Feng's legs trembled under the table.

Secretary Fang hasn't come forward yet. Everything is done in accordance with the previously negotiated process, and the media below are all owned by their own. Any question asked has already passed through the air, and the answer is not leaking. In the second half of the conference, it became a tribute.

And Qi Feng has always been criticized, and there must always be someone behind the scenes.

How did Gao Leng plan? Why haven't you shot yet? As soon as Secretary Fang took the shot, the media he found were all his own. The media underneath were all courteous. After a while, the manuscript was sent out to confirm that the situation was in a good state. black. He looked at the dozens of media under the stands, except for a dozen cameras that were pointed at them with a tripod. Those reporters were sitting in a row and actually playing with mobile phones, chatting with their heads down.

Yes, there is a draft, and there is no need to write the manuscript. This press conference is just a formality. With the force behind Secretary Fang, who will produce a moth?

"Well, there are five more questions from the media, and our press conference is over." At this time, the propaganda department stood up and bent over with a smile on his face and said. This press conference was so successful, he was very happy.

"I have a problem." Raising both hands, the Propaganda Department took a look and saw that the reporter was about 30 years old, and the table where he was sitting read: Hong Kong XX Media. Unconsciously, he turned his head and asked Secretary Chen in a low voice: "Hong Kong media? Should he ask?"

Hong Kong media, he naturally does not have media resources in Gaozhou.

"Secretary Fang should have called here, otherwise, why do Hong Kong media come to us? We are full of food and support?" There are many domestic affairs. Although Hong Kong media has a strong dissemination power, there are few branches in China, and some are only on the front line. The city has it, and it stands to reason that they will not follow up on such news.

If you follow up, Secretary Fang should have called.

Secretary Chen said directly into the microphone with a relaxed expression: "Excuse me."

"Excuse me, from 4:45 to 5:20 last night, it appeared in the social news category of Weibo that'the incident in Gouzi Village is related to a party secretary named Fang in Zhonghai City' and'The Secretary of Equation brought a group of people. It accounted for similar remarks in Gouzi Village and made it into the hot search list. What do you think?"


The crowd was in an uproar.

They are still asleep, and the reporters in these prefecture-level cities have not even noticed this content. But after the reporter's words, I also knew the seriousness of the problem: at the press conference, naming names and surnames is a big news that cannot be suppressed.

What's more, listening to this talk, this Hong Kong media player is not good.

Secretary Chen's face changed instantly.

"This is the hot search we printed out last night. I zoomed in. Secretary Chen, can you see it clearly? Please explain." The reporter held up a sign with a screenshot of the hot search that night.

He held it high, first facing the reporters, then went to the camera and swept it all the way, and finally stood at the table where the leaders of the press conference were speaking, facing Secretary Chen.

This brand, like a knife, rested on Secretary Chen and at the same time rested on the neck of the equation.

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