Gossip King

Chapter 881: Eat this piece of fat!

The refreshing Secretary Fang even waved towards the camera after a spotlight. Secretary Chen immediately came over and waved his hand. This is simply not to explain to the people why Gouzi Village has been unable to develop. Why eight The ten-year-old comrade-in-arms had fields nearby and could not cultivate.

Gaozhou City had been passively held accountable by the media and the people, but it has become a show of merit.

Secretary Chen looked at the back of Secretary Fang’s head in admiration, feeling very proud, and thought: Afterwards, I really want to thank Gao Leng. His method is really good. Once Secretary Fang came to so many foreign media, the whole situation was all Reversed.

"How much did the developer lose before?" Hong Kong media continued to ask.

"This is about to ask Secretary Chen, I am not sure." The equation smiled and threw the ball to Secretary Chen. Secretary Chen had already prepared and took out a thick pile of materials and began to read it with the media.

The number of infrastructure construction, scenic spot survey, scenic spot design and even lake area renovation is staggering. How many are there? Ambiguous.

"Since this piece of land is so important, why is it losing money?" Hong Kong media continued to dig deeper.

"Because of cultural relics." Secretary Chen answered calmly. He picked up a page of paper. This question had already been prepared. He just did as he thought: "Five years ago, the villagers dug up a green The porcelain vase alarmed the Cultural Relics Bureau. At that time, the developers invested heavily in preparations for development. However, we suspended the development of the developers and the villagers’ land reclamation to protect the cultural relics in line with the most important cultural relics."

After speaking, he cited a piece of information: "This is the relevant information of the Cultural Heritage Bureau at that time."

It is easy to make such a document. After all, it is only a document of cultural relic exploration area, and no real cultural relics have been found.

"Three years later, we regret to find that this is not a large or small valuable cultural relic area. Unfortunately, after these years of delay, the developers have to repair roads and dams every year, and the villagers have not been able to cultivate for ten years. , Subsidies are required every year, and the loss is too great. The developer cancelled the cooperation with us and left a lot of financial problems."

Secretary Chen shook his head with regret and heartache, and patted the information: "The developer has lost a lot of money! Now that there is no developer to follow up, who will do this loss-making business?!"

"Secretary Chen, cultural relics are the most important." Secretary Fang said after taking over: "Although no valuable cultural relics were found in the end, Gaozhou City adheres to the principle of cultural relics first and economic development second. This is worth encouraging. In recent years, many prefecture-level cities have vigorously developed real estate and other projects for economic benefits, but Gaozhou City has been able to sacrifice short-term immediate benefits and not pursue so-called personal achievements and protect cultural relics. This is worth encouraging, and It is worth learning from other prefecture-level cities."


There was a round of applause in the field.

"Boss, this situation is wrong." In the hotel, Jian Xiaodan and Gao Leng are in front of the video linker display. The picture directly transmitted through the Hong Kong media lens is very clear, although the video linker cannot output sound simultaneously. But the reporter dialed the cell phone the whole time, and the cell phone was in hands-free mode.

In this way, the scene of the press conference was clear.

"Why is it wrong? Did Secretary Fang say that is not very good?" Gao Leng pointed to Secretary Fang under the camera on the screen, and saw him talking eloquently, saying that the ten-year non-development of Gouzi Village was no pursuit. Achievement, protection of cultural relics, really is a master of masters.

"Look, he said that the previous developer repaired roads, dams, and subsidized villagers. This is a lot of money, and such a lot of money is a mess. Once this is said, who else dares to follow? Come in? Developers who don’t know about this land will feel that this mess is a bottomless pit before it starts. How much money have to be paid to the former developer in the early stage? They will not follow up; developers who know this land will not follow After entering, everyone who understands knows the inside story. From this look, he understands that Secretary Fang does not want to develop at all. Who will follow up?" Jian Xiaodan frowned and angrily: "I think he just wants to occupy Houzi Village in the future. !"

"Other developers dare not follow up. Isn't it a good thing?" Gao Leng smiled and gave Secretary Fang a thumbs up: "This old Fang is still an excellent assist player. I really want to include him under his command..."

"At this time you are still in the mood to joke! Are you sure you can take this piece of land? Now the press conference is firmly under the control of Secretary Fang, and the questions you want the Hong Kong media to ask are also finished. They are in a good situation now." Jian Xiao Shan was a little flustered.

"Other developers dare not follow up. Of course I can take this piece of land." Gao Leng lifted Erlang's legs easily and patted the bed: "Sit on the bed and watch the show, soon, this place. The secretary is about to give in."

"Soon?" Although Jian Xiaoshan said that it was too difficult, he couldn't restrain his joy: "If this land is taken down, you will be a billionaire overnight."

The subsequent value of this piece of land cannot be calculated with one hundred or two billion.

This excellent and beautiful land was hidden by Secretary Fang for a full ten years. The roads and dams were repaired, and now it has blocked the hearts of other developers. If this is taken down, the value of the land alone will be the same. Two hundred million, such a good place is too hard to find. If it hadn't been for Secretary Fang for ten years, it would have been developed.

An excellent high-end elderly care base, backed by excellent green agriculture, there is also an excellent mass tourism lake area outside.

"How did you know that Secretary Fang would give the land to Brother Biao?" Jian Xiaodan was a little worried: "You didn't give Brother Biao the picture of tearing down the villa late at night. Besides, how could Secretary Fang give the land to Biao at the press conference? Where's brother?"

"No, you are wrong." Gao Leng shook his head: "He may not give it to other developers, but Brother Ke Biao...especially at the press conference, he will definitely give it, which is why I must The reason why I came to Gaozhou is that no one is more suitable to kill this party secretary than Brother Biao."

Jian Xiaoshan did not speak any more, but did not listen to Gao Leng sitting on the bed peacefully. She couldn't do Gao Leng's calmness. This is a business worth hundreds of millions. She glanced at Gao Leng and saw Gao Leng. Sitting on the bed is light and windy.

It's as if it will be a business of a few hundred yuan, not a business of hundreds of millions.

Although it is simple and not greedy for money, this is Gao Leng’s business, such a big piece of fat, once this piece of fat is eaten, Gao Leng will no longer be the general manager hired by Xingsheng Magazine. , It's always a part-time job.

Gao Lengke jumped up and became a boss with assets of hundreds of millions.

Jian Xiaodan was excited, nervous, and stared at the screen, praying silently in his heart: success! Go cold and succeed! He is a billionaire if he takes the land! He can do what he wants to do, and he can save Mu Zhengtang!

Secretary Chen on the screen looked regretful and pleaded: "Take this opportunity today, Gouzi Village urges developers to follow up. Although a lot of money has already been lost, the situation under the lake is unknown, but our government will definitely support it. of!"

"The situation under the lake is unclear. It is difficult to say when tourism can be developed. It is difficult for developers to follow up, Secretary Chen." The reporter arranged by Secretary Chen long ago asked appropriate questions at this very appropriate time.

This undoubtedly tells all developers: Don't invest, come to invest. The situation under the lake is not clear. In all likelihood, the tourism industry cannot be developed and it will lose money.

"Yes, I hope the developers can change their angle, right? Hmm... such as engaging in green agriculture or something." Secretary Fang said.

"Secretary Fang, it is not worthwhile to fill in the previous losses to engage in green agriculture." The arranged reporter is a discerning person, and he can't keep up.

Green agriculture can be done anywhere, but you will lose money if you do it in Gouzi Village.

"Hope." Secretary Fang sighed helplessly, and patted his chest again: "As a member of Gaozhou City, although I am not in Gaozhou City, I will do my best, um, I will try my best to advise our Gouzi Village. , Sincerely invite developers from all over the world..."

"Secretary Chen, I am willing to invest!" Suddenly, a loud voice rang from behind the reporter crowd: "I am willing to run Gouzi Village at a loss, and I am willing to make up all the loopholes of previous developers and develop Gouzi Village!"

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