Gossip King

Chapter 882: Brother Biao shot!

The sound was so bold and sudden that Secretary Fang looked up and looked at it. It was okay if he didn't look at it. When he saw it, Secretary Fang's face turned pale, and it seemed to be rusty. It was as if the rust that had been hiding in the dark suddenly saw light.

Frightened and helpless.

Everyone turned around and looked over. Some small reporters in prefecture-level cities looked confused and couldn’t tell who they were, and the media that Secretary Fang invited over were reporters from major media. A middle-aged man wearing a Chinese-style lab coat, a Buddhist bead on his wrist, and a small machete hanging from his neck.

"President Biao, the leader of the gang, this is a big man."

"Why did the casino boss come here?"

"Does Secretary Fang know the boss of the casino? This is... sensitive."

The reporters from the media that Secretary Fang invited over were whispering, but they dared not raise their cameras. Although this year is a society under the rule of law, his brother Biao’s gang has long since been well, and it is legal in Hong Kong casinos. The identity of Brother Ke Biao is here. He is the top three casino boss in Hong Kong.

With this kind of courage, you raise your camera and face them. What if they become crazy? Although it's good...

But always fearful.

Secretary Fang stared at Brother Biao, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead. He knew better than these reporters that under such a multimedia lens, if Brother Biao and him acted like old acquaintances, what would happen to him Influence: A government official, who is not close to Hong Kong casinos, actually has close contacts with Brother Biao. This is enough for some people to check.

He was afraid that he gambled heavily in Hong Kong. One bet is several million, and the highest one can be as high as ten million. This is not a small amount. And he is a diamond member of Biaoge Casino, if this is known to people...

"Hello, who are you?" Secretary Fang put one hand behind him and clenched his fists tightly, his palms were sweaty. He didn't understand why Brother Biao would come. As Secretary Fang said, Yu Guang looked at the Hong Kong media. I saw that a Hong Kong media photographer had just raised the camera to record the whole process, while the text reporter was tapping quickly on the notebook.

Hong Kong media is famous for its timely broadcast.

Often at the scene of a press conference, the mainland media releases the news as soon as possible after the conference, while the Hong Kong media often broadcasts it in time.

Secretary Fang gave an expression that I don’t recognize you, smiled and stretched out his hand to Brother Biao: "You are?"

Secretary Fang is a diamond member of Biaoge Casino. This kind of membership has signed a confidentiality agreement, and Biao cannot disclose it. Of course, if the Commission for Discipline Inspection finds out this agreement will naturally become invalid. But right now, if Brother Biao exposes Secretary Fang in this way, the other diamond members will be panicked, and his business will be dysfunctional.

So even though Secretary Fang was very nervous, he was still stable.

He knew that Brother Biao would not smash his own business, and that the casino business could be supported by the inland officials.

"Oh, Secretary Fang! You don't know me anymore? Impossible!" Unexpectedly, Brother Biao was not afraid at all, shouting so loudly that he could hear him all over the room. All of a sudden, the reporters exploded.

"It's over. Secretary Fang seems to be a good gamble. Now that the investigation is strict, he is over."

"That's not necessarily true. It's normal for Brother Biao to know Secretary Fang."

"What's not necessarily? Biao brother's meaning is obvious. He is very familiar with Secretary Fang. He didn't hear him say, "You don't know me?". Secretary Fang does not seem to be transparent enough in terms of property. Gouzi Village does not seem to be groundless."

"Then our draft..."

The reporters whispered and looked at the bulletin in their hands. This month is about to enter the empire’s triennial CPPCC meeting. This time is a very sensitive period. If they posted news according to Gaozhou’s bulletin, but later found out that there was a problem with Secretary Fang, these reporters would be held accountable.

This is a rule that the reporters of the news group must face. There is no unspoken rule. It can only be said that the reporters as an imperial party should bear the risk.

A full month before the CPPCC meeting, local media will interview dignitaries of the local government on a large scale and intensively, praising the merits, and assisting the CPPCC meeting.

The propaganda department decides who to interview, how many words the interviewee has, and on which page.

For example, the Propaganda Department of Zhonghai City convened a meeting of reporters from the news group a month before the CPPCC meeting, and announced the list of officials to be interviewed, the content, and the number of words. According to the requirements of the propaganda, a certain secretary was interviewed by reporter Zhang, and the report was three thousand words on the front page.

Reporter Zhang interviewed and published it as required by the Propaganda Department. As a result, this certain secretary was arrested because of corruption, just after the news praised his merits. I'm sorry, but this reporter Zhang is accountable.

You read that right, a certain secretary was arrested, and the reporter surnamed Zhang who interviewed him will also be held accountable.

what? This is an interview instruction given by the Propaganda Department and has nothing to do with reporter Zhang?

No, the reporter surnamed Zhang was severely punished, and it was impossible to participate in the CPPCC meeting for three consecutive sessions, and it would be impossible to follow the leader to interview for a long time. It can be said that if this reporter does not have a strong background, then his political career will be ruined.

Therefore, the big media reporters at the press conference hesitated and picked up their mobile phones to report to their leaders. During the CPPCC meeting, under such sensitive circumstances, it is extremely unwise to follow the news of the party secretary.

If he has a close relationship with Brother Biao, the Commission for Discipline Inspection will definitely come to him. If your own media is still here to sing praises for him, wouldn't it be self-defeating by then? Especially this kind of relationship that came to interview because the leader had a good personal relationship with him is even more inconsistent.

Maybe the leaders have to get in.

"Leader, report something to you..."

"Well, the Hong Kong casino tycoon is here. I am worried that Secretary Fang will be involved in corruption? Yes, I also feel too sensitive. Is it still reported?"

"Don't report it, right? Okay, other media doesn't seem to report it anymore. I will report any new trends immediately."

Several large media reporters unanimously began to take out their mobile phones to report to the leaders, and they all received the same instruction: not to report.

"Secretary Fang, don't you know me?" Brother Biao walked up to Secretary Fang and smiled and held Secretary Fang's hand. He felt sweat dripping from his palms and his hands were cold from tension.

"I don't... I don't know you." Secretary Fang secretly increased his hand strength and stared at Brother Biao.

As if saying: what do you mean? I am your diamond member, do you want to do business? Do you dare to disclose the privacy of diamond members? !

Brother Biao laughed and stretched out his hand over Secretary Fang, approached him and whispered something, Secretary Fang's face turned pale.

"Think about it, don't you know me?" Brother Biao smiled and pointed at the party secretary, turned his head and smiled at the media.

"Acknowledge... I know." I don't know what Brother Biao said, Ji Ji paled, and actually admitted that Brother Biao knew each other.

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