Gossip King

Chapter 884: Take down the hook village! (two)

Secretary Fang understood. He knew that Brother Biao's sudden visit was not accidental. This was the result of focusing on the land and seeing the opportunity.

Fuck, labor and capital traveled all the way from Zhonghai City to Gaozhou City, to preside over the overall situation, to turn things around, to pretend to be the boss of a wave, how could it be a land-sending... Up! Secretary Fang felt a fire in his heart and wanted to give Brother Biao a glance, but he didn't dare to.

First, although he didn't know whether Brother Biao said that the Discipline Inspection Commission went to the casino to check corruption, but the Discipline Inspection Commission was very active these days. Secondly, this hook village is indeed too hot right now, and I just talked too much to the media, and now it is too far-fetched to refuse Brother Biao.

"Boss, you are welcome to invest, but this plan..." Secretary Chen saw that Secretary Fang didn't say anything and quickly answered the conversation. At the beginning of this conversation, first promised. As for whether to implement it, we will slowly think of ways later: "We will discuss this plan slowly. "

"Secretary Chen." At this time, the Hong Kong media stood up from their seats: "A project was delivered to the door, but Gaozhou City was delayed. Did it respond to the rumors on Weibo: Gouzi Village is occupied by executives?!" The lens is aimed directly at the equation.

This senior official is the equation.

The equation under the lens was full of sweat, his eyes rolled, and his chest was filled with anger. He felt the greatest crisis and pressure since he became an official: this is bringing him to the army. There was the Commission for Discipline Inspection in the front and the Hong Kong media behind, and there were so many netizens in the middle.

Hong Kong media newspapers often talk about small things as big and big things as explosions. This is closely related to their completely economically oriented media policy. No matter what the content is, the headline is scared to death. Think about it, you know what title they will produce: An official has occupied a famous scenic spot for ten years!

A senior official's press conference strongly refused to invest because he wanted to live by the lake!

And so on...

Damn, labor and management have occupied the territory for ten years, just give it to you? ! Secretary Fang only felt that his chest was frustrated, and a bad breath surged upward.

But right now, it would be too unreasonable to refuse this purpose, and everyone would doubt him.

I just don't live on my own, and I can make a fortune by finding someone with vision to develop together! Actually to you? ! Secretary Fang wanted to roll his eyes, but he had to squeeze a smile, his head buzzing with anger.

No one thought that someone would come to the press conference to submit the project, and it was such a complete project plan, and even prepared a draft for all the reporters, leaving him no room for maneuver.

"Secretary Chen, please answer, why are you rejecting such a good investment? Is it because there are senior executives occupying the resources of Gouzi Village?" Hong Kong media pressed further.

In addition, a Hong Kong media who was biting to death, seemingly asking questions, actually guided the public opinion of the whole scene.

Everything seems to be a big game. White surrounds the black one, the player playing chess is Gao Leng, and Secretary Fang becomes a chess piece.

Secretary Chen felt dumb. He looked at the camera and then at Secretary Fang, not knowing what to do for a while.

"This reporter." Secretary Fang stretched out his hand to support his glasses and forced himself to laugh, but his smile made his face uncontrollable and cramped: "Don't speak insinuately. I know that the senior official questioned on the Internet is me."

Up to now, if the Hong Kong media's news is really out, the problem will be serious. Although a Gouzi village is the painstaking effort left by Secretary Fang for ten years, worth several hundred million, it is better than losing his official hat.

With the official hat, everything is there.

Secretary Fang gritted his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach, and raised a plan: "This is the plan handed to Gaozhou City. It is a project of Gaozhou City. I am from Zhonghai City in terms of position. It is not my turn to say anything." Then, he looked at Brother Biao deeply and bit his teeth: "But as a citizen of Gaozhou City, I have always had a relationship with Biao. Secretary Chen, I think this project is pretty good."

Made a statement.

Secretary Chen's face collapsed. He knew that as soon as Secretary Fang expressed his opinion, he wanted to keep another copy by the lake, but it was gone.

"Yes, yes, it's very good!" Secretary Chen squeezed out a smile that was ugly than crying, knowing that he had just overthrown his new villa, and now he hasn't even mixed up with Mao. Such a good place must be given to others. .

"My Planning Bureau will follow up." Qi Feng's smile came from the heart, and the tourism bureau sitting next to him became a flower. Such a big project, the planning bureau and the tourism bureau's great achievements, He winked at Brother Biao with some worry: "Or, sign the contract now?"

Qi Feng knew this group of old guys, and worried that they would mess up halfway.

"It's a bit too fast to sign the contract now..." Secretary Chen covered his chest, smiling still ugly than crying. Although Secretary Fang kept smiling, his body was stiff. He didn't speak, he had already expressed his opinion. He was not easy to talk about this kind of substantive cooperation.

At least it's not easy to say something under the camera, after all, it's not within his purview.

Secretary Fang glanced at Secretary Chen approvingly. Even if he agrees now, there may be room for a delay in the future. No matter how bad he and Brother Biao divide the project, let his relatives and friends join in.

"Yes, you have to look at the contract carefully." Brother Biao nodded approvingly.

Secretary Fang and Secretary Chen breathed a sigh of relief. This matter is not settled without signing the contract. Although the land will be given to Brother Biao, everyone who has money can make money together. Is it okay for everyone to participate in shares?

"However, tomorrow we will have an interview with CCBV's column team." Brother Biao said haha, shocking everyone.

"CCBV?!" Secretary Chen stood up from the table with a shock. The media that government officials fear most is CCBV, and the greatest glory is CCBV. If it is a good thing, CCBV can not ask for a visit.

At the moment, if CCBV comes to visit, it is also something that the equation and Secretary Chen want to block, and it cannot be blocked.

"Yes, I have already contacted. It is a column interview, which is specifically for our green agriculture and high-end elderly care bases. Of course, it is a preliminary interview. After all, we have not yet started construction." Biao's words are full of confidence and proud.

The CCBV special interview was done by Gao Leng a long time ago. This is a column for the news team leader Qin Ge.

Fortunately, CCBV has already decided to have a column interview with Gao Leng for this project. Otherwise, how could I be so arrogant today, haha, Brother Biao couldn't help being ecstatic.

"Are you going to visit now? CCBV?" Secretary Chen obviously didn't believe it very much: "Gouzi Village has not been developed yet, how does CCBV interview? They... they agree?"

"Special approval." Brother Biao left a section.

The word "special approval" was discussed by reporters. Can CCBV approve...

"Special...Special approval..." Secretary Chen looked at the equation nervously.

"Anyway, they will be there tomorrow. We haven't developed it and it's okay. I have invited some of the only remaining ancient species planting experts in China to talk about green agriculture first. Specifically, we will talk to CCBV reporters in detail in the press release. I won't talk about it at the meeting." Brother Biao smiled so much that he stretched out his hand towards Secretary Chen.

Secretary Chen quickly held it.

"Then we sign the contract tomorrow?"

"Uh..." Secretary Chen looked at the equation, only to see that his chewing muscles twitched with a smile. Knowing that he was weak, he nodded: "Okay..."

"Secretary Fang." Brother Biao stretched out his hand towards Secretary Fang: "Tomorrow, CCBV will come to interview, and everyone here is also invited to interview. You see that you are so concerned about the development of Gouzi Village, and you will also bring the media of Zhonghai City to support you. Join in, everyone will show up at CCBV, take a photo with our ancient seed planting experts, cut a ribbon or something, how about it?"

This is for the party secretary to send out the hook village.

Even if he takes the media to join in...

I'm really dying. I'm here to turn things around. My media is here to help me turn things around. How come I have witnessed me being sent out of Houzi Village? ! Secretary Fang only felt that his chest became more and more frustrated, and he felt a mouthful of salty and wet things pouring up.

Really vomiting blood.

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