Gossip King

Chapter 885: You don’t need a man, I need...

"That's natural." Secretary Fang's shit-like smile bloomed on his distorted face, and he lifted a huge rock and smashed his own foot. CCBV came to interview so soon, how could he get a share in it? It is impossible for him to engage in any small actions to prevent him from investing and developing.

If CCBV can be obtained on the first day, the follow-up will definitely be followed up by the media.

Is it possible that Brother Biao has media masters under his command? This set of press conferences is too familiar for the media, right? Such a thought suddenly flashed in Secretary Fang's mind.

"Look, everyone, and see that Secretary Fang is really brilliant! It's a painstaking effort to make suggestions for our Gaozhou City! Really!" Brother Biao's flattering slapped his internal organs with pain, of course, he has worked hard, he has been hiding for ten years. In Houzi Village, all the procedures are complete.

The road has been repaired, the dam has been repaired, and even the surrounding fields have been organized.

Just build a high-end nursing home by the lake, and this special one can be opened!

When Secretary Fang discovered Gouzi Village, there was no road here...

Not to mention that in the past ten years, Gouzi Village has taken the key tourism projects of Gaozhou City. The annual funding is placed there... After the development of the industrial chain, this special maintenance fee is saved.

Working hard is true, not sincerely.


The reporters burst into applause at the scene. When will you not flatter? A group of people slapped this flattery.

"Secretary Fang specifically called our media to come over to help this press conference in Gaozhou City, with special consideration for the development of his hometown!" A reporter exclaimed. He breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this report can be published. Secretary Renfang It's not corruption. People really come to assist. This flattering makes Party Secretary a headache.

"Yes, our party secretary is particularly sympathetic to the people. Since yesterday, when the star of Yuzhi exposed the veteran, he was concerned and anxious. Now it is all right. Someone in Gouzi Village has invested in it, and he cannot do without Secretary Fang. Credit!" The other reporter was not to be outdone, and gave a flattering to the party secretary.

"Yes, yes, yes, you Hong Kong media do not know the situation of Secretary Fang, we do! Although Secretary Fang is the deputy secretary of Zhonghai City, it is the gospel of our Gaozhou City! You Hong Kong media... Don't catch the wind, the Secretary Fang is just a child. Heart, you have to write carefully!" An old reporter from Gaozhou said with an official tone. The smaller the place, the easier it is to show off. This flattery also has a taste of strangling the Hong Kong media. The soul of the secretary.

Secretary Fang felt that his soul and nerves were a little confused.

"Right, right, right." The Hong Kong media reporter successfully completed the task, and quickly stood up and wittily nodded to Secretary Fang respectfully and raised his notebook: "Our title has come out: Secretary Fang sent the project thousands of miles to rescue the crisis in Gaozhou City. Send." As he said, he pressed the enter key...

Hong Kong media are Hong Kong media, continuing their tradition of publishing news on the spot at press conferences.

Anyway, if the equation is caught, it will not affect Hong Kong media...

It's just that a thousand miles to send items? The Hong Kong media's last lore was like the last straw, defeating the equation.

"Okay! Well written! This is a project worth hundreds of millions of dollars from the start of construction, and it will definitely become one of the most important enterprises in Gaozhou in the future!"

"This report is called a report!"

"This will have to pay a big ride fee!"

Hahahaha, the reporters were in peace, raising their cameras and video cameras one after another to joke while shooting.

The equation only felt that the salty wetness suddenly surged up in his chest. He quickly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and took a peek. Nima, vomiting blood...

But in the face of such multimedia, there is no way, the blood that comes out of anger has to be swallowed. So he moved his throat with difficulty, swallowing the blood with pain and powerlessness, and continued to smile and nod to the media.

But Secretary Chen could not be as stable as Secretary Fang, his smile was not so natural, even a little distorted.


"If Gao Leng really took the hook village, your first kiss would be gone." In the hotel, Uzhi got up at four o'clock and took a group of nostalgic photos during the War of Resistance against Japan. He was busy with other people here all morning. A veteran of the Anti-Japanese War communicated in order to release new relief information in a timely manner.

The influence of celebrities, as long as the veterans she has talked face-to-face with Yuzhi, the fan group behind her will follow up.

In the afternoon, she dragged a somewhat exhausted body back to the hotel. As soon as she entered the hotel, she saw Su Su nervously refreshing her notebook, always paying attention to the press conference.

"Don't be funny, how could he get it..." When he said this, Su Su was obviously lacking in confidence. The graphics and texts used in the news conference were not particularly timely, but it had already reached Brother Biao. It's time to appear.

Su Su's face changed as soon as Brother Biao came out.

Within a few minutes of appearing, Su Su's face turned pale.

With a snap, she closed her laptop and lay on the bed, unable to see her expression. Uzhi took out his phone and refreshed it and said, "Who is this person? Why are you so familiar? Isn't this still over? You won't look at it?"

The broadcast of the press conference went on to the point where Brother Biao and Secretary Fang sat at the news table together. From Yuzhi's point of view, this matter is still untouched.

"This land is taken." After all, Su Su is the queen of the shopping malls. She keenly judged the correct situation, and slammed on the bed with anger: "He actually let him take it! I used to. When acquiring land, you should use the media in the same way!"

Yuzhi was a little puzzled, but he believed Su Su’s judgment. He smiled and looked over. Su Su was wearing a pair of **** and suspenders. His beautiful legs were slender and fair and well-proportioned, especially his good skin. It can bleed like a pinch, and this woman can't help but feel it.

"Huh, this is simply a land grab. The local government agreed on the spot, and it may not be implemented in the future." Su Su showed a shrewd expression, bit her soft lips that are very ruddy without lipstick, holding a trace of luck, but sighed again. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Ke Biao's strength...I am afraid that the local government will also be a little bit scared in the future, and will not raise too many moths."

She picked up the phone and swiped it for another two minutes before opening her mouth in surprise: "CCBV will come to interview tomorrow! Sign the contract on the spot."

"What?!" Su Su bounced off the bed, picked up the phone and swiped it, then sat back on the bed, rubbed his eyes and murmured: "CCBV will follow up so soon, this is a special approval, right? I can't learn how to play the media so much..."

"Haha." Yuzhi joked very surprised: "It is rare to let us Su Bingshan beauties to admit that we are inferior to others!"

Playing with the media is indeed like a divine help, but it is not something that can be done by inviting a few media. This requires skill, and this skill can only be expected and unspeakable.

"This is about playing with the media! That's it!" Su Su said stiffly: "I can hire a group of highly paid and capable people with media backgrounds to come to my corporate publicity department?!"

"Good, good." Yuzhi was very tired after a busy morning. She took off her clothes to reveal a hot figure wearing only underwear and underwear. Her eyes fell on Su Su's beautiful legs again, and she bit her lip and said, "You I made a bet with Gao Leng, with a tongue kiss..."

Su Su turned his head and said nothing.

"Actually, I think you should just and him...cough cough..." Yuzhi raised his eyebrows and blinked with a smile: "Sister tells you, he will definitely make you want to stop..." At this point, Uzhishi He sighed enviously, lowered his head and looked at his handsome figure.

This body has not been touched by a man for several years.

"I don't need a man." Su Su's face was cold.

You don’t need a man, I need it... Yu Zhixin thought, turned and walked into the bathroom. I woke up at four o’clock today. I need to take a good bath and make a mask and take a nap. Otherwise, what if I see you in the evening and it’s not pretty? it is good……

She thought, taking out an extremely seductive black underwear and thong from the box and taking it into the bathroom.

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