Gossip King

Chapter 898: The mystery of the Empire Economic Summit

The two Jiao fights are in full swing over here, while Gao Leng sits at the table over Jiang Taigong fishing, and the fish stalks towards his table. Wuchuan, a large inland province, has unlimited business opportunities, and the unlimited business opportunities contain countless long-term entrepreneurs. Nowadays, labor costs in coastal cities have soared, and most large companies have moved their processing plants inland.

He Xiangxi, the general manager of the Wuchuan branch of Xingsheng Magazine, sat on the table, unintentionally watching the slenderness on the dance floor, approaching Gao Leng An quietly and earnestly listening to the orders of his superiors. After listening for a while, he Face worries: "General Manager Gao, the summits in the inland regions are not up to the standard, and Wuchuan Province also led the government to organize an economic summit a few years ago. To be honest, the effect is very poor."

"It just so happens that these big guys are here, you come up with a plan, I will run it." Gao Leng pointed to the person on the dance floor.

It turned out that Gao Leng wanted to host an entrepreneurs summit in Wuchuan Province, led by Xingsheng Magazine, with Xingsheng Magazine's Wuchuan Branch as the main one. Next month, all the top-ranked entrepreneurs in Wuchuan Province will be invited to attend.

It sounds simple, but it's actually difficult.

"General Manager Gao, there are only seven or eight companies in Wuchuan Province that can be ranked. Even if these seven or eight are all here, it’s not enough. A guild has at least fifty companies. Don’t look at the dance floor now. Entrepreneurs, but there are not many first-class enterprises in the country. The leading enterprises in Wuchuan Province simply cannot hold up the venue! Is the summit stuff too high-end for our Wuchuan Province?" He Xiangxi made sense. Although people were flattering Gao Leng right now, he still put forward his own views and did not follow the trend.

Gao Leng couldn't help giving a thumbs up to He Xiangxi: "He has rich experience."

He Xiangxi smiled modestly: "I know that if Wuchuan Province is led by our branch to organize such a summit, our branch will make a lot of money. This year, if you say less, you can get millions of advertising expenses. This is in the branch. This year’s advertising performance is absolutely leading. But it is true that the economic strength of Wuchuan Province is not as good as that of coastal areas, and the summit cannot be held."

A magazine branch can get millions of advertisements is a lot. After all, they mainly publish Xingsheng magazines, but do not publish them. At most, they have a few pages clipped in it, and the advertising cost is extremely low. It can be said that, apart from giving some channel fees to the headquarters, all of the millions of advertisements won belong to the branch.

This is equivalent to making millions in vain.

"How many millions?" Gao Leng shook his head and stretched out two fingers: "You won at least 20 million in advertising expenses."

He Xiangxi's eyes widened, twenty million. This is a sky-high price for magazines in the inland area. This means that Mr. He has become the leader of the local private media: "But this summit... How can it be done?"

The Entrepreneur Summit is a gathering of entrepreneurs born after so many years of economic development in the empire that best suits the national conditions of the empire.

The summit can be regarded as a gathering of bigwigs.

The international summit is a gathering of international powers. They gather to talk about the next international situation, economic or national territory. If you can’t come over to grab my oil, then my submarine won’t go to your waters. All matters are discussed and a treaty is drawn up.

The financial summit in Asia is the gathering of big and small countries in the Asian region to draw up a new economic treaty, and the political leaders of various countries negotiate a national-level business deal, and promote their own country’s business leaders to negotiate with other countries’ leaders. Large international business orders.

The famous domestic economic summit held by the Empire every year is divided into north, south and east. The south is generally held by Nanfang XX Newspaper. It invites dozens of powerful media in the south to follow up at the same time, and invites famous people in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Entrepreneurs participate. There are business rules. For example, lighting companies have rules for lighting companies, and food companies have rules for food companies. Now these rules are set by business associations. However, although the summit will draft some new rules for business associations, it still provides opportunities for bigwigs to gather together to discuss cooperation.

What does the media make?

As long as these bigwigs come to attend the summit, the media will report it? In particular, the front pages of the main media are all important companies, and the next few pages are the pages of other companies. With more than a dozen media following up at the same time, it can be said that this is a feast for the financial sector in the media.

The secret to making money for the media lies here.

Needless to say, big companies have their status here. Being able to invite over to the summit has given the newspaper industry a lot of face. A series of reports such as headlines on the front page, follow-up interviews with bigwigs, introductions of leading companies, etc. are essential. Although large companies don’t need to buy pages, they don’t need the money, and they have the status of a world. No matter how they participate in the summit, they will give the main newspaper industry and a dozen other media a bunch of advertising fees. Anyway, they have to invest in advertising every year. The summit gave face and appropriateness.

And what about other small companies? Large companies, in accordance with the rules and major media, send one year's advertising fee, which can occupy a place on the front page and rank first in the interview. For smaller companies, the front page of these shrimps may not be up, and the second and third editions may be good, and advertising costs are indispensable.

There are summits in the south in the south and Shanghai as the business circle in the east. They have their summits every year, and Beijing is not to be outdone with Beijing as the business circle. It's a bit controversial. Every year the summit is held, the media must make a fortune.

And making money is only one aspect. The summit is the best time for media magnates to earn contacts. The general manager of strong media has amazing contacts. Whether it is an old-school large company or a newcomer, the annual summit allows the organizers to capture a large number of contacts.

People and money are all in the bag. The summit is a good thing, but it is good but not everyone can do it.

There are three aspects to judging whether a summit is up-level: who is the organizer, whether the visitors are big heads, and the amount of on-site transactions.

"Yes, we won't be able to organize a summit unless there are famous companies who come to join us, and there are still a few companies that can afford it, but there is no such company in Wuchuan Province." He, the general manager of the branch. Wang Xi said.

"Yes, we have only two high-end large companies in Wuchuan Province. Then, the reason why the Southern Summit was well run and hundreds of companies followed up. Isn’t it because dozens of super companies are participating? Any one of these super companies A single one can feed a medium-sized enterprise, and these medium-sized enterprises flock to it.” A CEO beside Gao Leng has a long and unswerving voice. He is the CEO of a “medium-sized enterprise” and dreams of winning the international market. Big list of first-class companies.

"In addition to self-operated enterprises and state-owned enterprises, the economic summits in the north, east and south have also included many well-known foreign companies. Of course, they are booming. We can't make summits in Wuchuan Province. To put it bluntly, those who can come to participate in the summit. 80% are on the current dance floor, just a few dozen people."

For a time, several big bosses around Gao Leng talked and shook their heads.

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