Gossip King

Chapter 899: The people who were petrified by the high cold

There are a few older bosses who show a subtle look that the coldness is a junior. The summit is going to be held in such an inland area, and it is also a cottage when it is opened. Dozens of local snakes have appeared and reported in the local media.

If the grade is not high, the price of advertising fee is not high.

"That's it..." Gao Leng nodded, "I really owe it to consideration."

"Yes, Mr. Gao, although you jumped up, we still play a lot in this shopping mall. The summit? How can our inland province have a summit?"

"Although Xingsheng Magazine is one of the best private magazines in China, it is not as good as the big media, and the appeal is still a little bit weak. Our brothers in Wuchuan Province must give face, but those first-line companies are hard to say. "

All of a sudden, everyone began to express their own opinions and talked a lot.

"Let me call and ask first." Gao Leng thought for a while and took out his cell phone.

"Who do you want to ask, Mr. Gao? I attended the summit in the south. They were right. Our brothers in Wuchuan Province must give face to cheer. The problem is that our company is too few..."

"Let me ask, thank you for reminding me." Gao Leng said as he picked up the phone and called out. Everyone leaned over and looked at Gao Leng curiously. They didn't know who he was calling, but Gao Leng waited for the call. An ambiguous smile appeared on Tong's face: "Su Su, you haven't come to pay for your bet with me, come over and let me kiss you."


Everyone was dumb, dumbfounded, so dumbfounded.

"Su... what he just said was Su..." A man poked his ears and thought he had heard it wrong.

"Su Su, I said I have to kiss him."

"It won't be the one from Huantai Group...that President Su!"

"How is it possible, what kind of company is Huantai Group? President Su is notoriously unattainable in the business circle, she can make Gao Leng this young man molested like this?"

As soon as Gao Leng said this, he didn't know what he said over there, but Gao Leng laughed hahaha, and the leaders of Wuchuan Province who surrounded him looked curiously and whispered.

"You're silly." Gao Leng took a sip of the wine glass and couldn't help laughing: "I still want you to come to the dinner party. Let me tell you something. I want to have a summit next month. Xingsheng Magazine will take the lead. Are you interested in holding an inland corporate summit in Wuchuan Province? If you can join Huantai Group, it would be a great help for me!"

"I'm not interested." Su Su said coldly: "And I'm not shameless, I really have important meetings to be held."

"That's it." Gao Lengnong raised his eyebrows, half joking and half threatening: "I also want to say that if you can come to Huantai Group, I will withdraw the bet with you."

There was silence on the phone, and Gao Leng took Houzi Village. According to their bet, Su Su was going to be kissed or kissed with the tongue. She was hiding on the first day of the junior high school and could not avoid the fifteenth.

Everyone was dumb again, dumbfounded again, and dumbfounded again.

"It's really Su Su from Huantai Group..."

"That's a queen-level person, this high coldness is too beautiful, don't you hear, he actually wants to kiss President Su."

Gao Leng gently put down the phone and looked around for a week, only to see everyone around him looking at him like a group of dull geese.

"What's the matter?" It was a bit weird to be stared at by such a local snake for a while, Gao Leng pointed to the phone: "Huantai Group will participate."

"Is it the Wuchuan branch of Huantai Group or..."

"President Su will come in person, and will bring the bosses from the five provincial branches to the battle." Gao Leng finished speaking and saw the surrounding quiet, except for the Yinggeyan language from the dance floor, the group was dumb acupuncture points. Looks like high cold.

What kind of group is Huantai Group? This is the largest hotel group in the Imperial Capital, whose business includes catering, schools, and medical services in addition to hotels. Not to mention that Su Su personally led the team, even if a boss from the Wuchuan branch came to be a guest, let alone Su Su brought bosses from five provinces to the field.

This face...

This business opportunity...

The broader the business of Huantai Group, the more and more diversified orders will be. Which of these corporate bosses standing around Gao Leng does not want to have a relationship with Huantai? Everyone looked at each other and none of them spoke.

I don't know what to say to express the shock in their hearts at this moment.

Before Gao Leng won Houzi Village in one fell swoop, these people admire the respect, but they also feel that this project has more or less occupied the light of Biao brother, Biao brother’s economic strength and social ability are placed here, although his high cold is an ability, but It's also a coincidence.

When it comes to clever, always clever when the strength is not as good as others.

But I can invite Su Su over. There are so many people watching with so many eyes, making Su Su jokes and molesting Su Su, but a phone call less than three minutes let Su Su personally lead the team and bring the total of five provinces. The manager is here to help!

What is the origin of this high cold? Why are you so awesome? This is what everyone is thinking at this time.

It seems that this high cold must make good friends. This is a capable person. He has to double the advertising fee with Xingsheng Magazine. He must find a chance to invite him to dinner and pay good respects to this dock! This is the calculation in everyone's mind at this time.

"Why, not enough?" Gao Leng picked up the phone again: "Then I will call Wang Cong."


Apart from opening their mouths in surprise, everyone felt nothing.

"Wang Cong? Which...Which Wang Cong..." a person asked incredulously.

"Which Wang Cong can still be? The national husband Wang Cong of Tiantian Entertainment and Business Edition." Gao Leng explained with a smile, picking up the phone and calling, and soon Wang Cong answered the phone: "Oh, hello. , Mr. Gao!"

Wang Cong said in an exaggerated and ridiculous voice from the phone: "I just heard my friend from Wuchuan Province say that you have taken the Gouzi Village and are now having a grand party!"

"Yes, Mr. Wang is really well informed." Gao Leng laughed.

"You also don't invite me?" Wang Cong laughed heartily: "Be sure to call me next time! I heard that Yuzhi is gone, tut, I am a fan of Yuzhi! I tell you, I bother those in the entertainment industry I like the image of Uzhi the most pretending woman!"

"Good, good, I will call you next time." Gao Leng and Wang Cong hit it off right away. This rich man has been exposed in the media. It is just that several of his projects are related to entertainment: a talk show TV program, domestic E-sports company and live broadcast platform.

There is no national husband who pops up out of thin air for no reason. They are all hype for profit.

"I want to host a summit in Wuchuan Province..." Gao Leng hasn't finished speaking.

"Okay, I'll join in." Wang Cong immediately agreed: "I will call some of my friends over. By the way, do you still need an investment company to settle in for the summit? A bunch of my classmates are investing overseas. The company is also called to come and participate, you don't know, now overseas investment companies want to enter the mainland for mutual benefit! Mutual benefit!"

Gao Leng put down the phone, Wang Cong was indeed loyal, saying that he was a friend at a critical moment.

"Wang Cong is here too." Gao Leng looked around for a week: "He will also bring a few friends with him. By the way, there are also several investment companies, both domestic and overseas."


Everyone has been petrified.

The people who were frightened and petrified by Gao Leng made a circle.

"Isn't it enough?" Gao Leng saw that these people didn't speak, and thought for a while: "Then I will make a few phone calls, and I always want to make this thing a tool."

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